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jenn c

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  • In disparate need of ideas on fun activities to do with a 21 month old girl indoors at home?

    I have a almost 21 month old daughter, we live in canada so it is cold out and not a lot of snow, she seems to be very board, I have try ed a lot of activities coloring, different crafts, she still is to young for a lot of that. I have done puzzles, shape sorters, roll play, dancing to music, you name it. So if you have any ideas that would be great.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • looking for examples for a daily routeen for a 18 month old who stays at home?

    I was just looking for ideas for a 18 month old daily routeen ie wake at 700am, 730am breakfeast 900-100 active play ect 1100 outdoor fun, that kind of stuff, as well as any ideas for keeping a 18 month old baby girl busy during the day. My daughter seems to be board with some of are act, I am just looking for ideas thank you

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how much do you feed your one year old?

    My mother in-law insist that I am over feeding my 14 month old daughter, I personally don't think so she is happy with what I feed her and gobbles it all up here is an example of what I feed her

    BK: 6oz of milk 1/2 piece of toast with half banana(730am)

    1030am 4oz of milk

    1130am 6oz milk, some fruit 1/2 banana or 1 strawberry, cottage cheese about 1 tbsp, 2 eggs scrambled (just one example of a nor mall lunch for her

    330pm 4oz juice diluted

    500-530pm 6oz of milk 1 tbsp of veggies, 2 tbsp meat, 1 small potato (just one example of a supper she would eat) also with 1/2 banana or other fruit

    I know she drinks a lot of milk but she loves her milk, and really does not care for juice

    any serious in-put wonted nasty comments and stupid answers keep to your self as I have seen on other questions, thank you all in advanced

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago

    I was just looking for some ideas of fun things I could do with my 14 month old daughter for in side and out, we go to the park a lot, nature walks, bike rides, sand box swimming ect, but in side it is a struggle because she really does not play with toys that much or like the tv, which I don't mind, we play with blocks, tupperware, hide ans seek books ect if anyone has any other suggestions that would be great thank you all in advanced

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How much food and formula should an eight month old baby get ?

    I have an eight month old daughter, and there is so many different opions on how much to feed, yes I know to go by my baby is the best answer, but some people think I feed her too much while others think I feed her too little, so I am just looking for examples on how much others feed there baby's ie 3 TBSP of meat and 2 of vegetables something like that and routines ie 700 am breastfeed, 800 cereal thank you to all in advanced

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when making your own baby food can you mix in a little bit of brown sugar for flavor.?

    My daughter is 6 months old, and I am making her baby food, my mother in law said I could put in a little brown sugar for flavor with her squash, sweet potato ETC, does any one know of any reason why I can not put in a little amount of brown sugar when making her baby food, she does not really care for veggies at all, but loves fruit bec it is sweeter, she is breastfeed and is use to the sweet tast I guesss

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • looking for halloween costume ideas for a four month old baby girl.?

    I was looking for some cute ideas for halloween for my four month old daughter, if anyone has any ideas please I would love to hear them

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • DO baby's weight gain slow down or in cress when you introduce solids to baby's?

    I was just wondering do baby's weight gain slow down a little when you introduce solids to them or does it make them gain more weight and faster. I know this sounds like a stupid question but it is just to prove something to my mother in law, who thinks that my daughter is to big and thinks by giving her rice cereal at 5 months is going to get her even bigger faster, I have talked to my doctor and she recommend me to give her cereal now, and says she is not to big just a lot longer then most baby's her age, so anyways in general does giving solids slow down weight gain or in-cress it faster?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 4 month old breastfeed daughter is only having a bowl movement every 4 days is this normall?

    My four month old daughter who is totally breastfeed is only having a bowel movement every 4 days, by this time she is blooded and cramps, has a lot of gas and very fussy. is it normal for her to only be going every 4 days or could this indicate a bowl problem, I know she is obvious having problems but I was just wondering how often other breastfeed baby's are normally going?

    it also seems to me that she sleeps a lot NO I AM NOT COM PLANING, but like I said she is breastfeed and she sleeps through the night 11 hours 730pm until 630am-700am eats and is back to sleep at 900am she then sleeps until 1100 and is up for another 1 1/2 - 2h and is back a sleep again for an hour I just do not remember my son ever sleeping this much, he as well sleep-ed through the night but stayed up for longer periods of time during the day.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Need help and advice with my four year old son?

    My four year old son has had a hard time excepting the arrival of my daughter who is now 4 months old, his behavior is totally out of control at home and is getting bad at school, which he just started jk, I have tried everything I give him one on one, we have one day a week to go out just myself and him, and still it is not good enough, I involve him with the baby were he can ect nothing seems to be working, he does not listen to me he takes a lot of his anger out on me, the last past week the baby has been very fussy and has taken a lot of my time, every time I go to do something with him she screams, so this week has gotten a lot worse with his behavior. Please if any one has any advice on how I can get my son back, the way he was before the baby arrived and to deal with his behavior I would greatly appreciate it

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • would a baby with a lot of gas feel as if they were hungry?

    I was wondering if anyone knows, when a baby has a lot of gas does this make them feel as though they are hungry causing them to eat more, maybe even over eat, or does it cause them not to eat as much.

    MY mother in-law thinks I am over feeding my daughter, but I feed her on demand, cause she is breastfeed every 3-4 hours she is 4 months old and yes she is a little bigger than some four month old baby's I see, but like I said I only feed her every 3-4 hours, bum is dry, I make sure she is not to hot or cold, I hold her, do exercises to get gas out you name it put her to sleep ect and the only thing that stops her crying is because she won ts to eat, so all I wont to know if she is gassy can this cause her to feel hungry?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 31/2 old breastfeed daughter is sleeping a lot more than normally?

    My daughter is 31/2 months and is sleeping a lot she has only been staying awake for an hour at a time, she normally will be a wake for 2 1/2 hours at a time or more, I think she may be going through a growth spirt, the only thing is she is eating less than normal, she has no fever or seems to be ill, is it possible for her to be going through a growth spirt even knowing she is not wonting to eat more

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • On average how much should my 2 month baby girl weigh?

    My daughter weighed 7pounds and 2 ounces at birth, she naw is 2 months old, and she weighs 12 pounds all ready, she is 23 inches and some long and totly breast feed, people are always saying that she is big for her age is this an ok weight or should I be concern?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • foods a child should stay away from with possible adhd?

    My son may have adhd, I do not like the idea of putting him on medication, I have heard of changing a child diet may help, does anyone know of foods to keep out of his diet that may help or adding something to his diet that also could help, my son is four years old and does have many almost all the symptoms of hyper active adhd, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated thank you

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have ideas on good baby names girl or boy?

    My husbent and I can not think of any good names for our baby this is our second child, we already have a boy named Aiden. We do have a few girl names, but are really stuck on boys names we can not agree on any please if you have any good names boy or girl I would really apricate it thank you all in advanced

    34 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • can a three week old baby have water?

    can a three week old baby have water if so what is the recommended amont and can you add sugar if so what is the amount for that, my brother and his wife are new parents and have had a lot of bumps along the way, they found out that their baby was dehyderated because she is not drinking enough breast milk, they never thought to ask if she could have water and doctor never said please help as soon as possible

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • one month pregent, can I still weight train?

    I just found out that I am pregant, I have found enjoyment in going to the gym, doing cardio and weight training, does anyone know if this is ok, what are some weights that are good and some that are bad?, does going to the gym, decress the amount of weight you gain, and how big you get?

    Anyone with any kind of info is greatly appriciated.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • looking for a dinosaur museum in Toronto or other fun place to take my son for his third birthday.?

    I am trying to find something fun to take my son who will be 3 for his birthday, he loves dinosaurs, and thought of a dinosaur museum, does anyone know where there is one in toronto, or london, hamilton area, please give address or a wab site so I can find out times and prices. Or if anyone has any ideas of other places to take him for a fun day that would be great, we do have the zoo as a option but would like a back up plain. thank you in advanced

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • need help dealing with a ear infection for a three year old?

    I am up with my son who has a bad ear infection, the hospital had said to just bring him to the doctors in the morning, but my son is crying and can not sleep due to the pain from his ear, I have given him advil, it has not seemed to work does anyone know good home remadies that is safe and works fast really need good advice and fast thank you all in advanced

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • looking for a good healthy diet to lose weight, that works?

    I use to be able to eat what ever I wonted, but in the last year i have had to watch what i eat.I go to a gym 3-4 times per week but that is not enough, My problem areas are my stomach and thighs I am looking for a diet that works and that is healthy no starving that may help me with my problem areas can anyone help

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago