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  • Attachment image

    Can somebody tell me what's up with my camera?

    The black squiggle towards the bottom right of the picture. Does anyone know what that is or what I can maybe do to get rid of it?

    9 AnswersCameras4 years ago
  • What mic should I get?

    Okay yahoo I am turning to you in my moment of need.

    I have recently bought a canon eos 1300d which I intend to use primarily for filmmaking and eventually posting to YouTube. However I need a microphone so that the dialogue sounds good. The thing is though that I don't think there is a microphone port on the camera itself for me to just mount a mic on top, and I don't really know what I should get.

    I'm looking for a price of ideally under £100 but might be willing to go just over, and if necessary I probably wouldn't mind a used mic.


    3 AnswersCameras4 years ago
  • Need help deciding what to study at uni?

    So I can only apply for one subject but I can't decide between film and psychology. I enjoy them both although I might be slightly better at psych? Either way I don't know what to choose. I can't really see myself as a psychologist in the future but I would love to work in the film industry. However it's hard to get into so and I don't know if I'm creative enough to do well. I'm really stuck on this,please share any opinions you have

  • Was that a panic attack?

    A couple of weeks ago on my way to school I found myself alternating between hyperventilating and almost crying for around 45 minutes. I also kept having cold flashes and I felt like my hands were shaking a lot. I also felt like I needed to be alone and away from everyone else, but this wan't possible due to the fact that I was on a train at the time.

    Since then there have been a couple of times where I have been really scared which caused me to cry, and to make me feel very shaky, and to mess with my breathing a little bit, and I basically feared the worst thing that could happen.

    So I just want to know what's up with me, and what I should do

    If it is useful, I am 17 and in my final year of sixth form. Also I'm not sure if I suffer from anxiety, though all the online tests suggest that I do.

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Why do I keep twitching? Could I be developing tourette syndrome?

    It started about 2 and a half weeks ago, I don't think anything major happened to cause it, but yeah. My head keeps twitching or jerking to the left involuntary although sometimes my head will jerk backwards instead. Most of the time I twitch a lot, as in at least 3 times a minute but there are sometimes when I will rarely twitch, like about once an hour. It's weird... Sometimes I can sort of hold it in I guess sometimes, when I think to myself 'I am not going to twitch' but I can't last very long, I start to get this really weird feeling in my neck that only goes away when I do eventually twitch. That's the most common twitch or tic or whatever that I've got right now.

    However, sometimes I've noticed that I twitch my mouth, this is voluntary I guess but I don't always notice when I'm doing it. Occasionally I get the feeling that I simply have to twitch my mouth, I don't know why. And also, I've started to make myself blink much more, I just get the feeling that I have to blink, so I do. But yeah, I've been blinking quite a bit recently...

    So, if it helps I am currently 15 years old, soon to be sitting my exams and, to my knowledge, I have never had any tics or twitches in the past. Thanks in advance for answering

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Is this normal or common? (stuttering question)?

    Basically, a few months ago I started to stutter fairly badly, having, to my knowledge, never done so previously. This stuttering however, only lasted for around a week, then I carried on speaking as usual afterwards. But after a three weeks or so, I started to stutter again and this time it lasted for around a month then I just stopped again. Now I have occasional stutters here and there, just like everyone else, but I haven't properly stuttered.

    So I was wondering if it is likely to come back? And if so, when?

    Then of course, is it a normal or common thing at all?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Should I be worried about these results ?

    I took the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale test earlier today and, well my results were fairly high. The scores range from 1 (low) to 5 (high).

    On primary psychopathy I scored 3.8 which was higher than 88.25% of people who had previously taken the test and, on secondary psychopathy I scored 3 which was higher than 71.45% of people.

    So back to the question, do you think that I should be worried about these results, or just sort of ignore it?

    Also, if you wanted to take the test, it may be nice to be shown your results.

    Thank you and cheerio

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Why have I started stuttering?

    I think that I have always messed up my words a bit when I speak, but over the past few days I gave begun to stutter, noticeably as many of my friends have commented on it. The thing is, that I can't seem to find a reason for my stuttering, so any ideas anyone?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Confused about emotions...?

    I'm really confused. I don't know what I'm feeling, I don't even know if I'm feeling anything, I think I just feel the same inside all the time. Help me please. Any ideas why?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • If someone were to ask, would you immediately know what you were feeling?

    Even as simple as good or bad.

    For example, I am asking you how do you feel? Answers would be great.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Help me! Question about bipolar disorder?

    I know that bipolar involves mood swings but I was just wondering how often are the mood swings? Is it very sudden or are you feeling high for a few days then low for the next few?

    I couldn't find an answer to this so thank you; means a lot

    5 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What on Earth is up with me?

    So basically, I'm a bit confused.

    I get days where I'm really down and all my friends think that there's something wrong with me and that I'm depressed. But then I get other days where I'm feeling really up and my friends say I act like I'm on drugs.

    The sad times generally go on for 2-14 days whilst the really uppy days only come one day at a time. I just want to know if this is normal because no one seems to be going through anything like I am right now.

    I am 14 if age has to do with anything or if you were wondering.

    So, yeah, please answer and help me!

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Been thinking about starting jogging/running can you give some advise?

    So, I want to start jogging in order to improve my fitness, and I've decided it best to go early in the morning so very few people should see me. But what I need to know is; should I run before or after eating breakfast?

    4 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    "Welcome class!" She said in her horrible, high pitched, squeaky voice. "I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and..." but then the bell rang - saved by the bell once again. I could already tell this was going to be a long day.

    "Ok then, off to assembly" she said as though she was really pleased, but we could all tell that she was planning on telling us a long boring story based on her trauma throughout the summer.

    Once we got back into the classroom, she spoke: "I want you to write about yourselves; to let the class know who you are and what you like."

    "Ok miss" we replied in our usual dreary tone.

    We sat there, waiting, wondering who was going to be picked on first; I knew it would be me, and unfortunately I was right. "Jake come up and read out your piece to the class please."

    I was thinking of just saying no but slowly got up out of my seat and walked up to the front really starting to regret coming back to school.

    "Hi, my name is Jake Leep and I'm thirteen years old. I have a twin brother called William, and apart from looking the same, we're surprisingly different. He's the smart one, not saying I'm dumb though, I'm about average. I live with my dad, Jimmy, because my mother passed away when I was ten; I'm not sad though, I never really liked her to be honest. William was her favourite.

    I suppose you're wondering what I'm like, well you're meant to be anyway. My favourite colour is turquoise and my lucky number is six. My favourite animal is the dodo and if I went back in time I would get one and keep it as a pet. I am 6"4 which is fairly tall but an alright height now I come to think about it. Also I love bananas, some people even say I obsess about them. Another thing about me is that I am prone to lying or 'making things up' as some people like to say.

    Well that's as far as I got so..."

    "Very good Jake, now please go and sit down."

    The rest of the stories were rather boring, I think I might have fallen asleep. But eventually, after what seemed like years, the bell rang and it was time for break. We all rushed out of the classroom as quick as humanly possible so that we could catch up with our friends or try to make some new friends seeing as some people were new to the prison we call school.

    I searched high and low for William but I couldn't find him anywhere, I thought that he must be in trouble already. I couldn't have been more wrong. After roughly fifteen minutes of constant searching, I saw him, he was with a girl, Jemima was her name. William had told me during the summer that he had a crush on Jemima but I always thought she would say no. They hugged. I was unsure what to do, so I just walked away.

    I must have been wondering alone for about ten minutes because then the bell rang once again and I had to go back to the classroom and face my torture. It was only then that I truly realised how much I hated school. The corridors were so small that you couldn't walk through without being barged into a wall or a smaller child. The walls were grey and the paint was peeling off onto the floor where students would tread through it, eventually turning the floor grey as well, the lights flickered constantly and the students would not shut up.

    I returned to my class, wishing that I wasn't there, I couldn't stand another minute. Time was going so slowly, I was staring at the clock, nothing else came to mind. "Can I leave?" I asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

    "Why do you think that you are able to leave? Do you think that you're better than everyone else?"

    "No miss. I just can't stand it here."

    "I'll speak to you outside. Go on then. Get out!"

    "Alright I'm going! Cor, no need to be so stressy! It's only the first day if school!" I slammed the door as hard as I could. All I could do now was wait, to be honest I don't know what came over me. I had always been troublesome, getting in to detentions for behaviour and things like that. Once I even got excluded for two weeks! But that's a different story. Suddenly I realised that I was in a lot of trouble, I said it myself, it was only the first day of school. So I stood there, in the corridor, just waiting for something to happen. She opened the door, slammed it shut and began to shout at me, "YOU HAVE LEFT MY CLASSROOM NOW, ARE YOU HAPPY?"

    "No miss, sorry miss. I don't know what came over me. Maybe I'm ill."

    "Well, that's still no excuse for being so rude in my lesson!"

    "Sorry miss, so... can I go home now?"

    "You will first have to go to the headteachers office, you know where to go."

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • My friend asked me for advice on boys can you help?

    Ok, my friend likes someone but she doesn't really know them very well. So she tried to talk to him on Facebook but he didn't reply. She has left it for about a month but now wants to try again. And she thinks he knows that she has feelings for her.

    What should she say first when trying to talk to this guy? I couldn't answer so I hope you can help. This is the first guy that she has properly liked aswell, so don't be too mean please. Thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • can you help me if possible?

    ok i have an ipod touch and i put a code on it but then i forgot the code :( does anyone know a way for me to get back into my ipod? would be really helpful

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • need some help with french!?

    i need this in French: it will have been built by 2016

    (it is masquline) google translate is wrong so dont use that

    it's the future perfect tense

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Why am I so forgetful?

    As in I forget what I was going to say at least five times a day

    I go into a room and then completely forget why I went in there about once/twice a day

    Once I've done a bit of homework and I have left it on the floor I will forget to take it to school

    I forget to print stuff off

    Extra info:

    I am 13, still at school

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago