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  • Instagram keeps making me verify my account after I've already verified?

    For whatever reason, instagram keeps making me verify my account. So I put in the number I received in my email to verify it, and when I put it in a message pops up saying that my account was verified but when I try to log in it asks me to verify it again? My account has quite a lot of followers and I really can't lose it. What do I do? Can I contact instagram?

  • Title for vampire/werewolf book?

    So the book is about a boy names Gavin who will turn into a werewolf on his 17th birthday. His parents hid it from him this whole time because of the vampires. All along the vampires were stalking Gavin because he is going to be like the all powerful and would beat them in the war etc etc haha Anyway...he meets this girl named Dove. They become best friends and eventually fall for eachother. Dove has always been mysterious and sneaking out etc etc but he finds out that she is a vampire. And her father is the leader I guess haha at first Dove was hired to make him fall for her and then she'll kill him so the vampires will win this whole "war" thing haha...I was thinking "Blood Shed Tears" But I'm not sure :/ any ideas? Thanks!

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why is my sister so mean to me :(((?

    She is 12 and thinks she is the like god of everyone. I'm 14 and I try to be nice to her but no matter what I do she just is a total ***** to me! If I'm in a room she'll go "Ugh great you're in here" and leave.

    She is the typical prep at school .Y'know all pink? No cloths? Yeah and she's 12. Her best friend is what I think is the problem. She is a VERY BAD influence on her!! This friend well call her Amy. Well Amy always wears booty shorts and half shirts and cusses and is really dirty. She lies and cheats and hates everything but herself.

    What do I do about this? I've tried confronting her but she tells me to go to hell and stuff like that. I've told her to stay away from Amy but she never does. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to lose my sister. Please and thanks!

    xoxo -Jayne :)

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I need help with a title ASAP!!?

    I'm writing a book and I've never ever been good with titles .-.

    The book is about a girl, Sophia, who happens to have the Gods as her ancestors. Anyway Sophia has to be given as sacrifice by The Others (Angels) and if they don't kill her and sacrifice her to the Gods then The Nethers (Demons) Will like take over. But The Nethers want Sophia to use her "powers" that she has no clue about. Long story short one of the Demons who are hunting her down end up falling for her. This is a no-no. This is a problem, a huge problem.

    Anywhooozie I wanted to name it like Evermore because that means never ending and this battle between Heaven and Hell has been going on forever. But I'm not sure :( Thanks!! :)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Help with title .-. Please??

    I'm writing a book and I've never ever been good with titles .-.

    The book is about a girl, Sophia, who happens to have the Gods as her ancestors. Anyway Sophia has to be given as sacrifice by The Others (Angels) and if they don't kill her and sacrifice her to the Gods then The Nethers (Demons) Will like take over. But The Nethers want Sophia to use her "powers" that she has no clue about. Long story short one of the Demons who are hunting her down end up falling for her. This is a no-no. This is a problem, a huge problem.

    Anywhooozie I wanted to name it like Evermore because that means never ending and this battle between Heaven and Hell has been going on forever. But I'm not sure :( Thanks!! :)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Last names meaning "angel'?

    LIke grigori means fallen angel. So a last name that means angel, fallen angel, preferably archangel. Thanks!!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • *urgent* My Windows Live Movie Maker movie wont open after I save it...?

    Okay so I made a trailer for this fanfiction I made. I saved it to my computer so I could publish it to youtube. But now when I go to open it it says "Server Execution Failed" and it wont open. I even tried burning to a blank dvd and cd but it just says that it's blank after I save it onto it. I reeeeally don't want to have to start over on this because no joke it took like 12 hours. No straight of course but it took a really long time and I but so much work into it. Please help me! Thanks!!

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is my fanfiction good *1Direction*?

    It's a Larry Stylinson so if you don't ship it don't even coment yah hater :P

    I just wanted to know if it was good c: I've never written a fanfiction before and I need some comments c: Thanks!! :)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How do I make my hair grow faster?

    I shaved my head for cancer and it's juuust barely under my ears now. It's also really curly and wavy so it looks shorter! Anywhoozie I know what I did was a good thing but I do miss my long hair :P I'm 14 and I don't really have much money...Is there anything I can do to make it longer? Thanks!

    5 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Do you like to eat foooood?

    What's your favorite food? Mine is MAC AND CHEEEESE!

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is your favorite book?

    Mine is the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Fallen by Lauren Kate

    Do you know these?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is your favorite anime?

    Mine is Black Butler!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Great horror movies to watch?

    I'm only 14 btw :P Nothing is toooo scary for me :P I love all horror so any suggestions will be good. Not to much ya know..."it" but a little is okay. I can fast forward through it. Movies with aliens are a plus too :D

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • How do you overcome a fear of growing up?

    I don't wanna grow up :( I'm not saying YOLO -_- but I just don't know what to do

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Is this a good book idea?

    It's called TRUTH OR DARE...I'm not sure if it'd going anywhere :P I'm already getting one book published but I'm no sure if this is Publish Worthy. Thanks!


    “Alright it’s your turn…” Marcel turned to us after he slid his glasses up his nose.

    This innocent game of truth or dare had just escalated pretty quickly. Everyone hated everyone right now…and who knows what will happen next. Marcie had just run up to her room after she had to make out with Ciel.

    “Mine?” I squeaked out.

    “Truth or dare, Noah,”

    “Truth,” I decided on. There was no way I was picking dare after what just happened.

    “How far have you gone?” He asked and I groaned.

    “Please,” Ciel rolled her eyes, “Noah isn’t brave enough to make it all the way with a guy.”

    “Shut up, Ciel…I’ve gone…” I sighed, “All the way.” I quietly said.

    Marcel went quiet and it was now my turn. I looked around the room to find my victim. I eyed Ciel and grinned.

    “Ciel…truth or dare…?”

    “Dare,” She said bravely.

    “I dare you to eat a grape off of Marcels tongue.”

    “You’re a freak.” She growled and I went to retrieve the grape.

    I placed it on his tongue and she quickly got it off and crushed her teeth down onto it. Marcel blushed and quickly scooted away.

    “Easy,” She shrugged but I saw here try and hide her blush with her long purple and black hair.

    “Alright…Noah,” She eyed me, “Truth or dare?”


    “Is it true you killed your twin? Then you went to rehab after those drugs? And met…Zayn,”

    “That’s more than one question,” Everyone in the room stared at me.

    “Did you kill your sister?” Ciel sat right in front of me.

    “Yes.” I simply said and looked lazily into her eyes.

    She didn’t know what to say then. She thought she was the bad one and the daring one. The one who everyone thought killed someone. Not me. Not a little girl who never ever talked or who got good grades.

    This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to die like that…it was just a stupid mistake. I didn’t know what to do. Everything was happening so fast that…I couldn’t react. I messed up. I didn’t mean to do it…

    I didn’t even know what I was doing. I didn’t do it on purpose. If I could turn back time then…I would save her. It’s me who belongs where she is. She should be here…enjoying life. But I took that possibility away from her. I took all possibility away from her.

    “How,” She finally whispered.

    “Keep your attitude up…and you’ll find out.”

    I then got up and walked to my room. Now with everyone else in this room…I wouldn’t mind killing every. Single…One…I’d kill them all and I wouldn’t look back. As I locked myself in my room I looked under my pillow and found the knife. I picked it up and gazed at it.

    Maybe they could take her place. That little creepy voice inside my head hissed. Maybe…just maybe you could get her back by sacrificing them. Think about it…you need your twin. You don’t need these people. Kill…them. Get the knife and…kill…

    “No!” I screamed and threw the knife in a drawer.

    I started to breath heavily as images of them being murdered came into my mind. Being murdered by…me…just like I killed Noel. I started to cry and fell onto my bed.

    What have I become?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are you homeschooled?

    I am :I I guess it's okay...If you are do you like it? I guess I don't really but oh well haha :P If you're not homeschooled do you wish you were?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago