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Im 29 years old, I live in Ogden, Ut. Im in to diving, camping, my family and w.o.w. Im afraid thats all Im going to write :)

  • I don't want Health Care. Why am I being forced to get it?

    and why am I being forced to pay for yours? Guess what, I don't care if you need health care and can't afford it. Why are your problems now my problem?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • A question about Coka Cola?

    What is "Cash Cow" of the coka cola company? What is the single product or service it provides that makes them all there money?

    Links to a website would be helpful.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Poll. Should the police use Tasers or Guns?

    Personally I dont care which one they use. Although, at least with a gun, the criminal dies and our tax dollars arent spent on giving them three hots and a cot.

    What do you think?

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Why do you do this...?

    I want to know why you stay in a relationship that you HATE. Meaning if your unhappy in your current relationship why stay and waste your time and there (your partners) time.

    This question is open to everyone.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • The Government is getting out of control?

    Is anyone else sick of the government sticking there big heads IN OUR BUSINESS? Bush started these ridiculous Stimulus crap and now Obama is taking it to a whole new level. The government is forcing us to be charitable. What a slap in the face, Chrysler is talking bankruptcy anyways. So there goes all our money. Now the CEC (california energy commission) is forcing tv manufactures to make more energy efficient tvs. Im all about more energy efficiency but the government stepping in and making them do. Ive had it what in the hell is going on? Now I just heard that SPAM EMAILS are now bad for the environment they have a huge "carbon footprint" OH MY GOD, Im so pissed about this crap blood is shooting out of my eyes.

    So thats my question, Has anyone else had it with this political crap and BS?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Plastic Surgery and Love?

    I read a story today about a man in New York that had a problem with dating women with plastic surgery, breast implants, nose job or any other body part enhancement.

    Ive dated a few girls that have had breast implants and they feel terrible. Natural is so much more fun.

    I feel in love with a girl that wanted a nose job and breast implants. I disagreed, I told her I loved her for her and all of her "imperfection". Those imperfection are what I LOVED.

    So the question.

    Guys, would you really want a plastic wife? If so or if not why?

    Ladies, why would you feel like what god gave you needed to be changed?

    Or just how do you feel about plastic surgery?

    Now Im not talking about medically important plastic surgery or even after ladies have a baby or two who want to have there breast "put back". Im taking about pure vanity elective surgery.

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Poll. Answer the first thing that comes to mind?

    Who cares anymore? and About what?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Obama V.S. McCain. Policy question

    I am not standing behind either one of these guys just yet.

    The thing I want to know is want you like and dislike about they're policies. I dont want to see, "McCain is old" or "Obama has dreamy eyes." Just the policies.

    Please try not to be mean to your fellow "yahooanswerites" This is for my information and not meant to be an opportunity to bash someone's opinion.

    Thanks in advance, good times

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • This is a joke right

    How is Obama doing so well? Im not being mean I really want to know. His energy policy is really to inflate your tires. Check it out This is a joke right? I hope it is. Heres another question. How many of you are driving on flat tires? If you are I can understand why your going to vote for him. This is Ridiculous. So those are my questions.

    How is Obama doing so well?

    Why do Obama supporters drive around on flat tires?

    oh yah and "IS THIS A JOKE"?

    No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us.

    29 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Try to help me understand?

    Long story short.

    After dating for a year and a half I ask her to marry me, she said yes, I quit MY business (because she always complained about the unpredictable cash flow), got a job, moved in with her and bought the house SHE wanted. Then she leaves me for a guy that just got out of prison. Talked to her last night for the first time in 3 months and she said "we were NEVER right for each other".


    Do girls ever know what they want?

    Do you even know?

    For me to keep a girl...

    Do I need to beat you?

    Do I need to do drugs?

    Do I need to cheat on you?

    Do I need to have spent time in prison?

    Do I need to have three or four kids with three or four girls?

    How many girls are with someone (right now) that THEY know they shouldnt be with?

    Why cant girls just be happy?

    Why is the grass always greener on the other side?


    Sorry, Im a little soar today :)

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • POLL- Girls and Guys?

    I want to know, at any giving time how many people have a broken heart.

    So, as of right now, do you have a broken heart? Yes or No

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Heres where Im at...?

    I posted a question about girls and there horrible decisions. My fiance left me for a guy that just got out of prison. Its been 3 months since this happened and just 5 minutes ago I deleted her folder from my computer, pictures, poems and wedding things. I have to tell you it was so hard to do. I look at her pictures and remember what it was like to lay next to her and look into those beautiful eyes, smell her and touching her skin. This is so hard. I just want to know why. I know non of you can answer that question. I hate that she'll never laugh at my jokes, or smile at me, or touch me and she will not be mother of my children (which is good, now). My god I miss her.

    I dont really have a question.

    Just wanted to say, "Good bye Allie, Ill alway love and miss you. Good bye."

    To everyone that answered my question I just wanted to say Thank you all for the help you gave me, It means a lot.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ok, what in the hell is going on?

    Im a 29 year old man, yes man. I have never been married, never had kids (want to be married first), I own my own home, have a good job, great family, never done drugs, dont drink, never been to jail and Im responsible. I get on this yahoo answers and all I see are girls having nothing but guy problems. Things like, he hits me, he cheats on me, he hits my kids, he hooked on heroin, he's in love with his wife, he's 25 years older than me, he has a life sentence and I still love him. WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON? I cant find a girlfriend to save my life and the pieces of **** listed above have more girls than they can handle. Im starting to question if I even want to get married. My fiance left me for an ex boyfriend that just got out of jail. Are there ANY sane girls in the world anymore?

    Im sorry I dont mean to rant like this but "come-on". Seriously.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Soooo what the hell is this?

    My fiance and I were planning to have kids obviously we were getting married. Everything seemed great. I mean three months ago we were looking at baby furniture. Then, at the end of April (it seems like over night) she became distant. Middle of May she left me for a ex boyfriend that just got out of PRISON not jail PRISON. Wow, that will really mess with your head. What happened? It seemed like everything was perfect. WOW.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies, what do i do...?


    I see a cute girl in the mall or book store or anywhere for that matter. I want to ask said girl out. What do I do? Ive tried just walking up and asking (after ive stalked her for a half hour working up the courage to ask) but I always get shot down. Ive tried to engage in conversation, but as soon as I walk up to them I get "stupid" and forget my own name. Ive tried the cave man approach. Which is walk up, club them over the head then brag them by the hair back to my cave. But when they wake up they're upset. Ok so Ive never done the last one LOL but you understand.

    How do you ask out a complete stranger? Im 29 and have no idea what Im doing. Help me please

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need an opinion Ladies?

    Click on this link

    I know its a small picture but please do your best.

    How would you rate my looks?

    use the 1-10 scale

    1 being a troll

    10 being hot

    This is a stupid question but I need an honest opinion.

    Thank you

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need help ladies...?

    Take a look at this link and tell me. Am I "undatible". I dont understand. Since Ive started dating again I cant get a date. I realize that thats an oxymoron. Really though, honest, what is the problem with me.

    P.S. This is the only way I could get picture and info to the fine readers of This is not my primary way of dating LOL. Thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need a little help?

    Im lonely. Believe it or not Im 29

    The girl I was due to marry turned out she was not respectful and I had to end it. She never cheated but she may as well have. The only thing I think is important in a relationship is respect. She couldn't even give me that. Trust me when I say, "as much as I hate being away from her, Its for the best, for both of us." Now, I have the problem where Im remembering the good times and forgetting the bad one (and there were a lot). But the good one were great. The best times Ive ever had. I miss her. I don't know how to get over this. Im so lonely and afraid Ill never have any better than her.

    Someone out there has gone through this. Please Help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is going on?

    What is all this non-sense about people saying that looking at porn is cheating. What a bunch of $#!^

    Guess what ladies guys like to look at girls. Guess what guys ladies like to look at guys. There is no difference if they're clothed or naked. Is this world so insecure with its self that this is now cheating? I know this is going to be hard for a lot of wife's to comprehend but, we want you. We want to make love to you. Its no secret that sex stops (with some exception) after a few years. So what else are guys to do? Ask any husband and He'll tell you the same thing (unless he's a real ***). WE WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU. A happy man would never cheat. PERIOD

    This is getting way off track. LOL

    Basically, if you show me a guy/girl that looks at other people sexually I'll show you a human.

    Ladies please don't jump up my butt on this to bad. All Im saying is people find other people attractive its just human nature. Give your partner some "lovin" and it'll be ok.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago