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  • Is my relationship too good to be true?

    My gf and I met through mutual friends, my Bestfriend has been dating her Bestfriend for about 6 years, but for some reason they never thought to introduce us. We also have a common past with our relationships. Personality wise we are literally the same person, we just handle things differently. We were introduced to each other at very hard times in our life so as the relationship started we bumped heads a lot! We still have our ups and down but the love is very much there. It’s just scary how alike we are and our past is. I’ve never experienced a relationship like this but I love it and for once love feels so gentle. Although I do feel like there’s times when we’re tested, like right now her job is relocating her for 2 months but I’ll eventually move closer to her. However I do get afraid at times because this love is so different (but in a good way) it’s like I’ve met me but in a different version. Should something like this scare me or am I overthinking ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What kind of food event is this called?

    I’ve seen movies where couples go to this event and cook their own food and stuff, it’s a fun bonding time I guess. But what is the name of this type of event? I wanted to look for something like this for my girlfriend and i to do.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Should I trust this guy around my girlfriend?

    So it seems like every male friend my girlfriend has/had, hits on her. They know she’s in a relationship and they say they don’t care but the one male friend of hers that she also has I thought he was one I could trust. Recently, he broke up with his girlfriend because he kept cheating on her then hung out with my gf one night and asked her if she could give him a chance in the future. She told him no and he claims he accepted hit and “respects her relationship” but apparently he doesn’t. He still texts her and stuff, but I know they’ve been close for forever. Should I trust this or no?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Regret cheating on my girlfriend?

    So my girlfriend and I have been together for a year, but these last few months we’ve had a lot of problems, tried to work them out but it wasn’t working. On top of that before all of it she told me she didn’t want to have sex for a while. So out of temptation, selfishness, and my hormones I cheated on her which was my first time cheating on anyone. I regretted it ever since and I honestly I cherish every moment I can with my gf now, I can’t even look at females the same anymore besides her and plus we’ve worked out all of our problems. I know i’d Never cheat again but there are moments when I feel the regret but I know if I tell her she’s definitely not the type to stay. Is this something that I should just carry to the grave?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why is my girlfriend so nonchalant?

    My girlfriend and I seem to be opposite. On one hand, say if my girlfriend were to tell me “im in the car with my ex, my phone is going dead so I’ll speak to you another day” I’d handle the situation like an adult but of course from that I would assume something and speak my mind then and there. However if I were to tell my girlfriend something like that she’d just say “okay”. However when I ask her about her feelings she just says it’s because she’s not a confrontational person but she is in love with me and cares and stuff. I’m the type however to speak my mind because I hate bottling up emotions. Is anyone else like she is? Because sometimes nonchalant attitudes make me feel as if someone doesn’t care.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Sex with my girlfriend?

    Well before my girlfriend and I started dating and had sex talks she would always tell me that she’s more of a giver and not a receiver. So when we do have sex she’ll give more than receive and then be content. I am the same way however I am okay with giving and receiving. However I feel like a person who likes to give more than receive probably fakes their enjoyment when receiving. How do you feel about this? Is there anyone else out there like this if so, do you truly enjoy receiving?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girlfriend proposal ideas?

    Well I’m ready to make my “not girlfriend yet” to be my girlfriend. I want to do something really creative this time around but I’m not creative at all. I know what she likes and doesn’t like , she loves sushi, she loves the beach, she loves painting, she loves the little things like that. She’s not picky at all either... any ideas on how to ask her?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How to ask her to be my girlfriend?

    I’ve been thinking of a million ways to ask my girl to be my actual girlfriend I’m not very creative so this is what I’ve been thinking.i was going to make a journal of the very special days we have shared so far then when it got to the end I was gonna write whatever day it is and put something like “and today Is the day I asked you to be mine” while driving her to the beach because I know how bad she wants to go. She’s a very appreciative person but is this too boring?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Good products/regime for curly wet hair?

    Im getting into the whole taking care of my hair thing so my explanation may be slightly off. I’ve been natural all of my life, 4b hair texture. However when I wet my hair it gets curly. But usually after I wash it I’ll use a leave in conditioner, sometimes Shea butter when I’m moisturizing it but it dries up so easily and turns into a dry nest of hair. I have pretty curly hair, but I would like my hairs to lay when wet to give it a “heavier” look. Should I be using a heavy cream on it? Or what am I doing wrong?

    1 AnswerHair2 years ago
  • Should I stay with her or break up with her?

    Basically when my gf & I started dating 6 months ago we had a lot of problems with her contacting her ex and whole bunch of problems pertaining to him. So I asked her months ago to block him and so for the past 3 months she supposedly had him blocked. But the other night I got drunk and made a joke to one a friend about Her mom being my mother in law & I Truly didn’t mean it because I do dumb stuff when I’m drunk. I’ve felt guilty ever since. However I went through my Gf’s phone yesterday and found a message she sent to her ex basically saying that everything she told him wasn’t a lie and that he needs to stop telling ppl she played him and she loves him but he needs to stop texting her phone and he basically said the same back. But she said she called him the other day just to vent about me out of hurt and anger about what I did and they talked about other stuff and supposedly she was telling him that she just wanted to be friends but she felt bad for blocking him. She’s been begging & crying for me to stay with her she’s went to every extent for me not to break up with her and she says it’s because she’s truly sorry she did that. Should I give her another chance or would you guys break up with her if you were in this position?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Would I be wrong if I leave my family behind?

    I'll try to make this short. But basically my parents divorced when I was I was 10, mom took care of my sister and I b/c my dad wasn't responsible. It's obvious that my mom always cared for my sister more (everyone says the same thing about my mom). When we all lived together they would tease me about my weight and a whole bunch of stuff, but whatever I got over it. My sister & mom cause a lot of drama as well, always fighting with people and stuff, just acting trashy. No matter how bad they treated/treat me I always tried to do good by them though. Since coming to college my dad does a lot more for me though, like he helps with loans and books, etc. other than that I pay all of my own bills. My sister recently got pregnant by some big town drug dealer and my mom is telling her how happy she is (even though that guy vandalized my moms house last year). Now my mom is basically telling any family member that is sending me gifts and stuff to college to stop because my sister needs financial help with her kid. The crazy part is, they only call family members when they need something and they're actually helping her. So long story short, after I graduate would I be wrong to leave my sister and mom behind after graduation? Because they're too much drama.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • Campus job interview advice?

    I applied for a job on my college campus that I've wanted for a while now and they recently emailed me back for an interview! (usually, when this specific job on my campus calls you in for an interview you got the job). However, after applying I found out that I was accepted to the school I've been planning on transferring to. If you're wondering, I applied for the job just in case the other school denied me and I had to stay. The other school hasn't told me exactly yet which credits will transfer so I'm still a bit worried about that. But for the on campus job, do you guys think that I should still go to the interview?

  • Psychology journals, articles, newsletters, etc. dealing with schizophrenia?

    For my class we have to find anything (articles,news letters, journals, etc) that we can use to support or go against the diagnosis for schizophrenia. The article or whatever we find has to be recent as well (no older than 2 months). Any links to articles, newsletters,etc. that I could use? Or any suggestions for websites or magazines that I could find stuff on?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism4 years ago
  • Gluten detox suggestions?

    I've recently realized I may have gluten intolerance. I have irregular menstrual cycle, always sleepy, I break out A LOT after eating, insomnia at times, cramps and bloated after eating, nausea after eating, etc. I just recently bought some gluten free frozen meals. I was wondering, what is a good way to clear the gluten out of my body a bit faster?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases4 years ago
  • Glucose detox suggestions?

    I've recently realized I may have gluten intolerance. I have irregular menstrual cycle, always sleepy, I break out A LOT after eating, insomnia at times, cramps and bloated after eating, nausea after eating, etc. I just recently bought some gluten free frozen meals. I was wondering, what is a good way to clear the gluten out of my body a bit faster?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases4 years ago
  • Horror movie suggestions?

    So I'm a HUGE horror movie lover, huge !!! I've seen many scary movies but nothing truly scares me. And no I'm not crazy lol. I just love horror movies for the thrill because you never know what's going to happen next. My friends and I are having a movie night and we need some scary movie suggestions pleAse!!

    Btw, the scariest (not really that scary but creepy) movie I've ever watched was The Strangers. I've also seen the Paranormal Activity movies, hills have eyes, Texas chainsaw, final destination, wrong turn, etc. this is just to give you guys an idea of the kind of horror movies I watch.

    5 AnswersMovies4 years ago
  • Such bad luck..?

    Does anyone ever feel like your life is just full of bad luck? I honestly don't understand why bad stuff is always happening to me. As an example, a small example , one week on a Monday I had two flat front tires and I had to scrape up the money to buy new tires. The next day I got two emails from the internships I applied for which denied me. The next day i lost my wallet and the next I failed two exams (which I studied super hard for). What am I doing so wrong that stuff like this happens to me? It didn't just happen that week, stuff like that literally happens to me ALL THE TIME. I pray, go to church, do nice things for people. But yet I have the crappiest luck. I always try to keep a positive attitude, but it becomes hard after a while.

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • Acne breakout?

    So for years I've been going to dermatologist and it hasn't been helpful at all , so I wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem. I'm 21, I have pretty bad allergies but I make sure to avoid all food that I'm allergic to. I steam my face and use biore strips once a week, I exfoliate every other night (but I do wash and moisturize my face twice a day). I use a toner and Cetaphil as a moisturizer (nothing with perfume on my face). However I have these small little red bumps on my face that NEVER go away, along with HUGE pores. I don't think it runs in my family because they don't suffer from acne or anything like I have. Has anyone else had these problems? Suggestions?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • Clingy friend of a friend?

    Well long story short . I m in college now and I m always very busy. My bestfriend goes to a college that s 4 hours away. With our busy schedules, we see each other about once every 3 or 4 months, or so. We don t get a chance to talk on the phone all the time , which is why we always try to meet up. However he has this friend named Darren. I ve been around Darren plenty of times and he s nice. However EVERY single time I go to spend a weekend or so with my friend Darren tags along. Not that I m trying to be rude, I truly like the guy, but it s annoying at times because I go to catch up with my bestfriend, not him. My friend and I planned this weekend at the beach last month, as soon as I got to campus Darren was walking with his traveling bag to my car as well, I had no idea he was coming. And this ALWAYS happens. I talked to my friend about it already and he said he understood but it keeps happening. Even when my friend comes to visit me at my apartment, Darren comes as well. Not trying to be rude, but how do I get it to stop?

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • Brother in law hit on me?

    Well my older sister was engaged, they dated for over 5 years so my "brother in law" was pretty close to the family. However, they called off the engagement for other reasons. However she's still fine with us hanging out with him from time to time as she does too , however I see him about once a year since I go to college. In the past I would hear him tell me things like "I dated the wrong sister". He would always constantly text and call me and write me on Facebook to "check up on me" even though I would never reply. I never thought much of it. So today as the family got together and him and I were in the kitchen he stated once again that he "dated the wrong sister" and wished that I was his girlfriend. Then when he left he started texting me kissy faces and such. It made me feel super uncomfortable. I want to tell my parents and my family but we're all under enough stress right now, especially my older sister. Should I tell them or should I continue to avoid him?

    3 AnswersFamily4 years ago