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I speak my mind not meaning to offend anyone. I speak my truth not trying to keep others from doing the same. Don't take it personal!

  • Kwame Kilpatrick.."Bitchassness". Why my Brotha? Why?? Stupid is as Stupid Does...?

    You are a Black man in power position. You know going in that you need to act right because your every move is going to be watched. Why in the hell would you be so stupid as to carry on an affair using city issued devices, fire the people that are getting close to airing your dirty laundry, cause the city tax payers to have to pay millions to them in a settlement because you lied on oath and had to pay them off. Now the truth is out and you're not even man enough to resign. You rather they drag you out kicking and screaming?

    The city tax payers in Detroit need to be picketing on his front lawn screaming "I Want My Money Back"

    This was not the time for your foolishness!! I guess you never had that little dude on your shoulder called "conscious". He would have told you, "No man, don't do that, that's a Bitchassness move." "Don't do it!"

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Hilliary's "Oops, Did I say that?" Foot in her mouth comment.?

    What do you think?

    Why didn't she just admit to making a mistake instead of trying to point the finger, using Obama as a target to get all eye's off of her. You know how we did when you were little, and you got in trouble. I would say to my mom, instead of taking responsibility for what I did, I would say; " Well, he (my brother) did blah blah blah. Telling what he did to take the attention off me, hence getting me out the hot seat.

    This was her 40 inch slip.

    Hillary had said King's dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while Bill Clinton said Illinois Sen. Obama was telling a "fairy tale" about his opposition to the Iraq war. Black leaders have criticized their comments, and Obama said Sunday her comment about King was "ill-advised."

    All opinions and views are welcome even if I don't agree! That's what Y/A is for.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • 10% Of The Population Do Not Get to Experience a Favorite Pastime?

    Because they're deaf. Going to the movies is a favorite pastime that we "who can hear" take for granted. Do you have someone in your life that is deaf? Most cities have big theaters holding about 15-36 theater rooms in them. Please tell me why the owners can't at least show Some movies in closed caption for the hearing impaired?

    And why is it, even after the movies come out on DVD, there are only a few of them that are closed captioned. Please tell me why, in this day and age of technology this is over looked.

    There are only a handful of theaters that show captioned movies, and it will be one movie at certain times. I think all movies should have the option to be viewed that way.

    Maybe if the actor's stand up for the 10% that don't get to see their films, a change can be made. I think we all should stand up for the 10%. Fitting under the discrimination right. It's a handicap. They have a right to go to the movies with friends and loved ones, to see any film, knowing what's said

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If The Shoe Fits Wear It! "American Gangster"?

    The New York DEA is complaining that their name is being dragged through the mud because of the way they were depicted in the movie “American Gangster”. They’re complaining about the credit at the end of the movie, which states three fourths of the DEA was convicted with the help of Frank Lucas, because of their own criminal activities.

    I did see the movie and was under the impression that this was a fact based movie from real life experiences from both Frank Lucas and Richie Roberts (played by Crowe). I did believe the statement at the end of the movie too. Are they trying to say that there were “NO” corrupt DEA agents convicted? Just how many where convicted and how many went untouched. I think when you do those figures you will have your three-fourths if not more. Who really cares any way? One rotten apple can mess it up for the whole bunch; so why even bother to fight to have it removed from the credits. The damage is done. If you want to blame someone, blame those crooked DEA that left the stain in the first place. I think their missing the point. What’s your opinion?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What do you feel Strongly about?

    Is there something that you feel strongly about? Your passion, an interest in something or an issue.

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Can You Remeber Something Stupid That Your Parents Did When You was younger? Anything, you want to share!?

    For example: For the longest time, growing up, I thought that the Jehova Whitnessess that would come to the house, nocking on the door, were going to kill us. My mother made suck a big up roar when they would come. We had to stop in our tracks, fall down to the floor, or hide somewhere, staying completely quit the whole time. My stomach would be filled with butterflies from my nerves. She would scare the crap out of my brother and me.

    When I moved into my first apartment, why did I find myself doing the same thing? I would be scared and acting all stupid, and hinding. It's amazing what your parents can pass on to you. Of course now I know better... :0)

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Everyone is at Pride weekend in ATL?

    But me!!!! :o( I wish I was going!!!!!

    Who feels my pain or who's going?

  • Ignore"Youbeenslaved" racist questions?

    People if you ignore this idiot's questions he will stop. Don't fuel his fire or please him by responding to his foolishness. He keeps creating new accounts with the same name only changing the end.

    Don't feel the need to respond to him. You please him by giving him a lot of responses and it's kind of backwards. You to have ignored them all; don't even answer.

    When you see the racist answers, don't give them "thumbs downs" either. That makes them happy. Just leave it be!

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If We Ignore Their Racist Stupid Questions?

    I always felt the need to respond to the racist questions and idiotic racial rhetoric I see posted on here. Maybe if we all stop answering their questions or responding to the garbage; just ignore their stupid meaningless postings, they will stop from not getting the attention that they obviously missed out on as a child.

    What’s that old saying, “kill them with kindness”? Our kindness would be to not respond at all. They continue to post the foolishness because we respond.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Bubba g and c g Which is it?

    So tell me... are you both still upset about the black kid that pinned you both down and farted on your faces? Dang, it was the 10th grade. It wasn't racial; he would have farted on your faces even if you had been black. It was because you both road the short yellow bus and you had your name tag pinned to your shirts. Bubba g happy to see you fixed that drool problem, good for you! c g you may want to change that diaper now.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why Does The New Girlfriend Feel Like She Has Rights?

    When it comes to when, how and why he spends time with his kids. How he spends his money on them? If she should be around the kids or included in birthday parties? (If you were the other woman he cheated with, why the hell would you think it's okay for you to be included in anything?) And if you're just the new girlfriend period what gives you the right?

    Just courious because of some of the questions I've seen today and also my own personal experience with the new wife. She was jealous of our healthy relationship we have for our daughter. She was also jealous of our daughter. She didn't even want him to pay child support and tried to get him to stop. He didn't.

    She even got jealous at our daughter's birthday party because no one was paying her any attention. She complained to him. I told her to shut up, go home and next time don't come you selfish B^tch. Because this is not about you!

    I would like to hear responses from both sides please! Thank you!

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Please Tell Me How This Is Violating Yahoo Rules?

    This was some one's question yesterday:

    Question: i was dating a girl i was engaged to, we fought and broke up but now we just kiss. what do i do!?

    My answer: I do believe your last question you were a kid making out in the school hall ways, right? Is it me or is something not making sense her?

    I got this email this morning:

    Hello honeyb (honeyb41272)

    You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

    What's going on here?

  • Does your husband/wife/life partner upgrade? If so, how have they upgraded you?

    For those who may not understand the question how has your partner added to your life, up lifted you in a positive way. Or made you a better person.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you eat the meat that came from a "cloned" animal?

    Would you want to know how the meat, eggs, milk you purchased at the grocery store came about. Did it come from a test tube invention or an animal naturaly grown. Some say these products won't have to be marked from clone creation. I would rather know so that I don't buy it. What about you?

    20 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • You’re pregnant with Twins 1 baby Black and the other White???

    You are married and having twins. You’ve been cheating obvious only to you until you deliver a white baby and a black baby.

    Yes, you were cheating outside your race. This question is not about race so please don’t take it there! It’s just something to make you think because it can happen and has happened.

    What do you do? What would you say? How would you explain?

    16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why are people so quick to answer dumb question and not the more serious ones?

    I don't get it! I thought my questions were pretty good but I get very responses.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Paris Hilton, Can you believe this?

    Paris Hilton going to jail.

    Paris Hilton is trying to get people to sign a petition to keep her self out of jail. She wants the Judge to pardon her so she won’t have to spend 45 days in jail.

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If it was you in the armed forces, would you care if the man/woman next to you that saved your life was gay?

    If you think homosexuality is morally wrong would you really care at that moment? Would you say “NO, not you! Don’t save my life. You’re gay!

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do straight woman like kissing woman?

    Two woman making out seems to be a fad now days. Why? I think only another woman can answer this best. Not men.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is the Hip Hop culture ruining our young girls? (Ages 10 and up)?

    My personal opinion is it clearly does have some effect on the behavior of some of our youth today. It’s not a positive effect either. Our young girls are growing up too fast and trying to emulate what they see in the Hip Hop world. I’m a single parent raising my 12 year old daughter and it’s an everyday struggle to keep her from getting tainted. Although she doesn’t get exposed to it too much at home (in my control) she get’s an over whelming dos of it at school, and hanging out with friends. I basically have her living in a bubble at home to try to save her from exposure, but that’s not good either because then that may cause her to break free and really be wild. It’s so hard and I’m not sure what to do?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago