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  • Military school?

    HI I'm sixteen and I live in Alabama, my father has hit me multiple times and even come to the point of putting his hands around my neck. I have been keeping my grades up with the occasional C and have not been unruly in school in anyway. Though, I do say some things out of place but I do not think that that gives my father any right to put his hands on me.

    He was forcing me to work at his restaurant for free. however due to me having a conversion with one of his workers about her seeing the the Co owner she got upset for no reason. (Real conversion, I was not calling her out)

    In the end they both yelled at me and my father threw multiple things at me. After work he left me at the restaurant, which is a town away from home, and told me to walk home. I finished the closing work and started my way home. However he kept calling me telling me to text him when I get home because his sadistic self wanted to, "know how long it takes, ". I got angry and pulled the battery from my phone so be couldn't track me, and walked to a nearby friends home.

    I did call him after a few hours and we ended up going home with him hitting me in my face all the way home and telling me he's going to send me to military school.

    Now I know some of you will say that I should do something that his abuse but I know I couldn't do that. I would like to know if he can send me to military school without my consent at the age 16, going on 17.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How to get a boyfriend (Gay) 2, corrected?

    Ok, so i'm 14 and will be going to 9th grade this coming school year. Obviously i'm gay and my question being, how can I get a boyfriend? I'm able to take care of my grades and be in a relationship, so don't worry about my grades, haha. I came out in the last school I was in, but as always, i'm moving again, this time for good I hope, so ill have to come out again.. Ish. I don't want my family to find out because, well they are homophobes and would disown me if they knew I was into the same gender. But anyways haha, what are some things I could do/join/ go to, well.... Maybe not go to... Since I can't really go ti a gau bar.. Haha.. But hey, you never know what you can do now-a-days. Sorry if this is all in a jumble, i'm on my phone >___< So please, bear with me. And thank you in advance!! ^_^

    Ok, I forgot to put this on the other one .-. But I live in Birmingham, Alabama. Ill be moving to Auburn soon.

  • How to get a boyfriend (Gay)?

    Ok, so i'm 14 and will be going to 9th grade this coming school year. Obviously i'm gay and my question being, how can I get a boyfriend? I'm able to take care of my grades and be in a relationship, so don't worry about my grades, haha. I came out in the last school I was in, but as always, i'm moving again, this time for good I hope, so ill have to come out again.. Ish. I don't want my family to find out because, well they are homophobes and would disown me if they knew I was into the same gender. But anyways haha, what are some things I could do/join/ go to, well.... Maybe not go to... Since I can't really go ti a gau bar.. Haha.. But hey, you never know what you can do now-a-days.

    Sorry if this is all in a jumble, i'm on my phone >___< So please, bear with me. And thank you in advance!! ^_^

  • What to do with my hair?

    Ok so I have curly and wavy hair it is also rough. I want to make it long soft and straight without killing it. I am also a guy and asian.

    I want the hair most asians have the swoop like thing

    Thank you

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • penis question about size?

    ok so im 12 3/4 im also lik 5,1 or 5,2 if it matters...and im also mixed with Vietnamese Cambodian white and other random junk...

    and i just measured my penis (after readig other 12 year old penis size... and mine seems to be like an ant to other 12 year olds!!!!! ok so soft its like 1/2 INCH LIKE WTF ....and hard its 1 inch EVEN MORE WTF!!!.... ... and im like.... its sooo smalll and im sooo mad... is there any one who had a small one like mine and theirs got bigger?

    8 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • umm help i need from GUYS?

    well if a girl can answer this well they must have had transgenders

    ok well.. idk if it should but my penis kinda goes inside skin

    i mean it doesn't hurt it just goes in.

    and also how long do i have to wait till it grows!

    if it matters i have pubic hair and im 12.

    oops skipped a question umm idk wat its called but the skin that goes over my penis is like moving down. kinda makin me worry

    8 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • How could i ask a girl out? HELPZ?

    ok my sister got a new boyfriend and i like no LOVE his sister.

    and idk if she would like me and i would look like a fool if i asked her out and she didnt like me.

    can someone give me a way to ask her out

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Kinda weird prob can someone help?

    ok so my sister has a new boyfriend and his sister is H-O-T lol.

    and idk how 2 ask her out or if she would even like me.

    and if she doesnt id look like a retard.

    any suggestions

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • umm ok idk what this was but guys help plz?

    ok so when i just now tried masturbating it felt as bubbles were coming out of my penis but nothing came out

    what was that?

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • ok so i have only masturbated two times and idk what a lube is?

    ok so in my last question i asked why my penis hurts when i masturbate now .

    someone said to use a lube and idk what a lube is.

    so what is a lube

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • i masturbated for the first time last night?

    and um i tried this morning but it kind of hurts when i try now.

    whats wrong?

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • where can i masturbate?

    ok so i live in 2 houses one with my mom and one with my dad

    at my moms i sleep in the living room and my mom just had a baby and she goes to the kitchen to get milk for it A there is barely time to be able to masturbate.

    at my dads i sleep in a room connected to the laundry room and my sister may walk in anytime so idk what to do

    helpppp me plz

    8 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • when does puberty start and again other?

    Q 1. well im stupid of course and dont remember about what my 5th grade teacher told us about all that.

    Q 2.ok this is a question i would never ask my friends but how do i find out if im gay or bisexual or just straight.......

    when you answer these plz put Q1 ect.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • how do i masturbate and other?

    ok so im 11 years old and i have not masturbated before and i wanted to know how.

    other questions i looked up said to hold penis and push back and forth like a shaft.

    ok umm my penis at normal length from the tip of my middle finger it goes to almost the first bone bend (not the one closest to the nail).at full length it goes a little farther than the first bone bend.

    well my second question is when might it start growing oh and also i dont have many but a few pubic hair.

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago