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  • What Can I Do To Get My Dog Potty Trained?

    I am at my wits end. I have owned many dogs before and have never had a problem potty training any of them. they way i potty train has always worked and works fast. I take the puppy ( or dog) out to go potty every hour or so and stand out with them telling them gently to go potty, when they do i immediately give them a treat and alot of praise. After about two too three weeks of this the dog is potty trained and i n longer must go outside with them.

    This is not the case for my new puppy. Ella is about 7 or 8 months old and a Shih tzu Poodle mix. Nothing i do is working at all. I have come to find that a big problem is that she will sneek off to some corner of carpet out of the way and go there. i don't see this until there are several pee spots and at this point so old the carpet is stained, and so old that i cant get after her for it. She will also go potty in the house if i am every gone for more than two hours.

    When i am lucky enough to catch her peeing i get after her by smacking her bum and telling her NO BAd and putting her outside. this does nothing but make me feel bad.

    Last night she peed on my couch, (something she had never done before). The peeing and pooping in the house continues.

    I have no idea what else i can do to get her potty trained and am desperate for some advice. My carpet is getting ruined and stained by her pee and my tears after hours of trying to remove the stains.And my mom has about had enough.

    Obviously my methods of potty training are not working with this little dog.

    Please if you can give me any advice or tricks of the trade on how to get this little girl potty trained i would love you for life!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to keep the peace in a country???????

    I want to think of a plan or the best plan or way to Maintain Law and order in a Country that was torn apart for years by war.

    this country now has a brand new Government and way of life. Everything is looking up for the better, but what is the best way to maintain law and order??

    Who should maintain law and order??

    the person with the best and most detailed answer gets ten points!

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Holy S****!!!! i just got my wisdom teeth out and need help!!?

    i am in a WORLD of pain!!!!

    i went in excited and ready to get them out. The teeth were not out yet, so the had to be surgically removed.

    1. the anesthesia kicked my A**! that was horrible. i hope i never do that again.

    2. i am in a lot of pain, and my mouth is still numb, completely still. my tongue, mouth and lower lip are numb, but i can feel the pain of were the teeth were pulled. it hurts way bad.

    3. my mouth and jaw are swollen.

    question time:

    How long until this dang numbness goes away?? i hate it! I got them pulled out around eight o clock this morning. it is now four and i am STILL numb!

    about how long will i be in pain from this? because it really hurts. on average how long until the pain goes away or at least subsides??

    (oh and eating is a pain in the A**! i am eating luke warm pudding in teeny tiny bites. that is all the wont hurt my mouth)

    Also, i have Vicodin and Ibuprofen, do they work well with getting away the pain?? like really, i want people who have had this done to answer.

    Thanks in advance.

    13 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • how do you make a link????????????????

    i want to make a where people click on it and it takes them to a picture that i want to show them.

    How the heck do i do this?????

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Lady GaGa's dogs??????????????????

    i LOVE lady GaGa! she is epic!

    i have a question however.....

    in almost every video of hers, there are two black and white great danes. they are in all of her videos and i was just wondering why? do they mean something? is there a story or meaning behind these two great danes??

    if anyone knows i would LOVE the answer :)

    ten points to best :)

    thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Allergy question!!!!!!!!?

    i need some information!!! i have loved dogs ALL my life! i have read and read about them. but sadly i have the WORST allergies imaginable. i get runny nose, swollen eyes and these itchy bumps on my arms when ever i am near them. i read online that there were allergy friendly dogs so i had hope! i took the list and visited every breeder and type of dog. Poodles made allergies bad. any form of poodle mix made my allergies bad! i tried the "hairless" dogs and even they made me sneezy. you name the breed, i tried. i had almost given up hope when, on a whim i went to a Pekingese breeder.

    NO PROBLEMS. not a thing! i have now owned her for many years! her hair is every where and i have NEVER had a problem! ever. yet i still retain my allergy problem with every other dog breed.

    i thank god i found her! she is the light of my life, my whole life and i love her so much. i cannot begin to say how much she has changed my life for the better!

    my question is.....

    why the Pekingese? what is it about this breed that makes me ok with them? when i have problems with other "good allergy" breeds like poodles and terriers? people say it could be the hair but she has TONS of it and i have no problems!

    anyone who may know or have an idea i would greatly appreciate it because i am stumped!

    THANK YOU THANK YOU in advance for any answers!!!!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • i am getting an Albino Python and have a few questions?

    i am really great with snakes and know how to handle them well. but i do have a few questions......

    1. After feeding her, how long should i wait until i can handle/hold her again?

    2.How long does shedding last? how often does it happen?

    3.does the heat lamp need to be left on at night as well? or just during the day?

    4.when/if she bites me, how do i get her to let go, and will a simple cleaning, neosporin, and band aid work well?

    please help me, i am getting her in a few weeks and i want to be really ready for her!

    10 points to best, information filled answer!!!!!!!!

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • how do i get a picture to display by my yahoo answers name?

    i want to get rid of the smiley face and get a picture there. how do i do this. i do not want my avatar i want like a picture of me, how can i do this?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • how has your dog change/affected your life?

    i have a Pekingese named Lilly and she has completely changed my life. she makes me laugh every day, makes me happy. she offers a comfort and love unlike any other. She does not care how i look, be it dressed up or without make up in p.j.'s looking like the girl from the Exorcist. i love her so much! She is my world.

    how has your dog changed or affected your life?

    What is your bond with your dog like?

    what makes them so wonderful to you?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • The Great Gatsby homework help?

    PLEASE help!

    in the book the great Gatsby, explain the symbolism of the eyes of Dr, T.J. Eckleburg.

    Explain the symbolism of the valley of ashes.

    Easy ten points.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • what dog food for my dog?

    i have a five month old German Shepherd. he has not been doing well with the dog food he is on now. He has diarrhea. The brand is called Pro pack and is from a feed store. it does not seem to do good thing for him. do you think switching to an organic food would help him? if so what kind?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My German Shepherd puppy has had diarrhea?

    i have a six month old Shepherd. he has had constant diarrhea for the four months we have had him and have tried everything to fix it. how can i fix his problem?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how do you train a dog to get the newspaper?

    i Have a German Shepherd, and i want to give him a job to do to keeep his mind busy. he is still a puppy but how can i train him to get the paper? or perhaps another job might work??

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why do dogs turn around in circles before laying down?

    Why do dogs turn around in circles before laying down to sleep?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • German Shepherd Help?

    I have a puppy German Shepherd and he is four months old. does any one have any tricks of the trade? any tips for a new Shepherd owner? Past experiences?

    thanks :)

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • do you like Pekingese?

    Do you like the Pekingese breed? do you own a Pekingese? what do you think of them? any opinions? stories?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • my German Shepherd puppy wont stop jumping up?

    i have a five month old German Shepherd puppy. He is a VERY VERY loving dog. But he has a very huge problem. he is always jumping up. always. When he jumps up he scratches and it is starting to become a very big problem as he continues to get bigger day by day. i am worried that it will get out of hand and when he is big he will really hurt me or my seven year old boy. we say "NO" firmly when he jumps up and push him down. but he still persists. any advice will be greatly appreciated. thank you.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • when do German SHepherds ears stand up?

    i have a three month old German Shepherd puppy and wanted to know when his ears will stand up... just curious.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how old do Pekingese live to be?

    i have a seven month old Pekingese girl and she is my world! i want to know how long she will live just out of curiosity...

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • feeding a rescue puppy?

    i just got a german shepherd puppy from the pound and he is insanely skinny. he worries me. i feed him puppy chow and he eats a lot of it, but i still worry. how can i bulk up my poor puppy? he is still very thin and i need help. i want him to be healthy.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago