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DNA test to see if you are related?
Through a quirk of fate I had a full 110 marker Y chromosome DNA test via FTDNA. The quirk was that I discovered my surname is incorrect. My bloodline stems from another surname. Tracing my family back I found someone with that same surname. Backing it up with paper records I found that my grandfather was a twin. This twin (on paper) was declared as the daughter of the man with this new surname. So it seems we are related. It seems that my grandfather was brought up by another family member and was never told. In fact I match no one in the family with his assumed surname. So (yeah I know this seems confusing) I have managed to trace my grandfathers twins sisters kids. But they are all girls. A Y chromosome DNA test will be useless to see if we are actually cousins or not as they are all girls and do not have a Y chromosome. Is there a DNA test which would confirm we are related or not.
In a bit more detail what happened was this -
My grandfather discovered a few years ago that his surname as he understood it was not correct. he found out via a birth certificate. So he was stumped. Years later I had a DNA test and discovered that my DNA matched the surname Grant not Williams. In fact I do not match any Williams' on DNA file at all. All my matches are Grant. Full matches across all marker. SO I am a Grant. I have discovered that he had a twin sister. The twin sister was taken to Australia when she was a kid. Her father was a bloke whos surname was Grant. I have her and my grandfathers birth certificate and no father is named on it. But yet he declares her as his daughter on the passenger manifest to Australia. So she grew up unaware that she had a twin brother. Then she had kids of her own. they are alive and we are on contact and we really would like to see if this Grant man is my great grandfather. There are no male descendants from Grant and I cannot trace his father back and then forward through a possible brother so its down to his grandchildren. All girls. Is there a test?
Thanks in advance.
2 AnswersBiology8 years agoUK TAX Self Assessment question 2?
"Costs of goods bought for re-sale or goods used" - this is one of the first questions on the self assessment form - I had a shop btw - so, does this mean in that year the stock that I purchased, orrrrr, does it mean the value of my total stock that I have at time of filling in this form. Its a vast difference.... if its goods I bought for that year its about £400.00 if its total stock then its £12000.00 ???
3 AnswersUnited Kingdom10 years agoUK TAX Self Assessment question?
Ok I know I know I'm late but anyway.....
I have my business figures and I am entering them on a self assessment online form. However as the business was doing .... not so good at times, I had to pay the rent using my own money at times. I also had to pay several bills myself using my own savings. How do I account for these on the self assessment form. I am totting up expenses and its asking for rent, bills etc and I have to work a figure out for that. I have done. But some of it was paid using the business account and some was paid by me using personal savings. Do I put the figure it comes to in the box and account for my savings later or do I allow for that now somehow - please explain the government helps sheets do not explain what to do if you are a poor businessman like I was LOL.....
1 AnswerUnited Kingdom10 years agoDoes being a gay man and a twin affect your Y gene result?
Sorry in advance if this is asked in ignorance. But then I know nothing about genetics. I was a twin in the womb. Sadly my mother had a partial miscarriage. A week afterwards she was checked out and it was discovered she was still pregnant. With me. As I have grown up I have realised I am gay. I am male as well. I was given a DNA test kit for a birthday gift. This was the type that enables you to discover your DNA origins and haplogroup etc. My question is does being a gay male and a twin (although I understand I would not have been identicle from what I have been told) have an effect on what my results were. The reason I ask is that it has become impossible to trace my family on the male line. Searching through the various records I found that my grandfather (also a twin) on my fathers side was the product of out of wedlock sexual experience. Later his mother married a different man. Hence the genetics test of the Y chromosome to trace someone genetically as close as I can get (about 6 generations) and then use thier family tree to try and work forwards in time to trace my real blood line family on my fathers side. Now I know it could also mean that I find that my mother had an affair at some point but we are an open family and me and mum have already had "that" chat and its highly unlikely. So with a gay man what chromosomes are carried from the parents. And does it or rather could it sque my results. So that I have actually taken the Y chromosome from the mothers side. Now I also know that the Y chromosome comes from the fathers side or paternal line. However there are rare occasions when the mother passes on a Y chromome. (found out by online research) - does being a twin and or gay increase the chances of this..... I await your knowledge with gratitude in advance. Oh and given the nature of this post ill say it in advance - dont bother with the "going to hell" christian rubbish. Obviously that is in no way a Christian behaviour to another human being is it and would be totally wasted on me anyway. I could say simply that if God created man in his own image then he must also be gay when he came to create me and others like me, either that or he screwed up. So not infalliable then? Spare your spiteful little rantings for someone you can actually hurt with those type of comments. It will just crack me up with laughter as I have had years of it.
But hopefully those with half a brain will realise that this is a scientific question and not one for happy clappers to vent their spleen on. But hey go for it.
5 AnswersBiology10 years agoGreat great Great Grandfather UK?
It a bit complicated but isnt it always.
Great great Grandfather is Thomas Cox. In 1855 he marries Jane Lancaster in St Martins Birmingham UK.
Thomas lives at time of marriage in Stamforth St. On the marriage certificate are witnesses - one of which is Mary Ann Cox. Thomas is 22 at marriage and so is born in 1833. His father on the certificate is named as Richard Cox. Bothe father and son have the same occupation - Brass Founder. Jane and Thomas get married on 25 December 1855 at the chapel of St Paul.
Ok the problems
Thomas although 22 and getting married to Jane is a Widower already. Who did he marry before?
There seems to be no way of getting back further unless I can find out who this Richard Cox is. And here in lies the main problem. There are two Richards that it could be. Because there are two thomas'. Each Richard has a child called Thomas. Each family has a child called Mary Ann (the witness) however the two Richards are. . .
Richard Cox - married to Sarah. Found them from start to finish on every census. They have a son called Thomas in 1832. And they have a daughter called Mary Ann Cox. (the possible witness for the wedding in 1855. But she would only be 8. I do not think they would have used her as a witness but I could be wrong). So is this my family. The Thomas in this family is a brass founder (which is good) in 1851. However the marriage certificate states occupation of father - Brass Founder. This families father (Richard) is a labourer until his death in 1873. That is his occupation on every census. So he does not seem to match.
Richard Cox - marries a Mary. Now these I can find but without Richard. I can trace her through the census details, and she lives with her family, becoming the head of the family and stating herself as widow. Thomas in her household is the right age also. However we last see her Thomas living with her in 1851 at 1 court N013 Weaman Row. He is 17 and is a strip caster. The next Census he is not living with her. However my Thomas gets married 4 years after the census and is the head of his own household and living with his Jane. His occupation is Brass caster in his own household. His sister is Mary Anne Cox (so possible witness) and is 24 at the time of Thomas' wedding so would be a better option for the witness.
So thats it - who is my family and who did Thomas Cox b. 1833 marry before he married Jane Lancaster. I mean its totally possible that there is yet another Richard - I did find one married to Catherine but they do not have a child called Thomas in their household at 1851.
I leave it to your superior abilities. And thank you in advance.
3 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoApple Macbook V's Vaio Laptop HELP!!!!?
Ok guys Help,
Gotta buy my partner either a Macbook or some other laptop. Little info: My partner wants the MAcbook because someone at their work said they are great. We also have Iphones and Itunes etc. Which are not great on a windows operating system. I think thats because Itunes software is pap rather than the laptops fault but hey.
Whatever I get my partner it will be used for:
Downloading music.
Storing photos.
Surfing the net.
all the usual computery stuff.
I know enough about computers to get stats etc in the answers. But I have never even used a macbook and nor has my partner. I think their different operating system limits its abilities where Windows OS runs vurtually everything we want it to. And if it cant you can get it within seconds of searching.
Another big stumbling block apparently is software support for mac OS when getting hardware.
Finally I know its like the X Box or PS3 question and that is answered by game availability and price. I do not want to get something that is going to be a total nightmare and you have to spend a total fortune to get a bottom of the range pile of pap, when I could spend £600 on a decent Vaio which I know are great.
Bring on the debate lol and cheers in advance.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoIdentity of my great grandfather and great grandmother?
Hi, thank you in advance.
Bit of a long story but following a DNA testing present I decided to trace my family tree. Simple - or so I thought. Aside from how difficult it is I have another problem. My great grandfather and his wife.
My grandfather John William Pearson went to get a passport in the 60's one day to be told he was not a Pearson but his surname had been registered as Peacock. Now I have had some help with this and managed to find out that he was the son of a one Esther Peacock. The father . . . he thought it was Alfred James Pearson. However I have discovered that my grandfather was born in 1911. Esther and Alfred married in 1912.
Easy you say - my grandfather was born out of wedlock. And yes he may well have been. However there is a little wrinkle. Searching BDM we find this:
John William Peacock Dec Romford 1911 4a 996
Martha Peacock Dec Romford 1911 4a 997
Twins? No mention was made of this and no one in my family was aware a sister called Martha existed let alone a twin. Mt grandfather did not know about it.
Recalling his past my father remembers his dad having several siblings and knew them well. I have traced a couple but the rest remain a mystery. Here are the ones I have found:
Nellie Rose Pearson Sept 1906 to Dec 1971 - found and verified.
Esther Pearson March 1914 Romford 4a 1025
The ones I know existed but can find no trace of are:
Richard Pearson (maybe Peacock) married a woman known as Eva. Dick and Eva had a son called Alfred born around 1938 and also two other sons, one was called Bill. Thats all I know there.
And the biggest mystery of them all Cissy. Thats all I know about her. Marriage would be doubtful here as she was apparently gay. Last known location - about 1990 living in a nursing home in Brighton. And its not Cecilia Alice Pearson born seven oaks. That cissy is accounted for as someone else.
So Alfred James Pearson may well be my great grandfather - however he married Esther Peacock in we think 1912. The identity of Esther we think is:
Esther Peacock Sept 1882 Romford 4a 264 to Jun 1933 Romford 4a 384 meaning she would have been 30.
Alfred we think is Alfred James Pearson June 1879 Pancras 1b 133 and would have been 32 which is a good match age wise for marriage. Old though. Were they married before? Which would mean my great grandfather was not Alfred but someone else. Did Esthers first husband die and she re marry in 1912. Or was she a late starter and both Martha and John born out of wedlock, and brought up to be told they were pearsons. Its a mess really lol. And I bow to your superior experience/detective skills and ability. As the present of the DNA test was for the Y chromosome I would like to know who I get it from.
I do not have my grandfathers birth certificate. And all contact with that side of the family is now not an option for various reasons. So I cannot even ask anyone. Your help will be greatly appreciated in answering any of the problems above.
4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoFamily History UK question about info on birth certificates?
OK. Thanks in advance. I have been able to access the various free online records of Births Deaths Marriages. Thats all cool. The trouble is that I cannot go further back after that. Unless I am missing something. I have looked for instance at my great grandmothers birth reference on the register. Its 6d 220. Now I know that its volume 6d page 220. Fine. But in order to go further back - i.e. find out who her father was and her mother I need to buy the birth certificate which will have that info on it. Except that is £10 or just under. I have a huge family and that's going to get very expensive. I mean she had 17 children for example. I don't want a copy of the certificate. I just want to view it. Is that possible online for free. Or am I living in cloud cuckoo land lol. Thanks as I said in advance. I'll get there.
6 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoWhat was the name of the documentary about the Rendlesham Incident.?
In this documentary they bring Charles Halt and Jim Penniston back together in Rendlesham forest and they discover they are talking about different landing sites. I cannot find it anywhere.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoExpress 7 tenths as a decimal?
6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago