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Lv 32,309 points

Mr. Goodkat

Favorite Answers23%

I am Matt, I am going to try and give helpful responses to questions that are serious. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

  • When do I add or subtract 180?

    Okay, so I'm trying to combine vectors, I know how to do everything up until finding the direction of my equilibrant. I know you're supposed to add or subtract 180 from my original value for theta. How do I know when to add and when to subtract?

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • My girlfriend says she can't decide?

    I have been dating a girl for a year and a half, and I'm in love with her, she says she's in love with me. we talked about marriage someday. She's known this guy for a while now, not much longer than me. They were friends, she said, and didn't have any feelings for each other. We went out one time and he was there and she said she was just going to go find him to say hi and talk a little, she was gone for 4 hours. She's done this several times. She also admitted to having feelings for him, and he flirted with her a lot. She dumped me and then said she still had feelings for me, and I dumped my girlfriend for her. We've been together, and we went out, and I found out that guy was there because she kept cutting her eyes to him every time she looked at me, and he started talking to people near us, and it made me nervous, so I left her so I wouldn't have to deal with him, and she went over to him to talk and didn't try to talk to me. then she said later it was because I seemed mad at her. Then she did the same thing again a couple of weeks later. And I had to ask her not to text him while we were on the phone, because she was barely talking to me. And she's lied about things to do with him several time, told him personal things about our relationship, and betrayed my trust over him, and I asked her to stop and talked to her about it, and she says she doesn't know why she keeps doing this. I said she had to choose between me and him then, and she said she can't. She can't. She can't. She cried and moaned and cried. Then I said I would just go if she didn't pick me or change. She said she didn't know how to change and couldn't pick. And cried some more, and said sorry. What can I say or do? What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Good Scholarships? Bad ones? Anything!?

    Okay, I was wondering if anyone had some specific scholarship advice. I appreciate the sites people normally post, but I was wondering if anyone had some specific scholarships that would be good to apply for. Here's some of my info:

    I have a regular diploma.

    I have a 3.1 GPA which may rise to a 3.5.

    I am a member of the Science Team, Math Team, Scholars Bowl, FFA, Robotics Team, Future Business Leaders Of America, and Writer's Bowl.

    I am a member of the Marching and Concert band and section leader of front ensemble in both.

    I attend the Upward Bound program.

    I made a 24 on my ACT.

    I have good standing with all my teachers.

    I attended a year of Career School for Machine Shop.

    I am extremely poor (below poverty line), if that makes a difference.

    I may win Class President.

    I am taking dual enrollment English 101 and 102 next year along with 3 other advanced courses.

    I want to be a lawyer.

    The main colleges I'm interested in are U of Chicago, U Of Alabama, U of Cumberland, but there are many I would probably be okay with.

    Please, any advice is good advice. No one in my family has gone to college. I really need help. I don't care if it seems silly or desperate to ask here.

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • Ipod off Amazon worth it?

    Okay, so I was thinking of buying an iPod Touch 4th generation. I can find them on Amazon used for $165, that's refurbished. Is that worth it? Guaranteed no scratches on the touch screen. If it gets messed up, will Apple still fix it?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Good chance at college?

    I was wondering if my credentials looked good.

    I have a regular diploma.

    I have a 3.1 GPA which may rise to a 3.5.

    I am a member of the Science Team, Math Team, Scholars Bowl, FFA, Robotics Team, Future Business Leaders Of America, and Writer's Bowl.

    I am a member of the Marching and Concert band and section leader of front ensemble in both.

    I attend the Upward Bound program.

    I made a 24 on my ACT.

    I have good standing with all my teachers.

    I attended a year of Career School for Machine Shop.

    I am extremely poor (below poverty line), if that makes a difference.

    I may win Class President.

    I am taking dual enrollment English 101 and 102 next year along with 3 other advanced courses.

    How do my chances look for going to a university? Advice? Opinions?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Can my neighbor see my activity online?

    I am using my neighbor's wireless internet with their permission on their account, not as a guest. I was wondering if they could see what sites I've been on.

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • U.S. Holocaust in 2014, any stock in this rumor?

    A friend of mine got a video from a friend in the military, supposedly it's of U.S. officials planning on having a mass killing of people who are below the poverty line or something along those lines. It's supposed to happen in 2014. I think I remember hearing rumors about this (yes, I'm aware it's most likely fake) and was wondering if any of you had heard this same rumor, seen a similar video, or had a link you could share about it. Thanks.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What are the advantages to a county being wet?

    Please, give me some good reasons, long explanations, no smart alecks, if you can help it.

    2 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Can you look at your 2nd card in Blackjack?

    I have heard conflicting rules, sometimes when I play I'm told not to look at the face down card, and other times it's okay.

    4 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 DVD scratch w/out movement!?

    Okay, I'm ticked. I just put in a brand new Supernatural DVD, and I hear a weird noise, and then it doesn't read the disc. I try again and again, it acts like theres nothing there, just that noise. I look at the disc, and there are a trillion new scratches on it! I didn't move the console at ALL. What the heck!?! Thankfully it seems like the dvd still plays on regular player, but I'm still angry, it almost ruined a just out of the plastic dvd. Is Microsoft going to do anything about it? Because this is crap!

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Xbox Live to an Acer Laptop?

    Okay, I need to know how to connect to Xbox Live using my laptop, I have the Cable that came with it connected from my Xbox to my Laptop, then my Laptop is connected to the internet, where do I go from there? I keep testing the connection and it says it can't be established. My computer is even recognizing I've connected it, but when I click the Xbox icon, it sends me to my music. Little help, please?

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Extremely Swollen Gland, or what?

    Okay, I woke up this morning and went to scratch my neck, there was a huge knot where my left gland is, its sort of sore, and its freaking me out. I know what a swollen gland feels like, but this is different, its HUGE, you can see it, not just feel it, which is new, my right side is completely normal, and I have no sore throat or sinus drainage or anything at the moment, can someone tell me whats going on?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Solve this game, please?

    I played this game several years ago, and never made it past level three, I found it again, and still can't get past it, can anyone tell me how to beat it!?!?!?!

    Tell me how to beat level three please:

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Help with my Nickname?

    I've been trying to come up with a good yahoo nickname for a while now, I really want a good one, so far I've had:



    Jimbo And Edna's Love Child (took some heat for that one)

    Toppest Contributor

    Mr. Goodkat

    I liked those, but I want one to stick with, I really would like some suggestions, if you don't mind.

    1 AnswerUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • Psychopaths and negative connotations?

    Psychopaths are not supposed to feel emotion, and only be out to satisfy themselves, but what if the type of person they are is the type who gains happiness by helping others? They obtain happiness through others happiness, so they are still selfish, but at the same time, not selfish, what do you think about that?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I have friend problems?

    Okay, I talked to this girl for a while over the internet, and we developed feelings for each other. This girl had a (sort of) boyfriend, and I wanted her to choose between us, she chose the other boy. I wasn't happy, but it didn't matter, I told her to talk to the other boy about me and her talking, and she wanted to keep our friendship a secret, because she was obviously ashamed and knew he wouldn't like it I said I wasn't going to come between her and him, so we stopped talking, what do you think? Was I right to do that?


    Now the girl is mad at me for not wanting to talk with her anymore, and telling my secrets and mixing them with lies to her sister, who is also my friend, now the sister doesn't want to be my friend due to her sister, what am I supposed to do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Trolls? I hate them.?

    Alright, I was wondering if there was a way to ban a troll. Get them off the site entirely. I know a troll on here with at least 4 different accounts, probably more, I really want to get there IP banned at most, or the accounts banned at least, any way to do that?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are there any FBI Agents here?

    I need some advice about joining, yes I've been to the website, but I wanted to talk with someone personally. Please, if anyone could spare there time to IM I would appreciate it immensely. Preferably a Special Agent, but any employee will do. Thanks.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Portable wikipedia device?

    Is there a device that you can buy that only has wikipedia?Not like a pc or a phone,something NOT connected to the internet.Something about the size of a blackberry.Maybe with a way to hook it up to a computer and get updates.I would love to have something like this.So is there anything like this on the market now?The only reason I wouldn't want a pc is because there a pain to drag around,and cells aren't allowed in school.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • GPA question and college question?

    I have many questions,if you know the answer to any of them please answer.

    I am in ninth grade.I would like to become a detective.Im not sure what college to go to,and I don't know if my grades are up to par.I would like to go to go to an Ivy League such as Princeton,I know its a little ambitious.I think I could get a GPA of at least 3.8 at most 3.13.I really would like some help.I guess I would like someone to tell me:

    What colleges would be best for becoming a detective.

    If Princeton is a good choice,and could I get in.

    If I could get financial aid,my family is very poor.

    If there is anything else that I neglected to mention,just ask.Oh and I have aspergers syndrome,if that affects anything.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago