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    Need help I just wanna check my answers for this.

    Julie paddles a kayak at 3m per second in still water. A river is 150 m wide and the current is 1 m/s. Julie starts out from the bank perpendicular to the current.

    A. How long will it take Julie to cross the river

    b. How far downstream will she end up on the other bank

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Girls, do you sleep naked? If not, what do you sleep in when it's really hot?

    In the summer when it is ridiculously hot I like to sleep fully naked. I never thought it was that weird until i mentioned it to my friend and she said something negative about it. Does anyone else do it? If not, what do you wear to bed when its super hot?

    15 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Lifeguard Liability, want to quit?

    Okay so I work for my local municipality as a lifeguard/swimming instructor. My greatest fear is that, during an emergency situation, I will make a wrong move, forget part of my training etc. that will result in someone getting seriously injured. Not only would I not be able to live with myself, but I fear that I would get nailed with a million dollar lawsuit that would essentially screw me and my family over. Is it really worth doing this job with that possibility? I am still only 17 and have a long way to go in life.

    Does the city protect lifeguards under some sort of insurance? To what extent is this insurance relevant?

    Forgive me as I really don't have much knowledge of the law.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is this the single greatest Youtube video ever made?

    Informative, straight to the point and a sharp looking guy. This has to be the greatest youtube video ever, What do you think?

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Shawshank Redemption, 4 examples?

    Why is the movie called Shawshank REDEMPTION. What are four examples of "redemption" in the movie.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Should I add this girl?

    Hi guys. So i pretty much took over my friends account. Anyway, I met this girl the other night at like this church gathering thing. She goes to a different church though and a different school. We talked for a really short time but I really liked her and kinda want to see her again. I failed to ask for her number, but I found her on Facebook. I don't want to add her cause I think that'd seem creepy, so any ideas what I should do?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Have you ever wondered about your odds?

    What are the odds that a being born into this earth is going to be human. Clearly they are very very low considering the millions upon millions of species on the earth.

    Now I don't really know much about the theory of reincarnation and all that but I can't help but think that if the odds are so minimal that I ended up a human, couldn't it be possible that I have lived lives before and will live lives after as something/someone else? It just seems like the odds are such a miniscule amount that there had to be something before this. I don't know.

    3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • GIRLS seeing your friends naked?

    Ever since I was about 13 I have been more and more comfortable with seeing my friends naked. We always change in front of each other and even shower together if we don't have a lot of time before going out or something. Is this normal? I am 17 now, any other girls around this age change in front of their friends or see their friends fully naked?

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Wrongfully convicted Canadians?

    What are some examples of Candians who were wrongfully convicted of a crime but then later cleared of all charges by DNA. Cases similar to David Milgaard who allegedly raped and murdered a nursing assistant.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Asking a girl out over text?

    Hey girls,

    I was wondering what you all think about being asked out over text? I dont care either way but some guys and girls seem to think its a big no no. I guess in a way it's not as special but it's definitely easier for both people especially if they're a little socially awkward...


    11 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I just ask her?

    Hi, firstly I'm on my friends account and ive never used yahoo answers before so bare with me.

    So there's this girl I've been friends with for the longest time but in the past year or so I've developed real feelings for her. Abt six months ago I told her how I felt and asked if she'd wanna go out with me. She said she "kinda liked me too" and that we should try it. Then, 5 days later she texted me and told me there was too much going on in her life and that she "wasn't ready". I told her I could respect that (even though I was kinda devastated) and we went on being good friends, I tried to move on.

    Now it's six months later and I clearly didnt move on very well because i think I rly like her again! Should I ask if she's "ready"? Or did I just get permanently friendzoned the first time? I wanna date her but I dont wanna seem desperate and obsessed with her cuz that would wreck our friendship.

    What should I do??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Where is involuntary euthanasia legal?

    I have done a lot of research for my law debate on Dr. Assisted Suicide and the euthanization of human beings. I came across this term of "involuntary euthanasia". I wasn't able to find much else out about it other than a small article on wikipedia explaining what it is. So my question is, is INVOLUNTARY euthanasia on humans currently legal OR in the process of being legalized in any country? Thanks!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Dr Assisted Suicide powerful opening statement?

    So I have a debate coming up in law class, the topic is Dr Assisted Suicide. My partner and I need to prepare a 5 minute powerpoint that declares our "opening statement". It has to be shocking, powerful and have everyone in the room convinced (even the opponent hopefully).

    So my question is, which argument against doctor assisted suicide is the strongest, the hardest to rebut? Which argument, if used effectively, will convince the audience more than any other argument.

    Once again, it has to be shocking, powerful and really really convincing.

    10 points to whoever can help! :)

    Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Long distance calling?

    So I have a samsung galaxy 551 and am with Bell. My long distance rate is 8 cents per minute. I just had a quesiton regarding this billing and if I get charged for incoming long distance calls.

    So on my previous bill, i had three long distance charges that added up to $6.00 exactly. Two of them were long conversations from Oshawa (where I live) to the Kitchener-Waterloo area (where my friend lives). These costed $5.92 and that is all fine and good. As it happens, I was visiting that friend in waterloo and my friend from home called me and I talked to him for like, a minute or so. On my bill i got charged 8 cents for that conversation but HE called ME. I have accpeted incoming long distance calls before that have not costed me a cent when I'm talking to that same friend who lives in KW, so why did it charge me for this? Is it because I wasn't in my hometown? Or was it that he didn't have the same carrier as me (my friend who lives in KW does)... I'm just wondering... Thank you!

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend me a short story about prisoners/jail?

    im trying to relate to the theme "isolation as form of protection in which criminals are isolated from harming society"

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do i stop these annoying pop ups?

    Okay so recently I've been noticing the same four or five pop ups come up pretty much EVERY website I go on. These sites didn't use to be a problem for me (, hfboards and pretty much every website I click on after a google search). They don't come up on facebook, twitter, or anything like that but for the sites they do show up it is the SAME set of pop ups. And I don't even know if pop ups is the right thing to call them because they don't close! I can't close them I only have the option of clicking on them. They always show up in the bottom left corner. It happens on every browswer (I use chrome but they pop up on IE too)... So what I want to know is how to disable these, if possible. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Dr Assisted Suicide (Con)?

    I'm doing a debate for my law class that is "con" Dr. Assisted Suicide. My partner and I need to think of ten arguments and also need to think of ten arguments are opponent might come up with and how to "shoot these arguments down". I have done some research and it seems that the most obvious argument for them would be simply "What if the patients are in excruciating pain?" or "What if the patient is a vegetable". What could we use to go against these arguments? What would be our STRONGEST point to rebut this? Thanks!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Domain and Range of Exponential Functions?

    We are studying Exponential Functions in my math class and we got a word problem assignment for the weekend. I understand the basic concept of domain and range, but it seems more confusing to me when it is applied to a word problem. Maybe you guys can help me out?

    First Question: A town with a population of 12 000 has been growing at an average rate of 2.5% for the last 10 years. Suppose the growth rate will be maintained in the furutre. The function that models the town's growth is

    P(n) = 12(1.025^n)

    What are the domain and range of this function?

    The answer I got was Domain = all real numbers and Range = all real numbers >0.

    The second question is: A population of yeast cells can double in as little as 1 h. Assume the initial population of 80 cells.

    What are the domain and range for this situation?

    The answer I got was Domain = All Real Numbers and Range = All real numbers Greater Than AND equal to 80. Again, I am second guessing myself because I could also justify it being only greater than 80 and not equal to.

    By the way, the model I made for that one was "P(t) = 80(2^t)" if this helps.

    Please explain and justify your answers. Thanks so much for the help!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Domain and Range of Exponential Functions?

    We are studying Exponential Functions in my math class and we got a word problem assignment for the weekend. I understand the basic concept of domain and range, but it seems more confusing to me when it is applied to a word problem. Maybe you guys can help me out?

    First Question: A town with a population of 12 000 has been growing at an average rate of 2.5% for the last 10 years. Suppose the growth rate will be maintained in the furutre. The function that models the town's growth is

    P(n) = 12(1.025^n)

    What are the domain and range of this function?

    The answer I got was Domain = all real numbers and Range = all real numbers >0.

    The second question is: A population of yeast cells can double in as little as 1 h. Assume the initial population of 80 cells.

    What are the domain and range for this situation?

    The answer I got was Domain = All Real Numbers and Range = All real numbers Greater Than AND equal to 80. Again, I am second guessing myself because I could also justify it being only greater than 80 and not equal to.

    By the way, the model I made for that one was "P(t) = 80(2^t)" if this helps.

    Please explain and justify your answers. Thanks so much for the help!

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Canadian Law Question?

    Okay I have to do this PowerPoint for law class to discuss 25 or more things that helped develop Canadian Law. They can be historical events, acts, codes, or whatever. As long as I can back up the fact that they influenced modern day Canadian Law in some way shape or form. So far, I have:

    1. The Code of Hammurabi

    2. Mosaic Law

    3. Greek Law

    4. Roman Law

    5. Justininan's Code

    6. Napoleonic Code

    7. Early British Law

    8. The Feudal System

    9. Common Law

    10. Legal Reforms

    11. Aboriginal Law

    12. British North American Act

    13. Statute of Westminster

    14. Magna Carta

    15. Petition of Right (England 1629)

    16. Bill of Rights (England 1689)

    17. Act of Settlement (England 1701)

    18. Quebec Act (1774)

    19. Constitutional Act (1791)

    20. Civil Code of Lower Canada

    21. Rule of Precedent

    22. Habeas Corpus

    Can anybody think of something else? I feel like I am thinking more general and have to search for more specific cases. Thanks!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago