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  • I started bleeding while boyfriend was fingering me?

    Ok so I started bleeding and I freaked out, I don't know what that was. Next day I was ok no blood at all. And the 3rd day after I started my period and on my second day into my period now. So I was wondering, what the heck was that all about that I bled (did not bleed prior to him fingering me, I started bleeding when he was fingering me and no I am not a virgin so it can't be because my cherry was popped), then stopped for a day and then my period came?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 5 year difference, girl being older?

    What do you think? ... So I know someone where the girl is 23 and her boyfriend is 18, what do you think of this and your opinions. Thanks guys! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Question for guys-what they do when they are not interested anymore?

    What are some ways guys act or do different when they are not into their girlfriend anymore? Be specific and tell me your life experiences if you have any. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Why do guys do this?..............?

    So when things are not working out and you ask them if it's best to go our separate ways & they always say "Do what you what." Makes me think that they don't wanna take responsibility or maybe bc they dont wanna break up & are mad? I wanna hear guy's point of view on this...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If you are a guy & your girlfriend said this to you...?

    So before I start, me and my bf have been together for 7 months. I am 22 & he is 24. Lately we have been arguing over him not being so open, it almost makes me feel like he's not giving me the attention. So I was being obsessive to get that attention, so stupid of me but I was desperately calling him but he was sleeping all day after work & got irritated with my calling, so I called him a jerk! But with me being such a nice person I regretted it almost as soon as a I said it & texted apologizing, this is what I wrote. Tell me if you're a guy how would u react to this message or think or what would u think of me and everything over all. I'm head over heels with my boyfriend. This is what I wrote him: I love you baby, with every peace of heart that's left on me. I know everything will be fine, I just really missed u so badly today & couldn't believe you didn't have time for me, a few minutes to talk & was rude to me when I called ;( but it's ok I still love you & miss you. Sweet dreams, even though you're already sleeping. Love you mwah -- (another text) God knows what's best for us! & he will lead us the paths, you're my everything Romachka. & when things are not going right I feel so shattered, it feels like a piece of me is leaving, when that peace of heart breaks off. I hope it heals overnight. Love heals everything. If you show me love, I'll be fine"

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are parents supposed to pay for the wedding?

    So im 22 & bf is 24. His parents are rich & are paying for the wedding half way. & the other half I'm supposed to pay, how I understood ... But my parents don't spoil me like that, and our family is big ... And we have to come up with our own stuff somehow. I'm also in college full time & don't work, idk if ill need to wait till I'm out with a career, till I can afford everything on my own! :( how do I tell this to my bf & tell me about your wedding experience & who paid, or if someone you know & how they went about it..

    16 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Tax is 8.2% here in Washington state!! Do they have the same percent for every state?

    I just bought a starbucks coffee & two bagels & the total was $6.85 PLUS tax of 8.2% ..which added $0.56 more ... So i paid $7.41 I think this is insane! What are your opinions? ... So I live next to the Oregon border & they don't charge taxes at all, im a bit jealous! What state are you in & what percent do they charge you for taxes? ... I wouldn't be surprised if it goes up to 10% one day!

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any homework help chat online for free?

    I am desperate to find one quick since I have my first Chemistry Exam tomorrow, sorry for posting on the wrong category ... just knowing it is much faster, but any answers would help out plz anyone!

    I need some Chemistry help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys opinion if your girlfriend wrote you that?

    I think relationship adds more stress on me, I think I'm just depressed & every little thing gets me emotional.... & it's not you, it's me .. & I have a hard time concentrating on little things, I'm like constantly spacing out .. & I don't want to have u go through this drama, fights, arguments u don't deserve it, u deserve better.

    I hate to see you frustrated (because of me), mad (because of me), argue (because of me), fights (because of me) .... I just don't want to see you like this, I just want you to be happy ... & seems like I can't make you happy :( & I (don't understand your jokes) ... Ya I'm sure there are people that do, maybe we are just different people ... But if you wanna move on, you can I'm not gonna have u be trapped in this relationship & not be happy. :(

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Being engaged after only being together for 3 mo. !!?

    So me and my bf have only been together for 3 months, but very close & love each other..... Is it too early for him to get a ring, he said he got me a ring.... I asked him what the meaning of a ring is & he's like "I'll tell you when I see you"....... It's either a promise ring or an engagement ring =) he actually ordered it from Kay Jewelers & kept saying it's not too fancy, so I wouldn't expect anything too spendy I'm guessing .. But it is a real value ring though!! I'm kind of excited but at the same time, 3 months!? Whats your opinions on that?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Which Champagne is good?

    So my baby sis is turning 21 ... i wanna get her a bottle..

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How to reply to poster on Craigslist?

    So I am trying to buy a textbook for college, and their only contact information is the email address anyway do i just copy & paste the long email address & can email them straight from my regular email address that i use on regular basis, or do i need to create an account.. or how does it work. ... sorry wrong category, but i need an answer quick. Thnx!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why did my boyfriend changed all his passwords after one fight? (10 POINTS for best answer.)?

    So my boyfriend (24) & I (22) have been together for 3 months. We moved on a little too quick & know each other really well, which makes it seem like we were dating for at least 6 months. We both love each other a lot, he tells me he loves me with all his heart, calls me beautiful & all that. We love each other on about the same level, except I tend to be more open to speak about how I feel more than he does. Anyway he told me about his passed & how he just dumped this girl just like that & wasn't sad at all. But one thing you need to know is that he likes to brag & makes himself look like he's the ****! Bc apparently in his eyes I'm way better, or so it seems like. I don't see him like that & love him so much! & so he's also one of those jelous freaks that checks my text messages, recent calls, Facebook & even knows my passwords ..and I know his ad well. The problem here is that we got into this argument & I was trying to him a hard time bc he was driving me nuts how he can't trust me or idk what his problem is (oh yeah he has been cheated on before)... Anyway I tell him everyday that I love him... Well so we got into a fight & I was testing his waters & telling him that we fight too much & maybe this isn't going anywhere, just to see if he would break up with me like his other girl. & I would call him jelous freak, blah blah ... Which he considers calling him names... So he got really upset that day bc Supposably I was the one that was supposed to make a decision whether to break up or not, but I wanted him to man up & hear his side & he wouldn't... Out of frustration I hung up... Than an hour later I felt like total **** & apologized to him and told him I love him & that it's stupid that I didn't answer right away. So to conclude this he changes all his passwords bc he says he was hurt how I called him all these names.... But why would a guy change his passwords for, so he could move on to talking to other girls :'(

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What interesting things me and boyfriend could do to when we are hanging out?

    I hangout with my boyfriend about 3 times a week & it seems like all we do is watch movies bc it rains everyday almost & really cold outside, i was just wondering what else is there to do for fun, or some fun activities we could do? .. we also hangout in a group with couple more people & i just wanna liven up our time spent together. What do you guys do, maybe some suggestions that you guys do?? We also go bowling once in awhile or play pool .. so anyway throw out as many different ideas as you guys could come up with, Thanks! I'll choose best answer for those who get creative :D

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where an I sell my college books?

    I have a stack of textbooks that piled up on me, since I already took the classes I won't need them anymore... Where can I see them? I tried craigslist no one calls :( how does amazon work?

    5 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Am I pregnant > symptoms?

    So I didn't get my period in time, but I took the morning after pill after unprotected sex... But I've been having tummy aches & wanna sleep a lot, are they pregnancy symptoms by any chance?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Free TV on the computer.?

    Is there any websites out there where you could watch free TV channels on the Internet?

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • How to insert Page #'s into OpenOffice Writer Program?

    It's kinda of like word document, same process ..except can't find how I could insert page numbers? ..please someone help, I'm new to using this program & I just typed up my college paper & they require page numbers! Thanks.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago