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  • who finds colbert a shill?

    we all love jon stewart, even tho he claims hes not a liberal, we all know where he is coming from. colbert is designed to be a spoof of limbaugh, hannity, etc, but its no longer spoof when you just recite the same old liberal lines with sarcasm. sarcasm does not equal wit- in fact, sarcasm is the anti-wit- the cheapest form of spoof. anyone watched lately? i loved him when he started, now i watch jon and change the channel.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • anyone had wendy's 'gourmet mushroom swiss burger?'?

    the ads look awesome, crispy bacon, fresh lettuce & tomato...

    well, it was FOUL. my gf and i were sick the rest of the day. the mushrooms are in some kinda garlic sauce that reminded me of The Lost Boys... "you HATE garlic... no, i love garlic, but this is RAW garlic..." but what LITERALLY made me wretch was when a string of raw bacon got stuck part-way down my throat. i guess wendy's has never heard that you should cook bacon before serving it. this was a foul, smashed, overpriced burger. and the ads are lies. i'm off wendy's permanently. any one else's experience with this "masterpiece" compare to mine?

    8 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • i shot the sherrif, so who shot the deputy?

    i know this is retro, but in the song that says, i shot the sherrif, but i did not shoot the dep-u-ty... so, the guy admits he shot the sherriff, but who shot the deputy? (sorry bob) but if john brown always hated you, for what you do not know, and one day he was aiming to gun you down, and you shot, you shot him down, why would anyone think you didn't shoot the deputy, too?

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • does the bowflex guy bug you?

    when the bowflex ads had a hot 50s grandma in them, it made me think about the product. but, a guy younger than me saying, "i gave my fat clothes to my fat friends" just bugs me. i'm in decent shape, sometimes i look good, sometimes i gain some pounds... but the guy's arrogance does not make me want to buy a bowflex, and the fact that they use a DIFFERENT guy during the workout scenes makes me wonder, why didn't they use the good-looking guy as a spokesperson? maybe coz he didn't get his bod via bowflex?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • does anyone else find those eharmony ads disturbing?

    i guess they are trying to show regular people hooking up, but the girls look like dudes, and the floaty....ahhhhhhhhhhh... "praise eharmony" style is just disconcerting for me. as a disclaimer, i tried eharmony and hated it, so maybe i just shut down when the ads come on, but they seem odd... like you're talking to someone with a really long nose hair.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • best john cusack film ever? grosse pointe blank, period?

    i know you have others, but you are wrong and therefore you suck. ok, you might not suck, but if you graduated around then, knew the music, had a stupid infatuation with an ex who had hoped for a great abduction story... great flick.

    yeah, i know someone has already asked about it "research your question" faaQ i'm watching it NOW and wanted to PEE away my points. MY POINTS

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • am i 'doomed' to be a paint guy?

    i started working at a paint store fresh out of my teen exp as a fast food guy, so from 20 to now 36 i've sold paint. i'm good, the fastest, best color matcher i know, and i know and can teach prep, technique, problem analysation, industrial coatings, etc.

    i was laid off months ago and thought i would try for some jobs i'd always wanted to try, but it turns out they were also a daily grind for 1/3 the money i made. now i have to go back to what i know... it makes me feel a bit hopeless- i thought by my age i'd find some great gig... carving surfboards or tasting beer for a living... i don't really know... but is being a great paint guy enough?

    by the way, NO ONE has an option for 'paint guy'... it isnt retail or wholesale, sales, advertising... so looking for a job as "great paint guy" is a bit tough. just a little lost and downtrodden, thanks group....

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • a good 2 player co-op for PS2 for my noob GF & me?

    i've searched and found some good suggestions... but i wanted to ask this specifically for me & my GF. we want to play something together, but not war/shooters, racing, or fighting (no vs.). for 2 player i guess that leaves RPG co-op. we have LotR:RotK and i love it (so far) but she's not into it enough for us to get far- it's a little chaotic for someone whose gaming history is galaga... (hey don't knock her, she's willing to try :) i'm tempted to try diablo for ps1, but if LotR isn't getting her into gaming, i doubt that aged classic will- sitting idle while your partner spends 20 minutes selling stuff and buying mana ain't REAL inticing. so, champions of norrath? any others? you don't have to stick to RPG's, that's just all i could think of...

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • ok, the LHC is on, now where's my hoverboard and flying delorean?

    alright, the Large Hardon Collider is online, and we're all still here (i know, the collisions won't start until ASAP, but it works better than the Hindenberg thus far)

    i get that it might explain dark matter and fusion... can i spray dark matter on my undercarriage like rustproofing, thereby enabling my car (or skateboard) to fly? can fusion take place in a coffee machine size thingy? can i get 1.21 gigawatts out of it? can i punch biff? for ten billion i want some hardcore scifi answers.... warp engines? plasma shields? i hope this isn't just a geekasm for .000001% of humanity

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Let's define Conservative and Liberal, in OUR words. Which are you and why? Let's try not to flame...?

    I personally lean right on defense and economics, but left to neutral on social issues. That is, low taxes, market economy, no bail-outs, private s.s... but socially, i'm fine if gays get married or adopt kids. Legalize pot, but crack down on Big Pharma. So, without beating up the OTHER side, which are you and why? Not GOP vs DNC, just "i'm a con/lib because i beleive in___ " cool?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where do I sign up for Sarah Palin??

    I have been around hot, smart political women all my life, but this one comes from the outlands and ****** rocks it. i'd have been stalking her if i knew about her. she should have been the candidate. (sorry john)

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • monster and career builder suck. anyone know a REAL job search site?

    monster and careerbuilder are total b.s. i've gotten nothing but insurance sales and work at home scam offers. i'm a good dude that needs a job, but even my local paper's want ads (also available online) are pure crap. it's come down to good-ol' driving around with a stack o reumes- which is fine, but i thought this was the jetsons information age? and where's my flying car?

    10 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • is Rush Limbaugh losing it? lefties need not answer, but as a longtime fan, his sucking up to GM, sponsors...?

    plus, now he's on mccain's bandwagon after YEARS of railing against him. i'm conservative, but i think rush is becoming a hack. lefties, i know you hate him, so let's try to keep this to fans, kay?

    3 AnswersRadio1 decade ago