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  • So female budgies jump each other?

    We have what I thought was three girl budgies together? Luna, nimbus, and Lunas baby(currently unnamed but we thought she is a girl). Well anyway lunas baby just got on top of her momma, so we now think she is a he. But is it possible for females to do that to each other? Shes 3 months old.

    Birds3 years ago
  • How are people already buying the the target exclusive t rex pop figure?

    So my friend works at target and she says for her store they're not allowed to put out the figures until the release date in july, and employees can't buy them unless they're off the clock and the item has been on the shelf first. That being said how the heck have people already bought the 10 inch jurassic world target funko pop? And selling them at ridiculous prices i might add. But i mean did the release date get moved up? I'm trying to find it for her since she's out of work right now while shes on a mission trip out of the country.

    1 AnswerToys3 years ago
  • What training or certification is required to have you dog become a library service dog?

    You know the kind that comes in and the kids read to them. I have a year old pyrenees who is so sweet and think he would be great at that as he loves kids. I work at a smaller library and know of several shy kids who i think would love the idea of reading to a dog. So i was wondering what kind of training you would need and where you could take said training.

    7 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Barnes and noble membership help?

    Ok so i got a memebership awhile back cuz i have a ton of books i want to add to my library and figured the free shipping would be a big help. So i was cruising through the websites listings (i prefer to get used as they're WAY cheaper, i don't have a lot of money sadly) and found a couple i wanted to buy, went to checkout and was still being charged for the shipping even after adding my card number to register my membership. Can anyone help me out as to why i can't get free shipping? I thought that maybe it was because the books were used but i added a brand new book to my cart and it still upped the shipping fee.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Best credit card for someone who doesn't have one?

    I want to start working on my line of credit, so I've been thinking about getting a credit card for that. Any good ones for a first timer? I don't really care aboit limits as of right now since I'm a beginner but I'd prefer one with the first couple months no interest. I was kinda thinking paypal credit, since i use paypal a lot, but i don't know. What do you think?

    4 AnswersCredit3 years ago
  • Questions about buying/owning a friesian horse?

    So eventually I'd like to build a barn in our backyard(we have 5 acres of open field unused) and get a horse sometime in the near future. My dream horse has always been a friesian, and that's what I've decided I want to get. I know they're a lot of work to groom, as well as have various health problems. So I was wondering in your opinion do you think I could find an older, mature friesian for under $2000? I just want a horse for pleasure riding, who I could learn to ride on since I'm only a novice(I rode a lot when I was 8-11 I'm 22 now). Also how high a fence would I need to build for it? 5 ft or 6? If it matters I live in northern indiana.

    6 AnswersHorses4 years ago
  • How much would you estimate it would cost to build a 2 horse stable and a 4-5 acre fence?

    The fence would be in a rectangle shape, if it matters. Eventually I'd like to build a horse barn since its me and my sisters goal to eventually get a horse, potentially 2 but definitely no more than 2. So I was wondering if someone could give me just a rough estimate on how much you think it would cost us. Also if it matters we live in northern indiana. Since I'm sure someone will say don't do it you have no idea what it costs I'd like to add yes I do know owning a horse is very expensive, I have several friends and family so I know exactly how much it costs owning 1 or more. Thanks

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)4 years ago
  • Why won't yahoo answers let me upload a picture?

    It keeps telling me 'we are experiencing some problems, please try again' when I try to add a picture of my birds to a question about them. So I tried to go around it and added a link to the picture on my deviantart account, but as soon as I added it it said 'sorry we can't post your question right now, please try again later.' So how do I resolve this problem?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers4 years ago
  • Can you tell me the gender of these 2 budgies?

    I know you're supposed to know from the cere but I'm uncertain. The white one I assume is a boy, because he's more dominant and kinda bigger than the blue, who I assumed is a girl. The white ones head by the way is pink because of a mineral block we got him. We got them both July of last year from a pet store so I don’t know how old they are exactly. I have to put a link to my deviantart for the picture cuz yahoo won’t let me upload a pic with this question.

    Link to the pic:

    3 AnswersBirds4 years ago
  • Can you tell me the sex of these 2 budgies?

    I know you're supposed to know from the cere but I'm uncertain. The white one I assume is a boy, because he's more dominant and kinda bigger than the blue, who I assumed is a girl. The white ones head by the way is pink because of a mineral block we got him. We got them both July of last year from a pet store so I don’t know how old they are exactly. Also if either one or both ends up being girls do they lay eggs even if theres no male (like a chicken?), or do they just not lay eggs period?

    1 AnswerBirds4 years ago
  • Is a 2007 or 2008 Kia Sportage a good car?

    By car of course I mean SUV, but I just refer to vehicles in general as cars, its easier. So yeah the reviews on most websites seem good but I wanted a more personal account. Does it run well, I mean have you had a lot of major problems that have had to be fixed? Also does it handle well in the snow? Does it have a good heater/AC? Also is it expensove to maintain as far as getting it fixed (I know SUVs are generally more expensive to take to a mechanic however I didn't know if this wouldn't count as much since its a smaller SUV)? In your opinion will it last me several years if I were to buy one now? My current car is a 2000 Impala that has so many problems I've just decided to get a new (to me) car, and before I test drove a sportage and liked it however I couldn't afford it at the current time.

    1 AnswerHyundai4 years ago
  • When will Boruto Naruto the movie be released in English Dubbed? Also Digimon Adventures Tri?

    I thought Boruto was supposed to be released in October, yet I can't seem to find it anywhere to watch online. All the listings are for English Sib, and I can't stand anything other than dub. So when is it going to be released?

    As for Digimon adventures tri, if it was released theatrically in September, then when do you think it will be released digitally in English dub?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation4 years ago
  • Would a Great Dane/Newfoundland mix puppy be a good dog?

    I found a listing for a little of great dane nefie mix pups for $500 each, with a $250 deposit. I should say I've never bought a puppy before, one of my dogs was a stray we rescued and the other we inherited when my grandfather passed. So my first question is about the deposit. I know its basically to hold a puppy so you for sure get one but is it taken of the 500 overall, like when the puppies are ready will i have to pay the full 500+ the 250 deposit? Or will I just owe the remaining 250? Also whats my guarantee they'll actually give me the puppy when the time comes? Do you usually sign a contract or is it just an unspoken trust between the 2?

    Ok now time for puppy questions themselves. First off have you yourself ever had this mix? Do they get a big as a pureblood dane or are their height at some medium between the two sizes? Also are their coats longer like the newfie, short like the dane, or more medium haired between the two? Personally wise are they more laid back like newfies, or hyper like danes? Are they difficult to train? Do they get along with cats? Do they bark a lot? Are they a pain to walk becuase of their size with pulling and such? Also are they prone to wander? I live out in the country so if they were to run away I'dhave a hard time finding them. Also i understand that because of breeding its impossible to say whether or not they'll get certain traits, but I just wanted the opinion of someone whos had one before. Sorry this is so long!

    12 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • How does going to a staffing agency work?

    I mean do you just walk in, tell them about yourself and the find you a job that fits? Also do you have to pay a fee or do they take that out of your first paycheck? I've been searching for a full time job for awhile now but I can't find any that fits for my previous job experience. Someone told me I should try going to a staffing agency since that's how they got their current job. They didn't say much other than that however, so I don't really no much about it. Also is there only certain types of jobs they work with or is it all kinds?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Why can't you rename event pokemon?

    For me, nicknames are everything when it comes to playing pokemon. To the point where I flat out refuse to use a pokemon without a nickname. Its just feels weird if I try. Anyhow I've been noticing that every event pokemon in X/Omegaruby I recieve I cannot nickname, and this really frustrates me to no end, as I have no idea why I can't. I specifically recall being able to nickname the shiny dog trio from Platinum without a problem, so is this like a new gen thing? And if it is what exactly is the purpose of it. Kinda ticks me off that they'd take away one of the few ways to make you seem unoriginal.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • Can Microsoft Office be reinstalled after a computer had been factory reset?

    So a couple of years back I lent my computer to a friend in need(stupid mistake I know) and when she returned it to me it turned out she'd given it a virus. It crashed about 3 weeks later, which conveniently happened right after I gratuated high school and wasn't able to contact the person who’d done the damage. Anyway I could no longer use it so I took it to best buy and they basically told me it'd cost $200+ to fix it and that I'd be better off buying a new 1 since mine was older. Which I did, it was a touchscreen toshiba which I loved. I held onto the the 1st laptop (also a toshiba) just in case. My sis started dating this tec wizard who was able to fix it in like 10 mins(for free, i might add. He said it was an easy fix). Unfortunately he did so by reseting it to factory default, which was okay for me because I had most of my documents/pics saved away. So yeah he got it working again which didn't really mean alot to me since I had my 2nd laptop, for awhile I just used the 1st as storage. However just last ueat my 2nd laptops hinge snapped, like completely so i can't even open it without seeing the motherboard. Honestly I've been afraid to take it in because I think its going to cost a crap ton of money I just don't have. So I've been using the first pc. But I've really been having a problem with the lack of MO, and I don't really want to pay $70+ to rebuy it just for an old pc. So is there a way to reinstall it to my pc? Thanks

  • Best place to purchase a budgie?

    I've decided that I really want a budgie to bring into our family since we just had to put down our 9 year old rabbit Lily. I've been doing my research and while I haven't owned any birds before I'm looking forward to getting to know and love a new animal. So I've been trying to search my area for a bird breeder(since Its better to buy hand raised keets) but the only breeder I can find is Royal Wings Aviary and they only have english budgies which they charge $150 for. I've decided I want an american budgie since they look cuter and are much cheaper. My dilemma is I can't really afford to pay more than $50 what with the price of buying a new cage/toys/food. But I can't seem to find any place that sells them for under $100. I wondered if that's because they're like show quality birds maybe? I just want a pet, and while I really don't want to buy from places like Petco I don't really know where else I can get a bird from. That's where I was hoping you would be able to help. What should I do? Fyi I live around Sputh Bend, IN

    2 AnswersBirds5 years ago
  • How to repot a cactus?

    I know this is probably a weird question but I don't know much about cacti so I wouldn't know what to do in this case. See we're goin to visit my cousins in texas in a few weeks and since I probably won't go back therr ever again I wanted to bring home a baby cactus as a kind of souvenir. But like I said before I don't know much about them so I need someone with expertise to answer my questions. So how do you repot one? I assumed you just dig it up and put it in a pot filled with potting soil(I should mention I live in indiana so the cactus will have to stay inside with me most days), but I didnt know if its more complicated than that or if there are things you have to look out for like roots and whatnot. Also how often do you water them? Once a week or otherwise? And any advise for someone who's never taken care of them before? I really appreciate the help!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape5 years ago
  • How to make a sturdy paper mache sculpture that also comes apart?

    Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays, and its also the only time of year my entire family goes crazy with the decorations. So this year I wanted to try and make something really spectacular. And in honor of one of my favorite stories of all time, I really want to make a life sized headless horseman prop. I've decided that I'm going to use paper mache as medium since its the least expensive of the options people list on how to make a horse. My only problem is we don't really have room to store the beauty when I finish it, so I need to somehow find a way to make it come apart in pieces. That's where i need help, because I have no idea how to go about this. I was thinking of having the body, head, and each leg be a seperate piece that can detach and reattach. But like I said I have no idea what to do, so any suggestions would be super appreciated! Also in your opinion do you think its necessary to have a wire frame/wood base? I was planning on just using a cardboard cutout, the paper mache body, and then a layer of monster mud to make it sturdier. This will be an outside prop. Oh and I should also mention I'm just going with a basic standing pose for the horse.

    1 AnswerSculpture5 years ago
  • Xbox live gold free trial question?

    So i just got eso and I didn't realize you have to have live gold to play so I'm having a dilemma. As of right now I'm short on cash and my paycheck won't come through for another week and a half or so otherwise I would get the 1 year subscription since its the best deal price wise. But I really wanna play the game right now, so I was gonna get the 1 month free trial just so I can play it now. My question is will I be able to buy the year subscription after the free month ends or will it just automatically take the price of 1 month out of my debit card? Thanks!

    4 AnswersXbox5 years ago