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Lv 43,210 points

natasha p

Favorite Answers14%
  • When and how do you know it s a "love at first sight"?

    when people talk about it, they usually say " i knew it when i saw her/him". i am wondering, LOOKING back at that moment, what was that "something" that attracted to the other person? Something that made you realize, from the very first moment, you did not want want to let go, but even though might not understood why, but was drawn to that other person ...

    Some personal insight would be great!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need an expert opinion whether 3 conditions r the signs of sexual abuse or sympt of develmt desease?

    There are three things : Failure of midline fusion, reflex dialation and laceration.

    I know the first one is the developmental defect. I am not clear with the other two. The reflex dilation is one of the signs of the sexual abuse. However, i read a lot of material about how it alone cannot be used as a proof of that. So, i guess my question is - could the last two be the symptoms or results of the defect?

    I really need someone who have an experience to share their opinion.

    If possible, could you leave some links for the medical articles.

    Thank you for your help

    2 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to book nice hotel cheaper in Vegas?

    Last time i went i stayed in a 4 star hotel. I am going to Vegas in couple of weeks again and i would like something as nice. Are there ways to get it cheaper?

    10 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • GC after asylum, can i visit my homecountry after all.?

    Hello, everybody. I had an asylum, and currently got GC. I am also married to the US citizen, but still filed based on asylum a year ago. I have not seen my parents for 5 years, and i would like to go see them, since they have no means to come here or go to any other country. So, as my husband would like to go and meet them. I would not want to live there, go to college, work, or anything like that. just visit.

    Are there any legal way to do so. I dont consider the idea of crossing couple of boarders, so nobody would know. i am looking for an advise how to do it legaly. Is it possible to change permanent resident from based on asylum, to based on marriage?

    thank you

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • How to dispute the debts on the credit report?

    i heard it is possible to dispute the debts and there is a time limit within which the collector should respond. If not, it will go off the credit report. Does anybody knows how to do that. No major debts, just unpaid phone bill from years ago, and medical bills.

    8 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for the record to be off the credit report, if the debt is settled with collector?

    i have a 1400 in cc debt for the last 3 years, the collection company offered the settlement of 715.51. The actual credit line was 500. the rest are fees. Does anyone know, how to negotiate lesser "pay off" amount, and if i pay how long would it take for them to take it off my credit? would that improve my score?

    thank you

    9 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • is it ok to sue???

    I am renting through the rental company, when i sign the contract i asked for the parking permit,and was told i dont need any. three and a half month later my car was towed. i got it back, and went to the company i am paying money to to find out why. they said they knew nothing about it. some time later they contacted HOA and found out there was a sign poseted that it will be enforced. so, somebody from HOA called and told to towe every car without sticker. i was told to contact HOA and ask why i was not notified. they said its not their responsibility to do so. i went back to the rental company and they said its not their responsibility neither. i read the contract and instructional package, and all it say is that "there will be 24 hour notice prior to towing", which i never got (obviously, because, why would nt i get a permit otherwise?). the landlord keep saying that they were not notified neither, and it is my responsibility to see the new sign. i asked where in my instruction

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can tentants be evicted because of the lawsuit againts the landlord?

    I am renting through the rental company, when i sign the contract i asked for the parking permit,and was told i dont need any. three and a half month later my car was towed. i got it back, and went to the company i am paying money to to find out why. they said they knew nothing about it. some time later they contacted HOA and found out there was a sign poseted that it will be enforced. so, somebody from HOA called and told to towe every car without sticker. i was told to contact HOA and ask why i was not notified. they said its not their responsibility to do so. i went back to the rental company and they said its not their responsibility neither. i read the contract and instructional package, and all it say is that "there will be 24 hour notice prior to towing", which i never got (obviously, because, why would nt i get a permit otherwise?). the landlord keep saying that they were not notified neither, and it is my responsibility to see the new sign. i asked where in my instruction

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to get a settlement for the accident without the attorney?

    Got hit by the car while riding a bicycle. The knee cracked, went to the hospital, got all the paper work and police report. Here only for the summer to work. now apparentely can not work anywhere until it heals. Is it possible to settle with the car insurance company for certain amount of money without getting an attorney involved. i know approximately how much i would accept. how do i negotiate it with them?

    the other person with me got her neck broken, and taken on the hellicopter to another city. not sure what is going on with her right now....

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to settle with insurance company without attorney?

    Got hit by the car while riding a bicycle. The knee cracked, went to the hospital, got all the paper work and police report. Here only for the summer to work. now apparentely can not work anywhere until it heals. Is it possible to settle with the car insurance company for certain amount of money without getting an attorney involved. i know approximately how much i would accept. how do i negotiate it with them?

    the other person with me got her neck broken, and taken on the hellicopter to another city. not sure what is going on with her right now....

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Can white person become an active member of NAACP?

    There are a lot of examples, when white people are being accused of racism absolutely unreasonably. At the same time black people think that it is ok to accuse of that when they dont have any other argument. Everytime the white person is mistreated, there is no specific name for it, while when the black person just does not like something he/she very often complain that everybody are racist.

    Check youtube for myrtle beach black bike week, and you will see all the trash and nastiness that was happening. The businesses got letters from NAACP that they would sue if the businesses close for that week like they used to do for the last couple of years. I dont think it is ok for them to tell the owners what to do since the right of private property is protected by the constitution. Yet, a lot of businesses stayed open and had to deal with the losses. not even to mention all the taxpayers money the city has to spend on security and cleaning after them. what do you think?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • discrimination at a workplace?

    I have been working for the company for 3.5 years. i immigrated and obtained asylum status. For the last year i was going to college, got 3.86 GPA,and only 5 classes to graduate. Not very long ago i found out that American girl, who work less for this company got promoted. I asked why, and my manager said that i was too busy at school. i said it should be up to me to manage my time if i was offered the position. She said "whatever", and that if i did not like that i could always just look for another job. I feel it is unfair, because i was there longer, and have better educational background. I am not sure if this company considers an education as a reason not to promote people, or they just simply dislike my attempts because i am from another country???

    Anybody knows, what can i possibly do about it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to drop the drug charge?

    My co-worker stole prescription drugs from me. The civil judge forwarded the case to the criminal investigators. The girl confessed, was arrested and got out on the bond. Then wrote me a letter asking to dropp the charges. Is it possible? Or is it already out of my hands? Can i still do anything, so she would not have a illigal drug posession record?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Stolen drugs by the co-worker?

    My co-worker stole my prescription drugs(vicodin) out of my purse. When i noticed they were missing i watched the video and clearly saw her doing it. She apologized "sincerely", but the same night her and her friend were laughing and joking around like nothing happend. However, after her behavior, i made up my mind to press charges. I know if that was me taking something from somebody there they would not think twice and put me in jail in a heartbeat, not only fire me right away. After that happened everybody started acting like it was my fault all this happened. The girl was finally fired, arrested, spent some time in jail and was bonded out. Then she wrote me a letter, apologizing again even more sincerly and telling how horrible it was, and asking not to press charges because she is going to school for phlebology and such record will influence her whole future.

    What do you believe should be done in this situation? Proceed with charges or drop them, if it possible?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • stolen prescription drugs by co-worker?

    My co-worker stole my prescription drugs(vicodin) out of my purse. When i noticed they were missing i watched the video and clearly saw her doing it. She apologized "sincerely", but the same night her and her friend were laughing and joking around like nothing happend. However, after her behavior, i made up my mind to press charges. I know if that was me taking something from somebody there they would not think twice and put me in jail in a heartbeat, not only fire me right away. After that happened everybody started acting like it was my fault all this happened. The girl was finally fired, arrested, spent some time in jail and was bonded out. Then she wrote me a letter, apologizing again even more sincerly and telling how horrible it was, and asking not to press charges because she is going to school for phlebology and such record will influence her whole future.

    What do you believe should be done in this situation? Proceed with charges or drop them, if it possible?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago