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  • Is 24: Legacy bad, or just a bit boring?

    I watched the first 4 seasons of the original 24 pretty much back-to-back, then started to think they were getting a bit repetitive so I set the series aside intending to return at a future date.

    I never got back around to Keifer, and now Legacy is upon us. Now I quite like Corey Hawkins, he was good in Straight Outta Compton, and I think Legacy is boasted a pretty decent support cast, but word would have it that the show is terrible.

    My question is, is it really that bad? Or is it just getting so much flak because people were expecting a lot and, at the end of the day, it s just more of the same with a new cast?

    3 AnswersOther - Television4 years ago
  • Where do I start with Batman comics?

    Recently, somebody bought me the Court of Owls and Shaman paperbacks because I ve always been a big fan of the Batman films, so they thought it would be a good gift. I ve never really been interested in the comics, but now I realise that I ve been missing out on what could possibly be Batman in his best form.

    Thing is, I ve also realised that perhaps I m not quite as big of a fan as I have been claiming to be all these years. Selina Kyle was a prostitute before she became Catwoman? Who the heck is Tim Drake/Red Robin?? And Dick Grayson isn t Robin in the comics, but some other hero called Nightwing, and Robin is actually a little kid called Damian who is Bruce s son??? Since when did Bruce have a son?!?!

    Clearly the comics have reached a depth that the format of film could never match. And here I am thinking the films are amazing, when all along I ve been missing out on the real Batman, hidden away in the pages of so many comic books.

    So, where the hell do I get started? I want to know how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. I want to know what made the villians become villians. I want to see the origins of this "Bat family". Introduce me to Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, and whoever else. What book/s do I begin with, and where do I end??

    2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • I don't miss my girlfriend anymore....?

    I have been with her for just over five years. We've been through a lot. Trust issues, jealousy, loss of close relatives, parents separating, mental illness, physical illness, pregnancy scares, first home together, first debt together, redundancies, new jobs, and even a promotion! I love this woman... at least, I thought I did.

    Apart from the odd weekend and one full week at the beginning of the relationship, we have never really spent a significant amount of time apart. Last weekend she went away on holiday (I couldn't go because of work) and she'll be gone for 10 nights total. She was worried about it, but I embraced it because the relationship has been a little stale lately and I thought some time apart might refresh it a little. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

    The first couple days I missed her like crazy. I felt lonely coming home to an empty house, and having our bed to myself was weird. But these past two days, I've actually started to enjoy my time alone. I get to cook what I want for dinner, watch whatever I like on TV, and there's only half the washing up to do (double bonus!).

    I suppose I'm getting used to her not being here, and I am very much a "suck it up and get on with it" kind of guy, but is it normal that I feel this tranquil without my partner? Because it feels kind of like when you rebound from a break up and start to feel positive about life again.

    Is this a sign that my relationship isn't just stale, but has rather come to an end??

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Help me build my first gaming PC?

    I've been a console gamer for years for one simple reason - it was always the cheaper option. But with the retailing price of the next-gen consoles, I'm beginning to think that no longer applies.

    So I've come to the conclusion that it might finally be time for me to make the jump to PC gaming. Only problem is, I know absolutely jack about PCs in a gaming sense. So if I tell you peeps what I want it to do and how much I want to pay for it, maybe you'll all be able to help me out?

    I love RPGs, so the most important thing for me is that this machine be able to run games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls with no problems at all. I don't want to be plagued by bad frame rates and annoying lags. I also may pick up the occassional shooter (Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto come to mind), so it would be great if I could play these sorts of games too.

    I don't know whether this is very relevant or not, but I can't see myself being as comfortable with a keyboard and mouse as with a controller pad, so I will be looking to get a controller for it. Will I need anything specific for the PC to support that?

    I can tell you that this machine may also be used for surfing the net, but not downloading music or movies or anything like that. There may end up being a few word documents and such on there (CVs, letters, and the like) but no massive files.

    And for all this, for my ascension to PC gaming, I don't really want to paying more than £600. So, I am being realistic here? Or am I just dreaming?

    1 AnswerPC7 years ago
  • Please help me to identify these pills?

    I found some pills in the house this morning. I suspect they are conception pills, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I would like to be certain what they are, because if they are what I suspect then it means my girlfriend is trying to get pregnant even though I thought we were in agreement that we aren't ready for a child.

    These pills are small, round, and light purple in colour. They come in a light purple foil pack and are to be taken one a day for four weeks - this program is mapped out on the pack much the same as the contraceptive pill. These pills are manufactured by Seven Seas and there is a code on the pack. The code is A5625.

    I know that these pills ARE NOT contraceptive pills. For reasons I won't discuss, my girlfriend has been instructed by her doctor not to use any form of contraception other than condoms.

    Please, if anybody knows what these pills are, please let me know.

    Some extra information to avoid unhelpful answers:

    1. I have searched for the box but cannot find it.

    2. These are DEFINITELY NOT contraceptive pills.

    3. The pack I found has a week of empty tabs. Therefore, my girlfriend has been taking these pills for at least a week without telling me. Since she has hid them from me thus far, she's unlikely to tell the truth if I ask her whether or not they are conception pills. I would like to know for sure what these pills are before I ask her about them. For this reason, simply asking her what they are is not going to help.

    5 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Looking for books similar to the following...?

    I'm looking for a book that is similar to all or any of the following:

    A book called The Beach by Andy Garland.

    The video game Far Cry 3.

    The TV series Lost.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Looking for desert island action / adventure / survival novels...?

    Going on holiday soon and I'm looking for something good to read. I was fancying something along the lines of an adventure novel based on a desert island or with some kind of castaway protagonist at least.

    I've been searching sites such as goodreads using specific tags but it just brings up the obvious (Lord of The Flies, Robinaon Cruesoe, etc) and I'm looking for something with a lot more action.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Do the Star Trek Full Journey box sets include the films?

    I can't find the relevant information anywhere on the net, but do the TOS and TNG Full Journey box sets include the films, or is it just the TV episodes?

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Police Procedural novels set in the UK?

    I am looking for police procedural novels that are set in any of the major cities in the UK (i.e. London, Manchester, Glasgow, etc).

    I have read many of Simon Kernick's novels and they have me pretty hooked but I would prefer more cops, less criminals.

    Series that I've found of interest include Ken Bruen's Tom Brant series, Tony Black's Rob Brennan series, and Stuart MacBride's Logan McRae series. Has anybody read these, and if so what did you think?

    Also, any other recommendations along the same lines are welcome.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Name This Sci-Fi Cop Show?

    I'm trying to remember the name of a show I used to watch when I was younger. I think it was broadcast (in the UK at least) in the late 90s, or possibly early in the new millenium.

    It was a cop show set in the future that followed the personal and professional lives of two police officers. One of them had blonde hair, the other had dark brown and I seem to remember that he used to remind me of Emilio Estevez in the Young Guns films.

    They were aided by a white robot which looked similar to the one from the film Short Circuits, but more the size of R2-D2 from Star Wars. And I think that the handguns they used were similar in appearance to either the blasters from the Star Wars franchise, or the gun used by Deckard in Blade Runner.

    Anybody remember the name of this show? I've searched tons of top sci-fi show lists and can't seem to find it.

    2 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • I think my girlfriend is cheating with another woman..?

    I think my girlfriend is having an affair with another woman.

    Since we first got together almost two years ago, I used to tell my girlfriend that I would love to watch her having sex with another woman. She would say that the thought disgusted her and that I would never get my wish.

    Then one night at a party a few months ago, one of the male guests told me that my girlfriend was upstairs having sex with another woman. I instantly realised that I did not, in fact, enjoy the thought of my girlfriend with another woman.

    I rushed upstairs to tell her to stop, but the bathroom door was slammed shut before I got to the top of the stairs. I asked through the door what was going on, and was told that they were talking and they would be down soon.

    When they came down, I asked my girlfriend what she had been doing and she reiterated that they had been talking.

    The next day we were talking about the woman she was in the bathroom with, and I explained that the woman is bisexual and has kissed many of my friends girlfriends, and had sex with two of them. I asked her again what she had been doing, but in a coy and sexual manner as the paranoia was starting to irritate me and I wanted to know. She said that they had been kissing and fooling around, and at one point the woman had taken out my girlfriends breasts and licked her nipples.

    Straightaway I apologised to my girlfriend for making out that I wanted to see her having sex with another woman. I admitted that the thought of it was actually rather painful and distressing, and that I didn't want her to do it again.

    At that point she herself apologised and said that she had been lying, that she hadn't fooled around at all and that she had just told me what she thought I had wanted to hear. But she couldn't look me in the eye when she said it, so I told her that if she had done anything I would rather she admit it, as opposed to lie, so that we could draw a line under the whole thing and move on.

    She look terrified as she told me that they hadn't done anything, and I knew she was lying.

    I love her very much and she loves me. In summer of this year, before this happened, I actually moved out of our flat and back to my parents house and she was devastated. It wasn't long before I knew I had made a terrible mistake and I begged her to take me back.

    Therefore I thought she had lied about the woman because she was scared of losing me again, so I decided to just forget about the whole thing and move on.

    But now she sees this same woman much more than she ever did before. They joined the gym together, they also train at the womans house on certain weeknights, and my girlfriend will sometimes rush to cover the screen of her mobile when I enter the room, then tell me she is talking to the woman but not tell me what they are talking about.

    I know that this whole thing is partly my fault for giving my girlfriend a false impression in the first place, and I continue to tell her that if I find out she is cheating I will leave for good, but she just tells me that she's not doing anything wrong.

    The other day we had a big arguement wherein she revealed that she wouldn't consider her being with another woman an affair, and I told her not to be so stupid. So now I really am quite sure that she is having an affair with this woman, but I'm finding it difficult to leave because I really don't want to.

    What should I do? I've suggested counselling but she won't go for it because she says she is not doing anything wrong, and I'm not sure whether she means she's not doing anything at all or because she thinks being with another woman is not unfaithful...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Star Systems In Our Galaxy?

    I am doing research for a science fiction project, and I want to keep the story "local". As in, taking place within our own galaxy - the Milky Way.

    So, my question is do we have names/information on the other star systems in our galaxy? Does anybody know of a website where I can find such information, or one that may be of use to me?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • TES: Oblivion freezing at level up screen?

    I'm currently level 15 and everytime I attempt to level up the game freezes on me, no matter what combination of attributes I select.

    I have completed the Knights of The Nine storyline and the Oblivion Crisis and want to continue with the Mages Guild and then The Shivering Isles, but first I want to level up!!

    Does anybody know how to fix this?

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Lord of The Rings is overrated?

    I love fantasy, and I have tried to tackle these books more than once, but I find them to be sprawling tedious boredom, to be honest.

    At first, I thought it may have been the time in which they were written, but I've read most of C.S. Lewis' Narnia work with much more enthusiasm and enjoyment, and I believe they were written first.

    So is it just me? Or are there others out there who aren't nearly as impressed with Tolkien as the majority seemed to be?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • A Game of Thrones - Everything you expected?

    Sky Atlantic's new show based on George R.R. Martin's masterpiece.

    I read the first novel but then got sidetracked by Brent Weeks, so I figured I'd recap with the TV series before carrying on with the books.

    How has the show held up to the book for everyones expectations? I have to say I was impressed with the first episodes, but I think it's starting to lose its pull a little now.

    Though the death of Viserys last Monday was suitably brutal, and I thought they would've toned it down a little but I wasn't disappointed. I enjoyed watching the spineless monsters death as much as I remember enjoying reading it.

    Also the snide Cersei absolutely lived up to my interpretation of her in the book. The whole Lannister trio are entertaining, in fact, and very well acted. And Baratheon makes me laugh as he did in the book - the jolly fat king shadowed by his heroic past.

    But what could've made it better? Because I can't help but feel that the show has let the book down a little...

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Will 360 saved game files work with different disks?

    I have a rented copy of Oblivion, the regular edition, but I need to take it back tomorrow, so I've ordered my own copy of the GOTY edition.

    But will my saved game work for the GOTY edition, or will I have to start over again?

    5 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Help me find this book?

    When I was in school, my English teacher read us a fantasy book about young children getting involved with the age old fight of good and evil, but I can't remember what it was called.

    All I do remember for certain is that a village near Conwy was used as a location in the book, and one particular landmark in the village is a large rock which has been split into two - in the book, the rock was split by the power of an evil lord.

    Can anybody tell me the title of this book? I was quite young when I first discovered this book, so the location of Conwy might be incorrect, but the split rock was definitely a part of the story...

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What rifle is used by Blondie in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?

    The rifle he uses at the start to shoot the rope around Tuco's neck.

    Is it a Henry repeater?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Debate: Alcohol Instigates Truth?

    Somebody just said aomething to me that I found rather interesting.

    So we've all heard the myth that drinking alcohol is like drinking a truth serum, but do you agree with it?

    I think, when drinking alcohol everything becomes inaccurate - your speech pattern, your balance, your hand-eye coordination - so I believe that goes for your truth/lie filter too.

    I don't believe drinking alcohol makes you tell the truth, I think it gives your truth/lie filter a knock and makes you talk inaccurate (and mostly incoherent) jibber jabber.

    But some people swear it brings out the truth, and even the deepest of some peoples hidden secrets, inhabitants of their creepy closets even.


    10 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Fighting is an Effective Release?

    I'm not a bully, and I don't go around picking on someone, but when I have a particular stressful issue in my life and I get some jip off a drunken idiot in the pub trying to impress his girl or hos mates or both, I instigate it further until it becomes a fight.

    Now comes the guilty pleasure - I enjoy it, and it helps get rid of some stress, and it gives me one hell of an adrenalin rush to be honest, especially when I catch a good one in the chin from them.

    My girlfriend hates it and says I have a problem with anger and violence, that I should go to anger management. But when she's drunk she tells me it actually kind of turns on her a little, and that in a strange way it makes her feel safe being with me because she's seen me fight and win against guys three times my own size and also more than one person at once.

    Anybody else experienced this? It's strange. Like... fighting is almost a hobby for me...

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago