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  • How to break away from needing parents' permission?

    All right.

    I am 23 years old. I live about an hour away from my parents and am a graduate student.

    My parents and I have enjoyed a very loving relationship, but that has not come without its problems. Specifically, they still want me to ask permission for many things that I presume any 23 year old would simply go out and do.

    The current matter is my plan to visit a friend during the coming weekend. He is also 23. He lives about six hours away. I would visit and stay one or two nights, we plan to just do homework--the only reason he suggested the trip is because he needs to go to his home to pick up textbooks.

    My friend "Ian" has a girlfriend, but their relationship is not in a good place. He is not happy with her. How is this relevant? I am Ian's ex-girlfriend. We broke up about two years ago. We have been good friends since.

    I mentioned to my parents via text that I wish to go with Ian over the weekend. And immediately my mother said that she does not approve because I am intruding on his relationship with his girlfriend, "Carly." While I wish that Ian wanted to spend more time with Carly, that matter is not my business, and I otherwise see no problem with wanting to visit a friend's home for a weekend. My mother disagreed with my reasoning and decided to take this up with my father. Both parents have said "no" to going to Ian's home six hours away.

    But I never actually ASKED for permission.

    Yet they seem to think that I have, and that I NEED their permission in order to just go.

    I've never truly challenged my parents about the permission issue until now. I am very frustrated that they do not appear to respond to my reasoning, and that they think even now that they can say "No," and that should be sufficient reason for me to not want to go or think about going to Ian's home. I suppose they don't like the idea of their daughter going six hours away for a night or two.

    But I don't like the idea of still having to ask permission for such things, and being treated as though I must ask permission. I don't like the idea of telling my friend, "Hey, I know I'm 23 and all, but uh, my parents said that they don't want me to go with you this weekend, so yeah...sorry. Can't."

    I don't know how to convey this to my parents while still assuring them that yes, I do love and respect them. They seem to think that love, respect, and needing permission and lectures go hand-in-hand.

    So, please, what am I doing/saying wrong in this situation? How can I assert myself without appearing disrespectful or hateful? How can I...keep everyone happy? Is that possible?

    And how can I begin to teach my parents to understand that a 23 year old should NOT have to ask permission for such things? That at 23 years old, my mother was married and living in her own apartment by her own rules---what on earth accounts for their present mindset towards another 23 year old?

    I am baffled and frustrated. Please tell me your advice.

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Is my Nintendo GameCube dead?


    So I still have my Nintendo GameCube, and I'd like to fire it up again for nostalgia's sake.

    I've got all of the wires plugged in, and the power cord is plugged in as well.

    Attempt #1 got power to the GameCube--the orange light was on and the disc was spinning. But, I didn't yet have the GameCube plugged into the TV. So I moved the GameCube to be within reach of wires to the TV, I did not unplug any previous wires.

    Attempt #2 yielded no power to the GameCube. The power cord is plugged in at both ends. Not sure what could be wrong.

    Is it possible that the GameCube was fried or suddenly expired when I moved it? Or am I missing something?


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How to best care for oily skin? **Especially eliminating acne.?

    I have an oily complexion. Since adolescence I have struggled with blackheads, whiteheads, and various recurring acne. The most troublesome areas are at the corners of my nose, the curve of my chin, and the corners of my jaw. But my complexion causes irritating "shininess" and general acne everywhere.

    I have been using ProActiv's three step system for about a decade. Since it's expensive I was hoping that either this or the magic of time and puberty would eliminate my acne. But no, I still have persistent--but not out of control or bad--acne.

    I did try another acne product once, I forget the brand, and I had a slight allergic rash on my face. So back to ProActiv I went. I'd like to know if there is another brand I should try, or some other method of acne care I should use.

    I'd also like to know general tips for moderating an oily complexion. How do you keep oil from building on your skin? How do you keep your pores clean? How do you keep away pesky whiteheads and blackheads?

    I appreciate your insight.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Am I a poor friend, or are we too different?

    I've been good friends with a guy for just over 2 years now. We go to college less than an hour away from my home, and about 6 hours from his parents' home. He has visited my home once to stay the night before he joined my family on a vacation. I have not yet visited his home.

    When he visited my home, we planned ahead for him to do that in order to make the start of the vacation as efficient as possible. But he has asked me to visit his home across the state several times over these 2 years, and each time the request has been spontaneous, just as he was about to leave to visit his family. Each time I have declined because 1) It was a weekend during the semester and I didn't want to be both distracted and 6 hours away from my work; 2) I had commitments to family and/or school that I didn't care to drop; 3) I don't like to just drop things and go on a trip 6 hours away. Let me expand on #3.

    To elaborate: I am quiet, reserved, and mostly shy. My family does not have good relationships with our extended family. I have not seen or heard from cousins, aunts and uncles for about a decade. My friend is outgoing, outspoken, and spontaneous. His family is large, raucous, and they all get along very well. They often have get-togethers at my friend's home.

    Frankly, I am not accustomed to or comfortable with being outgoing and at ease around groups of people being introduced to me spontaneously and constantly, nor am I good at small-talk with people whom I am not familiar. I am nervous at the thought of being around a group of people who live and act so differently than I do. I fear that I would be my quiet, polite self when in his family's company and be perceived as shy and frightened.

    Next, my family and I are big on planning ahead. We don't "up and go" on random trips. Hence I am hesitant when he asks me to go on the very day that he is leaving. As I am shy, I need that window of time to mentally prepare for a new venture, for a situation in which I will primarily be in the company of people I don't know and will need to play at being outgoing. I need a window of time to build up my social fortitude and pack and coordinate other responsibilities around a trip.

    As an introvert, this is how I comfortably approach going on a trip. As my friend is an extrovert, he doesn't inherently grasp this and instead is exasperated and impatient when I stammer about why I can't go with him. I understand his frustration. I don't like to frustrate him time and again. I don't want him to think that I do not want or care to visit his home and family. I do care and I do want to visit. He simply approaches me in this way time after time, and I react in my introverted and hesitant manner.

    To repeat my question: Am I a poor friend for hesitating each time and declining when he spontaneously asks, or our are differences in upbringing and personality at work when he is frustrated and I am nervous? Can he understand why I decline, but that I still care and want to go someday?

    What is a better way for me to handle these spontaneous invitations? Am I just being a coward?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • First time reporting for jury service?

    I've checked on the courthouse website and I do indeed have to report early tomorrow morning. I've never received a summons before, so I am walking into this completely unaware of proceedings, etiquette, how long this will take, etc. Are there any general guidelines or expectations I should know?

    Also, I am required to report to a specific room. I am rather nervous about entering a building I've never visited and trying to find this room.

    Basically I am seeking your insight of the jury service experience. Any information is appreciated. I just don't want to walk in there completely unaware of what to expect. What should I bring with me, besides my purse with my driver's license? I am considering having snacks and water in my purse, as I am told that this will take a long time.

    And I presume that formal attire is most desirable.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • I'm going to an indoor shooting range for the first time...?

    And I know absolutely nothing about 1) how to use a gun, 2) what to do or expect at a shooting range.

    I am going with a friend who has just bought his first gun. This is also his first time there, and I don't know if I will actually fire a gun myself or if I will prefer to just observe while he tries out his gun. But what I want to know is: Is it okay if I only want to observe? Is there some procedure I should follow? Is there any particular etiquette at shooting ranges? Also, I am a short, petite female; will this have any bearing on how I am perceived or treated while there?

    Basically, I am just nervous about going in blind to this totally alien world...with guns. I will appreciate any insight you have. :)

    6 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Is this strange scent weed being smoked?

    I live in a city apartment, 11 floors up. There is no grass around whatsoever. Yet frequently in the evenings the hallway smells strongly freshly cut grass right in front of my neighbor's apartment. I have no idea what else could smell like freshly cut grass, so I am wondering if this could be marijuana being smoked. I'm just curious.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why is my betta fish dying?

    My betta fish is past the point of no return, so I want to know what went wrong with my little guy. For the 6 months he's lived, I've kept him in a small glass bowl with aquarium rocks, small leafy plants, and a week-long dissolving food tablet. I changed his water and food once a week, and did not heat the water, which he did not mind at all. My betta remained vibrant red, energetic, and curious.

    However, I've recently left the apartment for Thanksgiving break--I was gone for one week and a day. Before I left I changed his water and food. When I came back, he was gradually more lethargic and began to lose color. It's been two weeks, and now he is pale, lying at the bottom of his bowl on his side, and breathing slowly. I've changed his water and food as usual and I also added yesterday a tiny amount of aquarium salt and conditioner out of desperation. I suspected Swim Bladder Disease and cut up a thawed frozen pea, which he did not eat. Yesterday he spent the majority of the evening floating vertically with his head pointed towards the surface. Again, now he is laying at the bottom. I am certain that he will die soon, and I don't know where I went wrong. Did he have Swim Bladder Disease and I did not treat it properly? Did he possibly become depressed while I was gone? Did he starve? I have no idea.

    9 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • How can I stop my body from moving during sleep?

    I've noticed that my right hand always moves while I sleep, completely without my knowledge. I sleep with my right hand under the pillow and supporting my head. When I wake up, it's somewhere else, and I'm uncomfortable. My left hand never moves. This has been happening for 6-7 years. How can I "train" my brain to stop doing this?

    Also, I am a very particular sleeper, so I can't just place my left hand under the pillow.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • whitewater rafting...with a "special friend"?

    I'm going whitewater rafting in just two days. This trip will have me out and about from about 10am to about 6pm. I have noticed that it is extremely likely that I will be on my period at that time. I usually only wear pads. Should I learn how to use tampons for this rafting trip? Should I go on the trip at all? How can I prepare for this and enjoy myself while my body gives me the finger for an entire day?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Where can I watch True Blood online without downloads or surveys?

    I'm so tired of finding a site that hosts episodes of True Blood suddenly blocking the content with surveys or making me download the episodes. I don't subscribe to HBO and I don't want to take surveys or download anything; where can I watch True Blood episodes without the hassle?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago