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Favorite Answers22%
  • Are almond milk and soy milk a good substitute in the kitchen?

    I've been trying to eat healthier without spending a lot of money. I started buying almond milk, for example. I'm curious, though... are almond and soy milk good replacements for traditional dairy milk in most (or many) recipes?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What language does Daler Mehndi sing in?

    So I just found out about this fantastic singer, Daler Mehndi. What language does he sing in, where can I get his music in America, and who are his contemporaries? Also, what is his genre of music called?

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • Where on Y!A is this the biggest problem?

    Which section of Y!A would you think has the largest concentration of users among questions only to give best answer to whomever most closely agrees with them? Religion? Politics? If you have a way to provide data to support your answer, that would be great.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • How would your momentum follow through...?

    If you were swinging from a bar, and you worked up enough speed to be spinning around the bar in a circular motion, then let go... how would the momentum follow through? When you let go, would you continue to arc in the general direction you were facing when you let go, or would you go straight in that direction?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • What did I do wrong in my workout?

    This morning, I decided to work out a little by biking and doing some pull-ups (there's a pull-up bars setup at the local bike trail park). I'm not used to working out, and I'm wanting to get into it to stay fit.

    I took my bike to the park and rode for about 2 miles, did a few pullups, and rode back to my car (I haven't done physical things like that in a while, so I wanted to take it slow to start off). When I got back to my car, I started throwing up a little. Mostly dry heaving, and I threw up my Powerade. I didn't eat anything beforehand because I didn't want to feel sluggish; I figured I'd eat afterward. What did I do wrong, if anything? Workout pointers appreciated.

    6 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation9 years ago
  • Why won't my Android phone let me download anything?!?

    According to my phone, I have about 23mb of space left. I try to download a new app that's about 5mb, and am told there is insufficient storage. I tried this with several other small apps to be sure, with the same result. I know I have the space... Why won't it let me download anything?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How do I connect my Samsung Galaxy cell phone to my PC?

    I'm not exactly a "whiz kid" when it comes to tech. I have a Samsung Galaxy, and I'd like to load some music and videos onto it (or, more specifically, onto the SD card) to enjoy in my free time. I connect the USB cable to the phone and the PC. The phone asks me to select Charging or Mass Storage. I choose Mass Storage, and then... nothing. My computer does not do anything, and neither does my phone. What am I doing wrong?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • So basically, anybody offended by you can flag your questions as offensive and get your profile penalized?

    I asked a question about zombies and whether brains were kosher from a Jewish standpoint, and apparently someone thought that was a good reason to flag me. Does Yahoo actually research these claims, or can people just throw flags left and right? You see this A LOT in the religious and homosexual sections of Answers...

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Can the human body receive nutrition from food ingested rectally?

    I'm wondering if the human body is able to receive nutrition and nourishment from food inserted anally or if it can only break down food properly if eaten orally. This is a serious question; I don't mean this as a joke.

    6 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • How do I get Rachael Ray to stop trying to take over my mind?

    For months now, Rachael Ray has been trying to take over my brain with her satellite-enhanced mind control beams. I've been blocking it out by hiding in the dryer, but this is becoming inconvenient. How do I stop her from making me into her mind-zombie? I don't wanna cook peking duck with a riddichio sauce!

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • In French, how would you introduce a pet (like an animal)?

    To introduce a person, you might say "Il s'appelle (name)," for example, "Il s'appelle Maurice." This would translate as "he calls himself Maurice," and the equivalent in English would be "His name is Maurice."

    For animals such as family pets, though, would it be the same? Since animals aren't considered to give each other names, would it be more along the lines of "Voila mon chat. Je s'appelle Zidane" for "This is my cat. I call him Zidane." You know, because it would be ME who calls the cat Zidane, not the cat himself. Or, would it still be "Voila mon chat. IL s'appelle Zidane?"

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Does the movie "Amelie" have a happy ending?

    I started watching Amelie this morning on Netflix because I couldn't sleep. Now, I have the movie paused because I have to know... does this movie have a happy ending? I don't want it to be one of those French films that has a "sad but realistic" ending. Don't get me wrong! In some movies, that's fine, but I really like Amelie and the other characters and I just don't want things to turn out badly.

    So just... tell me if the ending is happy or not. If it's happy... yay! If not, I'll be prepared.

    Oh! And no spoilers! Just let me know if it's a happy or sad ending.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you ever not answer because a question is "TL;DR"?

    You know... "too long, didn't read?" Like when they put way too much info in their question details.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do I prepare artichoke for consumption?

    I bought an artichoke as part of the ingredients for a veggie pizza I'm making. How do I use it?

    Is it as simple as pulling off the leaves, or should I look for a specific part of the artichoke and cook that? How is an artichoke used in the kitchen like this?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What are the best songs from the 90s?

    Or, rather, what are you favorite songs from the 90s? I'm trying to make a compilation of my favorite 90s songs, and I wanna know what other people think. This is also a way to remember songs that I may have forgotten from my favorite era of music in America.

    I like:

    Another Night (Real McCoy)

    Sexual (Amber)

    This is How We Do It (Montell Jordan)

    Anything by Ace of Base!

    Shoop (Salt N' Peppa)

    What do y'all think?

    Rock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Does a healthy eater poop less?

    Okay, I have to admit that I'm kinda wondering about this primarily because I recently started looking at the way I eat. I'm wondering if a person who eats healthier foods (you know, things that are non-processed, have little to no preservatives or MSGs... that sort of thing) would poop less. That is to say, would more of a healthy food's content go toward giving the body energy and nutrients and therefore not be wasted, thus resulting in less poop per "go" or the body "going" less often?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Exactly what constitutes a 911 emergency?

    I know that the dialing of 911 is for emergencies only, but I've started to wonder just where the line is between "emergency" and "not an emergency."

    For example, the immediacy of someone having been attacked and injured, of course, would warrant the call.

    I was sideswiped by another car once, and I called 911; this warranted a call simply to get the police out, but should I have called the police straight up instead of dialing 911?

    What are the minimum requirements of what constitutes an emergency for the dialing of 911?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What would happen if I licked the urine off of a public toilet seat?

    I was thinking about this when I woke up this morning to pee. I was thinking, "Man, that'd be GROSS, but I wonder what would happen."

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is Final Fantasy XIV going to be on XBOX360?

    I only ask because I see stuff about it coming to PS3 and PC, but no mention of it coming to XBOX360. Has anybody heard anything about this?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago