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Hey im Ellie. I live in Melbourne, Australia and i love it. Im 15 years old and im currently in yr 10 :) love tennis and taekwondo currently a black belt :)

  • I would spend my last day on earth...?

    I would spend my last day on earth.. (fill in the blank)...

    I need to finish off this sentence, with something that is funny and totally random.

    One of my friends ideas was to liberate a lion from the zoo and make it her sidekick.

    Anything that is funny or like my example please share :)

    thank you, i cant wait to see what you guys come up with and ill choose the best one to use for my school year book

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • I would spend my last day on earth...?

    I would spend my last day on earth.. (fill in the blank)...

    I need to finish off this sentence, with something that is funny and totally random.

    One of my friends ideas was to liberate a lion from the zoo and make it her sidekick.

    Anything that is funny or like my example please share :)

    thank you, i cant wait to see what you guys come up with and ill choose the best one to use for my school year book

    3 AnswersEarth Day9 years ago
  • Thoughts on the Roddick, Wawrinka match?

    What happened to Roddick?? he has been such a great player throughout this tournament, and then tonight he hasn't been playing at his best. Has Wawrinka got the best of Roddick??

    8 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • I want to start playing tennis again...?

    I want to start playing tennis again.. I'm 16 and I really love watching it, and i want to start playing it again, but I'm not quite sure if i should. Whats your honest opinion??

    1 AnswerTennis1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the answer to this?


    if you do.. whats the full equation to get the answer???

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Who will win tonight Marcos Baghdatis or Lleyton Hewitt?

    who will win and why???

    will it be like the 2008 match between them??

    I hope Marcos Baghdatis wins, he deserves it, he has improved soo much in the past years. good luck to him!!!

    9 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone hate Collingwood?

    Im a Collingwood supporter and im just wondering why everyone hates them. They are a great team and they play really well but is there a real reason why other teams/supporters hate them?

    GO PIES!!!!!!!

    19 AnswersAustralian Rules1 decade ago
  • Are there any coral reefs in the Arctic ocean?

    are there any coral reefs in the Arctic ocean? and if there are any can you name some or if you know any websites i would be able to go to, to find the information it would help a lot. thanks :P

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What do you look for in a guy/girl?

    Guys and girls can answer.....?

    i was just wondering what guys look for in a girl...

    in a guy i look for different things such as for them to be fun to be around, good looking, makes me laugh and heaps more. soo.....

    Guys what do you look for in a girl???


    Girls what do you look for in a guy???

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Guys and girls can answer.....?

    i was just wondering what guys look for in a girl...

    in a guy i look for different things such as for them to be fun to be around, good looking, makes me laugh and heaps more. soo.....

    Guys what do you look for in a girl???


    Girls what do you look for in a guy???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Whats your opinion on this?

    Well i like this guy in my class. I don't know if he likes me but we have been talking on msn and he has said that he has kind of been flirting with me and that he likes me a little and i admitted to him that i like him as well. but i don't know if he actually likes me.He sits next to me in class sometimes and he always makes me laugh and i always catch him staring at me. all my friends say that we would be a cute couple because we have a lot of things in common, such as we like sport and same types of music but i don't think that he does like me a lot. What do you guys think about this??? And do you think he likes me??

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I need your help............?

    Well i like this guy in my class. I don't know if he likes me but we have been talking on msn and he has said that he has kind of been flirting with me and that he likes me a little and i admitted to him that i like him as well. but i don't know if he actually likes me.He sits next to me in class sometimes and he always makes me laugh and i always catch him staring at me. all my friends say that we would be a cute couple because we have a lot of things in common, such as we like sport and same types of music but i don't think that he does like me a lot. What do you guys think about this??? And do you think he likes me??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What did you think about the Collingwood vs.Geelong match tonight??

    I went to the game tonight and i thought that collingwood played great in the first quarter but after that i don't know what happened to them. I think that the umpires were on geelongs side. and plus there were so many free kicks but they just didn't give them to collingwood. And plus collingwood should of had all there good players in so they could win the game.

    Can you tell me what you thought about it. and i want to know if you agree. thanks

    18 AnswersAustralian Rules1 decade ago
  • Are you happy that Melbourne Victory won?

    Are you happy that Melbourne Victory bet Adelaide last night. I am so happy that they won. The claimed there second A-league Crown.


    3 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • Tennis at school......?

    We had tennis try outs today at school so i decided to try out just for the fun of it, and i got in to the team. Do any of you guys out there know how it will be. Im really nervous about it. i used to play and do competitions, but that was like 4 years ago. i still remember all the rules and how to hit the ball. Do any of you guys out there know how it will be? and if you have any tips for me that would be great. My first match is in a few weeks and im excited but nervous at the same time.

    3 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Survey...When is your Birthday?? And how old are you this year?

    Just a random question. When is your Birthday? And how old are you this year?

    Mine is on the 24th of June. and im 15 this year.

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What website can i go on to see live scores???

    Is there a website i can go on to see all the other tennis opens. Well at least the live scores. i live in Australia and the only one i know about is the Aussie open website. If you know about any others can you tell me. thanks :D

    8 AnswersTennis1 decade ago
  • Do you have a Valentine this Valentines Day?

    Im just wondering if you guys out there have a Valentine this Valentines day. Well i have never had one. oh well im still young.

    Happy Valentines Day!!!! :D

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think i should do?

    this guy at school likes me but i have gone out with him heaps of times before. He asked me out i said no but i feel really bad. i do like him but i don't like him, i have mixed emotions. i just don't want to get hurt again. He says that he wants me back bad but i don't no if he is just saying that or if its true.he also said that a song reminds him of me. he says that he love me so much and that the he just realized that he lost the most important thing in his life (that's me). one of his friends said to me that its a test for something, but im not quite sure what its about because he only told me what he knew.

    i don't no what to do. can you please help me. and tell me what you think.

    thanks :D

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what do you think i should do?

    this guy at school likes me but i have gone out with him heaps of times before. He asked me out i said no but i feel really bad. i do like him but i don't like him, i have mixed emotions. i just don't want to get hurt again. He says that he wants me back bad but i don't no if he is just saying that or if its true.he also said that a song reminds him of me. he says that he love me so much and that the he just realized that he lost the most important thing in his life (that's me). one of his friends said to me that its a test for something, but im not quite sure what its about because he only told me what he knew.

    i don't no what to do. can you please help me. and tell me what you think.

    thanks :D

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago