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Favorite Answers22%
  • What is the crime and penalty?

    Name the crime and penalty....

    A man moves out of his step-mother's home while she is on vacation. He takes-without her consent- her TV, radio system, DVD collection, microwave, DVD player, digital camera, and music CD's.

    Step-son admits he has the items but refuses to give them back.

    Can he be charged?

    What is the crime and possible penalty?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can someone who has a "Mental Illness" become a counselor or psychiatrist?

    If the person hasn't "gotten better" or learned to cope, can they?

    What if the person has NO idea what is "wrong" with him/her? Should a person use schooling to be a counselor as his/her own form of therapy?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you think the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder is being used way too much?

    It seems like I keep hearing of more and more people who have bipolar disorder. I can name at LEAST 15 people I know who "have" bipolar. Plus, I hear of others having it all the time too.

    What do you think about that? Do you see it too, or am I reading into something that isn't there?

    If SO many people have bipolar, maybe it is actually "normal" and those who don't have the diagnosis are NOT "normal"..... (Yes, I need sleep lol)

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Complications after RSV??

    My daughter had RSV last December at 4 months old. Her body had a VERY hard time coping with the illness and her health quickly failed. She was admitted to the hospital finally after almost 3 weeks of being sick. The next day, her doctor decided she needed to be sent to a different hospital to receive better care as her body was starting to give out. At this point, every breath she took was a struggle. As they were getting her ready to be transported, her lungs just stopped working. She had to be intubated and by this time, her throat was extremely swollen from coughing and being sick, so it took them 8 attempts to effectively intubate her and even then it wasn't quite right and the machine that ran the oxygen through would not run. So, one of the ambulance crew had to hand pump the oxygen for the entire hour long ride to the hospital. At one point in the ambulance, they had to resusciate my little 4 month old baby. She just struggled so hard to hang on....

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone seen this video?

    I realize that portions of this video are fake, but it COULD happen. I could see it happening anyway. GW sitting right next to where they are coming in and pretending it isn't that bad.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do you think contacting your elected officials about the issues REALLY helps?

    I am being completely serious here. Do you think it helps? Why or why not?

    Also, if you don't mind, aside from contacting said officials, what other things do you do to get involved and try to initiate or help make changes?

    9 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do you think Giuliani is on the right track?

    I realize this has probably been asked already, but I missed it and would like to hear opinions. Thanks!

    12 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on this?

    Updated: 6:57 p.m. CT Oct 3, 2007

    DETROIT - A U.S. immigration official took money and gifts in exchange for freeing numerous illegal immigrants, one of whom went on to kill a college student from Jordan, federal officials said Wednesday.

    The Immigration and Customs Enforcement official also is accused of conspiring with the fugitive owner of a chain of Middle Eastern restaurants to help immigrants gain U.S. residency through fraudulent marriages to U.S. women.

    Roy M. Bailey, 54, who was acting director for detention and removal operations in Detroit, has been on leave since 2004 because of the investigation.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Please tell me...?

    How you TRULY FEEL about illegal immigration and a few reasons why. Either side of the debate. But PLEASE, leave out the intonations of anger and hate. Just be HONEST. Seriously, just no anger, please.

    I had an interesting discussion earlier today with someone who is on the opposite side of this debate from where I am and I started to see SOME of her points the more she got into it with me. Now, I would REALLY like to hear what others have to say.


    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Honest opinion guys?

    Okay, I am looking for honest opinions here. I have a psych class project I am working on and would like to know a man's initial reaction to the following woman. TIA!


    I am 27 years old. I am a single mom to 5 amazing kids. They are 9, 7, 6, 4, and 1. 2 boys, 3 girls.They have 4 different fathers. I have been married and divorced once. I work full-time 40+ hours a week. My spare time after work is MOSTLY taken up by the kids but I DO know how to make extra time for someone special. I like camping, 4-wheeling, fishing, hanging out at home, movies, good books, good food, and much more. I am independent, opinionated, and strong. I most definately don't NEED a man, but the womanly side of me would like the companionship.


    Based on the woman's testimonial, what is your initial opinion of her?

    Be honest and truthful, but please don't get stupid. This COULD prove to be a good discussion. Thanks!

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago