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  • What are grounds for addressing NC Family court with underage social networking?

    I have a 10 year old who's grades have gone from A,B to C,D. I have learned in the past two months that she created a Facebook account. Her mother apparently knew of this, approved of it, and chose not to inform me. I also learned my daughter had Instagram, in which she had her school and telephone number listed as personal info. Her mother objected to me forcing her to delete these accounts. Eventually, she agreed. Weeks later, I discover that my daughter has two more accounts with Pheed, and Kik. Kik is apparently a chat room, where she was actively engaging in conversation with two strangers. I promptly deleted these accounts, and informed her mother, who became defensive, and denied any knowledge. I am very scared that my daughter is developing dangerous habits, as well as over indulging in electronics, causing a drop in grades. What can I do as a father with joint legal custody?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How to present NC Family court with underage social networking issues regarding my child?

    I have a 10 year old that lives with her mother. I have the typical visitation regimen and partial legal custody. Recently, my 10 year old's grades

    have gone from A's and B's to C's and D's. Also, I recently discovered my daughter had a Facebook account. I contacted her mother, only to learn that she had agreed to let our daughter portray herself as an 18 year old, yet didn't bother to tell me. I also noticed that my 10 year old had an Instagram account with adult male "followers", her school, and telephone number listed in her personal info. I removed this information immediately, as well as sifted through her FB friends, and deleted strangers, as her mother had apparently paid it no mind. I also met with controversy from her mother, as she objected to forcing her to delete these accounts. I finally demanded that they be deleted. I have had discussions with my daughter regarding internet safety. I cannot speak as to whether her mother has educated her or not. Upon visiting with her two weeks later, I discovered that she had created accounts with two more social networking sites, Pheed, and Kik. She informed me that her mother allowed to register for Kik, an online chat room. I do not know whether her mother agreed to let her have it or not, as her mother denied any knowledge of either, nor would she co parent with me in any way to raise the issue of online safety. I promptly deleted both of the accounts. At the time I deleted the accounts, my daughter was actively engaging in chat conversation with two strangers. It has been approx 38 days since roughly everything has been deleted, but I'm sure there are records I can reference for legal purposes. My daughter is still almost failing school, and her mother and I are at odds. I want to ensure the safety of my child. Do I have a case even though everything has been deleted? I have no real way of knowing whether or not my daughter has created anymore of these accounts.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How can I prove someone hacked into my email?

    I know for a fact that my stepfather has accessed my gmail account without permission. He was somehow able to acquire my password, and used it to log on. He then forward messages from my inbox to his personal email, as well as deleteddeleted messages from my inbox that were important. He forgot to empty the trash when he deleted the messages, so I have the emails that he deleted, and the messages that he forwarded to himself, which contain the date and time and address to which they were forwarded, which was his personal email. One message in particular was a bank statement of my mothers that contained an account number on it, which he forwarded to himself. They are in the process of getting a divorce. Can someone tell me where I go from here?

    5 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • How to keep a spouse from splitting property?

    My mother is married to a piece of **** con man that has been pulling credit card scams on her for years. She wants him gone, and the money he took back, but we live in nc so property is supposed to be split. Is there any way my mom can prevent this by signing the title of the property over to me before the divorce so he can't access it?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What type of personality disorder/mental illness is this?

    My mothers husband has got to have some kind of mental illness. He seems to have the inability to tell the truth about virtually everything. He has never had a job in his life. He is 70, and a trust fund baby. He spends money at an incredibly high rate, impulsively spending almost 500K of my mothers money in 7 years. It is impossible to have a conversation with him because he will not stop talking. The people that knew him during his younger years say that he always had on a suit and tie every time they saw him, yet he never had a job. He claimed to own a company, but noone has ever seen it. His ex wife divorced him 16 years ago, and he has never made an effort to see his 4 children since, nor payed one dime of child support. He has just recently been served with almost 400K in back child support, and has no way to pay it. My mother is now broke, and has 100K in unpaid income tax because of the money he withdrew, and it seems to have absolutely no effect on him. His entire story about his past seems to be one big fabrication, with grandiose stories, yet no verification that any of them are true. He appears to like to socialize, even though he is socially hopeless, and also appears to care about my well being, and my sisters', despite financially demolishing my mother. He seems to find humor in tragedy. For example, I caught him watching YouTube videos of the Reno air show crash, and laughing. But when he is around my mother, he seems to be so kind, and appears to be so compassionate. He spent 40K on attorneys trying to defend himself for the child support case, then just stopped contacting his attorney, who eventually withdrew from counsel, missed his court date, and now has a bench warrant. Yet, he seems to be completely unaffected by it, like it doesn't exist. He has never been violent. What in the world is going on with this guy???

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What happens when someone doesn't .appear for a family court hearing?

    My idiot stepfather has a motion to show cause hearing in Nevada for non payment of child support. He got a document from a sheriff starting he was back 337K. He has no job, no property, no money. All the property that is shared with him and my mother was acquired before the marriage by her. What is going to happen to this jackass? The case is out of Nevada, but he lives with my mother in North Carolina. Also, he has no attorney, because he quit contacting the attorney in Nevada and that attorney got released by a judge as being his counsel. Not sure about the attorney in NC. He is also not planning to show up to the hearing in Nevada on Monday

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Basic questions about trust funds?

    My mother married this shady guy who hasn't had anything to do with his kids for 15 years. He claims it is because his ex wife, who was trustee of a trust fund in their childrens benefit, wrote 700K worth of checks and stole all the money. He claims that the trust committee had evidence to prosecute her, but he thought the best idea was to not prosecute her, convinced the trust committee to not prosecute her, and never try to recover his money. And subsequently leave his children with a known embezzler, and just never have anything to do with his children. Does this sound like anything that could happen with a trust find situation? Also the childrens mother did not flee anywhere, she continued to raise her four children. Seems pretty ballsy that this woman would steal all this money, just banking on the fact that he wasn't going to do anything about it.

    2 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • What happens when someone doesn't show up for a motion to show cause hearing regarding child support?

    My mother married a scum bag who was served with back child support papers awhile back. He was trying to fight it. He hasn't contacted his attorney in a month and a half, and has now been served with papers from a judge, stating that his attorney has been granted a withdrawal from counsel from my stepfather. He has a hearing on Monday for a motion to show cause as to why he hasn't paid the support, and is not going to show up for the hearing. Will a warrant be issued for his arrest? If so, I want to be there when they show up. I want him out of my mothers life. This is in Nevada.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How can I find out where someone had hidden money?

    I am thoroughly convinced that my mother's piece of **** husband is hiding money from her. He has totally bled her dry and I believe he is planning to bail soon. Would a private detective be able to find something like that?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why would my step father ask my mother for a signed blank check to verify a wire transfer?

    My shady step father owes my mother money. He said he has a wire transfer coming into her bank account. The other day, he asked her for a blank, signed check because he needed to show it to the other party, or bank or something, for some kind of verification purposes. This sounds shady to me. Why would he ask her for this? Does this make sense to anyone?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Is a money wire transfer very complicated?

    My step father has been saying that he has a wire transfer of money coming through to my mothers household, but it had been a month and it still isn't there. Yesterday he said he needed a blank, signed check from her to give to the bank to verify that the wire transfer could go through to her account. Does this sound suspicious?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Is it suspicious to use a 256 bit encryption program?

    So, my mother is worried about storing personal information on her computer. I want to help her feel more secure. I read about a program called icrypt. I dont really know anything about this stuff. My stepfather told me that there was a big congressional hearing about encryting personal data, and was going on how NSA wont allow the public to effectively encrypt their personal data, because if they did, terrorists would blow us all up, and subsequently said that if he used a 256 bit encryption program, that the government would be suspicious of him. Is anything he is saying true or is this just another bunch of bs like everything else he says?

    4 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Is it fair to expect someone to continue to be your "friend" when you know they have feelings for you? ?

    I have fallen in love with my ex's best friend. (Im not a shithead, my ex was a liar and cheater and lied to me about her best friend too). Anyway weve been broken up for almost 9 months. I never imgined I would click with the best friend like this. Its actually stronger than anyone Ive ever met. But she is stil friends with my ex, and says that she would date me if it wasnt for that. One day she will flirt with me and get me all excited, and then she will turn around and call me bro. Lol...We talk everyday and hang out at least three times a week. Everytime I bring up how I feel, she avoids talking about it, and she has never told me how she truly feels, although her actions show it. I asked her if she really considered me to be a brother, and she said she had to because I am her best friends ex...I am sick of having to pretend I am not in love with her...I feel like its selfish of her to expect me to get so attached to her and never be able to pursue it. I dont think she feels as strongly about me but still, I wrong?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it wrong to be friends with your ex's best friend? ?

    I need some public opinion. I dated a girl for 8 months and broke up with her because she was a pathological liar. She had her best friend and I hating each other because she was lying to us about each other. After I broke up with the ex, I had words with her best friend and ended up clicking with her. Not in a romantic way though, we just have the same type of personality and get along really well. She has never made any advance on me in any way, and vice versa, but we are spending a lot of time together, and I have so much fun with her. I feel that neither of us has any romantic feelings for each other though. Is it still wrong for either of us to be spending time with each other? I dont feel bad, because my ex treated me like **** and lied to me everyday, and I am over her, but I feel bad for the best friend because she has to hear all the crap from my ex and the other friends in the circle, which doesnt stop her from hanging out with me. Why does everyone have to think a male and female hanging out means they are *******? Or is this just all wrong? I have fun and enjoy this woman's company. What is wrong with that? Other than the ex dynamic.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does it creep a girl out that a guy has ever watched porn?

    I am just beginning a friendship with a woman who is 41 years old. I am 31, but she has the spark and youth of a 30 year old. Last night I took her computer home to replace a defective hard drive and left her mine to use. I had no idea there was any porn on it, or I wouldnt have left it there. Ive had the computer for six years and never cleaned it, and of course Ive looked at porn before, once with a girl I dated, but Im not "into" porn. Anyway somehow she found some old files by accident and text me that she found my porn. She was laughing about it and thought it was funny but I was really embarrassed bc I dont want her to think I am some creepy weirdo. She has two kids that I adore and they adore me as well so I want this woman to know that I have a good character. We are not dating now but I am worried that I have ruined any chance I have because I dont know whether or not she thinks I am some kind of perv now. She keeps saying its funny and I should stop worrying but I want to know what women really think about a guy who has looked at porn. Is it a turnoff or a creepy?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Anyone give me some words of wisdom on custody battles in Nevada?

    My friend is at the beginning of a custody battle. The ex-husband is prompting it. He served her with a 50+ page proposal. He has no attorney and is representing himself. The proposal is handwritten with sloppy penmanship and misspellings. It seems to revolve around him not having to pay child support anymore. The original visitation schedule clearly states that the mother has the children more, and he pays 600 dollars a month support for all three, and visits with them about 2.5 days per week. He wrote (literally), in his proposal, that the kids stay with him during the week. The mother has mountains of evidence that this is false, not to mention he has actually fallen short of his visitation for quite awhile.

    Recently, the 13 year old physically assaulted the mother, so she sent him to live with the father, and voluntarily reimbursed him 200 dollars support per month for him to stay there, in an effort to change his behavior. Now the ex-husband is claiming that she threw her son out, and that he should have sole legal and sole physical custody, on the grounds that she was convicted of domestic battery on the ex husband over 3 years ago, and that he has a live in girlfriend now that can help him watch the kids.

    The part Im confused about is that the original legal agreement states that the kids stay with her roughly 70 percent of the time, but that he wants sole legal, and sole physical, but on the document about visitation, he checked the box that the current visitation schedule "should not" be changed, but then in another hand written part, said the mother should have just weekends, which does not coincide with the current schedule? The ex husband has also brought the 13 year old to the courtroom with him, dragging him out of school, and the mother has dozens of sexually disgusting text messages the ex husband is sending to her. My friend is beside herself with worry and feels she will lose because she sent her son to live with his father. Any words on how judges view taking kids from their mother? My friend makes more money than the ex husband, has an attorney, and has never had any documentation of being unfit. Thank you!!!!!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Whoa...what is up with this culture of dressing children provactively?

    When I think of children in dance routines, I think of little pom poms and cartwheels along side pop music. When I think of child models, I think of stores like Justice and The Limited. I have a beautiful 10 year old daughter who loves to dance, and is taking clogging and cheer leading classes. One of the mothers in the group suggested modeling for my child. Upon Googling child modeling agencies, I got a hit on one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. It was a modeling site, but on the homepage, were pictures of girls who seemed to be like 9 or 10, in thong underwear and bathing suits in sexually suggestive poses. As I scrolled down I saw there were dozens of links to apparent similar sites. I immediately googled an inquiry about these sites in the form of a question. The first link was a person who wrote an article about how these sites should be considered pornography. I finished the article and looked at the comments, and it absolutely blew me AWAY to see that ALMOST HALF, 50% of the comments were supportive of these sites saying that they are ok!!!!!!!!!!!! Based on their dialect, most of the supporters seemed to be from the Eastern part of the world, and most of their arguments stemmed from the fact that only America could demonize something as beautiful as that, and it's ok because they aren't being hurt. About three weeks ago, I went to a dance comp my daughter was in, and one of the competitors in the solo group from another academy, was a 5 year old, loaded down with makeup, and wearing a small shiny two piece bathing suit, and danced to "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini", and the dance was even a bit provocative. It creeped me out!! But everyone thought it was so adorable, and I think she won. My daughter dances with a group and wears makeup, but nothing revealing, and the dances are cheers or clog routines. As much as routines like that creep me out, these competitions are a state wide thing with hundreds and hundreds of participants from all over and dozens of dance academies. I don't understand this. How can someone think a 5 year old in a shiny sparkly bikini wearing makeup and dancing around like an exotic dancer is cute? How can half of the people responding to an article about a website that has pictures of 10 year olds in thongs think it is acceptable and "art"? My God, am I really that "uncultured"? Am I really so westernized that I can't see the "art" in a 10 year old in make-up and a thong? I'm sorry but there is no changing my mind of how I feel about this, and toddler pageants creep me out, and websites that call a 10 year old in a thong "art" ******* disgust me. BUT...I want to hear what other people have to say about this, so what do you think about these two things?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why don't people start blaming poverty instead of color?

    I want some reactions to a topic.---Whites hate blacks and vice versa. Why? Is "race" really the problem? Take middle/upper-middle class black America. What does it consist of? A well kept, two parent household with responsible, gainfully employed parents, likely college educated, and well mannered children who are encouraged to stay away from drugs and pursue a career via education. Take middle/upper-middle class white America. What does it consist of? A well kept, two parent household with responsible, gainfully employed parents, likely college educated, and well mannered children who are encouraged to stay away from drugs and pursue a career via education. Now take lower class black America. What does it consist of? A single parent household without a father because he is likely out smoking crack or in prison. The mother receives one or more forms of welfare and is constantly gossiping on the telephone instead of raising her children. The children are ignorant and have no manners or personal hygiene and resort to violence and crime due to their lack of parenting, which causes them to need an excessive amount of medical treatment, screwing up health care for the rest of us. They are not encouraged to pursue a career nor to acquire further education, and the lack of income does not seem to stop them from excessive breeding. Take lower class white America. What does it consist of? Single parent households without a father because he is likely out smoking meth or in prison. The mothers, instead of raising their children, can be found chain smoking on the porch gossiping about how fat one of her friends has gotten, or how Pastor John of the local Baptist church got caught looking at child porn. They are guaranteed to whip out the EBT card at the store. The children are all but illiterate. They are filthy and have no manners, and are always the ones starting fights, and always the ones constantly in trouble with the law. Their families are ridiculously large due to their over-breeeding, and they are always defrauding medicare/medicaid to get a vicodin prescription or disability because they are too lazy to work. They do not value education and some drop out at the elementary level. Different?? Seems pretty much identical to their black counterparts to me. Sounds to me like all poor blacky wants to do is blame all their problems on whitey and all poor whitey wants to do is blame blacky for ruining their country. Seems to me that no matter the color, poverty seems to bring the same behavior out of people. And it also seems that only a small group of each race wants to do the work to get out. What do you think? And racists, before you chime in with "black people commit half the crimes but only make up 13 percent of the population", try to remember that a large portion of the black population also live at or below the poverty level. Btw I am a 31 year old white male, college grad and pilot, just fyi.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • What the hell is wrong with my stepfather?

    I'm no psychiatrist, but I think there is something wrong with my stepfather's brain. A few things I have noticed are: He talks over everyone, interrupts, and will babble for hours on end without stopping. Second, if you ask him to look at something like a video or a picture, he cannot sit still for more the 30 seconds to look at it. Third, over the years I have known him (7), I have caught him in so many lies, big and small. He also seems to think other people's misery is amusing. The Reno Air Show tragedy, this most recent cruise ship capsize, and even a story on the news about a shooting over a sporting event bring him to laughter.

    He claims to have a genius iq, and to be a dual p.h.d, but he has nothing to prove it. He says he has gone to Harvard, Berkley, and Kellogg School of Business, been a pilot and owned a plane, yet he has never had a job, house, car, or any other possession since I have known him. I cannot even bear to be around him. He constantly tries to give me "life" and career advice, which I am not interested in. Even when I make it clear that I have no interest in what he says, he still keeps on talking until I just walk away. And then he will continue to talk to himself.

    About 12 years ago, he left his wife and kids and never returned and hasnt spoken to any of them since. He has recently retained a lawyer to defend him against paying child support and part of the lawyer's documents state that he has not filed an income tax return since 1972. What the hell is wrong with this dude?? He is 67 and way too old to be acting like this.

    8 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What is the best way to deal with a bpd woman? ?

    I think my ex-girlfriend has bpd. (borderline personality disorder). she is also a compulsive liar. i had a ldr with her and didnt realize all this until i met her. she acts like a child, very immature. she has no driver license, and wont buckle down and study to get it. she recently lost her job and has no income. she is draining the life out of all her friends she depends on with her drama and her compulsive lying. i have tried to be her friend recently and give her advice and motivate her but nothing works. she is from the phillipines, but she has been here long enough to adjust. sometimes i think she just needs to go back. its like she is so weak and cannot think for herself. i feel so sorry for her and i know she is a good person but i dont know how to get her help, and neither do her friends. how do you help these people???

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago