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Tax And Spend ftw!!!
Want to do a mortgage with 3 people, is there any benefit?
My wife and I are planning on purchasing a house with 1 other family member. Combined we make $185,000 and have $40k down payment, and are seeking a $550,000 house.
Please do not comment on how risky it is etc as I am already well aware of that and we already have plans for all of that in place.
My question is this: Can all 3 of us sign the mortgage, and more importantly SHOULD all three of us sign the mortgage? Is there any advantage? Individualy, my wife and I make 90k and the other family member makes about 95k. Will we get a better rate if we all sign the loan, does our combined income/credit scores go into account, or should my wife and I just sign the mortgage? I am just curious if all three fo us signing would get us a better rate since combined we make more and with 3 people on the mortgage it technically is a safer investment for the bank.
Thank you in advance for helping me out!
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow do I find a lawyer to file a class-action lawsuit?
I believe the city of San Francisco is running a scam in regards to it's towing practices. My car was stolen and when the police found it, instead of calling me to get it (as per their protocol), they instead have it towed to the company they contract with (autoreturn), which charges $500, plus a $200 police admin fee for finding the vehicle.
The city didn't even attempt to look for the criminals, and didn't even dust the bike for prints. They are taking the easy way out and just charging me almost $1,000 to get out MY stolen vehicle which they are holding for ransom.
Also, they won't let me get it out for a week or two because of a paperwork error on their part. All the time the fees are accruing at the impound lot. Since the fees the police are imposing on me are accruing faster than I can earn money, they will be lien selling my motorcyckle that was stolen to pay for their $700 "found your stolen vehicle fee".
This has happened to thousands of others as well. Their cars are sold just to pay for the fee the police charge for finding a stolen vehicle, and you get stuck paying off the rest of the loan on the car (even though you don't have the vehicle any more).
I would like to find a lawyer to press for a class action lawsuit. If I can gather perhaps 700-1,000 other people who have had a similar situation to mine, can I bring it to a lawyer and have him look it over? Or should I consult a lawyer first to see if I have a case?
Also, where does one go to find lawyers for a class action lawsuit of this type?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoQuestion about entangled particles. Why does observation change their state?
Situation: Alice and Bob are measuring 2 entangled particles
A) Why is it that once a particle is observed, it retains the properties it was observed with indefinately. I.E. If it was observed spinning up, than it will always spins up in all subsequent observation. Why? Why is it that particles exist in a superposition, but only take a solid state once we measure them. What takes them out of this state of superposition, what is it about observing it that causes the particle to indefinately become an up or down spin?
Are they predisposed to this state and we just don't know how to predict it, or is it truly random? If truly random, how does the universe exist? Without an observer, everthing is only "the probability" of being x,y, or z, right?
B) If we observed every particle in the universe, would this mess something up, or do these particles actually have a predisposed tendency to spin a certain way, and perhaps we are just unable to identify what causes it to naturally want to spin up or down and it just appears random to us?
C) What determines whether it will be observed as up or down when Alice measures it. Is it just a certain probability that it will be either/or, or is there some deciding factor that says "it's in a superposition, but when she measures it it will show an up-spin because of x". Is it trully random (equal probability of it being either up or down once observed), or is there some type of deciding factor that leads to it being observed as "up" more often than "down" or vice versa?
D) The speed of two particles sending information between each other once observed are insane (in theory it is faster than instant), how is it possible for the two particles to communicate at this speed? This violates relativity, is there any current theory on this?
3 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoQuantum Weirdness- Experiment outcome (Please clarify what would happen)?
In wikipedia's non-locality article, it gives the example of Alice and Bob measuring the up/down spin of 2 entangled particles.
It states:
"Alice, for example, will measure her particle to be spin-up in an average of fifty percent of measurements. However, when Alice measures her particle it causes the state to collapse so that if Alice measures spin-up, Bob must measure spin-down and vice versa. Hence, either party is capable of setting the spin of the other’s particle instantaneously. Such behaviour is non-local because the measurement of one particle is able to influence the physical state of another independent of the distance between them, so that no information could travel between them."
What does this mean? If Alice measures up spin, than Bob's particle should be instantly changed to upspin as well (as the particles are entangled). However, if Bob measures down-spin, at the same time Alice is measuring upspin, what happens? The particle being observed changes instantly the spin direction of it's entangled counterpart, but what if both particles are observed at the same moment. Will they both show the same thing? If one measures it as down-spin and the other, at the same moment in time, measures it as up-spin, what is the state of both particles? And since entanglement supposedly allows the particles to communicate faster than light, isn't there a wierd "it happened before it happened" thing going on here?
2 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoQuestion about barrier removal. Do I have to pay or does the landlord have to pay?
I am being sued by a disabled person because I have a step outside of my restaurant. He cannot go over this step with his wheelchair.
I have leased this building for about 5 years, but the owner of the property has been operating it for a very long time (some time prior to the 1990 American's with Disabilities act).
The guy suing me is running a scam where he is suing dozens of businesses who have a barrier such as a step infront of their restaurants.
Under the law, the building is considered a joint operation between myself who runs the retaurant and leases the property, and the owner of the property. It says it is between us to decide who pays for the barrier removal and this guy's monetary damages he is seeking (no less than $4,000) for mental distress and "embarrasement". It was not readily achievable for me to put the ramp up when he first requested it, but I have since installed the ramp. While the ramp was not yet installed, I took his order at the door and brought his food to him outside of my restaurant. This is deemed acceptible under the ADA regulations as an "alternative" means of providing him service while the barrier removal was "delayed" due to financial reasons.
My question: The property owner is saying I, the one leasing the building for my restaurant, am the one who should incur the full cost of the barrier removal and the monetary damages this man is seeking. The law says that it is between the two of us to decide who pays. Since he owns 50 properties, isn't it more "readilly achievable" for him to pay for at least some of this than I, who make only a marginal income from my business?
How do I go about getting him to pay half or more of the cost? Do I have to take him to small claims court?
I would like to do this without a lawyer, but should I retain an attorney just in case, even though it will bring additional cost to this whole matter?
Edit: I make a small amount each year (roughly $50k), and only have 5 employees, all of which are my family members.
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoQuestion about barrier removal. Do I have to pay or does the landlord have to pay?
I am being sued by a disabled person because I have a step outside of my restaurant. He cannot go over this step with his wheelchair.
I have leased this building for about 5 years, but the owner of the property has been operating it for a very long time (some time prior to the 1990 American's with Disabilities act).
The guy suing me is running a scam where he is suing dozens of businesses who have a barrier such as a step infront of their restaurants.
Under the law, the building is considered a joint operation between myself who runs the retaurant and leases the property, and the owner of the property. It says it is between us to decide who pays for the barrier removal and this guy's monetary damages he is seeking (no less than $4,000) for mental distress and "embarrasement". It was not readily achievable for me to put the ramp up when he first requested it, but I have since installed the ramp. While the ramp was not yet installed, I took his order at the door and brought his food to him outside of my restaurant. This is deemed acceptible under the ADA regulations as an "alternative" means of providing him service while the barrier removal was "delayed" due to financial reasons.
My question: The property owner is saying I, the one leasing the building for my restaurant, am the one who should incur the full cost of the barrier removal and the monetary damages this man is seeking. The law says that it is between the two of us to decide who pays. Since he owns 50 properties, isn't it more "readilly achievable" for him to pay for at least some of this than I, who make only a marginal income from my business?
How do I go about getting him to pay half or more of the cost? Do I have to take him to small claims court?
I would like to do this without a lawyer, but should I retain an attorney just in case, even though it will bring additional cost to this whole matter?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoIs there a need for workers comp companies with this new health care legislation?
If everyone (nearly everyone) is covered and there are no lifetime caps, is having workers comp insurance redundant?
I was wondering if countries with completely socialized medicine systems like the NHS still have a need for workers comp insurance.
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoCan someone list any scientific papers refuting AGW?
I am trying to research the dissenting opinion on AGW. Does anyone know of any scientific (preferably published) papers that refute that global warming is man-made?
Thank you in advance for your links.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoHow mad will people be if the healthcare bill passes and they see what's actually in it?
A lot of people I talk to seem to be under the impression that Obama is going to be giving them free health care.
What do you think the people's reaction will be when they realize that everyone will be mandated to buy it. That means if you work at subway or if you make 30k and are having trouble paying the bills as it is, you will now ALSO have to pay a few hundred a month for health care or face a penalty come tax time.
Sure it subsidizes some of the cost for the really low income brackets and even allows some people to be eligible for medicare who previously were not, but what about the middle class? When they are now forced to pay for insurance, with nothing really addressing the problem of constantly increasing premiums, will people be upset that Obama just stuck them with a new few hundred dollars worth of bills each month?
And what about how they will be taxing unearned income by adding a medicare tax to the capitol gains tax? What about how they will begin taxing immediately, yet coverage will not be available for 4 more years, so 10 years of taxes but only 6 years of benefits?
8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDemocrats spit on their own party once again.?
Can you believe the audacity of this group we've elected? They complain about how fascist the patriot act is and how fascist extraordinary rendition and warrant-less wiretapping is, then:
In 2006 they get control of congress and grant immunity to the telecom companies for giving data without a warrant under FISA.
And now they vote to EXTEND the patriot act, and blame it on republicans.
I don't get it. It was set to expire. They could have done nothing and it would have fixed itself. They blame a republican filibuster, but WHY NOT LET THE REPUBLICANS FILIBUSTER, they will look stupid and the thing will expire.
How can the democrats not be out protesting in the streets over this. For years they have complained about the evil fascist neocons and then when they get in power they continue doing the same thing. We still have extraordinary rendition and warrantless wiretaps, patriot act etc.
DEMOCRATS: We know the republicans want the patriot act and that's bad. But what excuse do you have for these officials you've elected that support the patriot act? Why are you not up in arms?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDeb Collectors question?
I just got a call from a debt collector. Says I owe Fire Dept $967 for an ambulance ride in 2007. In 2007 I had health insurance.
I was involved in car accident (I was a passenger) and my insurance company paid the bills, then got reimbursed from the responsible party (other driver).
The insurance company says the Fire Department never submitted a bill for the ambulance service, and therefore it never got paid. The insurance company will no longer pay it because it's from 2007.
What do I do? Do I have to pay this even though I was not responsible for the debt? The insurance company was supposed to pay it (and would have if they had submitted a bill) and then the responsible party would have reimbursed them, but the fire department never billed anyone for this and now it is on my name.
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoWhy do people claim that the Federal Reserve is a private bank?
According to them and every other source I read, the bank is not privately owned and any profit it makes goes ot the government, aside from a 6% dividend to the banks associated with it.
It is routinely audited also, yet they seem to not want to have their monitary policy audited (Per Ben bernanke)
Can someone explain to me why people claim it's a private bank?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhat is the most romantic & expensive restaurant near Santa Cruz, CA?
For valentines day, I would like to take my wife to the best restaurant in our area (Santa Cruz, CA 95064).
Does anyone know of a very romantic restaurant? Cost is not an issue.
Thank You
3 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade agoDo I have to report my wifes income: $800?
I made $39k in 2009.
I already filed my taxes. My wife apparently has been doing some admin job at school (she is a full time student) , which has paid her $800 in 2009 and she just got her W2.
Do I need to go back and ammend my tax return and incorporate the $800 she earned?
According to her W2 she paid 0$ in taxes this last year, so i'm not sure if it's worth the trouble of ammending my return, however it may throw me over the ceiling for some of the tax credits I am elegible for such as the Earned Income Credit
3 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoWhat book would you recommend from Carl Sagan/ Stephen Hawking?
If you were to recommend the best book written by each of them, which would you choose?
1 AnswerPhysics1 decade agoWhat happened to the Ft. Hood shooter?
I know he's been awake for almost a month now, has anyone gotten a statement from this guy yet?
Any new news regarding this terrorist?
3 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWould this plan work for fixing the economy:?
Dear Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR.. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes...
Mr.. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoObama to impose "War Tax". What happened to no tax increase on middle class?
If President Obama decides to add more troops to Afghanistan, he has announced he will add a "War Tax" to your income taxes for anyone making over $22k a year.
What happened to not raising taxes, of any kind, on the middle/lower class.
Share The Sacrifice Act of 2010
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy is the Ft. Hood shooter not talking yet?
This guy's been awake for over a week, how come no one's obtained a statement from him? Has anyone interviewed him to see what his dela was?
Is anyone elscommitting what this guy has to say for himself after commiting a blatant Jihad on American soldiers?
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoAssembly Bill X4 17 - 10% INCREASE IN TAX WITHHOLDING FOR CA RESIDENTS?
How does everyone feel about this?
In my understanding they are taking an additional 10%, then giving it back at tax time, then recollecting it. Hence a 10% increase until this is repealed.
That's an additional $500 for me, how is a guy supposed to survive in CA nowadays?
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago