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  • average power on an ideal transformer?

    Let N_1=1000 turns and N_2=2000 turns in the ideal transformer shown below, find the average power (P) deliver to Z_L for:

    (a) I_2(max) A;

    (b)V_1(rms) V;

    (c) V_S(max)V

    1 AnswerEngineering8 years ago
  • Physics Parallel Plate Capacitor?

    A 5900-nF parallel plate capacitor is connected to a 12-V battery and charged.

    The 5900-nF capacitor is then disconnected from the 12-V battery and used to charge three uncharged capacitors, a 100-nF capacitor, a 200-nF capacitor, and a 300-nF capacitor, connected in series.

    Q on the positive plate of the capacitor = 7.08 x 10^(-5) C

    electric potential energy stored in the capacitor = 4.25 x 10^(-4) J

    (a) After charging, what is the potential difference across the three uncharged capacitors?

    (b) How much of the electrical energy stored in the 5900-nF capacitor was transferred to the other three capacitors?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Physics Capacitance Help?

    A 6.9-nF parallel plate capacitor with a sheet of Mylar (κ = 3.1) filling the space between the plates is charged to a potential difference of 150 V and is then disconnected. (The initial capacitance including the dielectric is 6.9 nF.)

    (a) How much work is required to completely remove the sheet of Mylar from the space between the two plates?

    (b) What is the potential difference between the plates of the capacitor once the Mylar is completely removed?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Physics point charges electric potential?

    A point charge of +2.4 µC is located at (2.5 m, 3.2 m). A second point charge of -3.0 µC is located at (−2.1 m, 1.0 m).

    Figured out the first question, which was the electric potential at the origin = -6289 V.

    Need help with second question...

    At what coordinate (x0,y0) between the two charges is the electric potential equal to zero?

    x0 = ?

    y0 = ?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Electric Potential Physics?

    Two metal balls of mass m1 = 3 g (diameter = 3 mm) and m2 = 4 g (diameter = 4 mm) have positive charges of q1 = 7 nC and q2 = 10 nC, respectively. A force holds them in place so that their centers are separated by 8 mm. What will their velocities be after the force is removed and they are separated by a large distance? (Enter the magnitudes of the velocities.)

    v1 = ?

    v2 = ?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Doppler Effect Physics Question?

    An observer stands between two sound sources. Source A is moving away from the observer, and source B is moving toward the observer. Both sources emit sound of the same frequency. If both sources are moving with a speed, vsound/4, what is the ratio of the frequencies detected by the observer?


    ----- =


    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Speed of waves on wires?

    Two steel wires are stretched under the same tension. The first wire has a diameter of 0.464 mm, and the second wire has a diameter of 1.00 mm. If the speed of waves traveling along the first wire is 45.1 m/s, what is the speed of waves traveling along the second wire?

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Calculate the spacing between adjacent sodium and chloride ions in the crystal.?

    Ordinary table salt (NaCl) consists of sodium and chloride ions arranged in a face-centered cubic crystal lattice. That is, a sodium chloride crystal consists of cubic unit cells with a sodium ion on each corner and at the center of each face, and a chloride ion at the center of the cube and at the midpoint of each edge. The density of sodium chloride is 2.165x10^3 kg/m^3

    Question: Calculate the spacing between adjacent sodium and chloride ions in the crystal.


    (a) 2.82e-10 m

    (b) 2.71e-10 m

    (c) 2.94e-10 m

    (d) 2.69e-10 m

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Physics momentum question help?

    An automobile with a mass of m1 kg is parked on a moving flatbed railcar; the flatbed is h above the ground. The railcar has a mass of m2 kg and is moving to the right at a constant speed v1 m/s on a frictionless rail. The automobile then accelerates to the left, leaving the railcar at a speed of v2 m/s with respect to the ground. When the automobile lands, what is the distance D between it and the left end of the railcar?

    m1 = 1500 kg

    m2 = 36000 kg

    v1 = 8 m/s

    v2 = 20 m/s

    h = 1.5 m

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Thermodynamics Physics hw help?

    The volume expansion for gasoline if 950 x 10^-6 K^-1. Gasoline if sold by volume, usually measured in liters. When would it be most economical to purchase gasoline sold this way?

    (i) when the gasoline is cold

    (ii) when the gasoline is warm

    (iii) temperature of gasoline wouldn't make a difference

    When a 100 m metal pipe is heated from 20 Celsius to 43.5 Celsius, it lengthens by 4 cm. What type of pipe is this?

    (i) aluminum

    (ii) brass

    (iii) copper

    (iv) gold

    Which of the following bimetallic strips will exhibit the greatest sensitivity to temperature changes? That is, which one will bend the most as temperature increases?

    (i) copper on steel

    (ii) steel on aluminum

    (iii) copper on aluminum

    (iv) aluminum on brass

    (v) copper on brass

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • bernoulli's equation physics problem help?

    An open-topped tank completely filled with water has a release valve near its bottom. The valve is h = 1.9 m below the water surface. Water is released from the valve to power a turbine, which generates electricity. The area of the top of the tank, A_T, is 38 times the cross-sectional area, A_V, of the valve opening.

    (i) Calculate the speed of the water as it exits the valve. Neglect friction and viscosity. (Enter your answer to five significant figures.)

    (ii) In addition, calculate the speed of a drop of water released from rest at h = 1.9 m when it reaches the elevation of the valve. (Enter your answer to five significant figures.)

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Rotational Motion Physics Help Please?

    A uniform rod of mass M = 0.245kg and length L = 0.49m stands vertically on a horizontal table. It is released from rest to fall.

    (a) Calculate the

    - angular speed of the rod,

    - vertical acceleration of the moving end of the rod, and

    - normal force exerted by the table on the rod as it makes an angle θ = 48.8° with respect to the vertical.

    (b) If the rod falls onto the table without slipping, find the linear acceleration of the end point of the rod when it hits the table.

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Center of Mass Question help?

    A uniform, square metal plate with side L = 4.40 cm and mass 0.107 kg is located with its lower left corner at (x, y) = (0, 0), as shown in the figure. A square with side L/4 and its lower left edge located at (x, y) = (0, 0) is removed from the plate.

    What is the distance from the origin to the center of mass of the remaining plate?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Physics Question Help Please?

    Once a favorite playground sport, dodgeball is becoming increasingly popular among adults of all ages who want to stay in shape and who even form organized leagues. Gutball is a less popular variant of dodgeball in which players are allowed to bring their own (typically nonregulation) equipment and in which cheap shots to the face are permitted. In a gutball tournament against people half his age, a physics professor threw his 0.4 kg soccer ball at a kid throwing a 0.6 kg basketball. The balls collided in midair (see the figure), and the basketball flew off with an energy of 90.0 J at an angle θ = 30.0° relative to its initial path. Before the collision, the energy of the soccer ball was 100 J and the energy of the basketball was 112 J.

    1) At what angle and speed did the soccer ball move away from the collision?

    3 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Impulse / Linear Momentum Physics Help Please?

    The largest railway gun ever built was called Gustav and was used briefly in World War II. The gun, mount, and train car had a total mass of 1.22 x 10^6 kg. The gun fired a projectile that was 80.0 cm in diameter and weighed 7502 kg. In the firing illustrated in the figure, the gun has been elevated at θ = 20.0° above the horizontal. If the railway gun was at rest before firing and moved to the right at a speed v = 5.00 m/s immediately after firing...

    1) What was the speed of the projectile as it left the barrel (muzzle velocity)?

    2) How far will the projectile travel if air resistance is neglected? Assume that the wheel axles are frictionless.

    3 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Can i apply for American Opportunity Credit for year 2009?

    I went to college on 2009 as dependent of my dad. But i took 2010 off. Thx for any help in advance.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • quick help with physics question please?

    A 16.0 kg fish swimming at 1.40 m/s suddenly gobbles up a 4.40 kg fish that is initially stationary. Neglect any drag effects of the water.

    1) Find the speed of the large fish just after it eats the small one.

    2) How much mechanical energy was dissipated during this meal?


    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • physics - oscillation help please?

    A 1.90 kg, horizontal, uniform tray is attached to a vertical ideal spring of force constant 185 N/m and a 270 g metal ball is in the tray. The spring is below the tray, so it can oscillate up-and-down. The tray is then pushed down 17.1 cm below its equilibrium point (call this point A) and released from rest.

    1) How high above point A will the tray be when the metal ball leaves the tray? (Hint: This does not occur when the ball and tray reach their maximum speeds.)

    2) How much time elapses between releasing the system at point A and the ball leaving the tray?

    3) How fast is the ball moving just as it leaves the tray?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Calculate the magnitude of the damping constant b.?

    A hard-boiled egg of mass 54.0 g moves on the end of a spring with force constant 24.3 N/m. Its initial displacement is 0.298 m. A damping force F_x = - bv_x acts on the egg, and the amplitude of the motion decreases to 0.120 m in a time of 4.85 s.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago