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  • Sodium carbonate and Hydrochloric acid?

    is this a chemical or physical change and why im stuck on this question and need help thx.

    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • French horn help needed like fast?

    okay so ive been playing french horn for about alittle less than a year and to be onest not being arrogant i have gotten pretty good. Now fast foward i havent played it since july since ive been playing in marching band on my mellophone which i have no issues with. Today we played in band and my upper regester was crap like so bad my notes were fluctating and everything. Now i realise im rusty but it was still worse than i thought.My issue is next week we do chair auditions next week tha involves coming from a low regester up to a pretty high notes over and over and i can hardly do it and i was second chair last year and thats what i need to be the disappointment and sadness i would get from any lower chair would bother me a ton. This other girl sweetheart shes great but her high notes and slighly better than mine although she says i have beter tone and that i should be second chair so any tips to nail this auditions i rally need this. thank you

    2 AnswersClassical5 years ago
  • Is this legal?

    this is very short but um im fifteen and im dating an 18 year old is that illegal?

    I live in Nj

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • so what do i do?

    so maybe i have a big ego but i dont think i do but yesterday my dad basically told me that if i keep my attitude up that bad things will happen, he said that when i dont look him in the eye that he want to grab me by the neck and slap the **** out of me. hes upset that i cut but hes the reason i do. he makes me so depressed by the way he talks to me. Im concidering tell him if he touches me i will end myself and i s told him i wanted to last week but then i started crying but then he came over ugged me he loves me and that he doesnt wan me to be depressed but then he said he can handle me whatever way he wants to and said hes not depressing me but hes putting me in my place and he hurting my huge ego... that's not really the case. im only 15 but i cant stand him that much anymore and my moms insaine and their divorced and i cant go with her i hate her and shes incombident so she cant take care of me anyway. so how do i get through this

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why dont guys like me?

    I feel like its so easy for rls i know to get boyfriends but like..guys do seem to have any intrest in i dont find myself attractive but im not like completly im a smart musician i have a god sence f humor im strong and i like you know...***...ive always felt i was a big like to be honest i am alittle over weight but i still have god preportions and i sarted working out so my weight shouldnt be a prblem for much longer..anytips for me or like reasons why i cant get a using my laptop but i can put in a link to my fakebook..if u wanna see me so you know what i look like

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • So this unattractive?

    So im 15 years old and i have DD boobs and i might be pushing it to a DDD...all natural.. and its all good with bras and stuff but my problem is when i take my bra off...well they dont exactly stay up..because ..gravity...its not like there deflated saggy boobs because im young and there full but guys what do u this..unattractive???

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • im so confused on the college ca someone older help?

    So im a sophmore in highschool and im 15, but im planning for my future so itll be a good one. I want to be a ob/gyn. my grades have been pretty solid my whole life wiht mostly A s and B s and sometimes ill get like one high C, like a 78 or 79. Ive been looking at colleges like rugters and ramapo because i live near them and there univercities. the thing im confused on is like what do i major it like obstetrics....or something and what is thewhole undergraduate i just want to be a doctor...can someone explain to me what that is so itll be easier to figure out exactly what i need to do before i get out of try right now i keep my grades up and to take classes that will look good like nextyear im taing a child-development class and band because i play three instrument and im dont a lot of co-curricular stuff...but yeah can someone help me...thans so much

  • How do I report this?

    So my ex best friend isn t my friend because I warned her about dating this 27 year old and were both 15...i just found out they met up and probably had sex and Im outraged theve been dating and it s wrong... How do I report this

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Five nights at Freddy's?

    So like what's the point of the fourth One... Like the first three think your like an unfinished Freddy anamatronic so they stuff you in a suit but like the fourth one is in a house... So what's the point of the game?? Anyone know???

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • why is everyone hating on me?

    So I just turned fifteen a few days ago but I lost my v card at 14 and Ive been having *** with my boyfriend since then and it feels so amazing that I don't wanna tell my parents because they'll make me break up with him but now were so close and he feels amazing so why do people hate on my relationship....???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Help me get over him?

    so theres this guy that ever since i met him i really liked him but now he likes my best friend who is kind of a slut because she hasnt been single once this year adn she is really ugly so i dont understand why or how this happens but im sick and tired of geting my heart broken and my friends tell me im pretty cute but i dont believe them concidering this one guy i really like doesnt like me enought to date me i dont think....please help me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do i get her away..?

    SO my best girl friend ( just a friend) used to date mey best guy friend and i really liked him but i gave them my blessing and they broke up but they are still frineds and she has a new bf but he doesnt really kiss her and stuff but now when ever im spending time with him she always buttsa in like ill be walking down the hallway with him and she will come and tell him to walk with her and in the library she makes him sit but her when at first he'll be istting with me and i really need alone time if im ever ganna be with him so if anyone can tell me how i can get her out the picture and to stop being so flirtatious with him becasue i can tdo anything

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Guyz.....Does he like me???:/?

    Hey so there's this guy that i really like and i met him a couple of weeks ago but i started liking him a week ago. He made a tbh video about me on facebook saying i was really cool and nice and that we should hang out and he was stumbling through his words towards the end. he is always smiling and is really nice when we talk but sometimes he starts to look away. Does he like me....just alittle??? ;)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Does this count as him cheating.?

    So my friend just started dating this guy four days ago. i have hung out with him for a long time before this and we have always flirted. But since they have been dating he has flirted a lot more and has been touching me more.Also. this week we have been playing truth or dare and every times i said dare he has asked me to touch his member through his pants in english.each time he has has a ***** and he asked to make out and for me to give him a bj today. i didn't but idk if i should tell my friend that he's cheating.plz don't critisize me i just need advice quick....i might blow him because i like him and he told me he liked me a lot longer then her and that he doesn't like her anymore....thx

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How can i hide my cuts?

    I have been feeling very sad lately so yesterday i cut...i lave 15 medium sized cuts. i dont want to get in trouble but i think a lot of people have seen can i hide it so i don't get in trouble...thx!!!:(

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Am i thick or fat....?

    So Idk what I'm concidered...plz help and give ur honest opinion....and no mean stuff...thx

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Guys only: what do you like during sex?

    Me and my boyfriend are planning to have sex and i want it to be good for him so can i plz have some tips from you guys...plz nothing mean tho I'm kinda nervous that Ill be bad

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • why do guys want anal so much?

    My boyfriend has been begging to try anal and he said he'd go easy on my but I'm not worried because he's never intentionally hurt me but is it inevitable that anal hurts and why is he begging me? Guys plz help and girls with experience ....thank you

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • what do guys like during s*x?

    My and my boyfriend wanna take it to the next level and have sex...I'm technically not a virgin since I've masterbated but i want it to be good sex and for him to enjoy it so i need tips on techniques and how to dress...thanks guys.; )

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do guys want sex pictures ?

    A friend who i had a crush on recently started texting me and wanted nudes...i sent one or two boob pics and he sent a few dick pics but now he want a v picture. idk what to do cuz i don't want to send a v pic but i kinda wanna have sex with him but I'm only 14. He keeps begging and I'm araid that if i say no he won't wanna be my friend but he really is a good friend!!!!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago