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  • My wife wants to stay with her mom.?

    My wife and I have been married for 19 years. Times have been tough in NY and jobs are few. I have been invited by a number of school districts to relocate to Florida and finally earn a good living. Only thing is my wife wants to stay in NY with her wealthy but lazy parents. My in laws inherited every thing they own, money and property. They are slum lords. Now that we have an opportunity to my wife won't go with me.

    Truth is we have been growing apart for a long time. We have different ideas of what we want for the future. Since graduating college in 2008 I've had to work a number of low paying jobs, all less than $20k a years. I've tried to find work here but its just not happening. While working as a substitute teacher I've been getting a lot of advice from other teachers to relocate. My wife does not want better for us. We are a family of six living in a three bedroom slum house owned by my wife's parents.

    My wife has told me to go and she will join me when my in-laws have passed on. They are in their mid 80s but in her family they tend to live into their 90s, often their minds turning to mush. My wife does not take care of her self also, she is 300lbs. Terrible for a woman of 40. Five years ago we both decide to loose weight together. I lost 100 lbs and now my 6'4 frame weighs in at 195 with lots of muscle. I run 6 miles a day four days a week. My wife failed at her attempt and gained 40lbs. All of her friends think I am cheating on her. She wants to be apart for a few years and still stay faithful. Women hit on me all the time, one just five feet from my wife. She was shocked at this womens actions. You think I'm going to not want to sleep with the first attractive women after being alone in Florida?

    My In-laws have told my wife if she leaves disaster will befall her. My wife is taking advice from people never worked a real job nor had to make any real decisions. I graduated college with honors and have worked as a substitute teacher for 6 years. I've been told my skills are very good and commitment to the school districts I work for even better.

    What am I to do? I want my own home and my kids deserve better. Is my marriage truly over and I have to start again? We fight constantly about this with her walking off.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Help my wife won't leave her mother?

    My wife and I have been married for 17 years. I graduated college with my second degree in education five years ago and have not been able to land a teaching position. Times are bad in New York and jobs are hard to come by. I work as a substitute teacher for a number of local districts as well as the City of New Yotk's department of education but up here they are reducing their staffs. I try to find jobs using my business degree but commision jobs are the only ones available. My wife and I know we have to leave New York if we are ever to buy our own home. My wife is also college educated so finding work in South Florida won't be to dificult. Its my mother in-law thats giving us a problem.

    My in-laws inherited every thing they have. They were handed six ares of land and rental property. My mother in-law inherited her mothers estate ($$) in Ireland and besides collecting rent and letting their property fall apart have done nothing for the past 46 of their married life. They are putting pressure on my wife not to leave them. We living in one of their slum homes and because of the high price of homes and taxes can't buy a local home. My in-laws have plenty of money but are in their 80s. They are not in the best of health but don't want to employ a nurse to assist them. They want my wife to stick around and take of their needs. I made $17k last years and we can't afford anything. How can I get my wife to understand we have no choice but to leave. Her parents have no right to get involved in our marriage plans.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What is a good gun safe for $1200 that is not easy to pry open?

    I'm looking at a lot of safes and need a model that is not easy to pry open. Browning makes great higher end safes but the lower line seems to be garbage. Thanks

    5 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Help controling In-laws won't set my wife free.?

    My wife and I have been married for 17 years and we reside in New York. We are both college grads but aren't earning enough salary to buy a house in New York. We wanted to leave five years ago but my in laws who are in their early 80s want us to stick around for their own selfishness. The six acres and home and rental homesthey own were handed down to them. Neither of them ever worked a day in their lives. They have plenty of money but won't sell out and live in a assisted living community which they truely need. We live in one of their rental homes which is in terrible shape. My wife and I have done a great deal of work into it like replacing the fifty year old windows, fernace and doors but the house is too far gone. As you can guess my in-laws ran the property into the gound and kept every penny. Five years ago I graduated college with a second degree and we were planning to move to South Carolina. My mother in-law started her crying routine and then told my wife we would loose everything if we moved. She keeps tight control on her and my family and friends hate them. Many have asked me why don't we move. How can we just get away from them? I am not a bad person but I so want to live in my own home and find a real job. My family keeps telling me they feel terrible for the way we are living and pray my in laws die soon.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • FFL dealer won't transfer my rifle?

    I bought a old winchester model 94 30-30 from a dealer in Florida and transfered it to a fellow I've used to trsnsfer two other lever guns. I let him know I was using his services before the seller shipped my rifle. He recieves it on a wednesday but does not inspect it until thursday. He calls me to tell me the rear sight was broken in transit. He is a gun smith and ask him to replace it. Its a $25 paet. He refuses and wants me to call the seller. The seller told me he wanted a check for $30 plus the part to fi it. The seller says no. It takes two minutes to replace the sight and the sellet thinks the tranfer guy is a comon theif. They ask me to pick up my rifle. The transfer guy has had my gun for nearly two weeks and since he opporates out of his home keeps telling me he is not availble to complete the transfer. I am getting a little angry with this guy. What csn I do to end this? Its a $400 winchester 94 just to hunt deer. Why is this a problem?

    5 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • I'm defaulting on my student loan. Is it ever going to get better?

    I graduated college in 2008 and have been working as a substitute teacher during the school year and a maintenance worker at a local state park. I scrub toilets and wash floors for the state during the summer. I thought I would have found a teaching job or any job by now that pays some sort of salary but it hasn't happened. I made $17k last year and my wife another $42k but its not enough to live on in New York. Heating cost, gas, food, car insurance and taking care of four children has been tough. I have not had any sort of medical insurance in five years. How can I pay $600 a month towards my student loan when we are barely getting by? When is it ever going to get better? I work hard but there just isn't any real jobs other than those which are considered underemployment. When will things get better or is my future already over?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Is swinging becoming the norm for married couples?

    I know a few married couples who are swinging and was pretty shocked at how open they were to it. Its not for my wife and I. We believe in monogamy. Is it true that people think swinging is good for their marriage?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Are we headed into another economic global depression?

    I can't get away from the news these days. The Euro is ready to crash in Europe. The banks are loosing money in the derivative market, High employment numbers in the U.S. and Europe is causing large scale protest and riots. We have a 15 trillion dollar deficit here in the U.S. and the government is borrowing 1 out of ever 3 dollars it spends. Finally we can't afford social security and other entitlement programs. How can the economy stand the strain?

    1 AnswerEconomics9 years ago
  • Recent statistics have shown 6 out of every 10 marred women cheat ?

    I was watching television a few days ago and the said the resent statistics/polls say 6 out of every 10 women cheat on their husbands. I was shocked at how high the percentage was. Then realized more than a few women my wife and I knew got divorced because they cheated on their husband. Can it be so?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why are single people posting on the marriage/divorce board?

    Every time I go on the marriage/divorce board I keep seeing single people posting questions. Why don't they understand they are no married. I don't care if you are living with a partner, you are not married. Do they know what the meaning of marriage means? God help them.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Are men more likely to do business with another man than a woman?

    Men these day are having a difficult time doing business with a woman. For some reason women think that all men want to sleep with them. They see us as dogs even thought their attire or lack of their of draws attention. The moment we try to develop a business relationship they think we want a sexual one. For many of my friends and myself, we tend to walk past a woman and go strait to another guy when doing business. If I want to buy a car i will buy it from a guy. My question is do a lot of men bypass women when doing business because they don't know how to interpret us? It would seem so. It just seems everything they worked for in terms of equality is being harmed because they just don't get us. Men these days just don't want the hassle of dealing with a woman who thinks we just want them for sex.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Is it normal for teen girls ages 16 and up to date guy in their early 20s?

    When my wife was 16 she was hurt by a guy her own age who was very immature. She gave him her virginity and than pretty much dumped her with every so often meeting him for a five minute screw until she got wise he was just using her for sex. Her girl friends also found the same out of their same age boy friends. My wife always had a crush on me and on Sunday morning after church service she asked me out. I was 22, almost 23, she was a few months short of 17. I thought she was bold and very beautiful and since the older women I dated acted like drunken sluts I took the chance and found true love. The question I am asking is are more older teens girls dating guys five years older than themselves? My wife wanted to be in a loving relationship which led to marriage after graduating college and found that it me. We have been married 17 years but it seems from many of the women I know they pretty much married older guys also. Is it becoming a trend?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • In-laws are old. If they are not of sound mind are my wife and I legally responsible for them?

    My in-laws are in their 80 and not of sound mind. My father is on heavy medication for depression and anxiety and my mother in-law has become forgetful and has been making strange and erratic decision. They inherited property some 40 years ago and for ages have let it fall apart. They have a number of rentals which have fallen to disrepair. They just don't want to do the work. Some of it is serious like replacing roofs. They hire these terrible handymen to do the work who have such terrible skills every thing they do is low quality. My in-laws hire them because they work cheap.

    My wife and I have become concerned after one of their rental houses was found to have very bad gas furnace which was throwing out a great deal of carbon monoxide. The plumber working there notice the unit was over 40 years old and very dangerous. He told them by law they had to chance it. They did not even care to notice it for years and by luck this plumber knew his business.

    What I am worried about is the legality issue. My wife does not want to get her mother a mental health check and am wondering if something happens to one of of the tenants because of neglect on my in-laws part will we be found guilty of neglect also because we know they are not mentally capable of taking care of their property?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • I am now down to my early 20s weight, now what?

    I am 46 and before I went on this journey to loose weight I was 80 over weight. I wanted my body to look like I did the day I met my wife when I was 23. I had some help. Acid reflux disease make me give up almost every thing including soda, fast food and chocolate. The pain was so bad I just could not take it. Now that I am 195 again, my 6 foot 4 inch body looks great. The question is what now? I never thought for a moment loosing weight would make me younger again. While I love running and working out I keep wondering if I am missing something.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why does the date 4/7/90 bother me so much?

    My wife lost her virginity to a guy she knew for a few weeks and on their second date on 4/7/90. She did not love him and at the time was about three weeks shy of age 17. Six months later she began dating me, a guy she had a serious crush on for a long time. I don't know why it bothers me so much. I mean it was before we began dating but I just have never understood why she gave her virginity away to a person she did not love or even know. I love her but secretly have kept the feelings inside me. I love her so and when we began dating when she was 17 she dumped the guy after seeing him for few months and just for sex. I guess I find it hard to understand her since she was so much different a person to the other guy than to me. She is the only woman I have ever loved and I guess even after being married so many years this date bothers me. We spoke about this years ago but I don't know why it won't go away.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Do you think I should have criticized my mother in-law?

    Today my wife and I were talking about sex before marriage and how it is a normal part of a relationship. Then I began telling my wife that I thought my mother in-law was an idiot and moron for telling my wife not to have sex when we dating and when my wife was a virgin. My wife was 17 and legal to make her own mind but my mother in-law kept telling her good girls don't sleep have sex until they are married.Otherwise they are sluts. If the stupid woman only knew how many times I had sex with her daughter, over 20 times the first week. I mean what kind of fool tells her daughter not to enjoy sex with her boyfriend/fiancée? We used proper protection and never worried about children outside of marriage. Well she got angry with me after I said I hope you are open with our own daughters about sex and love and not the way her idiot mother was. Did I go too far?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Problems with my truck's transmission?

    I have a 2007 Ford Explorer with 72K miles on it. Over the last two months every time I put it into reverse I get a bang in the transmission it which the truck bucks and then she goes. It happens very quickly and and not sure if it is a really bad sign. No grinding, oil leakage or over heating.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Why do I bloat badly after a 6 mile run?

    I run five days a week and 6 miles each run and have been doing so for three years now. For some reason I always bloat badly after wards and look like I have a pregnant belly. It happens on an empty stomach or after I have eaten a hour before. I drink water during my work out but do not guzzle it. I have been trying to loose 10 lbs for a few months now. I am 6,4 and 200 lbs. What can I do to prevent it? I am not a young guy, my age is 46 but it never happened to me when I was a teen or in my twenties. Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Should I deceive my wife a little bit?

    I adore my wife and today I was off from work. This morning she could not find her keys and took my car. My daughter wanted to go to preschool and she decided to take her. If I did not find her keys she was going to come home two hours early with my daughter. She called me an hour ago and at the time I still had not found them. Then about 30 ago my mother in-law found them.

    I so wanted to her to come home early and the thought of my wife naked beneath me was worth a little lie. I mean she always come home at 8:00 pm and even though I have gotten used to waiting for her I have never liked it. I feel miserable with out her company. It comes from years of growing up together and always adoring her, especially her long red hair.

    Do you think she will be upset with me if I don't tell her until she got home? We have been together since she was 16 and I 22 and I have and never will love another woman. After 24 years of being together and 17 of them married she is and will always be my ideal love and happiness.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why Should I care about what happens in the economy?

    I graduated college in December of 2007 with honors in my M.Ed and B.S. in Social Science. I have sent out hundreds of resumes to every school district in surrounding area in which I live in. I have been a substitute teacher for a number of districts and worked a lot of low paying jobs on the side. After all that I have achieved all I am making is $17K a year.

    I have had no medical, dental and life insurance coverage for over four years. I have not seen a doctor in the same amount of time and am currently close to defaulting on my student loan. Will some one tell me why I really should care any more? Why should I keep struggling for a dream that died with the baby boomer generation? My credit is ruined because of the lack of consistent work and pay a high interest rate on my car loan. Where is the opportunity that I keep looking for? Should I just say I quit, live with my parents and say they hell with every thing? Why do I feel so beaten when I made the honors list at my college every damn semester?

    I have no items of luxury including a cell phone, Ipad and gaming system. My clothes don't sport a designer logo and eating out is turkey with mayo on a hard roll. Where is the dream and hope of succeeding and living the American dream when gas is close to $5. a gallon?

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago