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  • Questions about sleeping naked?

    1) I just resorted to sleeping naked last week, a few times before that, but never really long term, but last week I tried doing it all week, my question is, I seem to not get as much sleep when I sleep naked even though it is more comfortable, is it because I am not quite used to it yet?

    2) In the middle of the night, my "unmentionables" feel a bit warmer than usual, why? Shouldn't they be cooler? Is it because I sleep with a blanket? will sleeping uncovered resolve that issue?

    3) Is it normal for the tip of my penis to feel more sensitive? possibly because of it rubbing against the sheets when I toss and turn?

    I know this is personal, but please try to be mature when answering. Does it seem like there is anything wrong with what I am doing? Will there be any long term effects because of it?

    12 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago