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  • Are these fish compatible?

    I have two 55 gallon freshwater setups. I want to get rid of one of the tanks and just put the fish together. But I'm not 100% positive if all the fish will be compatible together. I know a decent amount about fish so I have a general idea. But i would like to get a few other opinions first. The first tank has a freshwater "snowflake eel" (I realize its not really a snowflake eel, i think its like a gymno something or other thorax or something. Its a freshwater eel nonetheless), a four line pimodello catfish, a spotted pictus catfish, a shovel nose catfish, a pleco, two koi angelfish, and a blue gourami. The second tank has about 9 cichlids in it and a pleco. I know the catfish will be fine, and the angelfish are actually cichlids themselves. I can always get rid of the gourami if I have to as well. but I'm thinking the eel might give my cichlids a problem and try to eat them. he's already killed some bala sharks and smaller irridescents as well. The eel is about a foot, maybe foot and a half long and all of the cichlids range from about 3-5 inches.

    Thanks for the help!

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Is a quarantine tank necessary?

    Im starting up a 55 gallon saltwater tank. And i've been reading up and i've seen that it's important to have a quarantine tank to introduce your fish to before you put them in your main tank. is it really that important to have one? and if it is. what size should i get?

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is a mechanical filter necessary for a saltwater tank?

    I have a 55 gallon that I plan on making into saltwater. I plan on having live rock, live sand, two powerheads, and a protein skimmer as the "equipment" for the tank. I'm wondering how necessary, if at all, a mechanical filter is for my tank. I will make it a FOWLR tank, probably housing a snowflake eel, a flame angelfish, a blue spotted puffer, maybe a lionfish. but there is my general plans. Anyhow, I would probably get 60-75 lbs of live sand, and I have no idea about how much live rock. So, in conclusion, is a mechanical filter necessary for my plans for this tank?



    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Would these fish go well in my saltwater tank?

    I recently got a 55 gallon aquarium that I will be adding marine life too. I am fairly new to the saltwater fish keeping and would like some help. I plan on adding live sand, live rock, and maybe an anemone or two into this tank. But for the livestock. I am for sure getting a snowflake eel. that is what I plan on building everything around. But additionally i would like to house a tomato clown, a blue tang, a flame angel, and a blue spotted puffer. each fish is classified as semi-aggressive so it seems like it would fit. My only concern is the blue tang maybe being too big for the tank, but will it be okay in a 55? I really am set on these fish so please give me some good news!!!


    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago

    I got a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. So far I have the power wire through the firewall, and running along the base trim of the drivers side. The thing I am struggling with is getting the RCA and the remote wire through to the passenger side from behind the dash. There seriously is no opening so I don't know how to get it through.

    Also, after just giving up I decided to just try and feed the wires through the drivers side of the dash behind my deck, but I couldn't get the wires through. Any suggestions on how I would be able to feed other wires such as an Ipod cable, etc through that opening behind the deck through the dash?

    Thanks a lot,


    3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • How do I run these wires to my amp?

    I got a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. So far I have the power wire through the firewall, and running along the base trim of the drivers side. The thing I am struggling with is getting the RCA and the remote wire through to the passenger side from behind the dash. There seriously is no opening so I don't know how to get it through.

    Also, after just giving up I decided to just try and feed the wires through the drivers side of the dash behind my deck, but I couldn't get the wires through. Any suggestions on how I would be able to feed other wires such as an Ipod cable, etc through that opening behind the deck through the dash?

    Thanks a lot,


    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago

    I have a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee and I'm trying to run an RCA wire from behind my head unit and hopefully someone can help? I am trying to run my 4 door speakers to the amp.. I currently have my power wire and remote wire on the driver side so I need advice on how to run the 2 sets of RCA wire along the passenger side.

    I appreciate the help for anyone that does.


    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • No Power running to my amp.. please help?

    I have a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a Pioneer P5100UB deck, 4 Kicker DS series door speakers, and a JBL CS60.4 amplifier. I just recently installed the deck and the door speakers and realized that when I turned up the volume the music began getting a little distorted, obviously needing an amp to push a little more power to the speakers to get a little better sound quality. So I went out and got the amp. Prior to all of this I had subs (an amp of course) and a different pioneer deck. Well the pioneer got stolen, and I sold my subs and my old amp. So all the wiring has remained the same. Now I had it professionally installed and I noticed that they ran the RCA, remote, and power wire all along the driver side right next to each other. There is basically no access to the passenger side of the vehicle from behind the deck or under the hood. So i understand why they might have done this even though i know its not good. But I don't think it would not give any power to the amp because of it? Just before I sold my stuff I had put in a new fuse holder and fuse under the hood with the power wire because my old amp wasn't working, so basically that is brand new. I hooked the remote wire to the blue/white wire in my deck which was labeled "remote" so i figure that was right. And I have my RCA cables hooked into the front and rear spot on the deck. And my ground wire is hooked up to the same metal part of the car it was when I had it initially done. So it appears as if everything is wired correctly. But when i went to hook it up to my amp and turn the car on.. the amp got no power.. neither of the 3 lights atop the amp came on, but when I turned my car on the interior lights did dim momentarily which never happens..

    What I'm trying to get at is does anyone have any explanation for why my amplifier is getting no power to it? I just want my stuff figured out so I can listen to my music with something I paid good money for.

    Thank you for your help!

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • What's going on in my tank? Cause I don't know!?

    In my 55 gallon tank I have 3 bala sharks, a male blue gourami, A female gold gourami, a spotted pictus catfish, a four line pimodella catfish, a plecostamus, and two koi angelfish. The problem I'm having is quite recent. Just started a couple of days ago. The problem lies between the gouramis and the angelfish.

    For starters, the blue gourami wants to be chasing the gold one around alot. Secondly, The gold gourami want to keep going up to the surface of the water right where the filter's "waterfall" is coming out. Next, the angelfish are being aggressive towards both gouramis going up to them doing what appears to be biting. The blue gourami is the only one that wants to retaliate to this behavior from the angelfish. the gold one just kind of swims away.

    All the other fish are doing fine. It's just these 4 fish that want to be messing around with each other. All my fish are pretty good sizes if that means anything. The balas are 3 inches probably, the plecostamus is about 6 inches, each catfish about 5 or 6, the angels are about 4-5 inches (tall) and the gouramis are 5 inches. I just wanna know what it is because it is not normal. I've had the tank for a little while now, and this is new behavior.

    O and 1 last thing. I have a little glass thermometer over on the other side of the tank away from the filter and heater and the blue gourami about every 15 minutes goes up and hits it to where the thermometer makes a clinking noise against the glass of the aquarium. This is also something else that has just recently began happening.

    If anyone has any explanation or anything to say about this I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can I put Cichlids with my semi-aggressive community?

    I have a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium that currently houses 2 angelfish. 2 gouramis. a plecostamus. a spotted pictus catfish. and a four line pimodella catfish. I plan on putting three bala sharks and 2 more angelfish in there as well. But I'm also looking to put some Cichlids in the tank to add a little more activity. 1st, do I have enough room? and secondly, are there any semi-aggressive cichlids that would get along with my current fish?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I have a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo and I'm trying to replace the speakers?

    I know quite a lot about car audio, but I feel like my stock speakers are pretty legit. I have Kicker DS series speakers that are brand new and haven't been opened out of the box that I would like to put in there. Is this a good replacement? I don't know the specs of the kickers, so if you could just help me out with what you know.

    Thanks- keith

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • What is a good time to start cleaning out my fish aquarium?

    I have had my tank up and running for nearly 2 months now. I have talked to many people and they say dont do any water changes or anything until the tank has been up and running for at least 3 months.

    I also would like to rearrange some of the plants, bubble walls, etc. around so i'd like to know if it's ok to change out like 50% of the water?

    Thanks for the help!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What is a safe number of fish to introduce to a community tank at one time?

    I have a 55 gallon tank with currently 2 adult gouramis, a small gourami, 2 small angelfish and 1 pleco. I'm looking to add more angels, gouramis, and maybe some semi-aggressive cichlids. What is a good number to 1.) introduce at one time and 2.) what is a good number to keep as a whole in my tank. Meaning how many fish is a good number to fit in without it gettin too crowded?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I have a male blue gourami and a female gold gourami. I would like to know the chances of them mating?

    also, I know that gourami's tend to make bubble nests, But I have a bubble wall going along the entire back wall of my 55 gallon tank. I think that maybe there may be eggs (if there are any at all) in a hallowed out log feature in my tank. I have a 6 inch plecostamus that USUALLY stays in there all day. Lately the male blue gourami has been sitting inside the log just chillin. Then whenever he comes out him and the gold gourami will rub each other a bit and then the blue gourami will chase the gold one away and return back to the log.

    If anyone could just help me understand this behavior I'd really appreciate it. Thanks

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago