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  • What is the jazz tune in this video clip?

    I'm sure I've heard it before, but I have no clue what it's called. Any help would be great, I'd like to hear the whole thing without the talking in the video.

    1 AnswerJazz9 years ago
  • 10 Quick Answers: Which anime do you think fits each category best?

    Just for fun, share your opinion, thanks!:

    Choose an anime (or multiple) that you think fits each category; feel free to double up or mention why:

    1. Your personal overall favorite

    2. Best animation (technical aspects: character design, scenery, choreography)

    3. Most philosophically engaging

    4. Has most annoying character

    5. Best action

    6. Most enthralling world/universe

    7. Funniest

    8. Most heart-wrenching

    9. Worst. Ending. Ever.

    10. Best overall character development

    15 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • What factors do you think contribute to the use of sexually suggestive material in anime/manga?

    Yes, the obvious is well understood, it's popular with the male audiences, but based on what you know about Japanese culture, why do you think it has become so popular? Is it just to keep people interested? Is it a cheap trick to prey on otaku's fantasies, or is it does it play a legitimate role in character development (feel free to share examples)?

    Granted, when comparing Japanese to Western culture, there is a significant difference in the treatment of sexuality; but when it shows up in manga/anime, is that a reflection of the culture, or a unique artifact of the genre? If you have any first hand experience, how do Japanese vs Western audiences react to this type of material?


    Stick to the bold-text question-- I'm interested to hear what fellow fans think.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Why do you think the classroom and 'school' is such a common and pivotal setting for manga/anime series?

    Share your opinion; I'm interested to see what other people think about this. Specifically, how does the school setting tie into Japanese culture, and why do you think so many authors utilize it in their works?

    Obviously it's a big part of everyone's life, but think about it in all the contexts it can be presented; for example, in a series like NGE-- it's virtually Armageddon, but school continues on. Or Code Geass; the characters are engaged in a momentous battle, but a primary focus is maintaining inconspicuous harmony in their academy.

    Perhaps authors are revisiting their own experiences in school? Why do you think it's so important to them; and how does it compare with the way school is depicted in western stories and animation?

    4 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Music Suggestions: Triumphant. Majestic Pieces?

    Anyone have some good suggestions for triumphant, majestic music? I'm talking along the lines of "The Pines of Rome", "Pomp and Circumstance", "Pictures at an Exposition" and "Conquest". Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    3 AnswersClassical9 years ago
  • A fan, a peltier board and an 18v DC power converter = my refrigerator works again?

    I have a refrigerator that broke, some cheap Chinese PC board went out and its $40 for a new one. Its got an interface and a thermal control unit, but I figure if I can power the thermoelectric cooling unit and the fan to the heat sink, I can still make it certain level of cold at steady state.

    I have an 18.5 V 3.5 Amp DC power converter for a laptop that I want to use to power the 12V 2-2.5 Amp (50-77W) Peltier plate, and the fan which works just fine at the full 18.5V, 3.5 amp and will be fine with less. What kind of circuit do I need to build to make sure I don't fry the fan/Peltier unit? If I put them in parallel do you think I'll be fine? I don't even know how to calculate values for this kind of circuit, as I have very little experience with electronics (just resistors/capacitors/inductors in school). Any help would be appreciated, and please don't tell me I'm an idiot and should buy a new PC board, because I already know that's the best solution to my problem.

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • An interesting question about the Portal game.?

    Hello Physics, just thought you might enjoy this question I found on /b/.

    It's based off the Portal game, so if you're not familiar, the basic idea is that objects entering the red portal come out the blue portal, momentum is conserved etc. So what do you think, A or B? Justify your answer and see if you can avoid a common mistake.

    1 AnswerPhysics10 years ago
  • Need help with interpretation of IR Spec?

    I recently took an IR as part of a Ochem course, and I'm having trouble identifying functional groups. We are doing qual analysis. I have consulted IR Spec literature already, but I think I simply lack the experience to interpret it correctly. Any help or hints would be appreciated, a picture of the IR can be found here:


    Inert white solid, m.p. around 130C, No halogen, nitrogen or sulfur, tested negative for 2,4 DNP (ketone aldehyde), tested negative for ester, negative on Lucas test and chromic acid test, negative for Bromine in CCl4 test for unsaturation (no activated benzene or double/triple bond).

    Inert because it is soluble in H2SO4. Possibly aromatic due to AlCl3 test, but did not produce vibrant color (light orange).

    If you need more info, please request. Thanks.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • POLLING: Who would like to see Evangelion made into a live action/CGI movie?

    Any idea how you would structure the plot? Adapt the series, use the rebuilds, go with something different entirely?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Where can I download spyware?

    I want to install spyware. I WANT to install it. I don't want to know how to remove it, I want to know where to get it, specifically, like a good URL to start with. Preferably I'd like the Windows Antivirus trojan. I've been searching for it for hours, I can't get it. Please help.

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Does anyone recognize this video game theme?

    I've heard it before (when I was younger), but I can't figure out what it is. I just found the midi file on my computer. Sounds old school...maybe Metroid? Take a listen here:

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What backs currency? What makes a USD worth something?

    It's not gold anymore. And as far as I know, there is no vault where equivalent physical assets for all existing currency are stored. I can't trade my Federal Reserve Note for anything in the Federal Reserve. But I can give it to someone in exchange for a hamburger. Why would someone from another country accept USDs in exchange for physical assets? Do those USDs magically convert into Euros, or do they stay USDs? Who determines those exchange rates?

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • What IS currency? What makes modern currency worth anything?

    I understand why we have currency, so please no "it's easier than trading physical assets" explanations. I want to know what, for instance, one USD actually is. People say it's backed by the "economy", but I don't get exactly how this works. Also, who or what determines the exchange rate for a USD to a euro for instance? Where do we get the numbers?


    6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Good oral bacterial culture technique?

    I am doing an experiment to test mouth wash efficacy in a small group of subjects. I want to do a quantitative culture count from mouth swabs. I have some basic ideas on how to prepare them, but I've never seen it done, so, is there a technique?

    Should I go straight from mouth to plate, or dilute it in saline first?

    How should I streak the swab on the plate? I'm thinking I should just paint it on evenly, but will this get me clear CFUs, or just a lawn of bacteria?


    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Potassium Sulfide and Acetic Acid Reaction?

    K2S + C2H3O2 --> ???

    ...and why?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Latin phrase clarification, again?

    Hopefully some of the same people who've answered before can be of help:


    Can this mean "self before service" or "self above service"? Any grammatical mistakes?


    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Latin phrase clarification?


    mean "Importance without Purpose"? Are there any grave grammatical errors that need be corrected?

    Please, no online translators, I can do that on my own. Someone who has some experience with latin?

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Latin translations help!?

    Can someone, without just writing it into an online translator, tell me the proper way to translate the following english phrases into latin?

    1 "All for myself"

    As in: I'm doing it all for myself.

    2 "Without commitment"

    As in: He is a person without commitment to a cause

    3 "Importance without purpose"


    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Cliches as valid arguments?

    Anybody tired of cliches being used as valid and logical arguments? We've all heard cliches like "The more the merrier", but then there's also "Three is a crowd". Or "More is better" and then "Less is more".

    "Good things come to those who wait" v. "The early bird gets the worm"

    "Out of sight, out of mind" v. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

    "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" v. "It's never too late to learn."

    It seems as though people just use these cliches whenever they are in congruence with what they are trying to say. But does that make them valid arguments? I could quote "Three is a crowd" if I wanted to exclude someone from my group of two, but they could quote "The more the merrier" to communicate the exact opposite. Both cliches are true in some instances, but neither, in and of themselves are valid arguments on their own! How do you deal with people who quote cliches as part of their arguments? Whether the cliche holds true, or it doesn't, it still isn't an argument in itself, is it?

    A: I am waking up at 2:00 am to go to the big sale to get a new TV!

    B: Why are you in such a rush to get the TV? Wait a while, you know what they say, "good things come to those who wait."

    A: But they'll probably be sold out...

    B: You don't know that for sure, just wait on it.

    Sure, B could be right, but the only evidence he gives to support his claim is a cliche! Does that even count?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What's the matter with this argument?

    A: You should stop doing that.

    B: No I shouldn't.

    A: It is bad for you because of X evidence.

    B: (sarcastically) Well, we can't all be perfect like you.

    The logic being;

    Person A asserts claim X about person B

    Person B responds by implying person A believes they are perfect, when clearly they are not.

    Therefore, claim X is false.

    What do you all think? Is it sort of a straw man, poisoning the well, and ad hominem all mixed together? How would you respond to such a claim if directed at you?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago