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Baby Jace is here! Born Nov21st

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I live in nyc & got engaged in August 2007. Got married on Feb 2nd 2008 to the man of my dreams :-) We fell pregnant shortly after (literally 3 weeks after getting married lol) and are very impatiently awaiting the arrival of our son. Life is sweeeeet!!!! Jace is now here & he rules the roost! Born Nov 21st, the love of my life

  • my 7 month old cries ALL the time!?

    he was a perfect little angel as a bub. didn't really need/want to be held all the time. Was perfectly content with taking in the world. Barely ever cried, very smiley kid. The other moms were jealous & it secretly made me very happy lol ;-)

    now that he has gotten bigger he is always whining/crying about something. whether he is being held or not, playing or not, etc. He has no teeth, I am assuming he is getting some soon. This has been getting out of hand for about a month now.

    Have you ever gone through this? I am going to call doc tomorrow just to make sure all is well, but sometimes another mothers experience can be more valuable than gold!

    thanks ladies :-)

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • ok, I have come to find that there are not enought hours in a day?

    and i need to make up a schedule of sorts to try & cram more time into my day. Currently I am making all 3 meals for my husband and I in addition to being the primary caretaker of a little creature that is eating every 2 hours or so. I feel like i'm always in the kitchen/cleaning up the kitchen and nothing else ever gets done.

    so i've decided beginning tomorrow that I am going to make all my dinner meals for the week on sunday, and have easier go to breakfast items prepped for the week. As far as lunch I will do the same thing, make and then freeze.

    So as far as all of the cooking goes I am pretty set. But I am wondering, what do you all do to help you get your little one ready for the week? Do you make bottles? Do you lay their clothes out the night before so you can actually get out of the house? What tips do you have for me that may make my day seem longer and more productive. any advice will be appreciated. Thanks moms! :-D

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Holy Frijoles! I might be pregnant AGAIN?!!!?

    omg, as you can tell by my avatar I just had a baby a little over 7 months ago. I wasn't expecting to have another for at LEAST a few years (if even @ all). But alas, whatever will be will be.

    My question is not "am i pregnant?!" cos none of you guys would know the answer to that. but I do have a few other questions such as:

    1) has this ever happened to you, or someone you know? (having 2 children so close?)

    2) how bad was it? (all the gory details please)

    3) what are the positive things about it?

    4) did they kill their husbands?

    although the last question is a joke to lighten the mood (sort of) answers to the other questions would be greatly appreciated! :-D Thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My sister is pregnant and my family is PISSED!!?

    omg, the things you think would never happen *sigh* ...anyway, my sister who is 22 years old is pregnant. she was in her last year of college, and on her way to pharmacy school. the guy that got her pregnant is someone she has been 'seeing' for about 7 years now. he said he doesn't want to marry her, and doesn't want this baby. My family (myself included) are not surprised, he has been a fleabag from jump

    I am being very supportive of her blessing, my family (mother specifically) is furious. she keeps going on and on about how she's spent over 100,000 $'s on her schooling and the guy doesn't even want the baby etc. My opinion is the baby's comin, so what are we gonna do about it lol

    I just had my son 6 months ago. he will be very close in age with his little cuz! :-D ...I have lots of baby things to give her, so none of that is an issue. but the sad thing about it is everyone was SOOO happy when i got pregnant. I had finished college, and was married to a guy that actually wanted a baby with me, but I still cant help but feel so bad that everyone is giving her so much garbage

    Has this ever happened to you, a friend, or family member? how did it pan out in the end for them?

    ...oh, and on a sidenote, my mother has said that she is cutting her off financially. she is REALLY furious

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This baby is breaking my back!?

    my son is getting big FAST, 20lbs @ 6months...anyway, i'm petite & his little body is taking a toll on my back. It is killing me, especially today :-(

    Is there any helpful tips u guys have to make lifting him up and what not less hard on my back?


    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I don't know why i'm even asking this question because my instincts are telling me to?

    stay out of it, but here goes. I have a friend,lets just say her name is Kelly. She just got engaged to a guy named Dan. We all went to college together. Her and I are very close, and I know him through her. Every now and again Kelly wants to go out with the girls, or have some time alone, or talk on the phone to her friends. You know, normal things. But Kelly tells me that sometimes her doing these things makes him jealous, or angry. I didn't believe her until last night. Kelly, my husband, and I went out and as soon as we got there my hubby went to the bathroom, and I ordered a round of drinks. I went to the end of the bar where the bartenders were (it was a loooong bar lol) and I turn to my left to see him yelling at her. I don't know what he was saying, but there were a lot of f-bombs being thrown around. She stood there and looked @ me out the corner or her eye. A look of pure sadness was on her face, and she didn't say a word back to him. :-(

    When I got back over there he completely stopped and pretended nothing was the matter. The entire night he was giving her filthy looks and being rude to pretty much everyone. I was trying to lighten things up, and he would smile for that moment, but otherwise he was pretty nasty.

    Toward the end after a few drinks he began to yell @ her about something else. I was shocked. He was loud, and unruly. At one point I thought he may hit her because he had such a ferocious look in his eyes.

    I've been in her shoes before with a man like that. It starts small, then he begins to hit you and attempts to isolate you from your friends. I have seen this pattern in other abuse victims as well.

    My first instinct is to stay out of it! They are getting married next year and I don't want to seem like I am trying to come between them. But it is so sad to watch my friend being treated that way. In my mind it is a form of abuse.

    I've talked to her about it, and she says how fed up she is of it, and that she could be with 'anyone' etc. She also is very open about how confrentational he is.

    What would you do

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when/where did you start to make other friends that are mothers?

    after you had your little one? i am the first of ALL my friends to have a baby, which is not a problem, we all still love to do the same things. But it sure would be nice to have someone to talk to about starting solids and sleeping through the night :-)

    where did you meet your mommy friends?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Birth control options for new mama's?

    hey ladies. my husband and i are VERY sure that we don't want another baby (if @ all) for @ least 2- 3 years. I know there is a copper iud that is hormone free, which is great for me because birth control w/hormones, even on a low dosage makes me put weight on. I say no thank you to an extra 10 lbs lol.

    Anyway, the issue is that the copper iud is inserted and active for 5 years. I know you can take it out. But is it worth it to get for 2 years instead of 5?

    I am going to ask my doc, but i'd love to hear first hand experience. I'll even take suggestions on other types of birth control

    thanks ladies :-)

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how was your natural birth?

    at home? birthing center? with midwife or doctor?

    share your experience

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Only another mother would understand my thrill?

    at something so little and silly....ok, there were these Purple Slim Slack Jeans that I got from American Apparel maybe 4 months or so before I got pregnant. They are the skinniest teeniest pants, no stretch lol! After I had my son, that was my goal, I wanted to slip back into my slim slacks. Every couple weeks I would try and see if i'd made any progress, in the beginning not being able to get the pants past the top of my knee, and then for awhile they were stuck right under the cusp of my butt lol. I figured they may never fit again.....Well, I just tried them on today and not only did they come up, but they buttoned!!!!! SOOOOO silly I know, but i was overjoyed :-)

    Has that other happened to any of you mommas? The one top, or bottom, that you thought you would never be able to grease yourself into post baby and one day you finally got the buttons snapped or the zipper up?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 5 months, drooling, crying loads?

    teething yes? when do the teeth come in and when does the crying STOP?!!!! :-(

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is anyone familiar with a neighborhood in Brooklyn?

    called Bay Ridge? How is it? Nice? Trendy? etc. Just wanted to get some first hand info. Thanks!

    2 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • Have any of you thought about having?

    or actually had a tummy tuck ? even if you are already small, and the weight is pretty much all gone, do you ever feel like you want results that no amount of diet and exercise is going to get rid of (like a lil extra baby pudge lol)

    Have you had anything done? Breast, tummy, etc? How were the results? If you are opposed to it, how did you become comfy with your 'new' body (even if it looks nearly the same as before)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • There is a protest in London going on right now, it says that?

    many buildings in the financial districts are boarded up, and the streets are closed.

    I just caught it on NBC, but i'm not quite sure whats going on except that a bunch of the leaders are meeting over there.

    Anyone know what the story is?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does it get easier with subsequent?

    children and pregnancies? my first pregnancy was very textbook, but the sickness fatigue and joint pain was hell for me. did you find it was easier to take care of your second? did you find your 2nd pregnancy to be easier?

    any personal stories would be appreciated

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Will my hips ever go back to normal after having a baby?

    I am a very small and medium height 24 year-old and my husband and I had our first baby, a beautiful little boy, about 4 months ago. I have very little excess fat from the pregnancy and most can't tell that I had a baby at all. However, my hips have spread a bit when I had my son. Will I ever be back to my original hip size? thnx moms

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when you make a cake and the consistency is semi-mushy in the middle (almost lard like) but brown at the top?

    and bottom, what part of the cake ration was off in terms of wet to dry?

    when i say lard like, i mean similar to the consistency of the middle of a lemon tart. soft, mushy, but cooked as much as it can be.

    if you need more details don't hesitate to ask as this is kind of hard to explain, i can add details

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago