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  • What is the difference between nynorsk and bokmål?

    Please could some one explain to me what the difference is between nynorsk and bokmål giving some examples of how vocabulary and anything else differs between the two. Could you tell me exactly where each one is spoken and whether they are completely different languages, or if it is actually the same language, but that the one has been influenced by the indigenous tribes like Eskimos from beyond the Arctic Circle?

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • How Many Branches of Accountancy Are There and Where Can I Find This Information?

    I wonder if someone can list the various areas, which can be listed under the general umbrella of "Accountancy" please?

    I know there is Tax, because everyone associates accountants with tax.

    I also know about Audit, because I did the module on Audit for my degree. I know Accountancy is such a large subject that accountants specialise in certain areas, just as doctors and solicitors have there own specialities. So I wonder if someone could list these other areas for me, or tell me where I can find this information please.

    Most of all, after spending a successful, but very stressful year on a placement as an accountancy student, in a very large and busy firm, I have now graduated and am looking for a job. However, I am anxious to avoid a permanent job in an office, which concentrates on the "month's end", which is what my placement did. This is because it was so pressurised, I was even unable to stay at home in bed when I was really ill and on antibiotics, because of the responsibility I had that week for the month's end.

    I am really not interested in working in tax and I did not even choose the module on tax in University.

    I do have an interest in audit, but I would like to know more and be able to look at what else might be available to me. There is no careers advisor at university and I just don't know where to find the information I need. Could anyone tell me where I could find this careers advice to help me please?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • What interesting jobs could an accountancy graduate consider for a future career?

    My daughter has just graduated in accountancy, but having spent 15 stressful months on a placement in the busy office of a very large firm she feels she does not want to go back into that environment. She did not have a nice boss and was even expected to go in to work when she was suffering from an ear infection and should have been in bed, all because the month's end figures had to be done! She had to work long hours and spent 2 hours commuting each day. We are therefore wondering what other job opportunities she could look at to use her accountancy degree without having the stress of having to balance the figures for the end of every month. She did not choose the tax module in uni, because the lecturer was not much good. She was really good at her work, but has been put off by the bad experience she had during her sandwich year. I understand that very many things come under the general "umbrella" of accountancy, so I am sure there must be other interesting, but less stressful areas could she look at? I just do not know whom we could turn to for careers advice to help her and I feel concerned that so much long term stress would be detrimental to her health. Thank you for your help..

    2 AnswersTechnology9 years ago
  • Can a cheap Film Scanner produce good enough digital pictures to save on disk?

    Has any body had any experience of scanning old slides, please? I have a few hundred old family slides, which I would like to update by putting them onto a disk. The cost to have it done in a shop is prohibitive, so if I buy a cheap scanner on E-Bay and do the job myself, will it give me good enough pictures to save onto a disk, bearing in mind the originals are just family shots and not professionally taken?

    I notice that some of these scanners are reconditioned. I do not mind this as long as it is easy to operate and works well. Could you tell me what are the minimum specs I need to look for please and if there are any types or makes I should avoid and why. Many thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerScanners1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know when Connie Fisher is getting married please?

    Does anyone know when Connie Fisher, the West End star of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Sound of Music production, is marrying Jeremy Reed, the International Banker? There was an item about it on Radio Wales and Derrick Brockway was giving the weather forecast as he said he was in school with the groom and had been invited to the wedding, but we missed when he said they were getting married. We thought it was either this weekend or next. If any one can tell me I will be most grateful. Thank you very much.

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you really enjoy Christmas as it is today, or has the over commercialism spoilt it for you?

    Christmas is a time when families get together and people feel guilty if they leave anyone out, even if they do not like them. Consequently, you get people having to put up with cantankerous family members, or people, who do not normally speak to each other being invited to the same house, just because 'it is Christmas'. It should then come as no surprise that there are more arguments and fallings out at Christmas than at any other time of the year.

    The commercialisation of Christmas has, for me changed it from a happy event to be enjoyed into a stressful rat race of compulsory spending to 'keep up with the Joneses', which I can no longer enjoy. Children get far too much and we hear of parents getting themselves into debt, in order to spend hundreds of pounds on their children. Why do children need to be so over indulged? Children we visited, had been given so many toys, the floor of the room was covered with them! My children and I felt quite sickened when the one child announced that she did not play with the Barbie dolls she had had for the previous Christmas anymore, (We had given her a horse and carriage, which had cost around £30!), because she had now been given something new, which was actually too old for her age. Children can only play with one toy at a time and so many of the expensive toys remain untouched and unappreciated. The whole thing makes children greedy and unappreciative of things given to them by loving relatives. What sort of people will these spoilt children grow into, I hate to think! Am I alone in feeling like this?

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Our friends believe our food made them ill and now they won't speak to us?

    My husband and I have been friends with another couple for about 12 years now and we have each been in the habit of inviting the other couple to a meal and spending a pleasant evening together about 4 times a year. The last time they visited us, however, the wife phoned early on the Sunday morning to ask if we were OK and went on to say they had been ill after eating my food and asked if I had used 'a piece of old chicken or something'. I felt insulted and told her that the chicken was fresh from the butchers that morning! She said, that they had both been 'ill with diarrhoea all night'. I told her it couldn't have been caused by anything they had eaten here, because 5 of us had all eaten exactly the same as they had and we were all fine. She replied with a sort of incredulous laugh in her voice, as if I were an idiot, and insisted it had started 2 hours after leaving our house. I said I was sorry that they were ill, but that 5 of us had eaten it and we were all fine. She then said she had to go, because they had to go to church. I said, 'What! You are going out with diarrhoea!!' She replied they had to go and had taken Imodium. I told my husband and said they couldn't have been particularly 'ill' if they could stop it with Imodium and if they felt like going out to church and a coffee morming. My husband said if it was something they had eaten, it must have been at lunchtime, before they came to us.

    After a few days, I phoned and asked the husband how they were. He said they were better and I said as before, that 5 of us had eaten it and were all fine, so they couldn't have got the upset from us. He replied, 'Oh, you were lucky, were you, good' and thanked me for phoning to enquire after them in such a strange and formal way, I realised that nothing was going to convince them.

    Since March, I have tried to phone many times, but have failed to get an answer until last week. Their phone shows the caller's number. I heard the husband's voice mentioning my name and the wife just kept saying hello, to pretend the phone was faulty. I hung up and phoned again and this time she picked up the phone, but kept her finger on the silent button until I put the phone down!!

    I was going to suggest we went for a drink together if they didn't want to have a meal, as I cared more about the friendship and the social outting than the meal and would be happy to meet for a drink instead, but I didn't get the chance as she wouln't speak to me! We have always liked the husband much more than the wife as he is good company, whereas she is very opinionated and can be very over bearing and even rude, as with the way she spoke of 'a piece of old chicken'. So why after 9 months are they being like this and carrying what amounts to a grudge after all this time?

    The reason this matters to me is because my husband is not a very social person and these are the only people we socialise with as a couple and otherwise he just does not want to make the effort to go out with me. It seems so awful to have lost friends of 12 years standing in this way, because it was not my fault. I am sure she has told all of their friends and relatives how they had 'food poisoning', when they last came to visit us. So now I ask myself what can I do to put things right between us? Should I take any further action to retain the friendship by writing or leaving a message on their answerphone, or should I just leave things as they are and keep my self respect?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How can I make the letters on my black computer keyboard look white again?

    How can I make the letters on my black computer wireless keyboard look white again? With use over the last 2 years, the white letters on my black keyboard have become dull and have lost their brightness and lustre. This is now so bad that I can only type in bright daylight and the rest of the time need to have a light on. If the light happens to reflect on the keys, I cannot read them either. I do not want to buy a new keyboard, as there is nothing else wrong with this one. I never had any trouble with my old beige keyboard with black lettering, but of course, it was not wireless. I have tried cleaning the white letters, but it makes no difference at all. I was wondering about a Tip-ex pen? Or is there anything else, which would paint them back in so that they would be conspicuous again and still keep a neat and professional finish please?

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • What is best course for practising speaking everyday Norwegian?

    I spent the whole of August studying the Margaretha Danbolt Simons Norwegian course, because I was visiting Norway. I spent on average 3 hours a day and worked my way through to the end of this complete course. I really enjoyed it and liked the language, but now I do not want to lose the knowledge I have acquired and would also like to improve my fluency. I just want to practise having conversations and forming intelligible every day sentences. I found that the conversational speed of the CDs in this course progressed too quickly for me. The silent letters are also a problem, which makes understanding difficult, even when following with the script in the book. I am not over concerned with finer points of grammar or learning vocabulary which would not be of use to me, by following another 'complete course', which would ecourage me to 'run before I can walk' and take me to a level higher than I need to achieve again, but I do like to listen to the CDs or tapes of the spoken language as this helps with pronunciation and understanding. I should add that I am a linguist and speak fluent German, which together with English, helps a lot with Norwegian. Although I have no ambitions of achieving such a high level with my Norwegian I would really like to be able to hold a simple everyday conversation. The library have said they would consider ordering another course in if I can get the details for them. Please can anyone recommend a suitable course, or study method?

    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Advert blocking 1 third of Yahoo screen makes email v difficult to read.Tried closing but just reopens help!?

    How can I block/remove this irritating flickering unwanted advert from my Yahoo screen? It is new. Although I have tried to close it with the cross it just returns. It is making me really annoyed to have something moving in the corner of my eye, but also it is using almost one third of my screen! Any solutions please?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago