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Lv 147 points

Willaim J

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  • having a car in university?

    Hello! I'm going to be going to university out of town, about a 5.5 hour drive away. Bussing costs ~200 a trip there an back, I plan or coming home in fall, Christmas and spring break. However, the trip would be 9 hours with odd timing (depart 1am), . Parking would cost $395, and I could use the car this summer and I need it every summer after (I have a full time job then co-ops). My parents offered to buy the car. Would it be worth buying, or wait and live through the bus trips?? Is a car really necessary or handy in uni anyway? (Asides from travelling home) Are there going to be times when I need to go of campus? My uni is notin a large city, maybe 150 000 people. Thanks!

  • How, or Should I break up with my girlfriend?

    We have been together for a year (yesterday). I love her... She loves me too but I feel she is becoming too much. She wants me to constantly text her, and complains "we need to spend more time together". This is my last year at home with my family (going to uni we are probably going to different ones anyway) and she is always telling me I need to spend time with her (not in the way you think, not like ME OR THEM just wants more time together). So i kinda have to ration my time between her and friends (im really busy from work and school) but i never get to spend time with my friends nor family sometimes... I like her a lot and I care for her, but I don't like texting 24/7 and spending soooooo muchh time together (once a week for 3 hours is good, we wants like 3 times for 5 hours) and her getting mad when I'm with my friends, she is too high maintenance. I tried before to tell her this it worked for a day then she freaked at me. What the problem is basically this weekend is her Halloween party, which is at the same time that my dad wants to take me to a jazz concert. I have to choose... her or quality time with my dad... I wish I could just go with my dad and still have her but that can't happen... I don't know how I would leave her anyway we have been together so long and she would cry a lot and I don't think I could do it... Help please :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I break up with my girlfriend?

    We have been together for a year (yesterday). I love her... She loves me too but I feel she is becoming too much. She wants me to constantly text her, and complains "we need to spend more time together". This is my last year at home with my family and she is always telling me I need to spend time with her (not in the way you think, not like ME OR THEM just wants more time together). So i kinda have to ration my time between her and friends (im really busy from work and school). I like her a lot and I care for her, but I don't like texting 24/7 and spending soooooo mcuh time together and her getting mad when I'm with my friends, she is to high maintenance. I tried before to tell her this it worked for a day then she freaked at me. What the problem is basically this weekend is her haloween party, which is at the same time that my dad wants to take me to a jazz concert. I have to choose... her or quality time with my dad... I wish i could just go with my dad and still have her but that can't happen... I don't know how I would leave her anyway we have been together so long and she would cry a lot and I don't think I could do it... Help please :(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • do you think I have ADD or am just lazy?

    First off I'm not asking for a diagnosis.

    1. I can focus on subjects I enjoy (bio) but cannot on those I dislike (English). In English I am constantly not listening, or thinking about other things. Even in classes I enjoy I have trouble giving 100% attention, my friends even tell me to ssh so they can listen but I can't help eating to do something else

    2. I constantly fiddle, I'm always playing with something in my hand, whether I take apart a pen or flick around an eraser

    3. I constantly move, I bounce my knee up or down, or move my ankle or stuff like that

    4. When doing homework I am always distracted by something in my environment or even out (like food in the kitchen, or my dad in the kitchen I should go talk to him...) I can't focus. It helps if I listen to music, but not a lot.

    5. When doing chores I get sidetracked and do something I always get distracted

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • should i go on add medication or not?

    I'm currently in twelfth grade, and my ADD is really impacting my ability to do homework and study as well as many other tasks. However, my dad said something that really hit me "I don't want to see you medicated all your life". So I am kind of stuck in the middle, should I go on pills? Or no? What are good about them what can be bad?

    Mental Health8 years ago
  • What are roaming costs for a canadian cellphone in europe?

    I am going to Italy and France, would it cost lots of money to keep on my phone on, not send texts or calls or nothing but just keep it to receive text messages (which my provider:virgin says is free). Does it cost money to just keep the phone connected

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • I feel overwhelmed in my relationship (both 17 years old)?

    To start I love her... So much I really do love her.

    Anyway, she takes all my time, if we are not together we have to be texting, constantly, I can't do anything without texting her. Also, she gets offended when I'm with my friends for example we were eating dinner, 6 of us, and she calls me. I hang up and text her I can't talk right now. She gets so offended and gets so angry about how I choose my friends over her. No I was with my friends and I told you I would text you back as soon as I could.

    Anyway, I just feel like its to much and I don't want to break up by any means but I know if I tell her this she will probably take it badly. I don't know what to do :'(

    Tl;Dr I feel overwhelmed and don't know how to talk about it without loosing her

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girlfriend is freaking out because she thinks i said i hate her?

    I said this exactly - "I hate u flipping", i did not say i hate her I said i hate her freaking out on me. She is now freaking out at me because she thinks i said i hate her. Because the three words were in order. I would never. I love her with all my heart... everything that i ami would never. What should i say... i explained to her many times even had friends explain im on the phone now

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I stay in the IB program?

    I have been in the IB program for a year now, and I can;t decide to stay or not. I have Math SL History SL french SL Bio HL Chem HL and English HL, of which we did our math and history exams this year and the rest next (schedualing and such stuff). Anyway, my marks in IB are pretty low... around 72 average equivilated (level 4 for each 3 for chem, but i think i did well on the exams, i will know in july). If i stay i might get to low of grades to get into university, but then loose the diploma. If i go back to ontario classes, i will only need to do ontario chem bio and english, (i already have 30 credits, i did band every year), which i could get good marks in because i can take spares and study. IB has stopped my from going to the gym, exercising and playing guitar, and many things that I love because i have so much work. I am always stressed and going to bed late, but people say it is worth it. I dont know what to do, im so lost and sad :( i really need somebody to help me decide what is best for the future, tough it out (and i mean tough tough it out) and loose another year and possible become depressed, or good marks in other classes, but no IB diploma which is supposed to be good for university. I really need help :( Thank you guys :(

  • Getting a prostate massage from my girlfriend?

    What does she do? What do I do? Should I expect an orgasm? How will I know its works? Should I even expect it to work (I have tried with an aneros, not success). Would a lubricated condom just be ok??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What is a prostate orgasm like?

    In terms of a penis orgasm / or female orgasm(the prostate is equivalent to the female g spot), does it feel like a penis one or is it a different feel altogether? Where does it feel? How long???

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Convince girlfriend we dont need condoms?

    Now first of I'm not a ****! She is on the pill + I would use another contraceptive, however, I hate condoms. She is on the pill we don't need them the today sponge would be good but she says she can't put things in there (tampons??). Could u guys help me out?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I think my girlfriend is depressed?

    (we are 16) My girlfriend is going through a rough time, her grades are falling and her parents are constantly ridding her back ( i overheard their conversation on the phone, its not just complaining they really are mean to her). She is saying how everything feels like it's falling apart, she is nothing, useless, and that she can't be happy. She says i'm the only good thing she has (not tooting my own horn). Her friends all stab her in the back. I love her.. and i'm really worried about her. I don't know what to do. I call her and we talk and see her whenever I can to comfort her but that is just covering the problem not solving it. I'm really really worried... please could any of you help me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Didnt feel a thing from aneros helix?

    I got my helix in the mail Friday and tried it out (right after mastrubating normally) and felt practically nothing. I didn't use lube, I did it in the tub, so the water would act as lube. Saturday I saw the gf and got a bj and Sunday I tried again in the tub. It seems like the helix doesn't go deeply enough as when I push on it, it feels like some sort of strange pain like (not pain) feeling which I assume is my prostate. Any tips? Should I actually use lubw instead of the tub? Would jacking of first ruin it should I wait a few days before an aneros session? Thanks!!

  • How to ship something to the post office not house?

    I am trying to ship something without my parents knowing (nothing bad just ... embarrassing :p) anyway, could i have it shipped to a nearby post office not my house and pick it up without my parent knowing? thanks! (btw in Canada if that changes things)

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation8 years ago
  • Can't find my prostate!?

    I've tried 3 times to locate/stimulate my prostate. (I am 16) The first 2 times were just with my finger, I don't think I ever touched it the upper wall was hard but no ball like thing. It felt like I had to pee for a second, but nothing. If i try and go deeper it feels like some sort of bend or something. Before this bend it doesnt seem like the prostate is there. The third time I used a drum stick and got like 3 inches in and moved around but felt something that i dont know for half a second but then nothing. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there some sort of motion i should do? Get deeper? Please I am really confused! Thank you guys so much!

  • Is it odd to ask my doctor about my prostate?

    im going to see my doctor for a physical tomorrow, (im 16) and I dont imagine he will do a prostate exam. However i read that prostate milking can.keep the prosate healthy (im paranoid about cancer my grandpa had orgasms :p) should I tell him I tried?Also should I ask him how to milk my.prostate? Im not familiar with doctor practices. Will he tthink im weird?

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • trouble with prostate orgasms?

    I have been exerimenting down there for a while, (me and the bf want to try stimulating each others prostates but are trying solo first) anyway, i think I found it its about 2 inches in, hard and kinda like a ball. i rub it and it feels like i have to bee for a bit but tthen it goes away and feels like nothing. Is this my prostate? Should i do something differently?

  • Something weird happened with the gf yesterday...?

    so we were making out quite well, and i go into her shirt to do a little feeling, i get to her nipples and stay around there and her breath changes and she kissesslower, then stops kissing and just leans back moans a tiny bit. Of course i didnt.stop and.had an idea of what was going on. we were both extremely suprised, is this normal? also at one point she startedkissing extremely passionately out of nowhere for a second then back to the head back stuff. wha just happened? (pleasd forgive horrible typing)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to finger a girl?

    It's both out first times... I have no idea what to do. I don't want to mess up, or hurt her. We will be in my basement, parents upstairs (they don't come down or hear anything). Could you guys please help a newbie out? thanks!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago