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Lv 31,638 points


Favorite Answers24%

I was at level 6 on my old account...I'll get there again!!! I'm Helen, 27, from Manchester. I have 2 cats, i'm an Atheist, i'm opinionated, I work as an Administrator for G4S, what else can I say.....ummmm...and I love going out partying, extreme sports, my friends, food and cooking. That's it :)

  • Can you buy real marshmallows anywhere in the UK?

    Real as in made with Marshmallow Root? I know you can get them in the US but the only American sites i've found that stock them don't deliver overseas.

    i know there are a lot of 'gourmet marshmallows' out there but they are all just made with sugar and gelatine.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Quitting my job after just one week...?

    I started a new job on Monday. I'd been looking for a while as my temporary contract was ending and I was signed up with an agency and had applied for a few jobs. I knew when I started that it wasn't ideal as the pay is lower than I'm used to, and some other factors, such as the commute. I got a phone call Tuesday evening inviting me to an interview for a job I really wanted today (Thursday). I told the new job I had a plumber coming to my house and needed to finish work early, and went to the interview. They have offered me the job, starting next week!

    So my question is, how do I tell the job I only started on Monday that I'm quitting after only a week?? I'm really not looking forward to that conversation! Do I tell them first thing tomorrow morning, or wait until the end of the day? I don't have to give any notice because I'm so new, but at the same time I want to make sure I get paid for the week (or 4 days) that I've worked, otherwise i'll be short at the end of the month

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Question about boyfriend's eye contact?

    what does it mean when a guy doesn't make eye contact with you when talking in a group, but does with everyone else in the group?

    I've been with my man for a couple of years now and generally everything is fine, but this really bugs me. If it's just us talking he'll always make eye contact with me but if there's anyone else there, he'll maintain eye contact with them when he's talking but won't look at me at all. I find myself staring at his eyes to get him to look at me and he doesn't, and there are times I've just left a group conversation because I've felt on the outside of it for this reason. If other people in the group are talking it's not the case (i.e. they will make eye contact with all of us, as is normal), it's just when he's talking. I wonder if other people notice it too. I mean my best friend has pointed it out but no-one else has ever mentioned it.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Experienced cooks: Help needed - steak sauce?

    I'm a big fan of steak stuffed with stilton with Port Sauce and make it all the time. I'm just wondering if the steak stuffed with stilton would go as well with Diane Sauce? And if substituting the brandy in the Diane Sauce for Port would make a difference...or would that just be horrible?


    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What am I meant to think about this?

    I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months. I know he's still in touch with a couple of his exes, which doesn't bother me at all, I am with one of mine, and i'm really not the jealous type. My boyfriend works away on oil riggs, he's working now so we chat on Facebook a lot. Last night we were on chat till pretty late and I said I was going to bed and logged off. Anyway something came on TV that I wanted to watch so I stayed awake and logged back onto Facebook. When I looked at his profile I noticed he'd 'liked' a couple of his ex's pictures. I noticed it but didn't really think anything of it. But then he deleted the posts from his profile - obviously so I didn't see it as he didn't realise i'd gone back online and thought I was asleep.

    Like I said i'm not the jealous type but this has started alarm bells ringing. Why would he try to hide it from me, especially when he knows i'm not the jealous type and i'm ok with his being friends with his ex? I can't talk to him about it until he rings me later as I can't phone him when he's offshore.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I do about him?

    I have a friend that i've known for about 9 years. We were quite good friends 9 years ago, but after that we only saw each other occasionally for years. About 6 months ago we got closer again and started seeing each other more regularly. He said to me a few months ago that all those years ago he had a massive crush on me. I was surprised and told him i'd never seen him as anything other than a friend. But I assumed he was over that. It turns out he's not and a friend of his took me to one side the other day and told me that he really, really likes me and since then he's been making it really obvious. Like he made some burritos when i went round to his flat and they were so spicy I could only eat a bit of one and he was visibly upset and kept saying sorry and that he'd f*cked up. I felt really guilty for not being able to eat more. When we chat on MSN or facebook he often implies that he likes me. I've told hm 3 times now that I only see him as a friend and now it's getting to the point that i'm uncomfortable around him. He is a really, really cool guy, I just don't fancy him

    The thing is, what do I do? I really want to keep this guy as a friend, he's a lot of fun and I like the people i've met through him a lot. I know the best thing is to probably just stop hanging around with him but I don't want to have to do that

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Excel help needed please?

    I have a rota spreadsheet which contains start and finish times and I need a formula that calculates the whole weekly hours. I have come up with the below but think there must be a simpler way....does anyone know of one..??

    =INT((B42-B41)*24) +((B43-B44)*24) +((B45-B46)*24) +((B47-B48)*24) +((B49-B50)*24) +((B51-B52)*24) +((B53-B54)*24)

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • When is best to do it?

    I've been seeing this guy for a few months, anyway it turns out that we're not as compatible as I originally thought, and i've decided to end things. However, he works away on oil riggs for 2-3 weeks at a time and is away at work now. I'm totally against the whole finishing things over the phone but if I wait 2 weeks till he gets back, i'm not sure how to act with him when he does call me (which is usually 2-5 times a day). So when is the best time to do it? Over the phone while he's away and risk feeling a complete b*tch because of that or do I wait till he gets back, act normal with him on the phone, and risk being a b*tch because of that??


    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to get into work involving overseas travel?

    I've worked in Admin/office type roles for years. I'm 27 and am now in an Admin Management role and am on £24k. I split up with my long term boyfriend 6 months ago and i've decided that I want to get into work that involves overseas travel, but based in the UK (North West). I'm just not sure how. Every job I see either requires experience in the travel industry or would involve taking a massive drop in pay. I'd be happy to go down to £20k but nothing less than that. Although most of the work i've done has been admin type stuff I also have quite a lot of experience in event organising, imports and exports and Local and Regional Government.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • I've heard there is a tattoo parlour in Greater Manchester who'll numb the area before having a tattoo?

    I think it might be in the Sale area, does anyone know the name of it? Or of a tattoo artist in Manchester that does?

    3 AnswersManchester1 decade ago
  • How tall are you, and would you change your height if you could?

    I'm 5'8" and would love to be 2 inches shorter

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Personalised tattoo question?

    I have an idea of what I want for my next tattoo, but i'm not particularly artistic. I need someone to draw one for me that I can take to the tattoo parlour, how do I go about finding someone for this? I live in Manchester, UK

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a simple, healthy, delicious recipe?

    My boyfriend is back from 2 weeks away working tomorrow and i've said i'll cook him a meal for when he gets back. We're both on a bt of a health kick at the moment, has anyone get any recipe ideas? I'm gonna go shopping for ingredients tomorrow so I really am open to any suggestion.

    Thanks! :)

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Question about Uranium Isotopes and fizzy drinks?

    Ok, so i'm aware of the fact that Uranium Isotope 235 is (along with plutonium) part of the cocktail that makes an atomic bomb explode, but how does this link to the uranium isotopes found in fizzy drinks, if at all? In theory, would it be possible to fission atoms found within carbonated drinks and then create Plutonium isotopes?

    I don't know if anyone here can answer this but I really hope so!!

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What are the best nightclubs in Manchester?

    Places that are actually busy. I always go either end up in Deansgate Locks or Sankeys and fancy a change...where are the best places to go?

    I went to the Roadhouse the other week with a mate and it was a bit random

    2 AnswersManchester1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like morning sickness?

    I know everyone probably gets it differently, but does this sound like it could be morning sickness?

    For the last few days i've been getting waves of nausea, that only seem to last a couple of minutes each time. I have been getting them from about 9am up to about 2pm and after that i've felt fine. I have rushed to the toilet a couple of times thinking I was going to be sick but by the time i've got to the toilet the nausea has passed.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago