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  • Why does it cost more to get a cowhide tanned than it does to buy one already done?

    I have a friend who will be slaughtering a steer in a few months. I was asking about his hide and she said it would be around $400 to get it tanned. I looked into it more and that's about what I've found everywhere, but you can buy a hide already tanned for less than half that. Why is that? It makes no sense.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Do you determine how much food to eat based on the amount of insulin you take or vice versa?

    My brother in law has type 1 diabetes. He always complains about how he's starving and can only eat "child size portions". He takes a certain amount of insulin and then calculates how much of a food he can eat based off of that so he doesn't get to eat very much. He won't go talk to his doctor a out it but, can't he instead figure out how much he wants to eat and then calculate how much insulin he'd need to take instead of taking a set amount of insulin for every mean and making the meal fit that? I would think if he wanted to eat more food he could just take more insulin first. Is there some reason diabetics have to starve themselves like he does?


    5 AnswersDiabetes8 years ago
  • My physical address is not the same as my mailing address?

    So I'm wanting to buy a gun, but I don't think I could pass a background check solely because my physical address is different than my mailing address. We built a place way out in the country so we just use my parents mailing address for everything. When my fiance got a new license, he had to put my parents' address on it or they wouldn't give him one, even though that's not where we're living. I want to get a new license soon too since mine is from when I was 18 (it's still not expired yet), but I can't put my physical address on it either since we don't have a mailbox, or any mail with my physical address on it. Does anyone know if there's a way go buy a gun in this situation other than just a private sale without a background check?

    6 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • How to discipline when a dog bites out of aggression?

    I asked a different question about my new puppy yesterday and didn't get answers so I'll ask a different one. Long story short, we rescued an 8 month old GSD mix who has some fear/dominance aggression and doesn't have any respect for people yet. She's not horrible with it but I don't know what to do when she bites because I worry it'll just freak her out more and make it worse. I AM enrolling her in obedience classes (I didn't get a chance to go by the training center today but will tomorrow), so I just need some help in the meantime since I don't know when the first class will be. Puppy will try to bite if you try to make her do something she doesn't want to do and she doesn't have any comprehension of "no". She knows how to sit but if you don't have a treat for her or she's distracted or she wants to do something else instead, she refuses. So my biggest concern right now is how to discipline her when she bites without causing her to retaliate since using a strong tone to say "no" does nothing. Yanking on her leash also does nothing. Also, how to get her to listen to stuff like sit? I want her to do it the FIRST time I say it, not the 27th time. She did really good on her walk earlier and by the end of it was pretty good at staying right next to me without pulling so that was a little victory, and we're still working on me going through doors first but she's starting to kinda sorta get the hang of it if I hold her back. She won't just sit and let me through yet so that's still a work in progress.

    So, what to do when she bites and how to get her to listen and recognize my dominance? I know more of this will come once we're in classes, but I just need some tips until we get started with those.


    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How to discipline an aggressive older puppy?

    First off let me say, I AM enrolling her in obedience classes. I'm going to talk to the training center tomorrow (it's a private training facility so not Petsmart or anything). I just don't know when the classes will start so I need a little advice in the meantime. She's an 8 month old German shepherd mix that we rescued from a shelter. Her previous owners were an old couple that adopted her from that shelter as a baby, but dumped her back in there a few weeks ago because they couldn't handle her. She knows sit, shake, and lay down, but that's it. She has no comprehension of "no" and I don't know how to establish dominance over her since she tries to bite if she gets scared. As far as her aggression goes, she's not psycho "I want to kill you" puppy. She's only tried to bite a few times and it's either if she gets scared or if you try and take her frisbee (and it's only her frisbee, everything else you can take from her) or make her do something she really doesn't want to do. We tell her no and tug her leash when she does but I really don't know how effective that is since she doesn't see us as alpha yet. Crate training is actually going surprisingly well for her considering she was caged for a few weeks. We're letting her go in and then giving her praise and treats when she does and just in the last 2 days that we've had her, she only cries for about 5 minutes after we leave her so we have progress there. She's a very lovey dog and just needs training so I'm eager to get her into it but I just don't know when the classes start (like I said, I'm going to sign her up tomorrow) so I need some help in the meantime. We also have a harness for her because she came with one so she pulls nonstop on a leash. Should we get a choke chain instead? I know harnesses can be iffy since they don't teach them squat. How do I establish dominance without her biting? How do I reprimand her for biting or jumping?

    Any advice is appreciated. I'm just looking for some to get started with her until her classes start. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • What are some other treatments for incontinence?

    We have an 8 or so year old female German Shepherd/Hound mix who has urinary incontinence. We just started her on Propalin (?) yesterday and she has since been having diarrhea so I'm not giving her any more until we talk to the vet on Tuesday. From researching, this is the #1 treatment for incontinence and the only other treatment I've seen is to give her estrogen but that most vets don't want to do it because it can affect bone marrow. Apparently diarrhea is a very rare thing with this drug and is a sign that the dog is allergic to it. I'm looking into something called Leak No More that's a homeopathic remedy that I might try, although I have no faith in homeopathic remedies so I'll probably be wasting my money. So what are the other options out there?


    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Why would anybody stand a 2 year old grade "stallion"?

    It's just disgusting. He's grade. He's TWO. There's nothing desirable about his conformation. It just makes me wonder how people like this have survived in the world when they're so obviously unintelligent.


    14 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Putting a surgical dressing on a dog's leg?

    My dog had a soft tissue sarcoma removed from her left thigh on Wednesday and starting this morning, the incision has been oozing everywhere. I talked to the vet and they said it's just the normal post-operation fluid and not to worry about it. I'm icing it right now (frozen gel pack thingy wrapped in a towel on it) like the vet said to do. My question is about putting a surgical dressing or sterile non-stick pad on it so that she stops bleeding on my carpet. What's the best way to attach it? Would medical tape be ok or is it too strong to be on her shaved fur? Would it irritate her? Hopefully she'll stop oozing soon but we're going to be gone for about 9 hours later and I won't be here to clean up every spot when she gets up. We don't have a crate for her here, and we're probably going to put a gate up to the laundry/bathroom and put her bed in there while we're gone but it's a small space so I don't want her bleeding all over the place in there and have to move around in it.

    So would medical tape be ok? We'll put her inflatable collar on her again so she can't bite at it.


    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How to get the world's pickiest dog to eat?

    We recently adopted a new dog and she is the pickiest eater we've ever seen. She must have been a garbage dog before the shelter got her. When we first got her home, all we could get her to eat was canned food and could get away with mixing dry food (TOTW) in with it. Now she won't even eat more than a few bites of canned food at a time. She had surgery on Wednesday and since she was stressed out, all we could get her to eat was some cooked chicken and her favorite dog cookies or peanut butter on a cracker for her pills (she won't eat Pill Pockets). We've tried just about everything we can think of. Chicken and beef broth have no effect whatsoever, and putting shredded cheese on it does nothing. I tried giving her brown rice in chicken broth with the cooked chicken but all she'll do is pick the chicken out of it. Mixing chicken with canned food has the same result. We don't know what to do. She's a 55lb German Shepherd hound mix and is really skinny to begin with. She's put on about 2lbs since we got her Easter weekend but now that she's not eating much, she'll drop that right away. Her teeth need some work but we're waiting until probably June or July to do them since she's spent 2 days under anesthesia this week and has been through hell, but eating the canned food, chicken, or cookies wouldn't bother that. The vet says there's nothing health wise causing it and I know typically you just let them starve themselves until they decide to eat but since she's recovering from surgery she needs food. We've been giving her cooked chicken for the past few days since they've been pretty rough but she can't live forever on cooked chicken alone. Any ideas? I can tolerate cooking her chicken through the weekend since she's still a little sore, but after that she needs to go back to dog food. We were trying to convert her to eating all dry food but she won't touch the stuff, and we feed TOTW so it's not like it's crappy dog food. As much as I feel bad doing it since we've absolutely tortured her this week and she's already really skinny, starting Monday she might just get to starve until she decides to eat what's in front of her. Through the weekend though I'm going to give her chicken just to get something in her while she's recovering.

    So any help you can offer is much appreciated.


    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Do diabetic dogs lose limbs?

    We adopted a 6 year old GSD/hound mix on Saturday. She's disgustingly skinny and at some point, lost her hind right leg, but no one know how. She drinks a lot and pees a lot and inhales a whole can of food in about 30 seconds. She won't eat dry food though. She also sleeps a lot, but will get excited when we get home and likes going on walks and wandering the yard. I called the vet on Monday and set up an appointment for tomorrow afternoon so I'll have them test her, but I was just wondering if that could be why she's missing a leg.


    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Toying with the idea of becoming a breeder?

    Now before you all jump down my throat, I'm not going to be breeding dogs any time soon and I'll work with another breeder and a vet to make sure all the bases are covered. I'm just wondering realistically how much profit you can expect from an average litter after all the costs. So let's just assume a $500 stud fee, what are the other costs involved (ballpark numbers are ok since I know it all just depends)? How much are the typical vet bills? How much would it cost to get say a litter of 5 on the ground?


    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What's the most exciting horse related thing that's happened to you lately?

    Just a fun question :)

    The most exciting thing that's happened to me lately is that last night our stallion's second ever foal was born. This is his first foal crop and so far he's given us two colts that have a TON of white on them just like he does. We're very excited because so far he's giving us amazing babies and his value as a sire is looking really good.

    So what exciting horse related thing has happened to you lately?

    10 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Really unique situation, what the heck to wear?

    So as of right now, we send our mares and stallions to a breeding facility to handle all their breeding, checkups, foaling, etc. I'm in college right now studying to be a one day breeding manager. Anywho, I'm going home for spring break tomorrow and we have 2 mares at the breeding facility right now who are probably going to pop while I'm there (they've been about to pop for days) so we'll probably go out there Thursday if there's a new baby or two. If not, we're still going out there so I can talk to the breeding manager for a potential job starting in August since I graduate in May. So here's my dilemma. I want to dress nice and whatnot since it's a sort of job interview, but at the same time I'm a client and will be messing with my mares and hopefully foals too. I don't want to wear business attire since I'll be messing with horses (and honestly I don't think THAT many people wear formal business attire for this sort of job interview) so I'm trying to figure out what to wear. So I was thinking of wearing my business khakis with either a nice polo shirt (I have one that has the Equine Science logo from my school on it) or a western shirt. Since most professionals in this field either wear jeans or khakis and polos or western shirts I figured that's pretty safe.

    I'm just wondering what would be better, the Equine Science program polo (the logo is really recognizable to industry pros so that's a plus) or a western shirt (although I don't have any western shirts that aren't bright colors except for one not as bright purple one)?


    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What would cause dogs to randomly start fighting?

    My dogs have lived together for 4 years with absolutely no problems whatsoever. The last 2 weeks they've started getting mad at each other and fighting. They'll get aggressive over food or their toys or nothing at all and just go after each other. These are 2 dogs that you can't separate. When one of them had to stay overnight at the hospital, the other tore up the linoleum because he can't stand to be away from her. They still stick to each other like glue and act like they love each other, but then they randomly fight. I have no clue what's going on with them. I have tried separating them to eat since they started this but when I do, they refuse to eat. I've tried taking their toys, but they still fight for whatever reason.

    Does anyone have any insight? It's the weirdest thing but it's driving me nuts. Has anyone had this happen before?


    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • So why is therapeutic riding not considered riding?

    Based on reactions to an answer I posted in a previous question, it seems that most people don't consider therapeutic riding to be actual riding since you have someone leading the horse. I found this to be quite narrow minded to be honest since any doctor will tell you that therapeutic riding has many many benefits to the patient. Riding a horse mimics walking. It moves your muscles in a very similar way to walking. For people who are paralyzed, this helps to stimulate those muscles that they can't move on their own. Then there are the mental benefits for people with mental or cognitive issues. Many therapeutic riders will hold the reins in their hand but won't ever use them, and someone is leading the horse at all times.

    So why, according to you guys, is therapeutic riding not riding? Is it simply because someone is leading the horse?


    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Trotting on a walker vs lunging?

    I've seen multiple answers on here over time saying not to lunge your horse for more than a few minutes before you get on them since 20 or so minutes of lunging is like 45 minutes riding. I can understand that for like an average horse, but I think for a performance horse it's reasonable. It got me thinking though, what about when you put a horse on a hot walker and trot them for 20-30 minutes before a ride? Again, talking more about performance horses than the average horse so their at their peak fitness level. It's pretty similar to lunging, but then again both are pretty similar to just warming up your horse (if it's a performance horse).

    What are your thoughts on it?

    8 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Question about tying directly to an object?

    So I read a ton of people saying "Never tie a horse to a direct object, always tie to baling twine..." So if you only tie to something that breaks quickly when a horse pulls back, do you just have horses you can never tie and you always have to hold them? Because some horses pull back, snap the twine, then learn that every time they're tied they just pull back and they're free. What do you do about those horses? I get that you don't want your horses getting hurt, but it just doesn't make sense to me. To me it's like telling your horse it's ok to untie themselves whenever they want, and I expect my guys to stand tied where I put them until I come and get them. I'm not trying to start anything, it's just one of those things in the horse world that completely baffles me.

    So what do you do about horses that just break the twine every time so they can wander off? Other thoughts on the subject?


    17 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Locking trailer hitch pin won't unlock?

    We absolutely cannot get the locking trailer hitch pin on my SUV to unlock. I need to unlock it so that I can take the ball out and put my bike rack in. Who can we take it to to cut it off for us? We need it cut off ASAP. Would Firestone be able to do it?


    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • What's the success rate for colic surgery?

    We've only done one colic surgery before and it was pretty ugly and we lost the horse, and now we have a 5 year old mare with a hard impaction and a twist in her gut. She had a hematoma under her tongue which caused her mouth to swell and the vet lanced it on site but it didn't help so we took her in to the clinic and she's been in ICU since she coliced from it. The vet wanted to put her down last night but we told him to give her a chance and this morning she's no worse, but no better. We aren't going to do the surgery on her because of how it went before, and if she gets any worse we'll have to put her down, but I was just wondering what the actual success rate of colic surgeries was and if anyone has had a horse undergo colic surgery and survive.

    So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that she'll somehow pull through, and share your experiences with colic surgery.


    10 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How long are you usually on hold when you win a radio contest?

    I called a radio station to win tickets and all I heard was the word "Winner" and have been on hold for half an hour. They haven't announced a winner on the radio at all so I don't know if I won or if it was just a fluke or what's going on. I don't know how long I'm going to stay on the phone with them but I don't want to hang up if I am the winner.

    So, how long do they usually leave you on hold before they talk to you or announce a winner?


    7 AnswersRadio9 years ago