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  • If we sent a general like General George Patton to Afghanistan we would have any problem with the Taliba?

    The US used to know how to win wars. Today soldiers die for no reason.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Should we consider recruiting foreign mercenary fighters to defend the nation?

    Just like the Roman Empire relied on foreign fighters at the end of the empire I believe we need to do the same thing.

    If the nation needs to be defended how can we count on American soldiers?

    How can we rely on American men who when they hear the word Mafia will not even lift a spray can at night to even try to defend the liberty of defenseless American women and children from criminal dictators in their own homeland?

    Imagine a real enemy not just criminals and having to rely on American soldiers to defend the nation in a time of crisis?

    I think if you look at the situation realistically you will come to the same conclusion.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • So will my collage age niece and nephew have to live their lives under Italian Mafia control?

    I have protested every day for about a year and a half and I would say a few million people have witnessed me protesting for freedom and yet not one American has lifted a finger to do anything.

    Dictators fall when good people unite; the Serbian people toppled their dictator with a simple resistance movement.

    No one ever thought the Soviet Union would fall but the people got sick of oppression and toppled it.

    This is the United States of America founded by good men who simply stood up together and fought for freedom.

    People who tell you the Mafia can’t be defeated are losers, and they will be correct if no one ever even tries.

    All you need is the will to live free and the courage to stand up for what is right and to take action.

    My family has lost freedom and I will fight every single day until that is restored, even if no other American ever helps me. V for Victory facebook

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who needs freedom when you live in the greatest country in the world?

    Or is it the freedom that makes it the greatest country in the world?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Hands in pockets- Mafia helpers, what is the best age to teach your children that it is OK to help criminals?

    That has to be a tough thing to teach American children that it is ok to intimidate strangers for the Mafia.

    How do you handle it if your children actually have a conscience?

    Also how do you teach an American child it is ok to be a slave?

    Please understand, I have never been a slave and for that matter could never even conceive of the notion of accepting slavery; so I don’t understand these things.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How many know that in the past American men were as brave as Turkish women are today?

    I know what you’re going to say, no way, American men standing up and fighting for freedom instead of just doing what they are told, never happened.

    Believe me if you look in a history book you will find that American men in the past would fight against any odds for freedom.

    We actually had what were called Freedom Fighters.

    Look up things like the American Revolution where American men stood up to the world’s Super power of the time to fight for liberty. You could also look up the Alamo where American men fought for freedom against unbelievable odds.

    It is a rotten shame that brave American men are extinct today .

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How come the Mafia leaders in Italy have to hide in underground bunkers and here in the US they don’t?

    We need new laws in the USA

    In Italy they confiscate their cars, boats, homes and bank accounts, and even arrest their lawyers and bankers and even the judges and politicians who help them.

    We ignore the lawyers judges and politicians here who allow they to exist above the law in the US.

    Please excuse my fixation on the Italian Mafia but I have lost my freedom in my own country because American leaders are afraid to stand up and do the right thing.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How is it our political and military leaders fault that many American children don’t have freedom?

    I know what you going to say, they took an oath to defend the constitution.

    But this is 2013 you can’t expect to hold todays leaders to the same standards as the great leaders our nation had in the past.

    Who cares if there are more Americans without freedom today than before the civil war at least our leader’s children will grow up free and not have to worry about Mafia criminals making them slaves in their own country?

    And do you have any idea how many children there are in this country, do you honestly think every American child deserves liberty?

    Our military is the superpower of the world, do you know how many important responsibilities they have to people around the world. How could we expect them to have the time defend liberty here in the US.

    Do you know there are 3000 Mafia members in the US; do you honestly think the US Military could handle 3000 trained killers.

    Come on now let’s try and be realistic here, just because the Italian Mafia controls people like slaves and they behave just like any dictator in the world we can’t expect our troops to actually help liberate Americans.

    And don’t give me that line, that they took an oath to do just that.

    And also try to remember we always use the police to liberate people around the world, never the military, (I could be wrong on this point)

    Anyway just don’t blame todays leaders because they can’t handle the big things that our leaders in the past used to accomplish; to do great things you need great men and we just have to wait until the next time we have great leaders.

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • So will the Vietnam strategy work as well in Afganistan as it did in Vietnam ?

    If we intended to win the war in Afganistan our troops should have been fighting in northern pakistan or met the Pakistan troops at the boarder.

    Not just draw a line and wait for the enemy to cross it.

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • What is the best way to inform American women that American men will not defend their liberty?

    Every day I have to watch at least one woman or teenage girl crying because she is forced to act against her will by the Italian Mafia and this has been going on for years.

    But I am one person and there is nothing I can do to help them.

    They have to understand that if you look in any history book American men were fighters in the past, in fact they would defend liberty at any cost. And those men would be outraged that any American women or children were being abused by criminals.

    But this is 2013 and American men today are not fighters; they just do what they are told.

    And I am not just talking about the hands in the pockets Mafia slaves either.

    Any sane person would wonder how 3000 Mafia can possibly control so many people.

    The best explanation I can give you is these people under Mafia control are not the type of people you look to as any type of hero in your favorite movie.

    So unless we can import some real freedom fighters, for example women from Turkey who will stand up to riot police to actually fight for freedom; many American women and children will just have to live without freedom in our country.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Do you think it is wrong that in 2013 that only the Italian Mafia can have American slaves?

    I think this is wrong and is a form of discrimination. Why can criminals own slaves and I can’t?

    I think that if I was allowed to own a few slaves I would treat them much better than any Mafia criminal

    I would like just a small number of slaves to run a small vineyard on my property and they can live in the shed in my backyard, I will even give them free cable and cookies.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is cowardice contagious; I think there might be an outbreak in Florida or maybe even an epidemic?

    I am worried if cowardice is contagious because I sure don’t want to catch it.

    I have seen what it does to American men and it is very scary.

    All you do is mention the word Mafia and American men act like little girls.

    I am forced to watch American men who have freely given up their liberty without even a fight and who do whatever they are told just like any domesticated farm animal.

    Some of them even wear shirts that say OBEY on them.

    That is why I try to stay as far away as possible from these men, but the Mafia forces them to confront me all the time.

    I sure hope some real American men who have not caught this disease are still left to fight back.

    If not I will fight on alone anyway, because slavery is never an option for any real American.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Would it be easier for the US Govt. to place one employee with each Family to ease the NSA workload?

    Think of all the money spent on license plate readers and intelligence gathering.

    We could save money and the Government would know everything everyone is up to and would not have to snoop.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Do you think US soldiers should have to place their hands in their pockets to honor Mafia criminals?

    Watch at the end of this video where the US Marine has to be videoed with his hand in his pocket as he walks away from the camera.

    This is outrageous that our soldiers have to put their lives on the line to fight evil to defend our nation and when they come home they have to pay tribute to criminal thugs in our country like the Italian Mafia. ( Watch video at 3:12 mark)

    Every single TV Camera Man who takes these type of shots should be identified.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Anyone hear about the 9 Mafia arrested in NY this week, why do the Mafia need all those guns?

    Check out the photo of the table full of guns confiscated.

    I thought the Mafia was just a bunch of old men with no real power anymore.

    Good news:

    Nine reputed members of the Bonanno crime family were charged in an indictment unsealed Tuesday with what prosecutors called old-school mob activity: gambling, loan sharking, extortion and drugs.

    A two-year investigation dismantled one crew of the family, including a captain, two capos, a soldier and several associates, two of whom were members of an International Brotherhood of Teamsters local union, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. said.

    "The 158-page indictment demonstrates that organized crime is still operating in New York City and has its hooks into the labor movement," Vance said.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Should I have any expectation that honest Americans will stand up to fight evil?

    I am asking for help to fight the Italian Mafia which is abusing innocent women and children in our country.

    I am not asking you to grab a gun and jump in a foxhole in Europe to fight the Waffen SS.

    I am asking you to help me fight a bunch of American criminals by helping me get the word out across America that the Mafia is making slaves of some of our countrymen.

    Every American deserves to live free of criminal control in our great nation.

    Do you honestly think that if you ignore evil it will just go away, or if the Mafia faces no opposition they will not try to expand their power and control over even more Americans? V for Victory Facebook

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does anyone think the quality of American slaves has declined since 1860?

    Since I have to deal with Mafia slaves every single day, I think I am highly qualified to judge the quality of American slaves today even though I was not alive in 1860.

    Even though Italian mafia slaves would be useless on a plantation that is not the only thing you look for in a good slave.

    These men will do whatever they are told no matter good, bad, right or wrong.

    And isn’t that the number one thing you look for in a quality slave, blind obedience?

    To be honest you would never even know these men were born in America as they are more than happy to do what they are told.

    And don’t worry about insurrections which happened in the 1860’s,these men are happy to obey.

    These men even teach their children it is OK to live as slaves in America, what more could you ask from your slave?

    So in summation, I would say that America has some of the finest slaves you can find.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Now that I am famous ; will I ever be as free as George Zimmerman?

    After 15 months of protesting the Ft Lauderdale Sun Sentinel published a picture of me protesting.

    I have to give the reporter Brittany Wallman a lot of credit for her courage.

    I am still waiting for the men of this country to stand up for freedom

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago