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  • my lights for my 55 gallon Marineland LED kit are failing, what now? what replacement?

    i have had it for over a year now, and those lights are getting really dim, and it almost seems as though they are failing all together.(chords getting really stiff, and they're getting harder to get to turn on) i'm hoping i can convince my dad to replace them. i'm just looking for decent lighting, preferably not 200+ US dollars. he's a stingy guy, but these lights just aren't going to cut it. he got me the kit for Christmas. at first it was wonderful, but then after a little moisture got in, they got dim,and the adapter melted and needed replacing. sorry for the long run-on explanation, but i'm kind of frustrated. it's been a problem for a while. this was the last straw.

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • how do you set up a basic game source code for things like the game "impressive title"?

    it's a free roaming game, you wander around, fight prey, make friends,etc. but recently the original creator released a source code and i THINK server code.. my question is, how do you put it on a computer server or hamachi server? it's just for me and 3 friends. we wanted to mess around on it, and HOPEFULLY it's not that complicated. thought i bet it is.. if you could explain how to put it on a hamachi server like mincraft, i would be SO HAPPY :D if you need to look at the source code yourself, i will put it up.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Are parrots poultry? Serious answers please.?

    My parents have been gone for a few days and I'm running out of options.

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • hmm.. reasons a betta male with a heater won't build a nest?

    he is in a bucket, with a heater and a light, and a female to encourage him, but he won't build(yes, i have bred betta fish successfully before) but my question is, will he ever gain interest in the female and build one? i see a couple of bubbles about, but not much... :( i know somewhat of what i am doing, but not what i am doing wrong.. they are not in close quarters, trust me on that. but is there any way to encourage him to build? or any specific kind of nest building site i should give him? like a floating thing? or something? i haven't done this kind of thing in a while, so i need a little help...

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • what kind of goldfish should go in my 30 Gallon tank?

    yup, i am getting rid of my bettas and getting gold fish, my mom wants ryukin goldies, but i want to know the smallest type of goldy that can go in there. because i have a thirty gallon, and am looking for a gold fish that i can have two of. please no other type of fish. i know that a thirty gallon can hold atleast two, so no further comment on that please.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • ok, i have a betta breeding question?

    ok, so i have a male and a female betta. i have been trying to breed them hopelessly for the past few days. the female is about this wide -with eggs- this will be her first time. and my male's too. she is this wide: "_____" minus the " i have been feeding her freeze dried blood worms for the past few days. i have bred past bettas like this quite a few times. with most of my breeders, it only takes a few days. so no "need more conditioning time" replies please! i have had a past female breed over night. NO JOKE! and the males nest is as big, if not bigger than the half cup i gave him to build in.sooo... why aren't they breeding by now??

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • can i feed beta fry anything but live food?experts only please...?

    ok, so a while back(a few weeks ago) i had some betta fry born. aparently they had to have been eating the food i was giving them, because one survived. the temp was fine.can i feed betta fry anything BUT live food? because it is to early in the season to order live food. there is still snow on the ground.HELP ME? i don't want to have to wait for mid spring...

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • my ottocat doesn't wanna go for walks anymore?

    yah umm so my friends were player soccer, and they thought that the globe with my ottocat in it was a soccer ball, and they kicked it 5 times before i got to it. should i eat it?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Were is a good place to order a betta breeding pair online?

    yup, all i have is veiltails at the moment, and i want good quality breeders, can anyone tell em a good site? you know, with healthy young males and females?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • my male betta has bred with a different female a few times,and i have a question?

    my male has bred with a different female a fw times, and i was wondering, will he breed with the new female?i all he has done is hurt her.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • help me!will my fish die?(don't tell me to cull him!)?

    my fish, my male betta fish, i was transporting him when he jumped out!i found him about 2 min. later, he had stuff all over him from the floor... :( i promptly put him in a tank and rubbed the stuff off of him, but he is barley breathing, and i am worried!please help!(i will never cull a living thing, don't say i should!)

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • step by step instructions to betta breeding and fry care?

    please help! i bred both my pairs,and neither had any surviving fry! help?! and i am sure they bred, but no surviving fry... :(

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • ok, i might be getting a saltwater tank for X-mas... fish stocking question!?

    OK, i am new to the saltwater world, and i am wondering, what fish would be good for a beginner?io might be getting one for christmas, probably over 30 gallons, what fish should i get a month later when the cycling is over?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • help!?three days and still no betta fry?!should i try my other pair?

    yup.... i bred my betta fish(a boy and a girl...) and it has been three days, (almost 72 hours, and no fry! :( what should i do? he is still guarding the nest like a hawk, but no fry!the tank temp is at a steady 80o to 81o!help me?!?!?!??!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • 2 days and still no betta fry?!help?!?

    please help, they bred a few days ago, and still no fry? should i seperate him from them?if so what is the best way to hatch the fry your self?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • two days and still no betta fry! help!?

    please help, i bred my betta fish a few days ago, and still no fry! what should i do? they have a heater!should i rear the eggs myself?and if so what are some meothods of hatching betta fish your self?HELP?!

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • can i convert my 30 gallon freshwater tank to saltwater?

    i need help! :( can i? i REALLY REALLY want a regular fairy basslet,you know, the puple and orangeish yellowish kind? i think all i would need would be ornaments,live sand, and saltwater equipment right?or am i wrong? i am thinking of getting rid of everything but the circulating rena heater and maybe the tank and stand... i hear that 30 G is the minimum, but that is all i can fit in my room! :(

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • good saltwater fish for a small aquarium?

    i am planning on getting a saltwater aquarium for cristmas, and it would be a reef nano, what kind of fish could i get for it in the future? i really, REALLY want a fairy basslet, since it is my dream fish, but would it get way too big?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • why did my last betta eat his eggs?

    oh, and i am not too new to know what a male and a female betta fish is...

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • are my bettas Dry-run mating?

    is there such a thing? i have know clue how long they,ve been doing this, but they are "definetly" mating! i hope he doesn,t eat all the eggs again! :( the other pair did that...well, is there such a thing?

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago