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what rides can I take my 15 month old on at disneyland and what should I bring?
I am taking my 15 month old to disneyland on Monday and I would like to know what rides to take her on and what i should bring with me.....
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoIs scheduling your baby's feedings good or bad?
I want to know opinions on this matter because I have been told by one pediatrician that feeding on demand is better and today I was told that scheduled feedings are going to help my baby. (My 3 month old has been having spitting up and breastfeeding problems for the last few weeks)
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years agoDoes anyone else have PUPPS or know how to get rid of it?
I am 39 week and I have this rash that started on my elbows and has now spread all over. From what I have read online its most likely PUPPS. I have read that dandelion root pills work...has anyone tired these? I am going crazy and the itchiness is unbearable and I don't think I can last until the baby is born for this rash to go away. Does anyone know how to get rid of it or to make the itchiness go away?
Thank you for the help :)
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoWhat questions should I ask, when looking for a pediatrician?
I am currently 38 1/2 weeks and I need to pick a pediatrician asap. I had picked one that I really loved (she was my pediatrician and my sisters) but she doesn't except medical so now I have to look for another one in my area that does except medical and I have no idea what to ask when I find one. What questions should I ask them and what should I be looking for?
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago38 1/2 weeks and I have an itchy rash...plz help!?
I have this really weird rash that showed up on my elbows a few days ago. At first they were just itchy and then I got bumps on them and now a rash. I showed it to my dr. and he didn't seem worried and he told me to use 1% of some word that starts with a C itch cream. I have no idea what that is! Does anyone know any kind of itch cream I can use while pregnant? I am going crazy with wanting to itch!
Also my stretch marks are itching like crazy. Does anyone know what I can use on them to make them stop itching so much? I have been using cocoa butter but it doesn't seem to be helping much.
Thank you for your help :)
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agodoes getting your cervix checked hurt?
I was at the dr. yesterday and I was supposed to get my cervix checked but the dr said since I am only 36 1/2 weeks I can wait until next week because its is it painful or just uncomfortable?
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoWould my Dr. know if I had preeclampsia?
I am 36 and 1/2 weeks have been getting swelling in my hands and feet. I know swelling is normal but after watching labor and delivery stories on tv I have been freaking out. I went to the Dr. today and forgot to ask him about my swelling. He would be able to tell if I had it right? I would have high blood pressure and stuff in my urine right? Am I over reacting to my swelling?
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago36 weeks and have a few questions?
Everyone says I am going to have the baby early because of how big I look....can this be true?
I know this question has been asked a million times but I would like to know what should I bring with me to the hospital when I am in labor?
How should my newborn sleep...on her back or on her sides?
When is a good time to introduce her to my dogs? Should I wait until she is a few months or should I show her to them right away? I have 4 dogs of them is mine and the rest are my moms. My dog is really hyper and isn't even a year old yet (will be a yr in October). The other dogs are a little crazy...they each have their own problems lol. What will make showing her to them easy? Should I take them in one at a time to see her? I have a feeling they are going to bark at her and I don't want her to get scared of them.
Thank you for your help :)
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years agolost some of my mucus plug? can I go swimming?
I think I have been loosing my mucus plug over the past few weeks. I keep seeing this clear snot when I wipe and it sometimes has a yellow/green tint but its very faint. (sorry about the TMI) I was told my my childbirth instructor that once you loose your plug you can't go swimming or take baths. I am going to the spa on Friday and the only way to cool down from the sun is to go swimming. Unless I walk all the way to the locker room and jump in the shower every time I get hot. Do you think its ok for me to swim or even just take a quick dip in one of the pools? or is the chance for infection too high for me to even risk a dip in the pool?
I am 35 weeks btw :)
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoAm I loosing my mucus plug?
I am 35 weeks and I think I have been slowly loosing my mucus plug. The following may be TMI
I have been seeing this clear snot like stuff when I wipe after going number one and number two. A few times there was a yellow/green tint. Is this my mucus plug or can this be an infection of some kind? Should I call my Dr or should I wait until I see him in a week?
Also, is it safe to have sex after loosing your mucus plug?
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agois it normal for me to freak out so much?
I am 34 weeks and throughout my whole pregnancy I have been really crazy over the stuff I do and what I eat/drink. My family thinks I am a little crazy about it but I was just following what I was told and what I have read.
I feel like I keep doing things wrong and that I am a horrible mom already. Today I took a hot bath and realized it was probably too hot for my unborn baby and I freaked and started crying thinking I am damaging my baby. I also realized I drank tea with hibiscus in it a few times and I guess that's bad. There are a few other things that I have been obsessing over too but I can't remember at the moment. Am I obsessing over every little thing too much or is this normal? Should I be this obsessed about my unborn baby's health?
BQ: What are or were some things that you obsessed over while pregnant?
3 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoShould I stay or should I go?
I am 34 weeks and I want to go on a trip to Mammoth. It is a 4 and 1/2 hr drive from my house. I made my bf call my Dr. to ask if the high altitude is ok and before he could even tell her the altitude she got mad and said that I shouldn't go far away from the hospital and that the hospital in Mammoth doesn't take Medical so if i went into early labor I would me screwed. Then she said if I go anyways that I shouldn't do any hiking or anything like that. So I am assuming that its ok for me to be in high altitude.
My question to you is should I stay or should I go? My parents own 3 condos up there and they have to go up for Business reasons and my birthday is sunday so I wanted to go with them. We will be leaving tomorrow night at like 6:30 and coming back on sunday. Should I take the chance and go or should I stay here near my hospital?
This is not a re-post...yesterday I asked if the high altitude was ok today I am asking if I should go! I just want some advice and people's opinions!
Thank you :)
5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years agobaby's movement at 33 weeks?
I am 33 weeks and I haven't been feeling my baby move that much and I am starting to get worried. I have heard that if your baby moves 10 times a day its ok but I have also heard that your baby is supposed to move 10 times in an hr. So, should I be counting 10 times a day or 10 times an hr? And if I don't feel her move that much should I be worried and should I tell my Dr?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat are your labor stories?
I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have been freaking out about having the baby. Some of my friends at work have told me their labor stories and it has helped a little bit. I was wondering what some of your stories are and if you have any advice for me. Thank you!!
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago29 weeks and having light this bad?
I am 29 weeks pregnant with my first and I am having light discharge. I noticed this yesterday and I was hoping it would go away today but it hasn't. Is it bad I am having discharge or is that normal? Should I call my Dr?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoCould my BF's sperm affect my baby?
I am 6 months pregnant and my BF is a recovering heroin addict. When we got pregnant by accident he was still using (I didn't know at the time). I read that heroin can cause deformed sperm and its lasts up to a year after he used. What are the chances of my baby having problems because of this? Do you think it would affect my baby? He had been using for a long time...maybe even a year or so on and off. I never asked my Dr. because my BF always came with me and I was scared to ask him in front of my BF.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago