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  • connecting city water been such an issue?

    tate of texas, city is requiring survey and annex to property which will cost $10,000 (not including new line and meter) Part of the property already has a meter but it is over 50 years old and has very little pressure. We are needing water two ends of our 150 acre land but they are requiring annexing for the new meter (but not the current one). A water-well will cost $300,000 (high point in Central texas, access to water is 3,000 feet) so thats out of the question. The house and old meter currently are not annexed. Its just the new meter and building that would need to be surveyed AND annex. The land is ag exempt. I need some understanding and advice on how we can get around to simply getting water to a new house. The current one is a hundred ft from a train, VERY old (130yrs), and all we really want to use it for is for visiting family. They are not requiring anything for a new line to the old house. Just a meter to the new location.

    also need to mention that the city required the request be brought up at the city council meeting JUST to request water...not to annex.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate8 months ago
  • What can he do to me legally?

    I had a roommate while I kicked out after almost a month of not paying any bills and eating all of my food. I told him on a Thursday he had until Saturday to get out. Keep in mind he had no contract or leasing agreements so an eviction notice was pointless. The land lords are my parents and my mom was getting impatient with rent money and demanded to downsize to 2 dogs. I had two and he had one. Well he left that Thursday and never showed back up, his phone number was shut off and as far as I knew didn't have Facebook. Saturday I decided to look in his room only to see all of his **** there including his dog which clearly hadn't been let out for that whole 48 hours. I packed all of his stuff and set it out front with a note saying his dog was in the backyard. I gave him until Monday and took his dog to the shelter as a stray. Today he messaged me through Facebook, god knows why, claiming I stole his dog, lied to the shelter, and that I would be hearing from them. Apparently he was in the hospital for stomach ulcers. I feel for him, but still he could have made some intention of making sure his dog was okay. I just want to know if he tried pulling anything, what could he do?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Should I get go to a psychiatrist?

    I never saw myself as having some kind of mental illness because I m a firm believer that everyone has a little bit of the symptoms but not enough to be considered diagnosed. For the past six months though it has come to my attention that I have no control over my emotions. There have been times where I have had to leave a class just to breathe as so many thoughts are running through my head. I have spurts of excitement and wishing I would be like that all the time but I ll go back to being angry and stressed about little things in seconds. I come home checking every bit of my house for messes, things out of place or missing before ever sitting down. I start cleaning and can t stop even after it s done. It s hard to go lay down and forget it but when I do I m constantly stressed about just anything. My focus is off at work because I m exhausted all the time now. I dropped out of school because I couldn t focus on it resulting in failing grades. I have always had good study habits but I was done and didn t want to do it anymore. I ve had close attempts of suicide, never actually doing it. It s not consistent but it does come out of nowhere which scares me a bit. I ve never been the kind to over react but now I have to keep myself away from people when I know I m about to explode on them for not doing something, or miss something simple. I m just tired of being angry all the time and all the sudden happy.

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • Should I attempt to get back with my ex?

    My ex left me back in January to be with his kids in another state. It hurt me the way he did it (I came home from work and his stuff was gone) I was super angry wanting to get back at him in anyway possible. I would have gone with him but I was in school and had just gotten a job that would get me in the doors of my career. He didn't want to drag me into his problems and told me to forget about him and continue with what I was doing. I've had a bumpy road but it won't be long until I have everything I need to be stable. I'm deciding on going there, even if it wouldn't work out it's off the east coast which is where I dream to be anyways. I've forgiven him but still miss him like hell. Our relationship was strong with no issues besides him not having his kids in his life (baby mama drama). I have tried finding someone else and continue to look for him in them. I have been seeing people get back together a lot and it's triggering for me. I want there to be hope, I just hope he hasn't found someone else yet. I've said a lot of hurtful things to him after he left so I hope he forgives me for it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Employer did not pay workers comp. from a year old incident?

    I worked at a vet last may-September and got injured in June at the vet clinic. I got bit by a dog and the bite got infected. I had no days off but it was an $1100 hosptal bill which at the time would equal 180 hours to pay off. Yesterday I got the bill with "workers comp no response from payer" on it. I called the clinic but appearantly the manager snuck out and the owner wasn't there. I called an attorney and she said if they choose not to pay it I would have to. The incident was reported especially being a dog bite, it was reported to the police. I would hate to have to go after the owner if the vet doesn't take care of it. What do I need to do? How far would suing the clinic go? Would it be worth it?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Can't get myself to anorexia, just stress?

    I'm usually the type that goes to food for comfort. But I'm going through something really hard (due to a relationship) and my emotions are overwhelmingly out of control. The past few weeks it's like I have to force myself to put food in my mouth but the past 3 days have been the worst. I've lost 5lbs which knowing my own body that's a LOT even for water weight since I drink a lot anyway. I'm upset that I can't enjoy food right now. Is this stress related? Or depression?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Am I being paranoid?

    I was aware that my boyfriend (now fiancé) had two kids and knew he wanted more than anything to see them. Him and his ex separated and he hadn t been able to see his kids for a couple of years as he tried reaching out to her but never answered his calls or texts. I took it up to finally reach out to her on FB two years after we started dating. she Messaged me and asked If we were needing to know that they were devorced if so she would send the papers for proof. I didn t even know they where married so you can see that started a huge problem for us. He apologized and explained everything eventually I forgave him.

    Fast forward a few months, he started offering to send money and Christmas presents. I gave him the idea that he should go see them (they are in another state) and spend some time with his kids. Two days ago I walked in on him watching a video of his kids getting all excited about going to Disney land. Which is great but he noticed I was standing there and turned off his phone. Since then I have noticed he s been more aware of having his phone which worries me. He rubs it off and avoids talking about it,and acts the same way as he did when I d ask him about marriage earlier in our relationship. He d get defensive and not want to talk about it. I don t like that he s not sharing that part of his life with me but more than anything I feel like he s hiding something from me so I m having super mixed feelings about him going to see them by himself...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Normal struggles or red flag?

    I love him to death and i know he loves me by simple things that he does for me. Our biggest struggle is my lack of house keeping and his high expectations for it. He s a clean person and not that im a nasty person but cleaning is not my first priority. We got in an arguement, Ill be honest for being a smart *** but he got real mad and threw some dirty dishes in the trash. Then he went off about other things that havent been done. I was getting real frustrated so i grabbed my keys to sit im my car and calm down before i said or did something stupid and upset him even more. He ran up to to grab the keys out of my hand which at that point i thought i was about to get beat up. He yelled "your not going anywhere because i pay for that car." We both pay for it and its in my name so this only tells me how afraid he is of me leaving and that fear is triggered by his past relationships. Later on he admitted to that and said "its yours you can leave if you want but your not comming back." Just FYI, he does his part in help but im home more often. This is what upsets him the most but i admit he has gotten better at controlling himself and i understand why he is the way he is. I just want some oppinions out there, im wondering if its normal for partners to have these big fights. I know some people jokingly say "sometimes i just want to slap the crap out of them." but where is the line drawn?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Should I leave this "kennel tech" Job?

    It started out as both kennel tech and vet tech when me and another girl started. They fired her and hired someone else promising that I would get back my regular hours after they found anew person and didn t. Now she is a full time Vet tech with only 3 months experience where as I am now strickly kennel tech. I ve been there for three months plus I ve been in vet tech school for a year. Whats worse is its more than taking care of animals, its pure cleaning ALL day. I mean from shelves to baseboards and walls of the whole clinic. Its deffinitly not what I signed up for. I asked to work in the office and or do more vet tech stuff again and they said they origionally hired me to do kennels but if I improve on keeping it clean I could work my way up. At this point I dont believe what they say, but I also feel that if I do stay for a while I would benefit from it. I dont want to be cocky and tell them I m more qualified than she is but she didn t know how to do a lot of what I did. Like using a microscope, drawing blood. and running really sinple stuff.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Suffering from a dog bite wound, wondering what I should do?

    As a vet tech I don t see a reason why I should go after the owners. I just walked in to set a towel on the floor because the dog (large german shephard) was bleeding all over the place. I was going to leave it to the owner to clean it up since normally we leave to the owners to handle their dogs if they are aggressive. He worned us that he needed a muzzle and we gave him one before he got into the room but he never put it on. He had no grip or handle on the dog so when i walked in (slowley as to give him time to do so) and kept my distance, the dog was able to turn around and lunge at my arm and two days later I m still in pain and fighting an infection. What makes me more dissapointed was he sat in the chair the whole time and acted like he didn t know why his dog did what he just did. I know its my job and I m at risk everyday but this situation puts me off a bit. I m considering a lawsuite but not sure if I d even get anything out of it. I feel bad about wanting to do it but...still.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Can only eating a 700-800 calories a day be hurtful?

    I m pretty short (5 1) and I m trying to get back to my high school weight (125lbs, started at 172lbs). So I ve kept from binging, making bad meal choices and sitting around so much. I ve lost 10 lbs this month but just started loging in some of my meals and realized I m not eating anymore than 800 calories. I get hungry often but hardly ever starving. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and drink a ton of water which keep me full. Still eating meat and dairy too. I walk 2 miles 3xs a week...however I m not sure how this diet will effect me I m the long run. I m taking plexus which has been helping to curve my appitite. Should I increase my intake?? I want to do this in a healthy way, even though I feel perfectly fine now.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Woman I her 20s, 4 kids, 3 baby daddies, sluttly or...?

    I know some circumstances are different and some woman are just screwed over but my boyfriends ex (baby mama) just had another kid (with someone else of course). But my question is what goes through their minds in these situations? Why aren't they more careful about their birth control method? It just seems to me like they can't see themselves as anything more than baby makers and claim that men are always to blame for leaving them. When in reality, this woman won't let my bf see his kids for her own selfish reasons. FYI she was only married once, lasting short after she had her first.

    Singles & Dating5 years ago
  • Was it a false pregnancy test?

    So I took two home pregnancy test and both came out negative around 5-10 minutes. I disposed them until 30 minutes later, I saw the line clear as day on one and the other faint. Should I be conserned? I'm confused...I've had the happen before but it was clear instead of blue.

    5 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Boyfriend told me I was pressuring him on marriege?

    In the beginning of our relationship he would always make slight comments on marriege like, "how does (my name, his last) sound? Or the fact that I'm not big on jewelry and say "one day I'll have the money to buy you a ring. And i hope u will wear it." We've had a decent conversation where he asked me how I felt about it and 6 months later I asked him about when he was going to be ready. He got all frustrated and His responce was "I don't like being pressured to do anything and when you ask 5 or 6 times and the last 6 months..." I tried bringing it up once in that time period but he had avoided the whole thing. So for him to say something like that was really uncalled for. I don't know, I just feel really stupid for asking and have lost quite a bit of faith now. Was it wrong of me to ask? What is that a sign of? I never wanted him to feel pressured to do anything. We've been together for over a year and have our own place.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Getting back into an old workout rutine that doesn't seem to be working now?

    So it's been about two years since I've had a good work out. Since then I've done light cardio (walking a mile every once in a while). I've gained 50 lbs since High school (graduated in 2012) and this past year I have been super sedentary. I used to be able to jog a straight mile but now my shins will start to hurt at a quarter mile and it sucks bc I'm not even out of breath. In fact I breath a lot easier and want to keep going. So I've been trying to build up some leg muscle to see if it helps any. On the down side I started loosing weight. 5 lbs in one week but this week I have gained three back. I eat normal (meat, startch and veggies for a usual meal. And oat meal or cereal for breakfast). All I want is to get my figure back and not feel so crappy and out of shape all the time. What can I do different and is muscle toning going to be a reason for weight gain?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How to get custody without paying a fortune?

    My husband hasn t seen his kids in over two years. A background story...His father moved to Texas from South Carolina with empty promises in the end so they move out there to be closer to him with their 6 month old girl. My husband put a down payment on a house and put it in her name. They had another kid who he d only gotten to see his first week. He came home from work (he worked out of town) without telling her and the house was empty, completle empty. What he said was her family in SC kept convensing her that she needed to come back home because he s a "piece of **** father." Even though he provided everything for her and the kids which he does for me now. He even helped her with costody with her other kid. His sister told me that her and baby mama talked a little up until baby mama found out she was talking to my husband and now she won t speak to to any of his family. She has blocked everyone in his family on fb and won t even take my husband s offer on $400 a month. Right now we are getting by money wise but not so much where we can afford a lawyer or travel fees between Texas and SC. None of this right and in the long run those kids are going to resent her when they are older. It s a horrible situation and I m hoping for another way to do something about it. Advice please!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Boyfriend doesn t want to talk for the rest of the week?

    The argument started out with me not going up to the DMV to get some information as he s trying to get a liscense. He s out of town working and the place doesn t take calls so I said I would do it and I didn t and he got pissed. I told him if he was going to be like that he could do it himself but He said he was going to start doing things on his own like he used to before he met me. He also told me that he thinks we shouldn t talk for the rest of the week. I still ended up going the next morning. I know I said I would do it and he counted on me so I get why he was mad. I gave him the info in text but I didn t hear from him all day. When I got home that night I called him several times with no answers, but then he blocked me and sent a text say "I have nothing to say, what do you want." I left him a strongly worded voice mail and a book long text about I felt about the situation. That was last night and i still havent heard from him. We ve been together for over a year now and have our own place. I m trying to keep myself together and not freak out about the fact that he may be done with me. He means everything to me but since I can t talk to my best friend the only way I m able to cope is just to cry it out. I know I m not the best person in the world and that I make mistakes but I m doing the best that I can. I manage bills, work part time, go to school, cook and clean while he works. It s not like I m not doing my part, I just made a bad choice.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Found a hair tie that is not mine in boyfriends pants while doing laundry?

    First of all, I'm not sure if its something I'm worried too much about since he took them to the laundry matt so it could have been anyone's. But I pulled up a pair of his shorts and when I shook them it fell out. I asked him what it was and that it wasn't mine. He said he didn't know, they just came out of the dryer. It gave me a bad dream last night and its one of those annoying things that I can't stop thinking about.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Not getting any job offers, why?

    I've held two jobs in the last 3 years, I worked at Walmart for 6 months while going to school but I quite bc they kept giving me hours during my classes. Plus I got more benefits working in an office which I had been working on and off for 3 years. Now that I've moved I'm looking for another job and have not had any luck. I've been trying to look into what it is I want to do and that's working with animals, I've been a volunteer care taker and stable Manger plus ive done plent of volunteer work for other stables, I was in FFA four years, I'm going to school studying vet tech while I'm finishing my associate of science. What's even more frustrating is I have a friend who get a job at petsmart right out of high school with very little experience and has never worked before. Another who got a job at an animal shelter as a vet assistant after she got out of the military but no experience working with animals. A month later she got a job at petsmart. Another friend who applied to the same job I did at a pet boarding place, had no experience and got the job and I didn't. I don't mean to sound so big headed but it is frustrating how I can't even get an interview for something I'm working hard to get, and something I've been working towards most of my life. What am I missing????!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago