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Bring America Back!

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I enjoy topics worth discussing. I enjoy seeing other's points of view even if they do not match my own. I love America and love being an American no matter how messed up things are. I'm in it for life!

  • How can you prove discrimination at your job?

    I had applied for a promotion at work. i spoke with my boss about the position and practically got laughed out of his office. I explained how I had tons of experience in the field and was told that they were looking for someone with a specific background. Well, come to find out...They hired a younger girl with no experience at all. Hmmmm something smells really fishy there.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Who's with me on this one?

    I read the article about the man who robbed the bank of $1 just so he could go to jail to get some medical care. I looked further down and saw in the comment area where people says this happens all over the country. I think going to jail / prison for medical care is a bit much but some people see it well worth the while to do it. I can see homeless people doing it for the bed and the food especially in the winter months.

    It is just really sad how far down the S#!thole this country has gone. We sent millions if not billions of dollars to foreign countries who don't give 2 s#!ts about us but we can't get decent medical care. We live here, we pay our taxes and we die here. And for what? I work, I pay taxes. I don't have insurance. I can't afford a surgery if one were to come up. I can't get any form of medical help because I am not over 65, I do not have small children, and I am not disabled. I can get free "female" exams at the health department if I can even get in. That's about it.

    Some poor soul over in another country gets fed, clothed, and medically attended to on my dollar and I have to save up money to see a doctor here if I don't have any additional bills or obligations over and above what I already pay. It costs me over $100.00 just for the Dr. to see me for 2 minutes and act like he's paying attention to me. It's sad. A couple years ago I only paid $57.00 but HIS insurance went through the roof along with all the other dr.'s out there.

    Anybody else fed up? My State Rep. is none other than John Boehner. He's been pretty good at returning correspondence when I've written before. I hope he's up to this one. He's getting more than an ear full this time.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Question about military divorce?

    My daughter is married to a Sgt. in the Army. We have written proof he cheated on her. She also knows he cheated more than once.

    She came to visit me (her mother) and it seems as soon as she got here he told her he wanted a divorce. No surprise here. He claims he will send her $200 every 2 weeks.

    Does she go to JAG or does she get a private lawyer? They have been married for over 2 years.

    She can really f@#k up his life by showing his chain of command written proof of his infidelities. He can get demoted. How would you handle this or what are her best options?

    She doesn't want to go for the jugular but she does want it to be fair. Please help.

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why don't laws pertain to everyone?

    Two separate men.... the same situation. One man leaves his gun out. His son gets a hold of it and shoots himself while playing with it. Another man leaves his gun out. His twin sons get a hold of it and one shoots his brother while playing with it. Both boys die as a result.

    There are charges filed and a manhunt on the man who had only the one son who shot himself dead. The other man, who did not have charges filed on him, whose twin sons got a hold of his gun and killed the other brother while playing with it was a Sheriff's Deputy. Hmmm. No charges, no manhunt. Same exact situation.

    Joe Q. Public is charged with child endangering and a some kind of neglegible manslaughter. The Deputy gets a heart felt sympathy from the community. Why does stuff like this happen? The same goes for people who forget their kids are in a car on a hot day. There were 3 incidences where people forgot their children were in a car in the summer and they leave them there and, of course they die. Since these people either worked for a school, a city, or held some sort of office they get off scott free with no questions asked. If a simple mom or dad leave their kid in the car even for just a few minutes then the law comes crashing down on them.

    This just doesn't seem right. I don't know any of these people but I watch the news and hear the stories. I see how one person "makes a mistake" because there were "extinuating" circumstances and nothing happens to them because of their status. I then see other people who make the same "mistake" and face the full wrath of the law for the exact same thing.

    I see one parent face court charges because they spanked their child while a City Counsel member justifies his reasons for spanking and it gets thrown out of court. Laws should hold true to all and not some. If something is against the law for some it should be against the law for all. Some things just really burn me when I see it on TV.

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Who agrees with me? If not then why?

    Don't Dems sound like Kung Pow Enter the Fist? Wee weee weee wee wee. How about the Geico Commercial? Weeeeee Weeeeee. How about Charlie Brown? WaaaWaaaWaWaWaaaWaWa.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Honestly, what jobs will be "created"?

    If Pres. Obama wants to "create" jobs by fixing roads, runways, railroads, etc......then won't he just be extending already existing jobs to those who already work in those areas? I haven't seen a shortage of road building jobs. The orange barrel season comes around every single year at the same time. The same peple year in and year out are doing the same work they have done for years. Where will the NEW jobs come from? Unless you worked on every single road at the same time then, and only then will it create new jobs rather than extending the working season for the same ol' people.

    I know if I were to go and apply for one of those "created" jobs then I would be laughed out of the office. I can hold one of those signs. I can push a broom. I can fill a tank. Guess what? "We're not hiring".

    What jobs do you think need to be created? I think we should bring jobs back to the US from China, Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, and wherever else they sent them. I'll sew a pair of Nikes. I'll sew a pair of rediculously expensive pair of jeans.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • The Universal "Low tire pressure symbol"?

    It looks more like...... "Stop!.... I have to take a dump!" agreed? It's on the front cover of Yahoo home page right now. lol roflmao right now.... can't stop...... I've fallen and can't get up..... roflmao..........(took the keyboard with me).........

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Would you agree to this statement?

    Don't you think that a "hillbilly" could have fixed that leaking oil pipe in like 5 minutes? They are very good at rigging up things and making it work. (I would be in that category. I once made a good vacuum cleaner out of 3 different ones)

    I'm sure there is someone out there with a simple, but yet, ingenious solution but the "big guys" won't listen. I, personally, thought they should have fully pinched off the remaining pipe and folded it over like you do with a garden hose. How effective would that have been? Better than cutting it off and letting even more oil out!

    Do you have anymore good ideas?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • OMG! Comparing Immigration Law with Nazi Germany?!?

    How on Earth? There is no comparison. We are not rounding them up and sending them off to concentration camps, killing them, puting them in mass graves, torturing them, doing experiments on them, .... etc. What????? It goes to show just how ignorant these people are. Wow. I guess there are millions of illegal immigrants being cremated right now somewhere.

    All we want to do is send them back home from whence they came. If they want to come back then they can go through the proper channels and be welcomed. They can apply for a job just like the rest of us.

    If a bunch of Americans went en mass to a foreign country they would call it an invasion and an act of war. Do you think any other country would put up with that? Do you think they would let US stand around on street corners or stand in front of their lumber yards and take all the work away from their people? Heck no! We would probably be shot first and ask questions later.

    If 2 presidents could do it after 2 wars to clear ground for returning soldiers to have jobs then why can't states do it or why WON'T our President do it? Blah, blah, blah, "create jobs", blah, blah, blah. We have jobs but can't get hired because we aren't cheap enough labor and there is a minimum wage law they have to follow for us. Not illegals.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Obama want to create jobs?

    So under Obama's plan to create jobs like in building roads, schools, local government projects, etc, etc, etc,............. don't you think the jobs should go to those who are unemployed? You see the same company signs over and over again on all of these so called "projects" to create jobs. Don't you think that they should go to the ones who are currently unemployed? It isn't a created job if you give it to the "Big" companies who supposedly hire small contractors who have no work.

    Messer is one of the biggest if not the biggest construction company in the US. Why do they get all the work? They may sub contract out on certain areas of construction but I'm sure they are in bed with their usual buddies.

    Shouldn't Obama make sure that unemployed workers are hired and not the usual....." I can't this week. I have 15 job going in. Can you wait til March" people?

    I know a lot of people qualified for these jobs but they can't seem to get any because either they can't understand the red tape involved or they just don't have the connections. So, in closing, my point is..... hire the unemployed instead of the overemployed or else it's not considered "creating jobs" but keeping the current people employed. Agree or disagree?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why can't people call a holiday what it is?

    I'm getting a little sick and tired..... no, a lot sick and tired of all of this "No Christmas" stuff. Christmas is what it is and has been for centuries. Hanukkah (however you spell it) is what it is and has been for centuries. Kwanzaa is what it is. (Don't know the history on that one)

    I know the traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah is to give and receive gifts. So, in relationship to that, the stores go all out and decorate. Hmmmmm it seems that they follow the Christmas route. When I go into a store it looks alot like Christmas to me. Decked out to the hilt with traditonal Christmas fare. Sooooo.... why not just say Merry Christmas?

    They aren't decked out in traditional African fare and few are decked out in Hannukkah fare. I understand that there are more than one religion in this country and that not all people celebrate any of them. The point is, as long as the stores are decking their halls in the Christmas tradition then they should be allowed to say Merry Christmas. If it is decked in any other fashion then you give that greeting.

    We don't euphimize any other holiday. Passover hits around the same time as Easter. How do the stores decorate? Not in passover fashion...... Easter fashion. Hmm why would that be? Do people not celebrate Passover? Why don't we see Passover advertised to the hilt and aisles full of Passover stuff?

    What about Ramadon? Where is all the fanfare for that? Don't people celebrate that too? Where are my aisles full of Ramadon stuff? Why don't I feel Ramadony when I walk into Walmart or Passovery? I feel Christmassy when I walk in there.

    Sooooo.....Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy whatever. Now let's see how we can change the 4th of July, ie, Independence Day for the non patriotic and change President's Day for those who hate all President's and Veteran's Day for those who oppose war and say "Thank God for dead soldiers" at a fallen hero's funeral. It's all stupid and this country is becoming to pu$$y to care.

    Keep Christ in Christmas, God Bless America, and whatever all the other religion's greetings are, To All!!!

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Just out of curiosity, If Gen. Sherman were to come back to life today?

    If Sherman were to come back to life today with the same mentality he had during the civil war and he saw Atlanta, do you think he would try to burn it to the ground again?

    I gosh darn think he would.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Song title and Artist?

    The part of the song I remember most is....... Coulda been the whiskey, might have been the gin, coulda been the 3 or 4 six packs, I don't know but look at the mess I'm in. My head is like a football, I think I'm gonna die. Me oh me oh my....... That's it. It's driving me nuts. It's a country song from like the late 70's.

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Ohio residents...... Issue 3?

    There has been a battle about the casinos coming to OH. I get really sick seeing the commercials agaist it. Well duh! Of course the people building the casinos and puting up the money are going to profit from it. Duh! They will have to start off with workers from other states to get the things going. How many pit bosses, hosts, and dealers do you know from OH that you could pick off the street right now and man 4 casinos tomorrow?

    Exactly how does it kill jobs? Kill families? Raise the suicide rate? Prostitution? If all of the above were going to happen then it already should have with casinos readily available in neighboring states. I am closer to the Indiana casions. (only minutes away)

    They tried to pull that crap with the Indiana Casinos. I have witnessed how Lawrencburg has transformed into a pretty nice City. It has expanded and they pretty much have brand new everything. They don't even charge residents to go to the public swimming pool.

    Why not keep our money in OH? Indiana and other neighboring states have no problem taking and spending OUR money or the money from Kentucky residents.

    The only problem the OH casinos will face is the smoking ban. Smokers will spend hours in a casino. I'm sure they will prefer the casino states that let them smoke. It may be a bust.

    I'm sure plenty of OH workers will get plenty of jobs. There is more to a casino than a dealer or pit boss or host. Plenty of IN workers made it into the ranks so OH workers will too.

    I'm not saying to vote for or against but I just think the anti casino ads are reduculously untrue and grasping at straws. If someone is addicted to gambling it is not the casinos fault. They were going to other states, horse tracks, or betting online anyway. It is not going to "create" addicts but only give them the means to do their thing a little closer to home.

    You don't blame the gun for killing someone only the person who uses it. Why blame a casino and not the person who doen't have self control. Might as well ban computers and horse tracks too and lets quit producing dice and decks of cards while we're at it. Hey, that might look deparate enough on an anti casino ad.

    4 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • What is the true reason a woman has to be fully covered in some cultures?

    You see a lot of women who have to cover up. Either all or most or part. What is the true reason?

    From my points of view........ The men trying to oppress the the women are actually giving them a lot of power. It may not seem like it but they are. They have to cover up because the men can't conrol themselves, thus, blaming the women.

    Why else would they "hide" their women and impose such strict rules and regulations? A man is the one who would look at her have the evil thoughts not her walking down the street imposing evil thoughts.

    Genital mutilation? Is that to keep women from enjoying sex? They are just a "hole" at a man's demand?

    God made us naked. We were born naked. Man invented clothing and Satan corrupted God's perfectness with impure thoughts. I can understand a woman not dressing to the point where everything is at risk of falling out or riding up but to cover up is rediculous.

    I just don't get it and hope I never have to live that way.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Exactly what doors did Michael Jackson open?

    I keep hearing that he opened doors for this and that but those doors were already opened for him. Yes, he had good music and he was a good dancer. When you hear interviews they say "He opened alot of doors".

    I don't see how his doors changed history in any way. He had innovative dance moves but no doors. He was on TV as a kid but no doors. He made good music but no doors.

    MLK opened doors. Rosa Parks opened doors. He was not the first African American to do anything really. All the doors were opened before he got there.

    Just wondering. Maybe someone knows something I don't?

    16 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • When are people going to do their own Govt' homework?

    I don't mean to be a pain or anything like that but, wow, how lazy can a person be to have the general public answer questions THEY were told to find?

    I find it disturbing. Yes, I am older. I do have children and grandchildren. I know both sides. I studied. We had encyclopedias and reference books. We went to a library and did research. We even looked in newspapers and magazines. If we asked our parents or even thought about our parents doing our homework for us we would have gotten the "stink eye".

    There is a reason your teachers tell you to look it up, otherwise, they would just stand there and give you the answers. Somewhere down the road you are going to get a job and without some sort of research skills you won't be able to function. Go ask a fellow worker to do your work for you all the time and they will get the raises and promotions and you will still be entry level.

    I know not all people do that but I see alot of questions and alot of answers saying do your own homework.

    Get off your game console and your cell phone and crack open a book or yahoo search something. I won't answer homework questions.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where do they get the money; ie welfare people?

    I have a sister who is dirt poor. She doesn't have 2 nickels to rub together, her kids are lucky if they get birthday presents or Christmas gifts much less even Walmart clothes. She can't even afford to drive so she doesn't have a car.

    I manage to see A LOT of Welfare recipients driving $30,000 cars, nails all done up, hair all done up, top of the line clothes. I know those hair doos don't cost cheap. I have a friend that does hair. The materials alone can cost a pretty penny.

    I work and can't seem to afford some of the clothes they wear. I drive a hooptie than might cut out any day. I'm lucky if I can afford to put gas in my car to get to work sometimes.

    I want some of what they got. Maybe I should get on the welfare but my kids are all grown up. Darn! I missed that bus.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Why does Anti Semitism seem to always be towards Jews when they are not the only Semite language speakers?

    I just find it weird when Arabs also speak a semitic language. It is prevalent throughout northern Africa and the middle east. So why only Jewish people?

    Wouldn't the US be anti semitic when it comes to the middle east? Just wondering.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think they should bring back war bonds and would you buy them?

    I guess it seemed to work in WWII. It made the public realize what was going on. They even advertised them in the movies. Maybe the public will shut up and donate and quit whining.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago