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Eating the meat of something that had cancer?
If a human was to consume the meat of a creature that had cancer in any given part of it's body, would the person eating the meat end up with cancer because they consumed the cancerous cells? I'm also wonder the same thing about tuberculosis. I don't know if animals can contract TB, but say there were two people freezing to death in Siberia, and one of them died of TB, and the other was driven to eat them to avoid starving to death; would the person who ate the dead person contract tuberculosis too?
I apologize for the freakish and possibly nonsensical question, the only explanation I can give is that I have a weird mind. I see terrible things when I close my eyes, and many times it doesn't get much better when I open them. The TB question has been on my mind for a few weeks now, and tonight's episode of Hannibal piqued my curiousity on the cancer, so I thought I might as well come to the strangers on the internet, since no one else has given me a halfway decent answer.
3 AnswersCancer8 years agoWhat are some good celtic songs for cello?
I play the cello and i love playing Irish/Scottish/Celtic music. Any good song ideas? (I am 13 and play at an intermediate level i guess you could say, im in the fifth suzuki book if that helps.) I would like something a bit complicated if possible to give me a bit of a challenge.
1 AnswerOther - Music9 years agoWhat are some good songs for a rainy day?
They dont nescessarily have to be happy or sad songs but some of my very favorites are: Norah Jones, Enya, The Beatles, Of Monsters and Men, Coldplay, The Cranberries, among a ton of other things, but i also really like AC/DC, Lady Gaga(yeah, i know), Guns n Roses, but i think you ge the idea. Im thinkin slower songs and stuff... i also loove Irish and Scottish music, and soo... yeah. Im a 13 year old girl by the way. Thanks:)
5 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoPixie cut or bob?...?
So im a 13 yr old girl and i cut my own hair a lot. Last time i cut it i accidentally went waaay overboard with layers, i cut too many short ones. So now i have what appears to be a a bit like a bad mullet, and no one likes it. To be honest, i dont think i do either. My dad said i might as well just cut it off short because it looks bad. My hair now(the longest layers) are medium/longish, and want to do a bob or a long pixie, but im not sure if i have the right face for a pixie. I have a fairly square face, but it isnt angular or anything, my nose is kind of round and wideish and my hairline is pretty far back, my face generally looks kinda like Jennifer Lawrence's, except a wider nose. Please help me out here! Thanks:)
p.s i have sideswept bangs right now.
3 AnswersHair9 years agoMy nook tablet wont charge right?... HELP PLEASE!?
I got a nook tablet last november and it has had a few minor glitches but nothing that didnt resolve itself or wasnt easy to fix. But starting sometime last week it stopped charging right. When i plug it in using the proper cord and wall plug-in the little light on the cord turns green, which it is only supposed to do when it is fully charged, but the thing in the corner of the nook that you can tap that shows you how much battery is left says that it is "not charging", even though the cord says its fully charged. If i turn it fully off and leave it plugged in the little cord light turns orange like its supposed to an dit charges. But i used to use it while it was charging and now i cant do that. Also, when i plug it in and turn it off it takes all night to chage whereas it used to take around 2-3 hours. It has been getting very hot after using for a while lately would that have anything to do with it?
2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years agoI'm really nervous about meeting this guy...?
Ok so ive been txting this guy 4 a while but ive nvr met him. Lets call him Allen. A guy who was a friend of mine and i was sorta goin out with 4 a while gave him my number. So the guy who was my friend just stopped talkin TO me, and started talkin bad ABOUT me. So anyway, Allen i think was the first and hopefully the only person 2 hear any of the stupid lies that the other guy is sayin about me, and they rnt really friends anymore because Allen got really mad at the other guy 4 sayin bad things about me. So im kinda upset tht ive caused them 2 not be as good of friends, but im also really glad that Allen stood up 4 me. He is a really sweet guy, and we both have clearly determined tht we like each other. So since we have nvr met we decided that since the fair is in august, we would get some other people,friends of ours, and meet at the fair. He said tht the only reason we rnt goin out is because we havent really met. So basically, im just REALLY nervous about meetin him. He is the first guy who has eva really been nice 2 me. Most guys are really mean and think im an idiot. I told him tht 2nite and he said tht im am the farthest thing from an idiot, and anyone who thinks i am should get the chair:) and so i reminded him tht we havent really met, and he said i dont have to. I just know. Just like i know i really like you. And im reallly scared tht im gonna blow it with him cuz im not good at talkin 2 guys at all. When i see him am i supposed 2 give him a hug? I dont know what else i would do... it just all seems sooo awkward. Pleeeze jus help me and tell me what u would do if you were in my situation. :[
6 AnswersFriends9 years ago