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Lv 42,565 points

Bailey's Mommy

Favorite Answers28%

27 year old mother of two , photographer, RC hobbyist. Married for 6 years and living in Tampa Florida.

  • Baby food schedule for 6 month old?

    Baby just started eating baby food, she is also breastfed.

    Does anyone want to offer me their baby food/nursing schedule just so I have something to work from? I have a 4 year old... but man...I CANNOT remember anything from the new eater stage of life lol, I feel like Im looking back on a blank's so weird. So yeah, anyone feel like lending me their personal schedule for their 6 month old, that'd be awesome! Thanks!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My baby's months don't match her weeks - husband and I have a constant running debate lol?

    My daughter was born on Oct 27th, so as of 2 days ago, she is technically just now 5 months. However, her weeks would prove to be 22 weeks...not 20, which is 5 months... 22 weeks would mean she was 5 1/2 months lol... so my husband and I are always tittering back and forth about it....which do we count by... months ...or weeks? There is this whole thing that a month is , on avrage 4.3 weeks, leaving you with a 2 week discrepancy at all times... so that's where it stems from. Do you moms count months or weeks for baby?!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Anybody else's 3 / 4 year old throw tantrums after they wake up from a nap?

    My 4 year old daughter (4 in April) still takes naps once in a while...probably 3 days a week for one hour (I wake her after an hour because she won't go to sleep for bedtime until 10 if she naps for longer than that). Just about every time I wake her from her nap, she has a fit ... throws a terrible tantrum...kicking, screaming, hitting herself, just flipping out. Lasts at least 45 minutes and sometimes she is just cranky the whole rest of the day. It's really stressful...I'm not sure how to curb it.. sometimes I even wake her up whispering promises of cookies in her ear lol...but she still gets pissed upon waking. Anybody else go through this or currently going through this and have any advice? I tried googling for general ideas but I can't seem to find anyone with kids older than 2 1/2 who are doing this. Advice from those with experience in this is greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Depo Shot less effective in the last few weeks /days before you are due for your next shot?

    I got my first round of Depo at the 7 week mark after I had my daughter , my doctor wrote on an appt card that my next shot would be due between the 2nd and the 15th of March (this month) and to just make an appt within that bracket ... seems like a large margin doesn't it? Or is that a normal? Anyhow, I have an appt to have it done the 13th, I called in the last week of Feb and that was the soonest they could get me in. Anyhow... I'm wondering, is it more likely to get pregnant in the last weeks or days before the next shot? Especially since my appt is so close to the very last recommended day to get the next shot...or does it roll over and the protection stays as strong? And it does seem like a large bracket of time doesn't it? Just curious, thanks :)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • 4 month old won't hold toys?

    My 4 month old daughter is very interested in toys, she will reach for them, look at them, laugh and talk to them, but once they are in her hand(s) she will not hold onto them and I knw she wants to because she gets frustrated when she tries to bring them to her mouth and they drop. She will hold very tight to a toy that is tethered to something on the other end, however, as long as it offers resistance for her to pull, she has no trouble holding them, pulling them, even bringing them to her mouth and slobbering or gumming them. She will hold cloth, like a blanket and my finger and grasp very tightly... but toys by themselves, she drops immediately... is 4 months still within that cusp of time where she should become better at it soon but may not be yet...or should I worry at this point? She seems to be reaching all other milestones at an appropriate rate.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Taking Mucinex as an Expectorant (while Breastfeeding)?

    So I've a couple of questions... 1. has anyone taken Mucinex while Breastfeeding? Its too late to call my doc. I've read online that Guaifenesin, the medicine that is active as the expectorant, is fine to take while breastfeeding and that its the mucinex with the decongestant that's best to avoid, which guaifenesin isn't. So I wonder if anyone has been given the go ahead by their doc while nursing? My daughter is a week from being 4 months old and she sleeps the night so if I took it now she wouldnt nurse again until around 7 am.

    Question 2. - What exactly will the expectorant do? I've never taken one... Will it be terrible ? Will I cough nonstop? What will happen after I've coughed everything up...will it be like dry heaving? Sorry if I sound ridiculous, I don't often take medications and this sounds scary lol.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • 3 months after having baby and sex still hurts?!?

    Just a little preface on the birth, I had a vaginal delivery, I did NOT tear at all and needed not much more than a few Ibuprofen the first day and a half after having baby

    So, Hubby and I waited until 9 1/2 weeks post birth to have sex...when we did it was pretty painful, not dry at all, but painful and then afterward I could like, feel the lips and inside swell up and then throb terribly - very painful. We've since done it a few times, we're at the 12 week mark now so we haven't been doing it that long but I figured it would be ok by now - with my first I don't remember it hurting at all when we started having sex again. So now the few times we have done it (maybe 4 times) it does hurt during, the pain is tolerable but it's like a sharp pain in different places feeling...but it's really the pain a few minutes afterward, like serious swelling and throbbing and just pressure pain.... anybody go through this? Or know why?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Terrible gas 3 months after giving birth- TMI?

    No jabs, please, I'm embarrassed about this, so I really need some helpful responses. I had my daughter 3 months ago (actually 11 weeks ago today, so almost 3 months). Before I had her, I very rarely had gas and I had maybe 2 bowel movements per week. I was average weight before the pregnancy and ate very healthy, gained average weight throughout the pregnancy and am now average weight again, I am healthy, eat organic, I am vegan, no soy, no dairy.. I drink water, coffee and Aloe Juice. So since having her , this gas... oh my god, it's terrible....I have to leave the room because my husband, bless his heart, WILL make fun of me if he smells it lol.... it smells absolutely god awful... I have never smelled anything so bad... no joke... not only that... it burns me ... As for Bowel movements, they are always huge now... like...clog the toilet huge... I make excuses to go to the store just in case the toilet clogs I dont want my hubby to know lol. Has anyone gone through this or have any idea as to why it may be happening?? I've heard of gas after a Csection... but I had a vaginal delivery, natural, no epidural...etc. This didn't happen with my first's terrible :(

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Being Sued in Small Claims court from another state? (Original post re-typed due to an error in information)?

    I asked this already but my husband corrected me on a mistake I made in the information I provided, I had said that Parcel Post does not offer tracking, I was incorrect - Tracking WAS purchased - The problem was not that it wasnt offered, I apologize for that mistake on my part, the problem was that Parcel Post is rarely scanned for tracking and so even though it's offered as an optional purchase, it more than likely will not be tracked - so when the tracking is checked, it just says "shipping label printed, no scans"


    My husband did a deal with a man on Ebay, we live in Florida, he lives in Alabama. The item arrived not as described, my husband wrote the man and opened an Ebay case. Ebay awarded my husband as the winner, the seller was to refund and my husband was to send the item back. The seller refunded our paypal immediately for the amount of the item, before he recieved it - which Paypal says NOT to do or he is not protected if the item does not get returned to him. My husband returned the item promptly and kept a shipping receipt - it was sent Parcel Post and while tracking was added (delivery confirmation), USPS is not required to scan Parcel Items and when the tracking on this item is checked, it just says "not scanned", but the seller refused to pay return shipping so my husband sent it the cheapest way possible through USPS, which was Parcel Post. Needless to say, around a month later, the man claims to have never received it after we have not heard from him at all that whole month. We apologized, but there was really nothing we could do, my husband has proof of shipping the item via shipping label receipt and that's all we can do. So a few weeks go by and we suddenly receive a Small Claims notice saying he is suing my husband... for $500 more than the amount of the item, mind you. There were several options to choose from in the response required to be sent back, one of which was, "I do not live in the the state of the suer, I would like to have this case transferred to the county where I live" Which is florida, SO WE CHOSE THAT OPTION and sent it back to him and the court clerk - We got a letter back today saying that the motion to transfer counties is denied! How can my husband be required to travel to this man's state when HE is the one opting to sue us via small claims? So this is my question, can we be forced to go to another state for a small claims issue? Shouldn't the suer be made to come to our county ?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Due Date is October 21st but LMP according to Pregnancy calculator isn't correct?

    So my Due date, as the title says, is October 21st, and I remember the date we oopsied and got pregnant lol - it was either the 15th or 16th of January - and then I got got my period around the 19th or 20th of that month (Jan) and then it ended like 3 or 4 days later - According to a few pregnancy calculators I have found, upon entering my Due date, it states that my LMP (Last Menstrual Period) began on the 15th of January... are there some give or take days there and tha calculations might just be off?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is it possible to take too much DHA during Pregnancy?

    Basically, I am already taking a Prenatal pill that comes with a multivitamin AND a DHA softgel - Women's One a Day Prenatal - The softgel contains 200 mg of DHA (I have been taking these since 7 weeks pregnant) - However, I also wanted to purchase just the bottle of DHA softgels that can be purchased from anywhere - Walgreens, Walmart, Target....etc... I'm looking at around 200 - 300 mg Softgels. I read this report - - that lists collective information on pregnant women in different parts of the world and their mg intake amount for DHA during pregnancy - it states that women in Japan have been recorded/noted as taking up to 1000 mg of DHA with no issues resulted... Does anyone know of any issue this might cause? If there is such a thing as TOO MUCH DHA ? My next appointment is in a couple of weeks so I will ask then (I'm 18 weeks pregnant) - but I thought in the meantime I could get a point of view from anyone else who may have taken high amounts of DHA during their pregnancy. Thanks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Ultrasound Gender Confusion/Clarity - 17 weeks 4 days?

    I went in for an ultrasound today after my doctor couldn't detect a heartbeat with the doppler at my appt - he sent me in. The tech confirmed everything was fine, I asked if there was a possibility of her telling me the gender as long as we were there since it's my birthday lol. So she showed me the screen as she passed the tool/rod whatever it is (lol) over my uterus - it immediately showed 3 lines , exactly what I saw when I found out the sex of my daughter, who is now 3. So I asked her - "Oh, do I see 3 lines?" and she said "Yep, certainly looks girl to me!" and she passed over the area at least 3 more times and all three times the 3 lines were very clear - but then she tells me not to completely rely on that, that it's still early and that I should really wait until the 19/20 week ultrasound - So I'm curious... why would she say that? It seems to me that 17 weeks and 4 days would be surely far enough along to tell with certainty what the sex is... right?

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 3 months pregnant and have an awful rash on my hips?

    I never got any kind of rash when I was pregnant with my daughter (now 3 yrs old) so I don't really know what it is and my appointment with my midwife isn't until the 19th so I'm just curious if anybody on here knows or has experienced this or something similar. My hips started itching, just my hips, a couple of days ago, then I got like a dry scabby rash, like I'd scratched my skin (to itch it) and broken some skin and it was just tiny little bumps that were still skin colored but had tiny red heads where there were tiny scabs - it's much worse on the right hip than the left. So last night I rubbed on to the area Vitamin E oil and some of the Palmer's Belly Butter - has some shea butter, lavendar and whatever else in it - I used the same belly butter my last pregnancy and had no adverse reactions to it. This morning I woke up and the bumps , on my right hip specifically, are HORRID! Bright red and seem to have multiplied - what could this be?! It is very itchy, though I am not itching it - I put more vitamin E oil on it, but only the E oil, no belly butter. I am not showing at all yet, so I don't think it could be from stretching skin since there is no stretching skin yet... that I can see. Anyways, any ideas? (I have not switched detergents, though I did buy a couple of new shirts at a consignment sale and did not wash them before wearing them)

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Man across the street constantly doing drug deals in the street, cops never come!!?

    The man who lives across the street from us does obvious drug deals in the street, not in his driveway, on a regular basis. We live at the end of a dead end street so that makes it great for my 3 year old daughter to be able to play without the worry of cars speeding up and down the street, the only cars that come down here would be our or the neighbor across the street. But lately, I find that I have to wait by the window and keep my daughter inside, on a beautiful day, until he finishes as I'm afraid to go out there and interrupt his deal and make some kind of problem, I don't know what people he is dealing to, what if I walk outside with my daughter in the middle of a deal and the person gets freaked out and hurts one of us? So, we stay inside, sometimes for a long time, depending on how many people come by in a row. My husband has called the police about it, I have called the police about it - they seem to make a big deal out of the difference between his conducting these deals in his driveway or the street - I guess him doing it out in the street is a bigger deal because then he invites possible harm to the public by doing it in the daytime in a common area - so what with being told that, you would think they'd send a car by....or something.... THEY NEVER COME!!! We have called on numerous occassions, with a few of those times being certainly long enough for the cops to have come out and caught him in the act, but they never come! Even when they say they will.... what are we supposed to do when the people who are supposed to help, won't?

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant and any kind of contact with warm/hot water gives me cramps?

    Ok so I know that hot showers are sometimes recommended against during pregnancy in the third trimester because of the possibility of the water temperature causing contractions but I am only just nearly 12 weeks and hot/warm water makes me cramp up, like the type of cramping that typically occurs in early pregnancy, but they start immediately upon contact with the water - this is not just showers, this is even washing my face and hands with warm water. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter (who is now 3) experiencing the typical early pregnancy cramping up to as far as 15 weeks but I don't remember the water temp thing. Anybody experience anything similar to this ? Any ideas? Thanks !

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Am I awful for feeling this way about my second pregnancy?

    I have a 3 year old daughter whom I love ! She is amazing, watching her grow from a tiny 7 lb baby to the gorgeous toddler she is today has been nothing short of joy and wonder, not a moment of regret ! I am happily married, my husband and I have stable jobs, a stable life, close ties and relationships with our families, etc. Soo... I'm lost and anxious now, 7 weeks pregnant with our second child... that I am not even the least bit excited about. I am, in fact, a little sick and anxiety ridden about this pregnancy... I am not looking forward to doing it all over again... which doesn't make sense to me because it's not like my experience with my daughter was a bad one.... it was wonderful!.... So why do I feel this way?.... Like....all I can think is that I am not even a little bit interested in having another baby.... I don't want to be pregnant... at all and I don't want a baby. - Has anyone else felt this way?

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Toddler has had a cold (no fever) and now a Red dotty rash on her tummy?

    My daughter will be 3 in April - for close to two weeks now she has had a runny nose (yellow snot) and a congested cough - the beginning of the cold symptoms accompanied molar teething issues so initially I assumed that's what the runny nose was but then it was obvious it was a cold - however there has been no fever at all, no fatigue, no balance loss or disorientation - just your typical Yellow snot/runny nose and congested cough. So that has continued and I wasn't too concerned, shes in precare 3 days a week and gets sick all the time, even with vitamins, but then the other morning her belly button was gross and crusty (which I had actually taken her to the doctor for a few weeks ago and he told me to use Nystatin in case it was fungal but then it cleared up before I used the nystatin so I forgot about it) - So now it came back about 2 or 3 days ago, I started using the Nystatin and Vitamin E oil (Ped said this was ok, the E oil) - Belly button stayed the same until yesterday morning when I noticed it was extremely red and VERY watery.... not a thick discharge with any kind of color but just like clear water, so I dabbed at it but there was still more ... very odd.... no smell whatsoever. So I kept up with the Nystatin then towards that evening (yesterday) I noticed red pimple like dots on her tummy in various areas and her belly button had gotten crusty around it and was protruding out a little bit around the 'ring' (although the crust I assume was a scab from the Nystatin healing it. So these pimple like dots, there were about 8 of them, very red, the red localized only to the bump itself, no different colored head, just red and very reminiscent of mosquito bites or pimples. This morning there seem to be more of them, a few lower down now, still in the front, beneath the underwear line.

    She still has no fever and seems in relatively good spirits aside from the congested couch and runny nose - these bumps do not seem to itch her though she does say her belly button hurts.

    I have an appointment for her today but I was just looking for some input, not a bunch of crazy ideas but logical ideas or perhaps people who have experienced or seen this before in their own children or in their profession and can offer me viable possibilities.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • French Green Clay Facial Mask - a couple of questions?

    I am planning on concocting a mask made of French Green Clay, Vitamin C powder and Aloe Vera straight from the plant - my question is, Can I leave this mask on overnight? I was concerned that, if anything, the Vitamin C left on overnight may cause redness, so just concerning the French Green Clay powder mixed with Aloe and Water - is that safe to leave on overnight? If not on the whole face, what about a mask in a small area left on overnight ? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • Belly Button Infection - maybe?

    I noticed today that my belly button is very itchy inside and so of course I've gone to scratch it a few times and each time my belly button was wet inside. There is no odor at all and when I looked at my fingers it was just a watery consistency, no color, no sort of discharge that I could see. I have showered today and cleaned it thoroughly, (I clean it thoroughly anytime I take a shower just in general) though now, hours after my shower, it is still itchy and 'wet' inside. Still no odor but I decided to stick a Q-tip inside of my belly button, I put it all the way to the back and swirled it once - when I looked at it it was just the faintest shade of yellow, hardly noticeable, but still there. I am not overweight, I actually have a flat stomach so there is no overhang or skin bunching together to close the belly button from receiving air - could it just be the heat? It's been no less than 98 or 96 here lately, sometimes hotter - in any event, I poured some 100% natural uncut tea tree oil on a Q-tip and rubbed it around inside my belly button, but otherwise I've no clue how to treat or fix something like this - the itching spreads to the outside of my belly button as well, like, just the skin on my stomach about half an inch diameter from my actual belly button in a full circle. Ideas? Is it an infection or just the heat?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • Why is my daughter having these sleep issues? (2 years old)?

    My Bailey has never been a good sleeper, she was 2 in April and has not slept through the night since she was 13 months, which I never had a problem with because her morning wake up time was fairly normal until a couple weeks ago when she started staying awake until 10:30 at night, sometimes later and then waking at 5:30 in the morning and STILL waking up in the middle of the night, at least twice. Nothing changed in the last couple of weeks, she eats the same, does the same stuff, no new friends, no crazy changes. The past two night have been the worst - On Saturday night, she didnt finally fall asleep until around 10:45 pm, woke up at least twice (she does not nurse in the middle of the night, sometimes she will drink water), and then woke up at 5:50 am - on Sunday, We went to the zoo for a couple of hours, when we got home she napped for about 2 hours, a pretty typical nap for her and then when she woke up we did normal daytime stuff, played outside for a couple of hours in the evening before dinner, then around 8:15 as I as putting her to sleep and it seemed she would sleep, she suddenly started saying she was hungry and asking for a banana with peanut butter, she never does this so I believed she was hungry and gave her the food and then she was suddenly wide awake and didnt go to sleep until 10:45 or so and then woke up at 3:30 am and never went back to sleep, wide awake, ready to play, it's 5 am and she is still awake...I just don't understand..... What could be doing this?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago