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  • Friend is locked out of email. PLEASE HELP. IMPORTANT.?

    My buddy ordered concert tickets online for us. Somehow after he ordered them be got completely locked out of his email. He answered security questions long ago that he can't remember. Is there any way at all he can get the tickets being locked out of his email? If he forgot his security questions is there any way at all back in? Please help!

  • HELP. Only solution to my computer getting fixed is to reset but keep my files PLEASE READ DETAILS . PLEASE ANSWER THIS if you can?

    It states that it'll keep my files , but remove any apps that didn't come with the PC . Excel didn't "come with the PC" and I have very important stuff on file on excel, but it wouldn't let me save it as documents because i had limited rights or whatever. If I reset my PC will I lose excel?

    2 AnswersSoftware2 years ago
  • I have a thing for someone who has a daughter only 4 years younger than me?

    I have feelings for this guy that has a 17 year old daughter. He's 38 and single. I don't consider a 17 year age difference out of my limit. I almost dated someone 18 years older than me. I would say 18 is my limit. I think right now , especially where I'm at in life right now because I'm a late bloomer, it's a bit too big of a deal but once I get a career and such , considering our age difference is less than 20 years apart , I feel like it would be okay ,but the elephant in the room is my age difference with his daughter.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Can self hate ever become genuinely unfixable?

    Anytime I try to type this question in on Google, it sends me to the websites with tips that never help for me because I hate myself so much that I feel like none of the top chart tips on Google will ever help. I can't even begin to explain how much I hate myself. I'm in my 20's and everyone says the best way to "make it out alive" (metaphorically speaking) through your 20's is to love yourself but I hate myself so much I feel as if that's impossible and that the one tool I need to succeed .... impossible doesn't even begin to describe it and that I won't get where everyone else eventually ends up because everyone else can love themselves but I truly, truly can't no matter how much I try

    I hate myself so much that I never want to look in the mirror or even hear my full name, I'd rather hear the shortened version of it.

    Am I the only one that has felt this way? Am I the only one that feels as if I hate myself to the point of it being genuinely unfixable or even untreatable?

    1 AnswerPsychology3 years ago
  • Why can bad memories feel like we're in love with them at times?

    Very unfortunate stuff came up and long story short, a year and a half ago my family and I had to say goodbye to home, everything I knew and will always love. I of course go visit my adoptive home any chance I get, but we're 3000 miles away. Everything down to the core was heart wrenching about that move , but possibly the hardest part was saying goodbye to that house. That house was home, endless memories. Anyway, it's been a year and a half and although I struggle to find a job and I'm going through a time where I feel stuck in life and self hate feels unfixable , the majority of the days, I almost feel like I'm moved on from the situation of moving away from home, but I'm at that point again where I feel like I don't want to be moved on. I don't want to be fully healed. Does it happen to anyone else that even if a memory is devastating, it feels as if you're in love with that memory because for some reason you really don't want to stop feeling effected by it? I think it's partly because it starts to feel like a part of you and you don't want to let something that's a part of you go.Sometimes at night I feel like making excuses to start thinking about the memory of moving and feel all those super tough emotions, but it doesn't make sense. I sometimes feel like I'm in love with the memory of moving even though it hurt so bad. Is this normal? Is this just the stage that feels like you're over it but your heart is telling you you're just not quite ready?

    3 AnswersPsychology3 years ago
  • Who do you ship the most on T.V.?

    I ship Margaret/Hawkeye (M*A*S*H*)

    Mike/Daniella (American Pickers. I know Mike is married but I still think they re cute together)


    1 AnswerOther - Television3 years ago
  • If I think I annoyed someone for something simple and I sent a 4 sentence apology message, can that make him even more annoyed?

    So someone really important to me , I thought I annoyed because I tagged him in a picture and he removed the tag. I started feeling worried that he was mad at me, so I sent him a brief apology message, basically saying "sorry about the tag. Wanted to tag people interested in this topic. My apologies on that though. Should've asked your consent to tag" .

    Do you think that this is something that would make this person mad? I know everyone's different but was it bad for me to send that message? I know someone apologizing too much can annoy someone.

    1 AnswerFriends3 years ago
  • Feel sad for no reason a few days before I leave to Houston. Need/want to know possibilities as to why I could be feeling this way?

    So, long story short, I've lived in Canada for a year now, lived in Houston for 10 years (it's home to me. It'll forever be home) and I'm going for my 3rd visit over there in 6 days. I'm obviously very excited to see my friends but for some odd reason, I feel sad thinking about it. I know that I'll be happy as hell when I get there, but I don't know if my subconscious missing home even when I don't realize I miss it and I'm feeling sad because on one level or another I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the emotions of visiting home or if it's something completely different. I hear it's normal to feel sad a few days before vacation. Could I possibly be feeling even more sad because I'm not just going on vacation, I'm visiting home for awhile? Like I mentioned before, I'm incredibly excited to see my friends. There's just this weird sadness sticking around. There's always a lot of emotions when I see Houston, especially the town I lived in just outside of Houston. I sometimes cry when I see that area because so many great memories hit me at once. I think I'm just feeling a lot of emotions at once (mostly good of course) that it's making me feel sad. Does that sound possible/ feasible?

    1 AnswerPsychology3 years ago
  • Does anyone else feel frightenes by the beginnung of the song In the light by Led Zepplin?

    Maybe I m crazy,but something about that song just makes me feel like something isn t right

    2 AnswersRock and Pop3 years ago
  • If you feel nervous and blush every time you see someone, does that automatically mean you have a crush?

    I've asked this recently and I'm asking again. I don't appreciate being ignored

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Can you be considered self employed even if you don t make any extra money doing it?

    I manage an NHL pick em league and people who participate in my league pay 10 bucks each, so that at the end of the season, however many players there are, the amount of money won by the person in first place is however many players there are times 10. With this league there s work to do every day, because when the NHL is done, it s on to CFL pick em (even though the CFL pickem is free) Would I be able to count myself self employed? Or in order to be considered self employed ,do you have to make money?

    Yes , the NHL pick em costs money , but I don t get any extra money because all of that money goes to the winner at the end of the season

    2 AnswersHockey3 years ago
  • Do massage therapists dislike when their clients bring up personal stuff?

    I know with massage therapists, most of their job is to find the best physical treatment for your back pain, but my mom went to a massage therapist once that was able to determine that she was emotionally destressed. I'm going to a massage therapist in a few days and I don't fully know what to expect. Do their clients ever bring up at the beginning of the massage that they've been stressed? Or does the massage therapist find that out through certain knots in your back and ask you personally if you've been stressed? Do they mind if you go into detail slightly?

    Side note on the stress and also depression: almost a full year ago I went through a really big move that was certainly not desired. It's the hardest thing I've ever been through and even though I don't feel emotionally effected by it every single day, I know it's still taking a toll on me. Not only are there random nights that I still cry about it, for only a year ,I've been having a lot harder of a time focusing on stuff and I've been feeling very cloudy in the head daily and have had daily headaches, and yes back pain on top of it. On top of it, I was fired awhile ago and I still haven't been able to come close to moving on from being fired.

    Now, I apologize to go into half of my life's story but do you think it would be worth mentioning to the massage therapist the move and being fired?

    5 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Was anyone else nervous about everything before their flight on their first time flying alone?

    In a week, I will be flying for the first time on my own and ,I love flying its self, what I'm nervous about is the process before getting on the plane and hypothetical's such as what if I land and tell my friend the wrong terminal on accident. I know a lot of people are nervous about the flight its self but has anyone been nervous about the process before getting on the plane?

    1 AnswerAir Travel3 years ago
  • Who else completely cried when Michael Scott left?

    Because same 😭 I've been watching the Office on Netflix and I cried when Michael left. I love him so much. I didn't watch season 8 or 9, just the finale where I knew he was back for a few minutes. I love his character so much, it's so sad that he left. Never the same without him. I'll definitely re-watch the Office.

    3 AnswersComedy3 years ago
  • Is there anywhere I can stream NHL Games without having to give my credit card and Address information?

    I manage a pick em league for the NHL and TSN is always blacking out the games that are in my pool so I m always wanting to stream those games but haven t been able to find luck lately. Every website asks me for my address and banking information and I do not feel comfortable with that information being out on the web. Is there ANYWHERE at all that I can stream these games without having to give that information? PLEASE answer if you can.

    1 AnswerHockey3 years ago
  • Am I the only one who feels a bit high when drinking chamomile tea?

    I smoked about 8 hours ago so I'm well off my high, but I've been drinking chamomile tea lately due to some throat issues,and my body feels similar to how it does when I smoke pot. And everyone says it doesn't give the mental effects of a high but I always feel a bit of a mental high when I drink chamomile tea, and I feel actually high after having smoked today. Am i the only one that gets this effect from chamomile? Or am I just crazy?

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks4 years ago
  • Would it be possible for me to download 1 particular emoji and use it without downloading a whole package?

    If possible, I would like to download and be able to use 1 particular emoji. A curling stone to be precise. Would that be a possibility? I think I remember hearing a few years back about people making an emoji and putting it to their list.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics4 years ago
  • I may have a crush on my uncle (non - blood related)?

    This may or may not be a crush, could be infatuation, or could be just very strong admiration. I had moved from Texas to Canada, and it was a really tough move. 2 weeks after we had been there, my family hung out with him and my aunt until 2 a.m. , I had a really great talk with him, and that talk immediately had a really big and great effect on me. For awhile, I would think about that talk a lot, but then I went to his lake lot and I felt almost nervous around him and couldn t stop smiling at first and then when I went home, multiple times,I actually thought about random simple chats we had through out the night and whenever I get a funny snap chat from him, I feel flutter in my stomach and I can t control the huge smile I get. He gives really good hugs (I m saying this in an appropriate manner) and I always want to hug him last whenever I meet up with him and the rest of his family and I always say "bye" in a certain tone that just automatically comes out that I don t say to the rest of them automatically, and, yeah, bottom line is I think about him quite often and I got a toque (beanie for those who don t know the word toque) that was originally meant to be given to him, but then he gave it to me and I LOVE that toque so much because it s a tangible piece of a very good memory.

    So I just want to know if anyone has felt how I feel, if anyone can relate. He s not mt blood uncle, he has just been a very close family friend for years .

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago