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How do get rid of Coupon dropdown?
This annoying program has infected my computer. I have tried looking for extensions and program files that would help but no love. Anyone have any ideas to get rid of this god awful program?
4 AnswersGoogle9 years agoNeighbor's child poisoned my dog?
So my 9 month old was poisoned which was confirmed during the autopsy that I euthanized due to being crazy. I just found out from another neighbor due to her dog being poisoned as well. We share the same vet and said that the toxic screen were similar and was stunned my dog didn't look worse when I brought him in. The neighbor's kid is a 15 goth girl that can't stand dogs or animals. How much trouble can she be in the state of Colorado? I've talked to the vet and he recommends getting a lawyer to pressure the DA in giving her a strong sentence. Note: she's killed her family's dogs in the past I've hear three dogs. I've never met her and don't know if I've seen her before but she's used the same poison in every instance. Basically, I am responsible for a death of a dog that was screaming to go to the vet but interpreted as bad behavior. Though the animal shelter supervisor and staff didn't recognize the signs as well. What would be a fair punishment for the 15 girl in terms of the law? I have zero compassion for the girl and I hope she spends time in juvenile hall. Money isn't a motivating factor sense her family is upside down on their mortgage. I don't want to punish her family, just her.
Btw, the police and animal control have all ready been in contact the girl, her family, and I as well. I don't know if its possible but my neighbor suggested we push for her not to be allowed to receive a driver's license until 18 as a possible punishment. I do not know if this is possible but she is a divorce attorney.
13 AnswersDogs9 years agojust euthanized my dog and I feel terrible?
I had the buddy for almost two weeks and I got a phone call earlier today if I was going to change my mind. I told them wait for a few hours but I just called them back and told them to go ahead. I'm a wreck now. The dog was a bad dog and should be euthanized but I'm torn up on it. The shock therapy they told me about would have cost me 2,500 which wouldn't guarantee the dog to be better. I know that I'm a terrible person for not giving my buddy another shot. I'm sorry just needed to rant a little. Any ideas on what to look for a new dog. I'm thinking about getting a purebred 8 week old Catahoula that's been well socialized.
9 AnswersDogs9 years agoElectro shock therapy for dog is it worth it?
First the dog will be euthanized tomorrow unless I consent.
I just got off the phone from the rescue shelter where I returned the dog and is set for euthanization tomorrow morning at 9:30. The women mentioned an experimental procedure that could work for the dog. I find this very cruel however the only option he has left. It's a fairly expensive but I don't want to be responsible for a death of a dog. Basically the dog will go to trainer that will shock the dog hard whenever he misbehaves. I tried a friends shock collar and it had no effect on the dog. Setting three scared the daylights out of me setting ten on him didn't phase him. Does anyone know any information about training like this. I realize this will scare him tremendously but my thoughts are a scared and well behaved dog is better than a dead dog. I'm at wits end and I really don't like this option at all but I don't know what to do. According to the pet shelter when he went back to his pen he defacated all over it and had to be restrained to prevent any more injury to himself. Also, they offered me a free dog of choosing if this didn't work. Please give me advice.
2 AnswersDogs9 years agoAre rescue dogs inherently evil?
Now he is being more and more aggressive to me. He growls at me and has chewed up two different couches. I've tried giving him toys but he ignores them. He ate through a door and ate all his dog food. He is a Husky something mix 9 months old when I got him he weighed 62 pounds. I'm at wits end. Any suggestions would be great. He cannot be around any dogs due to his aggression and tried to kill my neighbor's dog. Luckily she was very understanding and I warned her of the possible situation beforehand. Though I do have a 300 dollar vet bill on what he did to her dog. When I picked him out he seemed great and knew a bunch of commands now he won't listen to me under any circumstance. I had a friend suggest putting a muzzle on him but I don't want to do this since it seems mean. Unfortunately it makes a ton of sense. Every day his behavior gets worse and I'm slightly afraid to be around him. Also, he is on the same food he was at shelter and they told me to change his diet when he gets comfortable with his new environment.
FYI, Only time I have yelled at him is when he ate up/destroyed the first couch since I had bought it a few months prior and cost me a lot of money. I immediately felt bad.
So I took the dog back to the rescue today and he acted like an angel the entire time even convinced me to keep him. Well, as soon as we got back to the car he tears up my backseat of my car with stuffing and fabric everywhere. Right now he is on hold and is to be euthanized in the morning unless I change my mind. At this shelter dogs that are returned less than two weeks after adoption are placed in the same spot as to be euthanized. He was to be euthanized next when I got him. I feel really bad about letting him die but what else can I do?
9 AnswersDogs9 years agoI just got a rescue dog a week ago?
Now he is being more and more aggressive to me. He growls at me and has chewed up two different couches. I've tried giving him toys but he ignores them. He ate through a door and ate all his dog food. He is a Husky something mix 9 months old when I got him he weighed 62 pounds. I'm at wits end. Any suggestions would be great. He cannot be around any dogs due to his aggression and tried to kill my neighbor's dog. Luckily she was very understanding and I warned her of the possible situation beforehand. Though I do have a 300 dollar vet bill on what he did to her dog. When I picked him out he seemed great and knew a bunch of commands now he won't listen to me under any circumstance. I had a friend suggest putting a muzzle on him but I don't want to do this since it seems mean. Unfortunately it makes a ton of sense. Every day his behavior gets worse and I'm slightly afraid to be around him. Also, he is on the same food he was at shelter and they told me to change his diet when he gets comfortable with his new environment.
FYI, Only time I have yelled at him is when he ate up/destroyed the first couch since I had bought it a few months prior and cost me a lot of money. I immediately felt bad.
1 AnswerDogs9 years agoMy girlfriend's dog just bit me?
The mutt which I've never liked and spent too much time with. I am currently waiting on a ride from the ER back to my place. I had to get 23 stitched and forced to amputate tip of my left pinky. My girlfriend has told me to choice the dog and her or neither. I'm very tempted to say neither. I've been in constant contact with animal support and they say if I can find the mutt they would gladly put the thing down. She has next to zero money to her name and I don't feel like paying for this trip to the doctor. If you we're wondering what caused this the mutt got my 1995 World Series Atlanta braves baseball and was about to start chewing it.
5 AnswersDogs9 years ago