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  • Just for fun....Can a person be a democrat and still go to heaven?

    I'm a little worried. I voted for Jimmy Carter back in 1976...Can I ever be forgiven? Or will I be hung like a chad by the vengeful republican God? BTW, I live in Texas. The state that God loves best.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you define intelligence?

    If you asked most people, they would say that they are of above average intelligence. quite a few of those are wrong. I on the other hand, believe that I am of below average intelligence. Now my question is this... If I am smart enough to know that I have below average intelligence, while others fool only themselves by declaring above average intelligence, then is it possible that by declaring myself as below average, I am actually provint that I am above average in intelligence?

    This one is a quandary for me... Am I smarter than the average person that thinks he is above average in intelligence? Or am I just lucky to have made the correct diagnosis?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does this expanded statement(in your view) contradict Rene Descarte's statement?

    I think therefore I am. Or at least I think that I am.But if I am not. then I think not. My thoughts do not exist, for I do not exist. But I think my thoughts do exist, and so I must exist, at least in my own thoughts. Unless of course I own no thoughts. and in that case ,my ramblings are but boisterous nothings, echoeing from the cliffs of non-existance.

    1 AnswerQuotations1 decade ago
  • How far below an observers horizon is an object 70 miles(or one earth degree) away?

    Ships often disapear under the horizon as they sale out to sea. This is because of the earths curvature. Suppose that there is a city on an island 70 miles away from the observers location. Now suppose that the observer has a lazer canon and wants to destroy this island city (by firing his lazor directly through the earths curvature and into the heart of the island city. How far below his own apparent horizon would he have to fire his canon(in other far below the observers horizon is this fantastic and soon to be destroyed city.

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago
  • Do You think Humans will eventually live underground?

    I read a long time ago ,that close to the north pole there is a tunnel that leads to the heart of the earth. This is obvioulsly just someones fantastic fantacy. But... Is it unreasonable to think that some day people really will build cities under the earth to take advantage of space. We obviously cant keep building streight up. as the population grows into the 10s of trillions,. Wont we eventually have to use larger and larger portions of our surface area to grow food. And since we are going to be strip mining for metals and such anyway... why dont we just go ahead and bury ourselves in underground cities in cavities we dredge out?

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Who are the dead Moon walkers?

    How many of the men who walked on the Moon are still alive. And who are the survivors?( I know Pete Conrad and Alan Shepard are dead) But who else is dead?

    Here is the list of Moon Walkers in order..... Armstrong, Aldrin,Conrad ,Bean, Shepard ,Mitchell, Scott ,Irwin, Young , Duke, Cernan ,Schmitt.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • What if the attack on Fort Hood was just a smoke screen?

    What if the real motive behind the attack on Fort Hood was to draw Obama to Texas so he could be assassinated? I know...Its really far fetched. Maybe I watch too much TV.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Has the recent murders at Fort Hood, cause you to hate all muslems?

    I am even angrier at them than I was after 911. Also....Do you think Obama is doing the right thing by visiting Fort Hood today? I live in Texas and am afraid that he may get assassinated. I dont want Obama to die. And I definantly dont want him to die in Texas. We are already responcible for one dead president. And do you remember what Month Kennedy was murdered in? I'll give you a hint...It starts with an N.

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How many M&Ms are in a fun size bag.?

    Lets get to counting those M&Ms people.. I think I counted 17 M&Ms in my Fun size bag. And what about colors? I usually get more brown ones than anything else.

    5 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Can a poem be a poem , if it doesn't follow all the rules?

    Here is a poem I wrote today? Is it really a poem at all?

    " We Can Never Forget The Past"

    We can never forget the past, you know.

    Its like a house that we drive by everyday.

    We may pretend that we dont know who lives there,

    but its written right there on the mailbox of our minds.

    and we can never forget the past

    We can never forget the past, you know.

    Its like the Pizza that gives us indegestion,

    or the beans that give us gas.

    It always comes back to haunt us

    So we can never forget the past

    We could buy a shovel and dig real deep

    toss in the past and replace the heap

    but the past wont cease to cause us trouble

    for it would seep right though the dirt and rubble

    We can never forget the past

    We could shove the past from a tower tall

    and watch it as it began to fall

    but it would never ever hit the street

    for the past would grab on to our feet

    We can never forget the past

    We can lock the past in ball and chains

    and row out in the dark and rain

    and toss the past and watch it sink

    but would it be gone? what do you think?

    We can never forget the past

    The past is with us, until we die

    but theres no need to moan and cry

    If the pain of past should give a tug

    sweep it softly benieth the rug

    We can never forget the past

    And since our past will forever loom

    and follow us to our very doom

    Theres no need to bathe in gloom

    just build the past, its own small room

    We can never forget the past

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really believe that reality shows are real?

    The only reality shows that I watch are Biggest Loser, Big Brother, and Americas Got Talent. But they are just too interesting to actually be real. How much of the reality shows do you think are scripted? I think reality shows are like putting a dress on a dead hampster. The hampster is still dead, its just packaged in an interseting way. Are the reality shows playing us all for fools, or are they just giving us what we want?

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Is it too early to start smoking?

    I am 52 years old and have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I anticipate dying before I turn 75 but do not want to go out wheezing with tubes stuck up my nose. Is it too early for me to take up smoking? I dont really desire to smoke, but I feel like I need to start so everyone will think I'm cool.

    The other thing that I am thinking about taking up is drinking and driving.(because I have never run over a kid on a tricycle before.)

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Do you think it would be better if everyone in the world was 4 feet tall?

    I have been thinking about over crouding in the world, after all there are almost 7 billion of us. Wouldn't it be better if humans were only 4 feet tall. They would consume a lot less food, require a ot less lumber for their homes, and take up less space on the planet.

    Now...I ask you this...If the world is better off when people are shorter, doesn't that suggest that basketball players are bad for the eco system?

    And wouldn't that also mean that Japanese or midgets should be the master race?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How much do you spend on cigarettes in a week?

    And do you think that smokers deserve more respect?

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • How much does your mass increase as you fall into a super massive black hole?

    According to E=MC squared, the faster an object with mass travels, the more massive it becomes. Now if a star were to be sucked into a massive black hole with gravity so strong as to propel it downwards at a velocity nearing the speed of light,, I would assume its mass would be enormous. With such a black hole sucking in stars by the hands-full. How does it deal with the extra mass that the speed of the stars created.

    And also...As an object approaches the speed of light, Time slows down for that object. So...Is it possible that objects falling into a super massive black hole can achieve so much velocity as to fall for thoushand of years without actually reaching the core? Is it possible, that the largest black holes have less mass in the core than thay have in that infinant velosity gulf between the core and the event horizon?

    Man! I would love to ask Steven Hawking this one!

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • How much does a penny weigh?

    Everyone knows that a hundred pennys equals one dollar. But if someone sold you a pound of pennys for a dollar. How many pennys would you get?

    This is no trick question. I am just curious.

    For instance...Just a few minuites ago, I determined that a stack of 18 pennys is one inch high. And since there are 12 inches in a foot, 5280 feet in a mile...then a stack of pennys a mile high would have 1,140,460 pennys in it. And if all the people in the world were turned into pennys and stacked one on top of the other, that stack would be 5700 miles tall. Thats more than 2 1/2 times taller than the moon is wide.

    5 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Is it more humane to eat one cow or 300 chickens?

    If one cow weighs as much as 300 chickens, wouldn't it be more humane to eat beef than chicken?

    Considering the possibility that cows and chickens both feel pain. Would it be more humane to kill one cow, or 300 chickens? Maybe we should think about that before biting into that next chicken sandwich. Maybe we should stick with beef. What do you think?

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Do dogs know the differance between 3 and 5?

    Since my dog was small, I have been giving him weenies as a treat. I would break off about five pieces of the weenie and let him eat them. Then I read somewhere that dogs don't have a concept of numbers. So I was thinking....What if I only gave him three pieces of the weenie instead of five, and ate the other two myself. Would he know that I pulled a "Fast one" on him?

    What about if I gave him 10 pieces for a long time and then cut it down to three, would he notice the differance?

    9 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can we imagine just for fun that I am the son of an alian?

    If I am a half breed son of a green six eyed alian and a light haired American woman, but yet I look just like a normal American...Is it possible that my wife will give birth to a six eyed creature resembling my father? And if my child does have 6 eyes and a green complexion when he is born, will he be able to claim diplomatic immunity if he commits a crime in the USA?

    What about Glasses... Will he be charged extra for reading glasses, or will the store have to sale them to him/her at the advertized sale price?

    The question about his reading glasses is just speculation. I have good genes and fully expect his eysight to be 20/20/20/20/20/20.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago