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Hey. I'm a female teenager who loves reading and writing. I raise dairy goats and know a lot about them. I mostly answer questions that are goat-related, but not always.

  • Will it be hard to integrate goats back into my herd?

    My college has an environmental center, and they have an older goat and some sheep all ready. I got a job there and talked to my boss, and I would like to bring two or three of my goats to college next fall (I have 11 in total). I'm planning on bringing the two does who are on the "bottom of the totem pole" for a variety of reasons, but my main concern is that it will be difficult to integrate them back to the main herd when we go back home.

    They would be on campus for September to December, then I'll probably bring them home for winter break (which is most of January), then back again from February till May.

    I expect there will be some fighting and head-butting, but it will be possible to integrate them back into the herd, right? I have the proper fencing and areas so that I can separate them for a few days to let them get used to the sight and smell of each other before putting them in with everyone else.

    Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • When should I tell them I'm dedicating my novels to them?

    I'm writing two novels - I have the first manuscript done and I've started its sequel. I'm still a long ways away from publishing - I've edited it myself some, but I need to do a lot more, and then I need a professional editor.

    I'd like to dedicate them to my two brothers, but I'm wondering when I should tell them. Part of me would love to tell them this Christmas; I think it would mean a lot to them. On the other hand, part of me is wondering if it's a little premature - I still have so much more work to do on them.

    What do you think? I've never gotten a novel published before and would appreciate your opinions.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Do you think this guy likes me, and should I ask him out?

    This may be a little long, so sorry in advance. I've never had a boyfriend so I'm not real sure on how to begin.

    I met a guy at the beginning of the summer at college orientation; I thought he was cute and we talked a little, and once I got home I waited a couple days, then friended him on Facebook.We're in a leadership program together, and we have the same English class. I really like him - he's fun to be with, we share the same values, he is smart and kind - and I'd really like to go out with him.

    He complimented my outfit twice, and he offers to drive me back to the residential campus after our English class, which I think are good signs. But he also never texts me first and he doesn't always text me back. I don't bombard him with texts - every few days I'll send him a comment or ask him how his day is going - and I feel like if he really did like me, he'd text me.

    And I know my one friend (who I've only known for about three weeks) also thinks he's cute, but I don't know if she's planning on acting on it. She just had a very brief relationship that only lasted about two days (a guy she had known for a long time asked her out, but then they both decided it wasn't working).

    Is it too early to ask him out, and should I ask if I don't know for sure what his response will be? I feel like, if I don't ask, I'll always kick myself wondering what would have happened. And I'm thinking maybe he doesn't know that I like him - sometimes knowing that someone likes you changes your view of them. I'm thinking about just saying something along the lines of, "Hey, I was wondering, do you want to get some dinner sometime?"

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How long is a one-act script?

    I've never written one before, and I'm entering a script contest. It is supposed to be one act; about how many pages should I aim for? Thanks :)

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting8 years ago
  • Rich americans who started out poor?

    I'm writing a small essay about class in America. Who are some Americans who started out poor but became rich?

    I could also use examples of rich Americans who lost their wealth.


    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Is my novel long enough? (And other first-time author questions)?

    So, about five years ago, I realized that one of my life goals is to write a novel. But I haven't really dedicated any time to it until this summer.

    Now, I've just finished the rough draft of my novel (yay!), but I'm wondering if it's a good length or not. I know that's kind of a silly question - each novel is different, there is no set length for a novel, and it should be as long as it needs to be - but I just wanted an idea.

    It's 59,098 words (or just a little over 100 Microsoft word pages with size 11 Calibri font). It's a Young Adult Fantasy book, with the target audience being teenage girls. Is it an appropriate size, when compared to others in the same genre?

    Also, what do I do from here? I've given out a few unfinished manuscripts to my close friends, telling them to mark them up if they see typos, things they don't like, things they don't understand, etc. I've gotten good reviews from them so far. I plan to get those manuscripts back and fix my novel accordingly, but after I'm done editing it myself, what do I do? Should I get a professional editor to look it over? I've just never made it this far before.

    Thanks so much for any help.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Can I have my poem "un-published" from the America Library of Poetry?

    So, a while back, my English teacher had advertised a couple different poetry and writing contests. I entered them, and today I got a letter from the America Library of Poetry, saying that one of my poems had been selected to be published.

    I was excited, of course. I would have to order and pay for a copy of the book, but I figured it would be worth it. But then I found out that two other members of my class also got "selected," and that's when I really got suspicious. I did just one search, and sure enough, it appears to be a huge scam. Basically, they collect all the poems submitted to them, put them in a book, and sell it to the "published" authors. They don't market it to other buyers besides the authors and their family members, and it doesn't even appear to be that competitive.

    I'm disappointed, of course, but not terribly so. But I know that my poem is good, and I don't want it to be associated with this organization. The letter they mailed me also has an Artist Release form. If I just don't mail that back, would that stop them from putting my poem in this collective mesh of writing? It says that I still "retain all rights" to the poem.

    I don't think the "published" book has come out yet. It says the deadline for the artist release form and order form is August 20th.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Solve for x and y values that satisfy both equations?

    I'm working on some math review and I need help for a few of the problems, including this one:

    Solve for x and y values that satisfy both of the following equations simultaneously:



    I'm getting kind of frustrated, because I have an idea of what I'm supposed to do, but I haven't done this in a long time and I just can't remember :p I'm trying to solve for one variable in terms of the other, and then substituting that into the problem to find the answer for one variable, but the answers I'm getting aren't the answers that are in the answer sheet. I would appreciate any help. I don't need the answers - I already have those - I just need to know how to get the answers. I'd appreciate a thorough, well-explained answer.

    Thanks so much. I have one other question up if anyone wants to take a look at it.

    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Help needed for solving with variables and factoring?

    I'm stuck on a few math problems. Here is one of them:


    I've been cross-multiplying this to get:


    Then I subtract the 20 from both sides to get


    And I've been trying to factor that out, but that's where I keep on getting stuck. It's been a while since I've done this; could someone help me? I don't need the answers-I have access to them- I just need to know how to get the answers. If someone could help me, I'd really appreciate it.

    Also, I have one other math question. If anyone wants to look at that, I'd appreciate it too.


    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How to solve for variables in an exponent?

    I'm reviewing some math, and I need help answering an equation:


    I don't want the answer (I have access to it); I want to figure out how to get the answer. If someone could give me a step-by-step, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • How hard are college language placement tests?

    I'm supposed to take mine online probably tomorrow. I started Spanish in 7th grade, and took it every year until this year (so 5 years in total). I haven't done anything really with Spanish in the past year.

  • New lego star trek clip?

    I was watching TV a few nights ago, and suddenly an animated lego clip about Star Trek: Into Darkness came on. It was at least three minutes long, maybe more, and it was actually made because of some sort of deal between Lego and Star Trek, advertising both their things at once. Anyway, I thought it was pretty good, and I was trying to find it again online.

    I think I was watching either Nickelodean or Cartoon Network; I'm not sure which.

    Has anyone else seen it? Can you find it online?

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • 2-month old buck kid with lump?

    I have a two-month old Nigerian Dwarf goat buck who was born on my farm. Yesterday, I noticed he has a lump near the base of his scrotum (not exactly on it, but a few centimeters away). It's just slightly larger than a marble. Both of his testicles are descended into his scrotum. I'm not sure how long the lump has been there, but I handle my goats a lot and only just noticed it. I'm positive it wasn't there when he was born.

    He does not seem to be in any pain; he's jumping and playing as much as the other kids. Even if you touch the lump, he doesn't seem to mind too much. His poop is normal. I have not seen him pee yet, but I haven't been with him 24/7, and he's not stretching/straining/in pain or giving any other indication that he can't pee. I was out there running around with him trying to get him to urinate (because sometimes they do after they run around a lot), but he just went over to eat hay when he was tired of playing. He's drinking water and eating hay, and he's still nursing his dam. I have the kids on a preventative worming and coccidiosis routine, and they just started a course of Albon a couple days ago.

    I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and make an appointment to bring him in (I need to get my buck kids castrated anyway, so in a way, it's good timing - saves me an extra trip). I'm planning on taking them Thursday, but if anything changes at all or he appears to be in pain, I'll take him in sooner.

    Any idea what this lump is? My herd is negative for CL.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Do you floss everyday?

    I'm curious; do you floss regularly? I didn't for a while, but I'm trying to get into the habit and I've been doing very well for the past month. Everyone always stresses flossing, but I always get the impression that not a lot of people actually floss.

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Chick won't eat, how can we give her nutrients?

    We got a new batch of chicks that are about 6 days old now. One of them does not like to open her eyes - she can, but most of the time she keeps them closed. They seem almost slightly swollen. She's much smaller than the other chicks, and will only drink if we put her right next to the water or if we drip water into her mouth with a syringe. She has not been eating/pecking. We tried to mix the chick feed with water to make it into a mush, but we could not get her to eat that either.

    I don't really think she's going to make it, but in the mean time, I'd like to do the best I can for her. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get nutrients into her? I think some sort of liquid would be the easiest for now, since she doesn't seem to know how to eat chick feed. Would goat milk be okay for her? What about electrolytes (like in pediolyte or Gatorade)? Could we crack an egg, scramble the liquid together, and feed her that?

    1 AnswerBirds8 years ago
  • Baby chick doesn't like to open its eyes?

    We got 15 baby chicks yesterday (Speckled Sussex, hopefully all hens, but every once in a while they mess up and you can get a rooster). I was watching them today and noticed that one of them was keeping its eyes closed. I took her out and it appears that she can open one eye a little, but doesn't like too. They look almost slightly swollen, but not much.

    Any idea what's wrong, and if we can do anything to help her? She seems to be getting food and water okay, the other chicks aren't bothering her, and she's staying near the heat lamp.

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Baby Goats have diarrhea, small fever after disbudding?

    We took out kids to the vet today to get disbudded - we had eight kids in total. The vet gave them anesthetic and disbudded them - everything went fine. They all woke up and were a bit loopy, but the nursed and by this evening seemed fine.

    However, I noticed that two of the kids (a brother and sister) had diarrhea. It was watery, and orangish color, and had a sour smell. These kids were born on March 17.

    I took the temperature of two healthy baby goats (no diarrhea), and their temperatures were 101.4 F and 101.7 F. I took the temperature of the sick doe, and her temperature was 102.7 F.

    I called the emergency livestock vet at about 8:00 PM since the regular office was closed, and he said to give them electrolytes now and again in 2 to 3 hours, as well as give them a shot of penicillin. He said to check on them early in the morning (about 3 AM) and see how they're doing then - if they look like they've been nursing, I don't have to feed them electrolytes, but if they haven't, I should. They are still nursing and nursed before I left.

    He didn't give me a specific disease that he thinks it is - he just said they were probably going to get sick and the stress of disbudding brought it on faster.

    I went to the website that I always go to when a goat has diarrhea ( ), and Cryptosporidiosis matches... is it possible that's what they have? I did some more research on that disease, and found this website:

    We do have a small rodent problem - we set traps out and have caught a few.

    These kids are still eating and interested. They were trying to climb on my lap and were jumping up and down off the picnic table.

    Any other ideas of what it could be? Any other suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • What is the easiest way to send Pokemon from Sapphire to White?

    Okay, I THINK I know how to do it, but I just want to make sure I have the right idea.

    I only have the White and Sapphire versions, and I have a Game Boy Advance and a Nintendo DSi. However, I have a few friends who have other versions/systems.

    If I understand this right, there is no direct way to get pokemon from Sapphire to White. I need to have a Nintendo DS or a Nintendo DS Lite and put the Sapphire into the Advance game slot. Then I need to have either Heart Gold, Soul Silver, or Platinum, and I can move Pokemon from Sapphire to one of those games. Then, I could trade pokemon from either Heart Gold, Soul Silver, or Platinum to White.

    Is that correct? And is there any easier way to do it?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Positive effects of teen pregnancy?

    I'm writing an essay about a book called "Smack" by Melvin Burgess. I need to compare a social issue in the book to real life, and since there are many instances of teen pregnancy in the book, I decided to do that.

    One of the characters in the book ran away from home, is now homeless, using heroin, and working as a prostitute. When she learns that she is pregnant, though, she realizes that her life needs to change. She stops using heroin and gets back in touch with her parents, and after a couple of months is living in an apartment by herself. So, in her case, getting pregnant was almost a positive thing - it caused her to change her life.

    I need to find an article or a website that verifies that this could happen to some teenagers, or that getting pregnant could have a positive effect on a teen. (Obviously, I don't think teen pregnancy is a good thing, and this book has many instances of teen pregnancy that did not end so happily, but I need to find some source that validates that this could happen to someone).

    I'm having trouble finding such a source. If someone could post a link to a reputable website or article, I would appreciate it. Thanks for any help! :) In the mean time, I'm going to keep on looking through databases.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How long should we leave a baby goat's cast on for?

    My doe had triplets three days ago. I gave the dam and all of the babies a BoSe shot.

    One of the little bucklings is walking weird - his front foot bends sideways a little so he's almost walking on his pasturn. I already gave him a BoSe shot, so he shouldn't need another one (we don't want to overdose him). I think it's bent like that because that's how he was positioned in the womb - his dam isn't that big so it was probably cramped with three babies in there. I put a little cast on it using Popsicle sticks and medical tape, and it seems like it's working and keeping his foot in the correct position. He can still bend his knee and it doesn't interfere with him walking or laying down.

    How long should I leave it on before I take it off to see if it worked? Does anyone have any other advice that might be relevant?


    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago