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Sammie's mommy

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  • What's the reason behind my ex compliments?

    My ex is a good I want take that away from him but he has his bad moments especially when we broke. All he said was the timing wasn't right. Through text message. I was hurt kinda down on myself but I got over it. Lately my ex has been texting me telling me how beautiful my pictures on Facebook are that I've posted since our breakup. I've had some problems at work and he's texting asking how my day is going when I post a frustration status on FB. I really don't like it but I don't want to be rude. I don't know a nice way to tell him the compliments and caring text messages have to stop. Because if he cared this much when we were dating maybe things wouldn't have ended. It hurts because apart of me still wants him in my life but another part of me has moved on and I want him out my life.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Lost and don't want my child to resent me later help!!!?

    Okay so my daughter is 2 going on 3. Her father hasn't really been a big part in her life. The only two guys I've been serious with since I had her have been a bigger part in her life then the real father. Well Christmas was the last time he's spent time with her until 3 weeks ago. He offered to help pay the babysitter and he bought her some shoes. She never called him dad or anything. She just got his phone and that's it. I've tried explaining to him that in order for her to know him he has to be willing to come around more. Well within the past two weeks we have been arguing because I feel that she doesn't know him well enough to spend a day with him without me or someone in my family. He complains that my family doesn't like him which isn't true. I've never kept him from seeing her neither has my family. As of lately he's having this twitter rage and dogging me out and I've gotten fed up with constantly being referred to as a bad mother, h0e, *****, and things if that nature. I've never disrespected him because I do give him credit for those times he ha helped. Why is he dogging me out, and constantly saying that I want him? I've tried explaining that being with him is not on my list of priorities seeing that I am with someone. Why won't he just leave me alone? I just feel me and him can have a child but never really communicate? What can I do to make him just leave me alone and get active in her life an stop trying to ruin every relationship I have?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Younger with an older man lost confused?

    So I'm 24 and I'm dating a divorcee age 37. I don't mind the age difference and neither does my family. We work together in different departments. I really like this man. I feel like everything was rushed because we clicked so well. I feel as though we are soulmates. That we were put here to find each other. This isn't my first real relationship. I've never felt this way with anyone but I have those insecurities that some older woman will come around and he's gonna think she might the better option. He's made it clear that he's not going anywhere. He's not this drop dead sexy guy but he's a cutie and very respectable old fashioned guy. I can ask for something and he finds a way for me to have my way. He fixes my plate and I never have to lift a finger when I'm with him at his place even of I tried and believe me I've tried washing dishes and everything but he tells me to just sit down he will get that later. I don't want him to feel he has to do that since he says his home is my home whenever I need to get away or just to come down but I don't want to smother him. I've been to his place three times spent the night once and he's waiting on me to stay again but I have a daughter whom I'm not comfortable having stay with us just yet. He's good with her just not sure if he's ready for both of us to stay over night. He has a teenage son which he has custody of. I'm afraid to lose him because for the first time I'm not settling on a guy. I want him to know I appreciate everything he does. How can I do that when he insist on doing so much???

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What should I do about my daughters dad?

    Well me and him have not been together since 2011 and now my daughter is two and he visits her maybe once every two months. Well recently he went to jail for possession of marijuana. I'm not upset or mad just at this point I feel like if you can call someone to get your weed it won't hurt to pick up the phone and call your daughter. With the arrest I'm fed up. I honestly don't want the child support I just want his name off her birth certificate and out of her life. I feel as though he made his choice and I made a choice should just let him continue to be in and out her life or just tell him to keep the child support which he has never paid and remove himself from her life

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Could this actually work?

    Okay so I've been dating this 37 year old guy and I'm 24. He's divorced. He might not have been perfect for his wife but he is absolutely as close to perfect as you can get to me. He doesn't treat me like he's 13 years older either... I'm scared to be with him although we have decided that we might as well just say we're together... Could it actually work with the age difference? He's amazing.? I feel like I'm back I'm high school with my first crush and I really hoping to make this work. For the first time in a long time I'm falling in love. He's a great father to his son and seems like he wants to adore my daughter. He knows the situation with her dad and he says she needs a good father. Could this possibly be the one? The connection was instant.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Am I wrong or Am I right?

    A little background. My daughter is two and me and her dad have never been together we were just friends who had casual sex every now and then. After I got pregant he walked out and got back with his ex. We barely communicated during my pregnancy. I called him immediately after I had her birth because I thought my cousin called when I finally just couldn't take the pain and had to go to the hospital. Him and my cousin were becoming friend throughout my pregnancy. Well he helped me here and there after his girlfriend found out he had a child he stopped until I took her to see him. Then he came around for a month and then he disappeared again then he went into the National Guard. For two year I've been making every excuse for him and his family as to why they don't come see her, but I've finally gotten enough of it. I filled out for child support recently. I took his family off my Facebook and Twitter and blocked them. A picture shows so much and I feel like they should actually get up and come see her instead of writing constantly on my wall how much they miss. Was I wrong for blocking them. They've made no effort to see her. They do claim her but they make no effort to be apart of her life. I didn't want it to come to that but I couldn't help it. He doesn't call and check up on her. When does text me its all about me and him and I kinda change to her but now I'm just to the point I rarely even text back.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Y&R My new "VICTOR'S DEAD" theory?

    Ok so by now we all know that Victor isn't dead. Genevieve is going to be his first puppeteer. He is going to probably get her make Tucker marry Sharon. He's going to start gas lighting Sharon. I know another one of those stories. Sharon will be put into a mental facility and declared unfit to run NE. Leaving Nikki and Gen to be the only ones to know he's actually alive. Where he will be hiding out at I have no clue but he's going to be hiding until he sees Billy. Sorry Billy you messed up with your poor wife. Victor will make sure one of his children will be running the company and Nikki will magically find a Will that leaves her in charge NE or by voting as Victor's proxy. I feel like its going to go in that way probably minus the gas lighting they might not do that again.Plus what if Cora had daughter after she left Victor and what if that daughter is Sister Celeste???

    9 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Sharon & Victor Victor & Phyllis ones not right but the other is?

    So I was reading Red's biography on that not only has one daughter-in-law been involved with their father-in-law. So why is everyone giving Sharon so much grief for doing the same thing Phyllis has done. I find it odd that one is right and the other wrong.

    11 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago

    So lets start off saying I'm very shy or until I get liquid courage. So this weekend was my stepdad's family reunion and they had a party afterwards where more unrelated people came. There ws this guy my cousin introduced me too. At first I said no then when we got to talking it was like an instant connection. I could've talked to him all night outside. We decided to meet up yesterday. We shared a kiss but then he broke the news that he had a girlfriend and I told him I couldn't disrespect her like that because I wouldn't want another girl doing that to me. He understood where I was coming from but the fact that he was so honest about it made me want to get to know him more. I felt this connection with him and I'm doing the right thing by staying away because I refuse to know I'm the other girl and all guys say their relationship is going bad. But it really hurts because the attraction and connection is there and I wanna be friends but I don't think I can be friends because of my feelings what should I do. He has expressed the way he feels also and saying you never know what might happen but I know how the story goes. Breaks up with gf then i become gf and then some girl does the same thing to me.What should I do?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Y&R Victoria, Chelsea and baby Johnny?

    I am so getting tired of Victoria being rude to Chelsea and Adam. I wish Chelsea would just take him away from her for being so rude and snide. Everytime Chelsea comes around Victoria and the baby she has to diss Chelsea and leave. She needs to realize Chelsea wasn't the only one in the baby making equation. She forgot Billy and Victor. Which Victor didn't tell Chelsea to sleep with Billy he just said take some pictures showing Billy's infidelity not drug him and get pregnant. I can't believe I'm speaking so fondly of Adam but I hope him and Chelsea decide that since Vikki can't play nice then John needs his real mother. And I hope Billy and Victoria can't fight there way out of it. How do you feel about this matter???

    14 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Y&R Jill or Samantha and Gen's Swiss Bank Account?

    Okay I wondering about this hand that was shown two weeks ago getting money out of Gen's unknown Swiss Bank Account. A lot of viewers are thinking it is Samantha but we all know that Jill is in Australia and Colin is out of prison, so what if Jill and Colin reconnected and he has her stealing money out of Gen's account. We know Jill would do anything to Gen to get her out of the way. I for one would like to see this Samantha and what she has against her mother also. What if Samantha had a twin and Colin took her away before Gen got to see her and he's been housing her to think her mother ran out on her. My mind is right now is in full Y&R mode. Then like my previous question what if she's the scandalous woman.

    7 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Y&R Could Skye be coming back to GC?

    So I asked a question yesterday about a scandalous woman who will be returning to GC. I intially thought it was Shelia or Sara, but one the people who answered my question got me to thinking what if it is Skye. This is what I'm seeing happening in my head. I read Victor will be leaving GC for awhile so what if Sky was found but can't remember a thing and Victor has connections so he goes to Hawaii and gets her and brings her back to set up Chelsea and Adam. Or Victor leaves town to go and bring Isabella or Patty back with Skye's face. More so Patty with a Skye face. Her mission would be to to end Adam and Chelsea, but she gets clouded by Nikki and Jack and Nikki gets hurt this time around. Then again I'm thinking Dru will be coming back to get her man from Harmony. But I like the Skye story better. What's your input??? Yes I think I am becoming obssesed with Y&R but I do realize its all fake.

    10 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Y&R The Carter/Callahan clan?

    I've been thinking Ricky was a really good ivestigator and probably knew everything about Daisy's past. Seeing that aren't any signs that show Daisy is dead maybe she isn't maybe she's in the ZOO that she held Jana and Lauren in. I trying to figure out this scandalous woman that is returning to GC with a big surprise that is stating going to appear down the road. Could it be Shelia or Sara. Maybe Fen has something to do with the disappearance of Daisy also seeing that he's seeking revenge. What do you think? I for one don't think she's dead and I don't think the right Ricky was killed.

    12 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Is it that obvious or Are they just seeing something? ANSWER PLEASE!?

    So I've been seeing this guy I work with. Its very low key no one knows except one person who's my close friend. The last three months people have been suggesting I give the guy I'm seeing a chance. We are just really pretty much in a physical relationship notemotional attachment or anything. Lately I have been getting feelings for him and I've expressed them and he's simply not ready to be in a relationship. We laugh at the comments our coworkers make. Which they basically say these things to me. Everytime I turn around someone is always saying you and D(that's what we will call him for now) will be the perfect match. I look laugh and say he's not my type. And of course the object and say yes he is. Then another coworker says he's a pimp and I'm to sweet for a guy like that and then the other say that's what she needs someone to bring the woman out of here. I work with older women and men so thinking of dating someone at work is a huge age gap. which he is 10 years older than I am but I don't care he's hot for his age which he isn't old. But what is that people see that we don't see. Am I making obvious that we are messing around?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Marriage Proposal am I just not into it?

    I am no where near getting married. Gosh I'm still single somewhat. But I've read all these sappy stories about how someone proposed to some chick. I feel its just to over the top. Dinner at a fancy restaurant or some spur of the moment trip to the beach and you've been dating for a few years and marriage has been in discussion. It's all to cliche to me. I just think it should be very simple. I wouldn't be mad if my guy bought the ring and decided to propose right at the gas pump. Or in the middle of Walmart. Or riding in the car to McDonalds. I don't want to be expecting it. Is it just me or does some other woman feel this way also

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My ex and why is this happening?

    Lately I can't stop talking about him. Its been almost a year that we've been broken up and its been almost a year that I've moved on. We work together so occasionally I see him with his girlfriend whom we also just started working with full time. It's been a long road of jealousy with her. Lately I feel like I need to validate myself by trying to get him to talk to me possibly go on a date. I don't know if my heart wants me to do this out of spite or if I never gave myself the proper time to get over him. Which its not like I'm still in love with him. I really can't stand him but I love him that won't change I'm just not in love with him. What should I do. Why am I feeling like this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Could this be happening on Y&R again?

    I read that Ronan and Chance are coming back soon. So do you think that there will be a slight chance that Ronan is Phyliss baby daddy. It would make sense. Could this be another "Who's Your Daddy?" s'l? I wish things would just go wrong for Phyliss because she thinks she is entitled to happiness. What do you think?

    11 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Y&R What about this new couple?

    I know people will oppose of Micheal and Lauren ever divorcing. But a new couple I would like to see is Micheal and Avery. Two power house lawyers would totally kick butt. I noticed the chemistry between them when Lauren was being hard to compromise. The attraction between Micheal and Avery was wonderful to watch. I wanted them to kiss so bad and then get a room at the GCAC

    10 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Phantom Pregnancy Real or Fake?

    Here's a little background. I've been on the mirena for a year now. I've also been using condoms. So that's protection enough but then again no sex is safer. Lately I've been experiencing some pregnancy symptoms. I have missed my period this would be my second month unless it comes on but my calculations say I should be on my period since Sunday. I've felt nausea bloated. I can never seem to get enough to eat plus I am tired way more now than I normally am. The only reason I think I could be pregnant is one night before I had my last period in March my partner and I did take the condom off because it wouldnt stay on. I also feel this little kicks and it like there is something actually moving around. What should I do?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Sex after pregnancy does anyone else feel amazing?

    I knew that after I had my little girl things down there would be so different. When I have sex with my partner its like i feel so out of this world. Has any other mothers felt that way after sex. I had my daughter in 2010 and have had two sexual partners since then my ex-boyfriend and the guy I'm with now. My ex I never felt that way, but now I feel as though after having my baby I wanted sex more often and now with my partner of 9 months. I want sex all the time because it gives me such a rush and energy boost. If it wasn't for the fact I wait so late to go to his house I would seriously get up and cook him a five course meal that's just how wonderful I feel. Am I alone in this or is any one else feel this way.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago