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Favorite Answers10%
  • How do I juice beetroot?

    I have only ever eaten tinned beetroot, so I don't know how to juice fresh ones. I understand that you should always have it combined with other fruit and/or vegetable juices, never on its own. And I am also aware that I shouldn't consume too much. But I have never bought them and do not know where to start if I want to juice them. Do they need to be peeled or just washed? Do I put them through my juicer raw, as if it were an apple? Or, do I cook them first? If I need to cook them, how?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do you call it when someone starts singing a song, sings the first line then the next person starts...?

    And so on, and so, on until you have a group of people singing the same song but they each start one line later than the person before them.

    13 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago