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Lv 42,829 points


Favorite Answers14%
  • Why was actor Wil Wheaton in exile for 20 years in the first place?

    Just wondering because I don't know and he won't answer that question on twitter. So maybe someone out here knows and can answer it to expunge my curiosity.

    2 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • After Cataract surgery what holds the new lens in place?

    Is it suction, a vacuum, glue, auto-natural grafting of some kind or even Magic? What exactly hold the new lens in the proper place inside the eye after Cataract scalpel surgery? And please, we all know it is NOT duct tape.

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Is Obama a good and well liked President? If so Why? If not Why?

    or . . . Otherwise. I would love to see some opinions on Obama here like I am getting on my Palin question.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will Palin be the next President? Will Palin ever shut up?

    Two really good questions I think? All I see on TV these days is PALIN everywhere. It is like she is some kind of Super Rock Star. Personally it's like fingernails on a blackboard having to see and listen to her every minute of every day.

    Thank TV makers for the MUTE button!

    What do you all think on this PALIN character?

    Has she got even a small chance of becoming the next President?

    If so, why?

    Does she grate on your nerves like she does on mine?

    - - -

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Intelligent Design / Chaos Theory?

    Does Intelligent Design fit anywhere in Darwin's Theory of Evolution or Chaos Theory in general? Just to clarify, I am not Religious nor do I subscribe to any Organized Earthy based Religion but, I have always felt that Intelligent Design had a hand in the creation of the Universe. Yes, I also think it possible that Chaos may also have had a hand in, or played a part in that creation. Thinking about this gives me the same kind of headache as thinking about time travel paradoxes. I'm interested in anyone's opinion or fact on this. Specifically, Does Darwin's Theory of Evolution incorporate, in any way, Intelligent Design of the Universe? If so, How? If not, Why not?

    5 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Is it legal to solicit for donations for writing fan fiction stories?

    I came across a fan fiction writer that is soliciting for donations directly related to her writing of copyrighted fan fiction stories. We all know that fan fiction is written by people using material and characters related to these copyrighted franchises and not receiving or charging money for their efforts, but I have never in 10 years seen anyone actually solicit for donations. (Until NOW) So I was just wondering if this FF writer could get into trouble for this? Or perhaps even cause big trouble for Fan fiction in general?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why are there NO portable Text to Speech readers like that of MP3s? Should be included with cell phones too.?

    I want a portable text to speech reader like TextAloud to carry with me like you would an MP3 player for your tunes. I would much rather listen to a good text to speech reader for my novels and fan fiction stories that I like to read with T2S. So why has no one come up with this as yet?

    Yes I can convert text to mp3 but the sound quality is worse than the actual text to speech reader like TextAloud which is in fact the best on the market for the home computer or laptops. But I want a small portable reader like any other MP3 devise.

    This would seem on the surface very easy to create even if it is only for that specific purpose. I know what you are going to say... "NO DEMAND for it." But I find that hard to believe. It is so much easier and way more pleasant a reading experience to read with the ears rather that with the eyes, especially for half the population which are baby boomers and now into their final one or two decades of life with much poorer eyesight than you kids have. Text to speech is a very practical solution for us old people.

    I have even suggested it to the makers of TextAloud and they looked at me like a just grew three new heads. How hard would it be to include this kind of application for an MP3 player like devise, or even a cell phone?

    Best answer gets 10 points and my complements.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Why are LAPTOPS NOT cell phones as well? Or are they?

    I have been looking at buying a cell phone. WOW what a bunch of fine print to wade through, just to start with.

    Even the lowest end free cell phones with say... FIDO's cheapest $15.00/mo plan, there is a mountain of undisclosed charges you don't know about until you get your bill. On top of all of that, all the cell phone providers say the same thing... They are not responsible for ANYTHING and you are responsible to pay through the nose for their service or lack there of, plus every little thing connected to your cell phone. Press a button on the dame thing and you are charged your first born child for that privilege. 40 50 60 80 100 dollars a month is so utterly ridicules it is amazing to me that only the very rich are not the only ones that use these things. I pay 20 dollars a month for a home phone. NO EXTRA or per minute CHARGE to call locally or answer a call. That price has not changed much in decades until the cell phone. Fortunately, cell phones help drive down the land line cost or keep it low enough so the average person can still actually have and use one.

    Ok having ranted about that... my original question remains... why are laptops NOT cell phones as well. Ok so they are a bit bigger, but you are not going to see very many sane people holding a laptop up in front of the steering wheel to make or receive a call. I know they can do IM and there are programs for voice and so on but as far as I know there is not a cell phone capability on a laptop. (WHY NOT?) Correct me if I am wrong.

    If so, what on earth does anyone need a cell phone for if a laptop can do that and what is the point of holding a tiny little screen up to view a web page etc when a laptop can do it all so much better in the first place if they just make them (laptops) capable of it in the first place. I can see the luxury of mobile communications and for emergency purposes, but NO ONE needs more than a phone and text service on these miniature mobile phones. I say MAKE THE LAP TOP A CELL PHONE AS WELL. and stop all these ridiculous charges and fine print. GAWD, the service providers must be responsible for something.

    10 point to the best response to this plus high praise if I like your answer.

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • for the movie "PUSH"? Does anyone know what this is and/or if it is safe to DownLoad?

    I downloaded a movie called "PUSH" turns out it is a WMV and when played it says I need to get a FREE password to unlock the movie. Pressing on the DownLoad link that appears in the Windows Media Player itself, it wants me to download an application that is supposed to be the (Lic. installer)??? I can NOT find anything out about this website/download and so chose to cancel as I don't trust it. Does anyone have any experience with this and/or advise. Check out the lack of a web page for this as well.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Strange Computer Sound not in sound files ?

    Twice now I have heard a ppfftt.. sound repeated 4 times in a row. I checked all my sound file sounds and all other possibilities. This sound is NOT generated from my computer that I can discover. I have looked everywhere for this sound. Anyone have a similar experience? Also no notification windows show up, just.. ppfftt... ppfftt... ppfftt... ppfftt... None of my programs generate such a sound, that I can discover anyway. OS is XP home. NO viruses discovered, as well. Can anyone help identify it?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Movie... Pineapple Express?

    Do you need a reason to NOT smoke POT. Watch this movie, it's a cure. LMAO

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Boys...How do you keep those pants from falling down while wearing that, half down your butt, style?

    I am really looking for is how they are kept up or from falling down and/or causing some ahem... embarrassment...?

    I need the real wearers of this *boy style* to answer... How, Why & any unpleasant moments you may have had ?

    If you mark this *interesting* then your networks will also see this question and we all just might get some good, truthful answers to this most perplexing of questions. lol

    ( ∞∫ ℵígíoüs² ∫∞ )

    ( Yuk! - P∞l Dr∞l? )

    \(•)¿(•)/ ∫teve (ツ)

    {*¿*}I Strive 2B{*_*}


    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how to get rid of this program? mmjb.exe - What is mmjb.exe? mmjb.exe or mmjb process info for...?

    ...MUSICMATCH Jukebox. The program is corrupted and Add remove programs won't work. I need a way to completely remove this? It is causing other problems now.

    It was installed when I installed a Logitech wireless keyboard. The keyboard works just fine but I can seem to get rid of that MUSICMATCH Jukebox now. Some file is corrupt in the program and it truly is messing with other programs. It took 10 minutes to load mt Browser and that would not load until I removed the mmjb.exe from the windows Task Manager. I use XP Home.

    As always 10 point, a thumb up and a hug if your not too skittish for that... if you can find a way to help me on this one?

    (ツ) ∫ \(•)¿(•)/

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had one or more of your questions on Y/A DELETED by the community Admins & why?

    Did you ever violate the Community rules to the point that someone complained and you got your question deleted and LOST 10 points.

    Did you learn a lesson and not make that same mistake again?

    And, What obscure, little known, seldome remembered rule did you violate?

    I already have had two questions deleted, the first was for no apparent reason I could find out and I still want my 10 points back. LOL

    The second was a rule I didn't think applied *sorta* as I have seen a few people do it and apparently, not get caught or reported.

    That one I know the answer to and they were right to delete my question.

    I will not violate that rule again.

    So, your turn, what community crime have you committed?

    (∞∫ ℵígíoüs² ∫∞) (ツ) ∫ \(•)¿(•)/

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How did they get the Moon rovers... well... err... On the Moon?

    I mean, did they pack them in tiny suitcases and inflate them?

    I'm not really bying that one.

    Did they unpack a bunch of hermetically sealed plastic bags and add water?

    I'm not much for that method either.

    Did they unpack a bunch of small packages on the Moon and then get out the tool kit and assemble them like a Big kids (mikano-set)?(Can't spell that one). If this one then it must have been a real pain in the fingers working with those tools for such a job? But this one I will at least consider possible if not probable.

    What other method could they have used to get those nifty Moon Rovers/Buggies their?

    How long would it have taken them to assemble them using the (Mikano-set) method?

    I don't remember a second landing craft carrying these Rovers/Nifty Moon buggies. (Wish I had one)

    So what do you all think is the real answer?

    Come on all you Moon specialists. This one is right up your... err... Moon Shadow.

    (ツ) ∫ \(•)¿(•)/

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • I think the points here are too low. What do you think ?


    I think points should be:

    Day Turnover = +5 pts (not +1)

    Question Asked = -2 pts (not -5)

    Question Answered = +5 Pts (not +2)

    Best Answer = +25 Pts (Not +10)

    *Stars* should get +1 point for question asker. None taken from the person that stared your question.

    Are points given or taken for anything I missed or was not aware of?

    What say you on this too low of points system. Should we storm Y/A to change the points system?

    Please... ***STAR*** this question so all your network, regardless or their chosen catagory sees this question as well. I really want a wide source of answers to base how you all feel about this one.


    (ツ) \(•)¿(•)/

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • HARRY POTTER!... \(•)¿(•)/?

    Ok now that I have your attention, I just want to know how many people lurking about on Y/A is a Harry Potter fan?

    PLEASE, I am asking nicely for all to give me a "STAR" for this question as Harry asked me to ask this as he is just too shy and makes me do all the dirty jobs anyway. *ooppss Cringe* *Punishing self*

    Some questions you can give short answers to:

    1. Do you Like or Hate Hermione?

    2. Do you Like or Hate Draco Malfoy?

    3. Who should Harry be paired up with as in, a sexual relationship, or is he too young for that?

    4. WHo here thinks that giving Hermione a time Turner in 3rd year was a good or bad Idea in General? (do not consider the rescue of Sirius or Buckbeak in this answer) Harry just wants to know if you think giving a pain in the *&* 13 year old student a time turner is something you might do?

    5. Who thinks Albus Dumbledore is a certified Fruit Cake?

    6. Who thinks Severus Snape should never be anywhere near children much less be so called teaching them?

    That's enough for now. Please don't forget to grant Harry a STAR.


    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago