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Lv 2741 points


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Just started my new business in selling handbags. Hope it goes well, keeping my fingers crossed :) If you know about handbags or interested in this field you are welcome to give me your advice you can check the designs at thank you kind regards

  • Stock Exchange Or Trade Currencys??

    Your opinion please... what would be best to invest during these roller coaster times???? a lot of people are making a fortune out of other peoples losses.

    6 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Stock Exchange Or Currency Trading?

    Your opinion please... what would be best to invest during these roller coaster times???? a lot of people are making a fortune out of other peoples losses.

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • are my mp3/mp4 too expensive????

    I am starting a business here, and i will be selling my mp3s and mp4s between $40.00us to $85.00us i will not be making much profit on them but its a start for me. Some of the mp4s have a speaker, microphone, charger, headphones and they even send a signal to the car stereo and you hear the songs via the car speakers and a camera on it, they are top stuff. I am not an expert, but am i ok in price would people buy them. I ask you hear my freinds because they say to me that i will not sell if i dont have a shop, but i cannot afford a shop, so im selling at these prices.

    My question

    Am i ok with my prices, in this jungle of a society? and this competitive world of ours??? I am just asking ouffff thanks folks im a little stressed out because i just bought 300 of them.

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • anna nicole smith information wanted?

    could someone tell me why anna nicole smith died, as this was a shock to my system, she was interesting news, no matter what she did. and did she end up getting the old mans money???


    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • CAN someone STEAL your identity if they have a copy of PASSPORT and copy of id?


    We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer BALLOTING SWEEPSTAKE held on January 29th,2007. This is a millennium

    scientific computer game in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.

    Your email address attached to ticket star number .. drew

    the EUROMILLION lucky numbers ...which consequently won the draw in the Second category.

    You have been approve for the star prize of EUR 787,248.26. (Seven Hundred And Eighty Seven Thousand, Two Hundred And Fourty Eight Euros,Twenty Six Cents)

    CONGRATULATIONS !!! from: Paseo De La Castellana Mrs Emily Simon" <>

    15-89, 28008 Madrid,Spain Branch this is half of my email that had me jumping with joy.

    I have sended passport, and id, address,tel. but no bank account

    Am i in any danger? please help:( as i am in a state of shock that i would fall in that trap.

    10 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • I fell in the trap of the BALLOTING SWEEPSTAKE winner?

    I actually believed that i have won the star prize of EUR 787,248.26 and in my really low financial situation i ran and faxed all my details for me to collect all that money thinking finally my luck has changed, now i find a lot more people that have received such emails. I actually believed that my email address won the jackpot that rans twice a year, so i immediatly contacted the person to see if it was real, he assured me that it was and i was the lucky one this luck apperantly comes once in a life time his exact words, and i was crying with joy, so i faxed my life story to him within minutes apart from my accounts, now i am asking you my freinds, can he steal my identity i faxed my passport of one country and my id of another country with my current address, and apparenty he is getting back to me for further details on monday, LUCKY I FOUND THIS WEB SITE as i am ready for him and his millions, but i feel scared of my identity details i sended. Please advice me if anyone knows tnks

    6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago