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My brother is so annoying!! I am 13, and I plan on auditiong for American IDol when I am 16, I can't wait. I only like going to school because I of my friends. They;re craxzy but so am I so I don't care!! :)) I love to sing, as you probably already know. I was in the Choral society and a cpuple other things. I also like to write stories. It is fun for me, but I definatley love singing. I also like to type. I am a pretty good typist, my teachers and all my other classmates always say that I am a really fast typer, but I can't see the screen so I can't just look up and type, I have to look at the keyboard so I don't make mistakes! My favorite show would have to be American Idol, love love love love love love love love that show, it is one of my favorites, no wait it IS my favorite. I also like the show Paranormal State, it's cool. Yeah I am interested in all that paranormal stuff. Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters are pretty good, I can't wait till the new season of Ghost Adventures

  • Had protected sex with my boyfriend a week ago, the day I ended my period and got birth control. Am I pregnant?

    I ended my period last Wednesday and got birth control Wednesday. My PMS usually starts during the 20's of each month. I've been noticing cramps, nausea, brown discharge which just started today. I've been moody and sleepy. We checked the condom and nothing was leaking. Tarina, the pill that I'm on, is said to cause nausea and mood swings but I'm terrified. Could I be pregnant?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Just ended my period a day ago, took my First birth control pill and had protected sex with my boyfriend. Could I be pregnant?

    I just ended my period on Tuesday and got on birth control Wednesday,(yesterday) evening. About an hour afte my first pill I had protected sex with my boyfriend. I was on top. We checked the condom for holes and tears and nothing was leaking, but I m still extremely paranoid that I could be pregnant.

    2 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • I feel that I have been denied a promotion because I was hospitalized for depression/medication adjustments. Can I sue my employer?

    I have been with my current employer for a year and two months, and helped set the store up before we opened to the public. My original associates and I learned many skills that the "new" hires have not: names of racks,, how to read a floor plan, etc.

    I was assigned to the Misses/juniors departments, and have worked these

    areas ever since. I show up on time, outside of uncontrollable circumstances such as college classes running over, family issues, or simply misreading the schedule. This is rare, and I contact my employer in advance. I have been recognized for my customer service skills and knowledge of my department and products, as well as my teamwork skills and friendliness.

    Naturally, when the position opened up, I applied,

    About a month ago, however, I had a depressive episode due to medication problems which resulted in an involuntary five-day hospitalization. My mother contacted my employer to explain the situation, as I was unable to use the phone from the BHU. While here, my medication was adjusted and so was my

    diagnosis. A day after being discharged, I showed up to work as I was scheduled

    A month later, I was in the hospital for medication again for a day. I had to call in.

    Today I found out that everyone who applied for the position was interviewed, and I was never contacted. The position went to a girl in guest service, who had no prior floor experience and had noprior retail training.

    I was the only one not contacted. Can I sue?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Are there are any stores that accept FAFSA for purchase of school supplies?

    I know it may sound like a stupid question, but it was just a random thought I had while buying my books. I know there are some businesses that will give a discount to college students.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid6 years ago
  • Having trouble representing a new market on a Macroeconomics supply and demand graph...?

    Due to poor weather conditions, Michigan needs more apples from Washington. WA has a surplus of apples, not enough pickers.

    BUT the demand for apples WA needs to produce is going up because MI needs them due to their shortage.

    I have the graph drawn out with a right shift in both supply and demand.

    In the article we were provided, we were told that other areas will need the apples as well, and this would be a new market entering in. Is that represented on a separate graph?

    Also, wages have increased, and I represented this with P2. How do I go about finding new equilibrium price for this? Do I go out to supply or demand curve?

    1 AnswerEconomics6 years ago
  • How do I get .exe games to run on my Dell Laptop.?

    I can download it but when I click the file it asks me what program I want to run it with. Then it will give me a list of things like Internet Explorer, Maxthon Browser, Microsft Paint, Microsoft Word. There are other ones too but I m not sure what to open it with or how to get it to open directly to the game.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • What are some analogies for Imperialism?

    All I can think of is Avatar, but I am not even sure about that because I don't fully understand Imperialism... and I can't find it on Google.

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Can you twist liquid latex or gelatin?

    I am planning on doing my friends makeup sometime around Halloween and I have this cool idea to twist or roll the liquid latex and apply it to their face.. but idk if you can do that with latex??

    examples of what i mean

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • Do regular art schools offer Special effects makeup?

    Do regular art institutes offer special effects makeup (like what you would see on the show Face Off) or are there specific colleges JUST for special effects makeup, because my friend and I want to go together but she's going for drawing or something..

    Also, if I'm not a fantastic artist or sculptor now, will I never get into a special effects class, or will they teach me those skills in school??

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • Will i fail my drivers test if i take my shoe off to drive?

    I can't drive well with my shoe on so i wanted to take my shoe off when i took the test so I could drive better.. but i dont know if i'll fail if i do that. -

    7 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • would you have continued dating this arrogant, cocky, precocious guy if you were me?

    Okay so back in October, I asked my.. aquatiance to go to homecoming with me because I wanted to go with a guy and everything.. when I should have just went with my friends. Well, he kept texting.. well the day after my mom wanted me to hang out with him because she wanted us to date, and said that he's the nicest guy that I would date.. so we hung out.

    I was feeling sad and lonely because there's this other guy, I call Wolfgang, that I have liked for a year and I just cant get over him, so I asked my friend out to kind of force myself to move on and face the fact that Wolfgang will never like me because were so different.

    Well, this guy started texting me every morning before school, every afternoon when I got home, and every night until i went to bed. Every weekend would be the same thing, but he asked to hang out every day and when he couldn't get a ride, he rode his motor scooter over in 40 degree weather with nothing but cold gear on for hunting.. oh and we live like 15 minutes away and he had to take the busiest road in the state. He wouldn't leave until 7. He was arrogant, bad breath, bad BO, homophobic to the point that he would stop talking to his little brother if he was gay. One night he texted me "tu mihi et ego vobis semper" and "

    Amor meus aeternus" which is latin for YOU ARE MY LOVE AND I AM FOREVER YOURS.. AND MY ETERNAL LOVE. after 3 WEEKS of dating.. he would come up to my locker after every hour at school.. I was miserable because I didn't like him at all.. my feelings for Wolfgang only grew stronger but I was determined to stay in the relationship until I was over him. Well I couldn't take it anymore and I broke up with him and I was free. I stopped crying myself to sleep, and I was happy everyday.

    He texted me saying he wanted to go somewhere alone and talk where no one could overhear us, well hell no.. my mom was with us... He said he wasn't really ok when we broke up and i didn't ever talk to him; he made me uncomfortable. All i said was I'm sorry i liked someone else while we were dating, and i just didn;t like you. all he said was Its okay I know how the human race is. He said he dreamed of mass murder every night because he knows how to world is.. and he thought everyone in school was immature.. Then he asked me who the guy was and I am so dumb, I told him.basically made it sound like he was giving approval.

    When we dropped him off at home, my mom had the door locked, and he got cocky with her, like IT WOULD HELP IF THE DOOR WAS UNLOCKED, I was ready to smack the fedora off of his head. He admitted to me that didn't wear deoderant , wear the same hoodie EVERY DAY, has greasy had bad breath terrible teeth, and was just clingy BUT I AM SO MUCH HAPPIER BEING SINGLE!!!!!

    WHen i told him to stop saying i love you because i wasn't in love... he said... im not as sure as to what to think of, and I didn't know what that meant and he wrote back.. exactly what i said im not sure.. and he was all "frustrated".. im like DUDE ALL I ASKED WAS TO STOP SAYING I LOVE YOU... ugh.. and he told me I needed to consult someone because I liked the same guy for a long time, whenever teenager gets serious crushes.

    He was rude to, grabbing the remote off the couch w/o my permission and changing the channel even if i was watching something, opening my fridge without anyones permission.And he would just burp right there and not say excuse me... I do that sometimes to but not at the lunch table.. come on people want to eat.

    He would tell me that my brothers were lazy and needed to get jobs and my mom should do something.

    If I would try opening up, he would make the conversation about himself and his life.. and he was so damn bitter towards the world when he struggled through nothing except he got a spanking when he was little.

    Oh and when we were at our booth at Mcdonalds, he was like, I don't know why your mom wouldn't let us be alone, I can be trusted.. which to me sounds like he was pissed off about it, which is very suspicious. Yeah he treated me good, but maybe that didn't matter because I knew that he was just mean and rude.

    We were only dating 3 weeks but he told me it was a month and a half.. uhm no because i remember the day we got together and the day we broke up.. it was middle of October.. Now I just hate him so much and I want nothing to do with him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • A little piese of my tooth in the back of my molar just fell out, and another piece of it it soft, whats wrong?

    My tooth is really soft and kinda yellow, and a piece of it just fell out. I don't have a dentist and since I am a minor, I can't get one myself and my mom won't call one.. Am I going to lose my teeth?? Im scared

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • Will I hear my actual voice through a real camcorder instead of a digital camera?

    I heard that if you want to hear your real voice, you shouldn't use a digial camera, but a real video camera or camcorder, is this true?

    1 AnswerCamcorders10 years ago
  • 5'4, 160 lbs, size 11 in pants, large body frame.. 34 inch waist... building muscle.. am I fat?

    I am 5'4, my frame is large/curvy [my hips are curvy] and my waist is like a 34 or 33 and my pants are an 11 but everytime people see me at stores, they recommend 9's... and I'm I fat?? I eat healthy and everything and am building muscle.. I don't know whats wrong with me

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Where would be the best place to look if i needed a teenage drummer for a band of 16 yr old soft rock/country?

    band? We have a pianist, vocalist [ME hehe] and guitarist... were all friends too so we didn't have to look but i dont think any of our friends play drums.. what other insturments would we need.. bass?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Im 5'4, 165 lbs, and I have a "curvy"body frame.. I am supposed to be 152, is that bad?

    My doctor told me I'm obese but I'm 13 lbs overweight, but I have a "curvier" or "bigger" frame. I am also gaining muscle and I eat heatlhy, and am active.. am I fat? It's depressed me so much that my blood pressure went sky high and I just cant seem to lose weight.. also, can stress make you gain weight?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Can i send pictures to Facebook from an Ipod touch?

    If I have an Ipod touch, can I still send pictures to Facebook from my Ipod gallery, I don't have one, but Ithink I'm getting one for my birthday... and I take a lot of pictures L)

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is Kalkaska MI considered the country?

    I lived up there for 4 years... i love it :)) I miss it :(

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago