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  • Interracial dating... And how family s view it?

    So I really like this guy, he s black and I m white. He s a very sweet guy. We ve been talking and I told my mother we were talking and she basically said she doesn t approve and would be disappointed in me and I deserve so much better. She hasn t even met the kid and assumes he s a bad person because he s black! So what do I do? Disappoint my mom or go with my heart. HELP. Anyone have any advise??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Does being a virgin scare guys off?

    I'm talking to this guy and we're getting really close and I think he's gonna ask me out. When I tell him I'm a virgin will it scare him off? I'm not exactly ready to have sex yet. And I want him to know that. How do I tell him?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My family will disown me if I date a black guy. Help?

    How can I tell my mom that I'm interested in a different race than mine. It's very important in my family that you stay with your own race. But this guy I'm talking to is very special and I really like him and want to give him a chance. I'm just hoping my family won't disown me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Depression and going to doctor?

    I have a Drs apt tomorrow for anxiety and depression. But at the moment I don't feel as depressed as I was. It comes and goes. So should I cancel my appointment or keep it? Any advice would be helpful thanks!

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Is it depression or just the blues?

    I'm not sure if I'm depressed or just crazy. Can you be happy sometimes while you're depressed? I lost my aunt at the begining of the year as well as 80 pounds (on purpose) and I feel like since those two things I've been really depressed. Some days are good and some are bad. It's like a off and on switch. I'm not happy with myself I look at myself in the mirror and see an ugly fat person. I did make a Drs appointment because it got really bad at one point, I just cry and cry and cry. I also would say I have anxiety as well. Please any advice or experiences from you guys to help!?!? Thank you!

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • Should I text him or is this creepy?

    Ok so I went to AT&T to get a phone and the guy that was helping us was really nice and cute. Well he set up my phone and I left. When I tried making calls the phone said it wasn't set up. So I went back the same day to get him to fix it he tried calling from his cell phone to my phone 3 times. The last time he said I'm gonna call from my phone to make sure it works.. The whole time he was talking about himself and asking about me and was really charming.

    Was he just being nice or doing his job..? should I maybe text him or no.

    Its been a couple of days now so would it be weird if I did text him?

    And IF I text him what should I say??? Without being weird or creepy


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to catch a shy guys attention?

    There's a guy I work with he seems to be shy. I think he's cute and everything.(I work in retail and he is one of the ap guys that catch's shoplifters) I smile at him he doesn't really smile back but I guess that's because he can't act as if he works there, and he just seems shy. So how can I catch his attention and give him little hints that I like him?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Asking a guy out? How to ask a close friend out?

    Ok I'll try and make this short

    There's this guy that I really like I've known him for 5 years and I've had a crush on him for like 4 but he doesn't know and none of our friends know. I honestly know that I love him and I'd do anything for him and I want him to know how I feel but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same way about me. I hang out with him all the time his best friend and my best friend date and we are all always together I just wish I could build the courage to ask him out.

    So should I say something to my best friend or just go straight to him. Unfortunately he's the guy that isn't scared of asking a girl out so maybe he doesn't like me

    I just don't wanna live knowing I didn't at least try

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it skin cancer? How do I know?

    I have noticed this small flat patch under my breast and it was red at first and now about 2 months later it's a little bigger and brown. What could it be. It was never there before until about 2 months ago

    1 AnswerCancer7 years ago
  • Asking a guy out without being awkward?

    So I want to ask this guy out, he's really shy as awkward and I kinda am too. I think he might like me but honestly he might not so I want to casually ask him out. We work together & he started making small talk finally so I'm thinking it would be a okay time to ask him on a date but how. He recently said in front of me& and another co worker he was looking for a girlfriend and the coworker pointed at me & said there you go! & I was leaving when this happend so I didn't see his reaction to the coworker saying that. I'm really awkward in situations like that so i left

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to ask him out without being awkward?

    So I want to ask this guy out, he's really shy as awkward and I kinda am too. I think he might like me but honestly he might not so I want to casually ask him out. We work together & he started making small talk finally so I'm thinking it would be a okay time to ask him on a date but how. He recently said in front of me he was looking for a girlfriend so I was hoping id be me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he gay or shy, I don't know?

    There's a guy I work with & I really like him and can't figure out if he's gay or shy.. He is kinda shy and awkward. I think he might be gay because he talks like a gay guy (no offense to anyone reading this) but you know how gay guys add that "SSS" to everything, it's not a obvious one tho. He also doesn't have a girlfriend & said today he was looking for one & I'm to awkward to ask him out

    So is he gay or just shy

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he gay.. Should I give it a shot?

    There's a guy I work with & I really like him and can't figure out if he's gay or shy.. He is kinda shy and awkward. I think he might be gay because he talks like a gay guy (no offense to anyone reading this) but you know how gay guys add that "SSS" to everything. He also doesn't have a girlfriend & said today he was looking for one

    So is he gay or just shy

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How can you tell if a guy is "still in the closet"?

    There's a guy I work with & I really like him and can't figure out if he's gay or shy.. He is kinda shy and awkward. I think he might be gay because he talks like a gay guy (no offense to anyone reading this) but you know how gay guys add that "SSS" to everything. He also doesn't have a girlfriend & said today he was looking for one

    So is he gay or just shy

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can I refrigerate bisquick based biscuits overnight?

    I'm making a copy cat of ruby Tuesdays biscuits & giving them to someone. I'm planning on making the dough Thursday night putting them on a sheet pan and then just baking them off Friday morning. I want them to be hot and fresh when I give them to her. I just need to know if this will effect the way thu turn out or will it be ok? I'm almost positive it will be ok but I'm not too sure.


    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • College.. Feeling overwhelmed?

    I'm getting ready to start college for culinary arts. I'm going to a local college nothing big. I had a culinary class in high school and had such a passion for it and I've always seen myself going into the culinary field. But right now I feel so lost with everything I feel like I don't even want to go to college.

    So I guess my question is.. How do you know what you want to go to college for?

    I love helping people and I would love to teach a culinary class but in order to be a good teacher you need to know what it's like in the field.

    I just feel so exhausted with getting enrolled in college and I'm not excited about it..

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Confused about what I want to do in life?

    I'm getting ready to start college for culinary arts. I'm going to a local college nothing big. I had a culinary class in high school and had such a passion for it and I've always seen myself going into the culinary field. But right now I feel so lost with everything I feel like I don't even want to go to college.

    So I guess my question is.. How do you know what you want to go to college for?

    I love helping people and I would love to teach a culinary class but in order to be a good teacher you need to know what it's like in the field.

    I just feel so exhausted with getting enrolled in college and I'm not excited about it..

  • Making a wedding cake! Help?

    1- how do you make THICK icing, everytime i make icing its not stiff.

    2- i DONT want buttercream tasting icing. I want it to taste like publix.. I would assume its whipped (& yes i know you can buy it & they dont make it themselves)

    Also im making this simple wedding cake for 30 people soo what kind of baking pan do i use? I dont have professional equiptment for that

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to get out of the friendzone.?

    Im a girl, im in the friendzone... & ive known this guy forever bur he says he doesnt see like anything more than a friend. But sometimes i feel like he likes me. Any unfriendzone tips (:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to make whipped icing?

    Im making a cake for my cousin & she wants icing like publix (not buttercream) Buttercream is too sweet so i want whipped. Everytime i try to make whipped icing it never is thick enough even if i add over a bag of powdered sugar i dont want to taste too much like buttercream

    Help please!!!!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago